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Module 4 Assignment
Nori Jayne Cosa Rubis SBENT-3B


Comparative Analysis (Individual work)


1. Make an analysis with the guide questions below.

a. What did you observe on the samples of haiku?

Yes, I observe that there have mix traditional haiku and modern haiku.

b. What are the differences between a modern haiku with a traditional haiku in
structure and topic?

Modern haiku is a type of Japanese poetry composed of short, unrhymed

lines that evoke natural imagery. It is the polar opposite of traditional haiku in terms of
syllable count, and it focuses not only on nature as a subject but also on abstract
elements with freeform while traditional haiku are about nature and can include
repetitions of words and sounds. The both haiku are strictly follows the 5-7-5 syllable
rule; it is composed of 17 syllables; punctuation and capitalization are not important in

c. Cite a specific sample of haiku that caught your attention and point out the
elements of haiku used in the piece.

“Over the Wintry” by Natsume Sōseki

Over the wintry

Forest, winds howl in rage
With no leaves to blow.

i. Where: Forest, winds howl in rage

ii. When: Over the wintry
iii. What: With no leaves to blow.

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