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English 1.A) Go back to the comparison to a motion picture described in paragraph 1, What is the author's purpose in the first paragraph? To argue that the universe had a beginning in time. The comparison is used to reinforce this point: (A) reflects this, 2.B) Review the gist of the passage and keep the author's main points in mind while evaluating the choices. Three of the choices match points the author makes, but (B) directly contradicts the time frames mentioned in paragraph 2, which indicate that the solar system is much younger than the universe itself. 3. ©) Review the author's main points before scanning the answer choices; While three of the answer choices misrepresent what the author says, (C) is a claim made in paragraph 1 that is supported by the following paragraphs. 4, B) Go back to paragraph 2, where the author discusses the solar system's and the universe's age. The author argues that most cosmologists approximate an age of ten to twenty billion years for the universe. If the solar system were twenty —five billion years old, this would severely undermine hypotheses about the universe's age, since the universe must be older than the solar system. (B) matches up with this line of reasoning. 5. D) What does the author argue about the movement of galaxies? Review paragraph 5: galaxies are moving because space is expanding; not simply because the galaxies are moving apart. (D) weakens this contention on both counts: galaxies are moving, but the universe is staying still. 6. B) The author has a strong point throughout the passage: operas and concerts don't mix. Look for a statement that the author would actively dispute, or eliminate the three answers that he'd agree with. (B) turns up asa statement that distorts what the author spends paragraph 3 arguing, 7. B) Look to the fourth paragraph for this information. The author argues that the term "opera" in English does not connote the full experience of the theatrical work (as it does in Italian); choice (B) mirrors this. 8. A) Go back to the last paragraph to analyze the statement, It might be easier to start with the "means " for which some argue. (When an author uses the passive voice to say that "some might say... "it's almost certain that the author disagrees!) The means must be the concert treatment, which would make the end the performance of the opera itself. This is backed up in the next few lines. Choice (A) reflects this. 9.B) A tricky question. Think carefully, and reread the relevant text. Where is Bellini mentioned? Go through the last paragraph again, being sure to paraphrase. The author argues that concerts might be fine for operas that wouldn't be heard or that are up to snuff musically but not theatrically. He then argues that Bellini, among others, doesn't qualify for "such a role." What is the role? The concert treatment. The author must therefore think that Bellini's operas have both the musical and theatrical quality needed for a fully staged opera. The information in the question has to therefore support this belief, ergo (B). 10. B) An application question. Break the situation down into pieces that can be evaluated against the author's argument. The performed —in—concert part of the situation is likely the easier to evaluate, The author will surely think that it will fail because of his idea that operas shouldn't be done in concert. While the author mentions musical ideas in paragraph’6, there's no reason to think that even if this Were fixed the author would still think a concétt was a good idea. (B) refers to a failure based on one of the author's criticisms in paragraph 6. 11D) Choice D is the best answer. In the fourth paragraph, the narrator explains that although Sempere normally didn't charge him for books, he still left Sempere a few coins as payment: "It was only small change-if I'd had to buy a book with that pittance, I would probably have been able to afford only a booklet of cigarette papers." These lines signal. the narrator's awareness that he was paying less for the books than they were worth. 12. B) Choice B is the best answer. In the ninth paragraph, Sempere describes the author Charles Dickens to the narrator: "A lifelong friend. And from now on, he's your friend too." As the reader can reasonably assume that Sempere doesn't actually know Dickens, this description can be read as signaling Sempere as an avid admirer of Dickens's work 13. C) Choice C is the best answer, The tenth paragraph show that upon returning home, the narrator hides the gift (the "new friend’) that Sempere had given him: "That afternoon I took my new friend home, hidden under my clothes so that my father wouldn't see it." It can be inferred from this sentence that the narrator's concern arises from an awareness that his father would disapprove of the gift 14, A) Choice A is the best answer. The last paragraph makes clear the narrator's enthusiasm for Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, and it can be inferred from the last sentence of this paragraph that this enthusiasm motivated the narrator to aspire to a career as a writer: "Soon I was convinced that I didn't want to do anything else in life but learn to do what Mr. Dickens had done." 15. C) Choice C is the best answer. When, in the eighth paragraph, the narrator asks Sempere if the author Charles Dickens is a friend of his, Sempere replies, in the ninth paragraph, that Dickens is a “lifelong friend. And from now on, he's your friend too." Sempere designated Dickens a "friend" of both himself and the narrator, who had never heard of the author before. This signals that the use of “friend” in these lines is figurative and emphasizes Sempere's emotional connection to Dickens and, more generally, to reading, It also signals Sempere's hope that the narrator will come to have a similar connection to Dickens. 