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Mozart Opera Le Nozze di Figaro ("The Marriage of Figaro")

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Mozart Opera Le Nozze di Figaro ("The Marriage of Figaro")

Mozart opera Le Nozze di Figaro is an opera buffa composed by Amadeus Mozart in

1786. It is the story of Susanna and Figaro, two servants whose relationship successfully

blossoms into marriage, and how they successfully thwarted their employer's efforts to seduce

Susanna while teaching him the virtue of faithfulness. The libretto was a potent piece of poetry,

and if I were to attend the performance of this opera today, I would enjoy it most if it were

performed in Italian with English supertitles.

Experiencing the opera performance in Italian would provide a feeling of its originality,

while the English subtitles would help me better comprehend the meaning of the Italian

semantics. However, for a complete understanding of the opera, reading the synopsis would help

me become familiar with the plot of the play so that I do not get caught up trying to read the

supertitles instead of enjoying the whole opera experience. Additionally, it does not matter if the

opera is sung in Italian since many operas' strength comes from the sound rather than the words


The least way that I would want to experience the opera is when it is sung in English

because its translation from the native language cannot convey the emotional overtone of the

play. Every syllable of the text is matched with a musical note by the authors as they compose

their pieces; thus, listening to the opera when translated into English can be confusing for any

audience since the words may fail to rhyme with the music.

In conclusion, I would better enjoy the Mozart Opera Le Nozze di Figaro when it is sung

in the Italian language to experience its authenticity and the beauty of the native language, with

the supertitles helping me get the gist of what is going on. The true essence of this opera would

only come out when it is sung in its original language.



Agapò te Musikè 2. (2014). MOZART - LE NOZZE DI FIGARO 1786 with double subs It-Eng

[YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Kiri Te Kanawa - Le Nozze di Figaro ROH Audio Recording 1971. (n.d.).

Retrieved January 25, 2023, from

KiriOnLine - Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. (2014). Kiri Te Kanawa - The Marriage of Figaro

Glyndebourne 1973. In YouTube.

Letter Duet from “The Marriage of Figaro” (Mozart) in English - Peninsula Teen Opera. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2023, from


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