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The Blood Stone: By Jamila Gavin

At the beginning of The Blood Stone, Fillipo (one of the main characters) is sitting in his fathers chair which is forbidden. Geronimo Veroneo was on a journey to Hindustan to find precious gems. Bernardo Pagliarin is a good for nothing thief that married Fillipos eldest sister Elisabetta (Betta). At mass, Fillipo thinks it would be funny if he played a little crab joke on Betta. When she didnt catch it he resulted in a nice marking on his cheek from her hand. Fillipo took off running and decided he was going to run off with his best friend, Andreas and his dad. When Fillipo gets home, everyone is terrified. The next day he goes to the church to tell the confectioners priest of his sins. He doesnt listen to everything the priest says before running out. *** Rodriguez is a spy being followed by one of Bernardos spies. Later on he disguises himself as a news messenger giving news that Geronimo is still alive. Fillipo is going to take the Ocean of the Moon with him to find his imprisoned father in Hindustan with this strange messenger as a guide. The Ocean of the Moon is the prized family jewel that the father crafted worth A LOT of money. Pagliarin is out to take it and the families company. *** Elisabetta is walking with Manou who is a slave girl for the Pagliarin house hold. When, two of Bernardos men were approaching and each grabbed an arm of Elisabetta. When out of nowhere Bernardo comes out of the shadows and tells her he is going to captivate her until her family scoffs up the Ocean of the Moon. *** Fillipo, after hours of searching for his best buddy Andreas he is forced to leave with the Mussel-man to go find his father. Bernardos spies intercept Andreas and mistake him for Fillipo. They take him to Bernardo and strip the boy, shred his clothes and search him for the diamond. They realize this is the wrong child and are planning on selling Andreas into slavery. Andreas doesnt like this plan and rolls off the boat. Thinking to himself that he would rather die in his own element than be sold through slavery.

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