16. A) It is the closest option. Read Paragraph’ carefully. The main idea of Para three has been paraphrased and explained in option A. 17. D) None of the given statements is true in the context of the passage. 18. B) The answer ean be easily inferred from the 2nd last paragraph of the passage. Option B hence is the correct answer, 19. A) Closest will be the Testament, 20. C) ‘Breaking social barriers-taking the route of financial indulgence’ is the most appropriate title for the passage. 21. C) Refer to, “A few years before, King Richard had ruled the land. King Richard let people who were poor come into Sherwood Forest. They could hunt the deer to get food for their families.” It is evident that King Richard was a very kind ruler and he used to think about the welfare of the poor in his country. That is why he allowed them to hunt in the Sherwood Forest in order to get food for their families. 22, B) It is clear that Williantwas a very good archer since he could hit the bull's eye with his arrow but it is also true that Robin Hood'eut his arrow into two and-also Robin Hood was so good with his arrows that he could hit any target at will. He displayed this skill by throwing arrows at both the sides of the Sheriff. 23. A) Refer to, “But our hero jumped over the wall to a horse waiting for him, He was gone! Robin Hood had escaped!” It is very much clear from the passage that the Sheriff's Men could not catch Robin Hood at the end as he jumped over the wall and ran away riding his horse. So, the Sheriff's Men failed to catch him. 24. D) Statement I is not correct since there is no reference in the passage regarding the expertise of Robin Hood with the gun but it is said that he was very good with the bow and the arrow. In fact, he was the best on the land in bow and arrow. Refer to, “In all the land, no one was better with a bow and arrow than Robin Hood. He lived with his band of Merry Men in Sherwood Forest. That was the woods where the King kept his royal deer.” Statement II is also not correct since it is clearly described that Robin Hood used to stay with the his band of merry men in the Sherwood forest and there is no information given regarding his family members staying with him in the forest, in the entire passage. This can also be eliminated. Statement II is not correct since the given information is in contravention to the information given in the passage. It is said that the Sheriff was looking for Robin Hood to arrest him and nowhere it is mentioned that Robin Hood was a government servant. This can be eliminated easily. So, none of the given statements is correct according to the information given in the passage. 25) A) Refer to, “No, Sir. Robin Hood has red hair. None of the ones who are shooting has red hair.” So, it is evident that the Sheriff's Men were of the view that nobody with red hair had come in the competition and that is why it was certain for them that Robin Hood had-not come to take part in the competition arranged by the Sheriff. 26) A) The title is supposed to capture the main essence of the passage. In this case A does it very accurately 27). A) Read statement One carefully. The question was framed to gatuge your presence of mind. Though a question like this has very miniscule chances of coming in CLAT, it’s important to be attentive. Amanda Mull’s article is mentioned and not “BOOK”. 28. D) Self -Explanatory. In all the other three options the individual is benefitting and not the cause. 29, C) Concerned 30.C) It is the only positive statement. Rest 3 are negative. General Knowledge BLA 32. D- The First WEP was awarded in 1987 after the advent of green revolution. Norman Borlaug was a single time Nobel laurete. Ceremony happens at Des Moines, Iowa, USA. 33.D 34. 35.D 36.C 37.C 38.4 39. 40. D - Varanasi has been declared SCO tourism capital. Official Languages are Chinese and Russian only. SCO secretariat is in Bejing, China. 41.C 42.8 43.B 44, C- IRV2020 was launched in 2005 and the target state was Assam. 45.D 46.C 47.8 48. B 49. A - Angela Merkel was the former chancellor and not the vice-chancellor. 50. D 51.D 52.D 53. 54, 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 62. 63. 64. 65. C- It is In D c B- Ajey Guardian is not the exercise. It is Dharma Guardian. c B D D C-- Instead of Rajiv Gandhi, it should be Indira Gandhi. A A B c 's premier foreign policy conference and not 2°, It is on the lines of Shangri- La dialogue held in Singapore. Legal Reasoning, 66.(d) According to the 4th para of the given passage, Gurdyal’s business falls under the category of certain businesses that will not qualify as manufacturing businesses. Hence, the lowered rate of interest will not be applicable for Gurdyal. Hence, option d is correct. 67.(c) According to the last para of the given passage, Bill allows the tax-paying companies a lower statutory tax rate option of 25.17 percent as against 29 percent. Thus option C is correct. 68. (b) According to the given passage, the bill states that the Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) will not apply to companies opting for the new tax rates. And since Sandeep has a newly made manufacturing company opting for new tax rates, his company will not be eligible to apply for MAT. Thus option bis correct. 69. (a) According to the 2nd paragraph of the given passage. The bill will reduce the base corporate tax rate to 22 per cent from the earlier 30 per cent for companies that do not seek tax exemptions. Since ONEC doesn’t solicit for tax exceptions, it will pay 22% of the base corporate tax. Option a is correct. 70. (c) According to the last paragraph of the given passage, The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman believes that the tax cut will bring investment in the country as firms are looking to invest outside of the US and China following their trade tensions. Thus option c is correct. 