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PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. THI GIUA Ki 1 - ANH VAN 12: wr, HE THONG NHANH TU VUNG & NGU PHAP. Theo di LIVESTREAM cia c6 vio lic 21h00 mdi ngay duy nhit tren Fanpage C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong 1. NGU PHAP UNIT 1: LIFE STORIES Thi qu khir don va Thi qua khir tiép dién Thi qua kh don Thi qua kh - Dign ti hanh dng da xay ra va chim | - Dign ta hanh dng xay ra chinh xde tai mot thoi diém trong dift trong qua khir qua khit, - Diu higu: ago, yesterday, last... | Ex: She was taking the mid-term test at 8.30 yesterday Ex: I came here yesterday. morning. - Dign ta hanh dng dang xay ra thi c6 hanh dng khée xen vio (qua khit don.) Ex: Lucy was listening to music when her friend came. - Dign ta hai hanh dong xay ra song song trong qua khit. Ex: She was listening to music while I was doing my homework. - Dign ta hanh dng lip di lp lai trong qua kh, gay bye minh, khé chiu (di véi always) Ex: She was always complaining about her life. MAO TU Mao tir khong xe dink Mao tir xée dinh (the) Khong ding mgo tir (a/an) ~ Ding véi danh tir dém | - Diing véi danh tir ey thé (dm duge + khéng |- Danh tir khong dém duge s6 it chura xe dinh (| dém duge) duyge (news) aman) - Tén nhge cy (play the piano) - Trude mén thé thao, - Sau what, such, quite + | - Tén bién, dai duong, sa mac, quan thé dao, | phuong tién di lai (play danh tir dém duge (such a | day nii (the Pacific Ocean) tennis) bad guy) - Tén quéc gia, ving linh thé dang sé nhiéu, | - Duong phé, hd, vinh, - MG ta céng vige, danh | cé “kingdom’ hoje ‘states’ (the United | mii, hau hét cae nude, tinh (a doctor, an | States) thanh phé (Hanoi) Englishman) - Tén cae td chite, bao ting, khach san, céng | - Cac mén hoc, quéc ~ Diing véi sé hitu (a friend | trinh quan trong (the United Nations) tich, ngén ngit (Chinese) of mine) ~ Cac thir la duy nhat (the sun) - Trude mot sé bénh (a | - Di voi the + tinh tir, tao thanh ting lop headache) (ngoai Ié: (the) | ngudi (the poor) flu/measles) DANG Ki PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG. PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. UNIT 2: URBANISATION Cau tric gid djnh that...should ire gid dinh duge ding trong ménh dé that theo sau mét s6 dng tir nhur: suggest, advise, recommend, insist, demand, command, desire, ask, urge, propose... Ex: I suggest that he (should) move to a bigger city. - Thite gia dinh duge ding trong ménh dé that sau “it + be + adj” nhu: best, crucial, vital, important, hodc “it + be + a good/bad idea” is friends. necessary, imperative, essential, urgent, recommend ... Ex: It’s vital that he (should) be allowed to go out with UNIT 3: THE GREEN MOVEMENT Cau don, cfu phire va cu ghép - Cu don 1a cau chi chira m6t ménh dé de lap. Ex: He likes singing. - Céu ghép 1 cau chira hai ménh dé dc lap, néi véi nhau bai cdc tir ndi nhur and, for, but, so, either or Ex: Lan likes reading, but Nam likes writing. - Cfiu phite la cau chita mét ménh dé dgc lap va mt ménh dé phu thudc, néi véi nhau bing cdc lién tir nhu Although, because, if, unless, so that, while ... Ex: Because he’s lazy, he fails the mid-term test. Ding ‘, which’ dé thay cho ca ménh dé dimg true n6. Tacé thé ding ‘, which’ dé thay cho cd ménh dé dig trude, dng tir sau which chia G dang sé it (singular verb) Ex: Poaching is banned in this area, whieh helps to save some species from being extinet, UNIT 4: THE MASS MEDIA. GiGi tir theo sau mt sé dong tir * Verb + for: search, wait, ask, care, prepare, apologise ...... * Verb + from: protect, save, recover, suffer . + Verb + in: believe, specialise, succeed .... 