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Vaccine mechanism of action.

It’s permanent and fatal – right side heart failure

within three year

-40 trillion mRNA spike protein particles per injection, which spread throughout
the entire body

-Each particle bonds to interior wall of capillaries causing the interior surface
of the entire vascular system to become rough like sandpaper instead of the natural
smooth blood vessel lining, on the capillary level

-Body reacts by forming clots and blocking the injured vessels and capillaries.
This process is permanent and irreversible

-Micro-clotting of capillaries is invisible to scans, only the D-Dimer test shows

that clotting is happening in the body on a micro level, but not where it is

-Micro-clotting in the lungs causes increased pressure on the right side of the
heart which must pump against the blocked capillaries in the lungs. Right side
heart failure generally occurs within three years when this pulmonary micro-
clotting occurs
#vaccine #canada #trudeau

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