71. (d) be protected against such sexual abuse by a conjoined reading of the provisions in the IPC and POCSO act as that Ras been specified in the first paragraph of the passage. Option (b) is clearly incorrect and inappropriate. Option (a) and (c) may be correct but as the passage reads it is a conjoined reading of both the laws. 72, (d) Rohan would not be protected against such abuse as POCSO will not apply. Option (a) and (b) are irrelevant and thus not the appropriate answers. Option (c) is not the correct answer as only children below the age of 18 are protected under the POCSO act. 73. (c) would be protected under section 377 of the IPC as adult males over 18 years of age are protected under the IPC Section 377. Option (b) is incorrect as it is irrelevant and clearly not the case according to the scenario, Option (a) and option (d) are not applicable as the POCSO act applies only to minors and anti-rape law is specific to women only. 74, (b) they are also treated the same way as male children under 18 years of age, in terms of the IPC and POCSO act since according to the passage boys and girls under the age of 18 are to be treated in the same way. 75. (c) consent which is given in an informed and spoken manner as according to the passage the consent given by any individual should be “expressly” given in an informed and spoken manner. 76. (c) As the Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy has said that the heirloom or heritage weapons can be kept in the custody if they have been de-activated. Here Ravi was openly using the gun 77. (B) The third gun had to be deposited at the police station orwith any authorised dealer 78. (B) as the new legislation has a provision for life imprisonment for those who snatch or loot arms and ammunition from police or other security forces. And heré one of the members of the gang snatched the gun from the security officer, 79, (B) as the minimum punishment as per the amendment is Ldyears in prison. 80. (B) Though all the options are corréct as per the passage but as far as the most apt option is concerned it has to be option b. As the question asks about main aim of the amendment and not the provisions introduced by it. Option b aptly describes the purpose of the amendment and rest of the options are reflective of the purpose. 81. (a) Disobeying the directives of the party is a ground for defection. It doesn’t matter whether the bill was vague. 82, (d) Participating in an apolitical rally organized by an opposition party is not enough reason. 83. (b) There was no decision of the party on which, way the members should vote. 84. (a) 85. (b) The post makes him entitled to remuneration and a certain level of power. Even if he refuses the monetary benefits, he shall still enjoy the monetary benefits. Also, the appointing authority is the Govt. of India. 86.C 87. (d) 88. (b) 89. (0) 90.(c) 91. (D) Statement 1 is correct asa person can be held vicariously liable for the wrongful act of another if there isa special relationship between them like master-servant relation. Statement 2is also correct as when a person authorizes another to do an act then according to the maxim qui facit per alium facit per se, he can be held liable for the wrongful act of the other. Vicarious liability is based on two maxims ie, qui facit per alium facit per se and respondent Superior, therefore statement 3 wrong. Therefore the answer is D. 92. (B) As Mr. Y was authorized. by Mr. X to drive the car Mr. X_will be vicariously liable by authorisation. Therefore option A is not correct and Option B is correct, 98. (B) For vicarious liability by authorization the authority to do the act is given before the act is done. But for vicarious liability by ratification the act is ratified after it has already been done and the ratification is deemed as authority to do the act. Therefore Option A, C and D are incorrect and option B is correct. 94. (A) according to the passage if any person is engaged in any hazardous activity and that activity causes damage, he can be held liable on the basis of the absolute liability principle. In the present case Mr. X was indeed engaged in hazardous activity and it caused damage, therefore he is liable on the basis of absolute liability principle. Therefore Option A is correct 95. (D) Option A is not correct because according to the passage there is no requirement of full disclosure on the part of servant to make the master vicariously liable for servants act which he has authorized. Option B and Option D both can be considered correct to make Mr. B vicariously liable but Option D is more appropriate in the given situation ashe authorized Mr. A to drive. Option C is not correct because Mr. B authorized MrA-to-driveand the fact that he was not employed to drive does not matter. 96. (B) As per the passage, principal should be major and should be of sound mind, 97. (B) In the instant case the agreement between the parties is express by virtue of deed called power of attorney. 98. (A) In the instant case Balram is minor and a minor can be appointed as an agent whatever such person does shall be binding on the principal, but the principal shall not be able to proceed against the agent for his misconduct or negligence.(last paragraph of passage) 99, (D) An agent has authority, in an emergency; to do all such acts for the purpose of protecting his principal from loss as would be done by a person of ordinary prudence, in his own case, under similar circumstances 100. (D) In the instant case the relation of agent and principal has been developed due to necessity, hence the sale is binding. 101.(A) Inchoate means incomplete, hence the attempt is the correct option. 