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Examination Couch Team

It is widely assumed that geriatric medicine was an invention of the

twentieth century. However, since the time of Hippocrates, there has been interest
in the prolongation of the lifespan, and the maintenance of health in old, age, and
age-related disease patterns. The debate about whether old age was a natural
phenomenon or a disease state was not resolved until the nineteenth century. Calls
for medicine relating to old age to be recognized as a discrete entity when medical
specialization was developing were disregarded until the second half of the
twentieth century. This review discusses the history of the theories of aging and
of disease and the practice of medicine for older people from the classical period
up to Marjory Warren's initiative in London in 1935 and the development of
geriatrics as a medical specialty. Geriatric patients are elderly patients who have
special characteristics that distinguish them from elderly patients in general. The
first characteristic of geriatric patients is multi-pathology, namely the presence
of more than one degenerative chronic disease. The second characteristic is
decreased physiological reserve due to reduced organ function due to the aging
process. The third characteristic is the atypical symptoms and signs of the
disease. An atypical appearance of symptoms often obscures the patient's illness.
The following characteristic is a decrease in functional status which is a person's
ability to carry out daily activities. Decreased functional status causes geriatric
patients to be in a state of immobilization which results in dependence on others.

1. Jumlah kalimat pada teks di atas ada 12 kalimat

2. Jumlah subject pada teks diatas ada 12 subject

 It
 Has
 The debate about whether old age
 Medical specialization
 This review discusses the history of the theories of
 Geriatric patients
 The first characteristic of geriatric patients
 The second characteristic
 The third characteristic
 An atypical appearance of symptoms
 The following character istic
 Decreased functional status

3. verb pada teks tersebut ada 13

 Is
 Been interest in the prolongation of the lifespan
 Was
 Calls
 Was
 Aging
 Are
 Is
 Decreased
 Is
 Obscures
 Is
 To be in a state of immobilization

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