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Once upon a time there was a gnome named Diogo who took care of a toy factory of Santa Claus

There was a thief named Gabriel who was planning to do a robbery at His Father's toy factory.

The henchman of the thief Gabriel , was used as bait to distract the gnome after in the final assault kill

On a cold, dark night the thief and his henchman sneaked into the santa's warehouse where the gnome
was making the toys for The Santa to take to the children, the thief and his henchman sneaked into the

The henchman turned around to distract the gnome and the thief start stealing the toys, the thief
always stealing the toys and the henchman always creating distractions...

After the thief has stolen almost everything the henchman sends a smoke bomb and flees with the thief
to his hiding place . The children were very sad that night... Santa put a piece of paper in the children's
homes apologizing for what happened and on the paper it was written that was robbed at his
warehouse. The thief and the henchman spent a few days found them and were arrested by the police,
the toys were returned to the santa where they were delivered the children where they made them

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