4 Verb + of: think, approve, die, smell % Verb + on: rely, agree, concentrate, base . + Verb + to: listen, refer, introduce, respond + Verb + with: take, agree, provide .. Thi qué khit hoin thanh va thi qui khir don Thi qua khit hoan thanh dign ta hanh dong xay ra va hoan tit truée mot méc thoi gian trong qua khi/hanh dong khic trong qué khit. Ex: By the time I came back, everyone had left. DANG Ki PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG. PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. HE THONG TU VUNG ON THI GIU'A HQC Ki 1 LOP 12 (Tri cuong 6n tap truéng THPT Yen Hoa ~ Ce UNIT 1: LIFE STORIES No Word! Phrase ‘Transcription Meaning 1 | waver [werva(r) / Dao dong, do dy 2 | impact Fumpekt / Tae dong, anh huong 3__| stimulate /stimjulert / Kich thich, khoi day, khuyén khich 4 | innovation 7 ina'verfn/ Su doi méi 5__| inspire [an'spara(r) / Truyén cam hing © _| influential 7 anflu’enfl7 Cé anh huong 7__| anxious [aenkfos 7 Lo Hing 8 | generosity 7 dgena'rosati/ _| Sy hao phéng 9 _| giftea J gifid / C6 tai, nding khigu 10 | regard Tn gad/ Dinh gia, coi nhu Ti | obtain Tab'temn / Dat duge 12 | devote 7 dr'vaot/ Céng hign 13 | take advantage of exp. Tan dung 14 | compose 7 kom'paoz/ Soan, sang tic 15 | try out phr.v Thir nghiém 16 _ | constantly konstantli / Lién tye 17_ | resistance [rvzistons / Khang chién, chong ew 18 _ | oilslick ail shk/ Diu loang 19 | cruise Teru:z 7 Du thuyén 20__| congestion Tkon'dgestfan/ | Tae nghén 21__| insert Jin'sait/ chén vio, nhét vio 22__| erack Track | VEt nit 23 | defect Tdisfekt/ Li, khuyét dim 24 | abstract Tebstraekt / Triru tuong 25 | _ magnificent Tmeg'nifisnt/ | Long ly, tring 18 26 _ | shelter [ Jelta(r)/ Cho an nau 27__ | dedicate [dedikert / Cng hién 28 | humble Thambl/ Khiém tn 29 | starve Tsta:v / Doi 30 | vow TvaoT The, nguyén 3i_| emerge Titmads/ Xuat hign, ndi len 32__| hand out Phr. V Phat, phan phat 33 | needy Pnidi/ Nghéo ting 34_| reveal Tn'vid/ Tiet 16 35__| anonymous 7a'npnimas / ‘An danh 36 diagnose J ‘daragnauz / Chan doan 37__ | claim one’s life Tkleim / Cusp di mang séng DANG KI PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. 38 | mission Tmija/ Nhigm vu 39 | outstanding [aot standin / 40__| pass away Phr. V Qua doi 41_| amputaie [empjutert / Cit bo 42 _| initiate Ie mafiest / Bat dau, khoi xuong 43__| relieve Tn'lew/ Lam diu 44 | launch Taint Phat dong, tién hinh 45 _| reputation Trepjw'teyin/ | Danh tiéng 46 _| restore [a sto(r)/ Phuc hoi, khdi phye 47_| judge Tdgads/ Dinh gia 48 _| strategist [streetadgist/ | Chién luge gia 4 | invader Tin'verda(e)/ Ké xim luge 50__| incident T'msidant / Sued 51 | nominate 7 nomineit / Dect 52_| uprising Taprarziy / Cuge nai day 53__| perseverance 7 psst'vierons/ | Swkién tri, bén bi 54__| legend J ledgand/ Truyén thuyét, huyén thoai 55 _| philosopher [fa'losafa(r)/ | Triét gia 56 _| philosophical [ fila'sofikl / | Thuge vé triét hoc 57__| encyclopedic ( -paedic ) Tim, satklo'pisdik/ | Thude vé bach khoa toan thu 58 __| interpret [in’ts:prit/ Giai nghia, higu 59 | curious [kjvarias / To md 60 | celebrity [sa'lebrati / Ngudi ndi ting DANG KI PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MO! Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. UNIT 2: URBANISATION No] Word/ Phrase ‘Transcription Meaning session T’seji/ (n) phién, ky thought-provoking T'0o:t pravaokin/ (a) ggi nhiéu suy ngam /ilestrert/ (v) minh hoa 1 2 3 | illustrate 4 5 engaged ‘in’ gexdsd/ (a) dinh hon, lién quan point point’ (n) quan diém 6 | issue /'ifu:/ (n) van dé/ cha dé 7 | fami /fo'miliar/ (a) quen thuge 8 | stick to (phrasal verb) bam sit 9 | overload /,a0va'laod/ (v) lim cho qua tai 10 | switch off Iswitf of (v) ngimg, théi khGng cha ¥ dn nia 11 | initiative iv nafativ/ (n) sing kién 12 | summarise /'samarauz/ (v) tom tit 13 | labourer Tleibarar/ (n) ngubi lao dong 14 | weather-beaten 7 weds bi:tn/ (a) dai diu suong gid 15 | down-market /daon'mackit/(a) | gid ré, binh dn 16 | easy-going Ti:zi ‘goon (a) & tinh 17 | kind-hearted /kamd ‘ha:tid/ (a) | t6t bung 18 | self-motivated self “maotivertid/ (a) ty tg0 dOng lye cho ban than 19 | down-to-earth /,daon tu '3:0/ (a) thye té 20 | well-established /.wel 1 steeblifi/ (a) duoc hinh thanh tir lau, cé tiéng tim 21 | interest-free 7 antrast “fri/ (a) Kh6ng tinh 1ai/ khng Iai suat 22 | prospect ['prospekt/ (n) vien canh 23 | zone’ Tzoon/ (n) Khu, khu vue 24 | facility fa’ silati/(n) co so vat chat, tién nghi 25 | diphthong 7 dipOony/ (n) nguyén am d0i 26 | demand 7dr mend! (v) yéu cau 27 | vital T'vautl/ (a) quan trong 28 | essential "senjl/ (a) 29 | imperative ‘im’ perativ/ (a) can thiét 30 | urgent /'3:dgant/ (a) cap thiet 31 | crucial T'kru:fl (a) thiét yu 32 | look down on (phrasal verb) coi thuéng 33 | subjunctive Jsab'dganktiv/ (a) | thé gid dink 34 | desire Jar'zatat/ (v) ‘mong muon 35 | factor 7 feektar/ (n) yeu td DANG Ki PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG. PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI ‘Theo dai Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cling cd. 36 | process T’praoses/ (n) qua tinh 37 | occur Taka] (¥) xay ra 38 | expand ‘Ak’ spaend/ (v) mo rong: 39 | rapidly T'repidli/ (adv) mhanh 40 | counter-urbanisation | /*kaonter ,s-bonar'zeyfn/ | phan d6 thi hoa 41 | various T'veerios/ (a) da dang, khac nhau 42 | migrate /ma'greit/ (v) dicw 43 | massive scale /'mesiv sketl/ quy mé lon 44 | resource Int sors! (n) tai nguyén 45 | financial ‘fax’ naenfl/ (a) thude vé tai chinh 46 | wealth Jwell/ (n) 47 | seek a fortune /'fa:rtfani (n) tim kiém van may 48 | proportion Ipra"poisn/ (a) tile 49 | wit Twit /(n) su thong minh, hom hinh DANG Ki PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG: PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. UNIT 3: THE GREEN MOVEMENT No Word/ Phrase ‘Transcription Meaning 1_| mildew J mildju: / Nam 2_ | dispose 7 dr spovz/ Vast, ném bo 3__| mould 7 moold/ Moc 4 | biomass /baroumees / Sinh khdi 5 | asthma / “wesmo / Bénh hen xuyén © | combustion 7 kom'bastfon / Su dit chay 7_| bronchitis [bron kartis / Bénh viém phé quan 8 | habitat Thaebrteet / Khu vue sinh sing 9_[ replenish 7n'pleny/ Lam day lai 10 | organic Ta: geemik/ Hitu co 11 | geothermal 7 dgicau'Oa:ml/ Thude dia nhig 12 | respiratory Tra’ spwratri / or /“resparatri / | Lién quan dn ho hip 13 | eco-friendly /:koo ‘frendli/ Than thign véi mdi truéng 14 | renewable Tv njucabl / Cé thé tai tao 15_| preserve [prvzaiv Bao vé, bao ton 16 | hazardous Thaezadas / Neguy hiém, mao higm 17_ | pose Tpavz/ Tao ra 18 | territory Tteratri / Lanh tho 19 [| wild Twaild/ Ving hoang da 20 | die out (phr.v) Tuyét ching 21_| wipe out (phr.v)/ warp / Tiéu digt, pha hay 22_| on the verge (phr) /vards 7 Bén ba vue 23_| energy-saving ‘compound adj Tidt kigm ning Iuong 24 | rechargeable J.xis'tfadgabl/ C6 thé sac lai 25. | conserve 7 kon’ ss:v// Bao tn, diing tict kigm 26 | environmentally friendly | /im, vaironmentoli ‘frendli/_| Than thign voi moi trrong 27_| disposable [dr spauzabl / Ding mét lan 28 | sustainable 70° stemabl / Bén ving 29, | recycle 7 tk sarkl/ Tai ché 30_ | facilitate [fo'siliteit / Tao digu kign 31_| transform Ttraens’ fm / Bign ddi 32. | adapt Ta'deept/ Thich nghi 33. | probability 7 probs’ bilati / Kha ning 34 | emission 7i'majn/ Thai ral Téa ra, thai ra, phat ra 35. | man-made ‘merd! ‘Nha tao 36 | shrink 7 fik 7 Nhé lai, co lai, sut giam 37_| captivity keep’ tivati / Khéa, giam cam 38 | endangered in’ demdgad! Bi de doa 39_| reserves [nv zs.val Khu bao ton 40_ | consume kan’ sju:m / Tigu thy DANG KI PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MO! Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. 41_T produce (n) 7 prodju:s! ‘Nong sin 42 | generate 7 dgenoreit / Tao ra 43 | deplete 7dr plist / Lam suy gidm, can 4 | distract Tdr'straekt / Lam xao nhang 45_| encroach Tin'kraotf/ Xam Kin 46 | divert [dar v3:t/ Chuyén huéng 47_| steady [stedi / Deu din 48_ | preservation /preza'verfin! Su git gin, bdo quan, duy tri 49_| emissions Te mafinz! fie Khi thai 50_| faucet T fost] Vai nude DANG Ki PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG. PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MOI Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. UNIT 4: THE MASS MEDIA No Word/ Phrase ‘Transcription Meaning 1 | means /mi:nz/ Phuong tid 2__| broadcast [bro:dka:st / Phat song 3__| viewer [viua(n)/ Nguoi xem 4 | tabloid teeblord / Bao li cai 5__| game show ‘compound N Tro choi truyén hinh © _| announcer [a'naonsa(r)/ Phat thanh vign 7__| media (U) Tmicdia/ Truyén thong 8 | article Tacukl/ Bai bio 9 | station Tsteyfn/ Tram 10 | accept Tak’ sept / Chap nhan Ti | communication (U) Tka,mjum'keyfn/ | Syrgiao tigp 12 _| personalize 7'pxsanalarz / Ca nhfin héa 13 | journalism (U) [dgsinolizom / ‘Ngainh bao chi 14 _| information (U) 7 info'merfin/ Tin tire 15 | interactive [ antor aektry / Tuong tie 16 | access (U) [avkses / Truy cap, tigp can 17__| tell the difference exp. Phan bigt 18 | inmy view exp. Theo quan diém cia (61 19 _| take control of exp. Kiém soat 20 | in question exp. Dang ban ludn 21__| watch out phr. v Thin trong 22 rely on phr. v Dua dam 23 | tryon phr.v Thi d6 24 | puton phr. v Mic vio 25__| holdon phr. v Cho 26 | carry out phr. v Tien hanh 27__| carry on phr. v Tiép tue 28 | come out phr.v Phat hinh 29 | goout phr. v Ra ngoai, mat dign 30__| pullout phr.v Tir bo, rat lui 3i_| break out phr.v Nora 32__ | look over phr.v Nhin 1st 33__| watch over phr.v Chim sée 34__[ come over phr.v Cam thay (dt ngét) 35_| make up phr.v Bia dat 36 | explosion 1k’ splaogn / Su bing nd 37__| exploitation (U) 7 eksplor teyfn / Su khai thae, boc It 38__| exploration 7 eksplo'reyfn/ Su kham pha 39_| circulation 7 soikjo'lerjin/ Sy uu thong 40 | correspondent (_koro’spondant/ | Thong tin vién DANG KI PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM CAO MO! Ki THI Theo doi Page : Hoe Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. 41_| impact Fumpek Tac dong 42_| the press Tpres/ Bao chi 3__| face-to-face [fess ta ‘Feis/ Truc tigp 44_| benefit T benifit / Loi ich 45__| keep in touch with exp. Gitt lién lac 46 | Tose touch with exp. Mat lign lac 47 | put up with phr.v Chiu dung 48 | catch up with phr.v Bat kip, theo kip 49 [ turned down phr.v ‘Van nho 50 | addicted Te dikud / Nghign 51__| indifferent to Tin’ difrant / Tho o, khGng quan tim 52_| hooked on Thokt/ Neghign, yéu thich 53__| exhausted Tig'za:stid / MGt méi, kigt site 54 _| efficient iv fiat / Higu qui 55 _| social networking 7.saojl “netwa:kiy/ | Mang xa hoi 56__| cyberbullying (U) Fsaiba(r) boli / | Bat nat qua mang 57__ | instant messaging Jnstont ‘mestdsmn/ | Nhan tin nhanh 58 | coin (v) Tkomn / Tao ra tir ng méi 59 | emerge Li'msids / Ni Ién, xudt hign 0 [interact F antor ek / Tuong tae I__[ advent [aedvent / Sura doi @2_| classify Tkleestfan / Phan logi DANG KI PRO 3M & PRO 3MPLUS DE CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VU MAI PHUONG

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