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Case analysis for marketing sales funnel issue


We've identified an issue of customers not completing a marketing sales funnel for what we believe to
be a service our target audience would greatly benefit from. Smith's Social Marketing Co. provides social
media assistance to small businesses that struggle with developing their online brand and increasing
awareness. We believe potential clients are dropping out of the sales funnel because our messaging isn't
clear, and our process is lengthy.

Background information:

In this case analysis, we've researched our competitor's sales funnels to see how complicated their
process is and read studies on the biggest downfalls to sales funnels. We've also conducted a small focus
group of business owners who would fit into our target audience to see if they had any insight on why
our sales funnel hasn't found the success we were hoping for. Our goal for the sales funnel is to identify
leads for our social media solutions service and increase the onboarding of new clients by 25%.

Proposed solutions:

We have two proposed solutions to our sales funnel problem. The first is to minimize the number of
steps a potential client must complete before receiving a phone call from our business. By reducing the
length of the survey and by incorporating graphics, we may be better able to keep a lead engaged in our

Our second idea is to change the sales funnel, so the focus is on providing a lead magnet and getting the
potential client to sign up for our email list. This can help a client feel connected to our business as they
receive valuable content on a regular schedule that includes a call to action to contact Smith's Social
Marketing Co. for a solution that provides better social media engagement and sales.


Through thorough analysis, we recommend implementing our first proposed solution for the main
issue. The graphic design team should be a key part of this update, as they'll be responsible for creating
captivating graphics that appeal to our target audience and tell part of the story of how Smith's Social
Marketing Co. can fill their needs. We also recommend that the lead copywriter review the current
survey questions potential clients answer to see if there are any opportunities to be clearer or provide
context to the individual completing the survey.

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