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Thoughts have Power in Shaping our Realities

Our thoughts precede our actions, almost always. We

think before we act, even when it appears we are not.
Everything begins as an idea in a fertile mind and materializes
through actions. Thus, there is a thought process behind every
action we indulge in. In the book As a Man Thinketh the author
(James Allen) says to always watch your thoughts because
they become your words, always be careful with your words
because they become actions and always be attentive towards
your actions because they become your habit, always be
focused towards your habits because they become your
character and always watch your character because it
becomes your destiny. When our thoughts and actions are in
harmony with our deepest aspirations and intentions and when
we are attuned positively to believe in ourselves, we make our
hopes and dreams possible.

Our thoughts have a power of their own. If we know

how to make use of them effectively, we can accomplish a lot
more in our lives. Our thoughts reach out to others, through
our words and expressions. They influence people both
positively and negatively. They help us to make sense of the
world and interpret our experiences according to our emotional
states and perceptions. An idle life is a product of morbid
thoughts. An example to this is thinking negative thoughts that
influence us in negative ways, bringing us pain and suffering,
subjecting our minds to destructive thoughts and distracting
emotions and reducing our ability to think normally or function
effectively. A mind fired by the power of imagination and the
desire to achieve finds little value in harboring idle thoughts.
When matched with corresponding effort and enthusiasm, it
will lead to greatness, transcendence and abundance. By
changing your thinking and beliefs, you can overcome the
limitations of your mind and your circumstances and achieve
an expansive state of mind.

If you truly want to succeed in your life, you should

mentally prepare for it and develop the necessary strength to
withstand the problems and challenges that arise from it. You
should use your intelligence to find your purpose, define your
goals and develop suitable means to reach them. No one is
perfect. You must be willing to forgive your faults and
imperfections, without taking them personally and being stuck
in them. You must keep your mind in a certain positive frame
of mind and fuel your actions with positive thoughts. You are
the source of all that happens to you. You decide what will
happen to you. It is for us to decide what we want to do with
our lives and in which direction we intend to go. It is up to us to
decide whether to take control of our minds and thoughts or let
them control us.

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