102. (D) Existence of all the alleged facts is relevant, whether they occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places 103. (D) In the instant case Kunal and Ayush cannot be held liable due to the fact that the act intended by both becomes impossible to commit due to the situation of the case; 104. (D) In the instant case ayush cannot be held liable because he had abandoned his effort to perform the crime 105. (B) Mr Z cannot be said to have abandoned the effort of committing the crime since he was already performing his part of crime as per the agreement, it was only when he heard police siren , he decided to run. Critical Reasoning 106) C- the semiconductor chip champion of South Korea is Samsung, it is given in the passage that Samsung is at the top in global semiconductor sales and tsmc is likely to dislodge it. So A could be inferred. The passage states that South Korea is home to the world’s largest producers of memory chips. However, South Korea is not stated as the largest producer itself, itis given that South Korea is a world silicon superpower. Hence b can be considered as an inference unless other options are correct. Option C cannot be inferred from the passage, as it is factually wrong. Pandemic has opened a geographical divide, the gap did not exist earlier and. the gap is a result of pandemic’s effect on demand. So C is correct. D can be inferred as itis stated that “Samsung's market capitalization looks as though that covid-19 surge never happened”, it means that the impact of pandemic has been subdued and it is back to pre pandemic level. 107) B- ‘The passage revolves around the divide in the market, While the demand has cooled down for both logic and memory chips, the impact is greater on memory chip companies which also results in the geographical divide with South Korea, home to the largest memory chip producer facing greater brunt. The passage discusses the cyclic boom and bust nature of memory chips, however that is not the central idea of the passage. It is used to highlight the nature of the market and the likely impact on logic chip producers going forward, Option A is only a sub part and does not form the central idea, additionally does the geographical divide in the chip market also acts as a different market is not provided in the passage. Option b captures the essence of the passage. Option c is not the central idea and is discussed only at the end. Option D is irrelevant and does not form a part of the central idea 108) C - it is a direct question, The passage states that “The share prices of most chipmakers worldwide are down since théir peaks in the pandemic, which boosted demand for all sorts of digital devices by stranding shoppers, Workers and.funseekers on their sofas”. So the pandemic boosted the demand for all sorts of digital devices and that led to a peak in worldwide demand. Thus, option C is correct, other options are not mentioned in the passage and are incorrect. 109)) D- option a, b and c are stated in the passage. Semiconductor shortages are concentrated in the logic chip market. Commoditised and fragmented nature is given for the memory market which isa disadvantage in this market. The boom and the bust are given only with respect to memory chips and due to the acuteness of shortage logic chips have avoided the slump. However, the geographical location is not an advantageous factor which is available to one market over another. The geographical divide exists and the advantage is due to the kind of chips that are produced in the two places. So d is wrong. 110) A- The central idea of the passage is that the market is divided and the memory chip producers are facing a greater brunt. Option A encompasses that. We look for the most appropriate option and not a perfect option. So option A could be considered even when it fails to capture some incidental ideas. Option b does not have a meaning and is a wrong pun. Option c is not the central idea and thus cannot be the title of the entire passage. The passage does not talk about investors and investing, decisions. While it mentions how investors reactas uninitiated consumers and as nerds, its focus is on the market and not the investors, So d could-not bean appropriate title for the passage Q111. A) this passage only shows the author's recommendations for those starting out to read fantasy. It does not compare the two books nor does it say the two recommendations are the best. ‘The first paragraph talks about how big the genre is but doesn’t aim to show only that. Q112. B) the author makes the case for The Hobbit as a prequel that helps readers ease into the trilogy. Option A is irrelevant, option B weakens the aiithor by showing that most readers read the trilogy first and hence the author's point about easing into the trilogy is irrelevant. Q113. A) The author in the last paragraph predicts that after reading these books one will acknowledge the brilliance of Tolkien which means it must have been the norm. The author does not mean only these books are brilliant nor does he mean all of his books are brilliant. Q114. C) Bridge-assumption questions. The author says that Harry Potter stories will cause one to look for magic in one's everyday life which means that magic in everyday life is a good thing or something that people want. Q115. A) Option A gives one More reasn why the author's claim is valid. Because the genre is popular and there is a dearth of writers invitythis book will be read. B and D are irrelevant. C weakens the author. Q116. D) Option D is the only possible answer Options A, B, and C are wrong and misleading. D matches the main idea of the passage too. Q117. C) It’s an assumption question. Let’s use the method of negation. Options A and B are not true, The author does question, And there is no mention of trying to prevent the use of technology. Option D is wrong. Technology has already risen. Option C is correct as the author mentions that devices are here to stay. QU18. D) Options A and B can clearly be eliminated. These are not points Rich makes. These are also distortions of the main point. Option C - It’s close. Butthe author doesn’t advocate not using technology. Option D - It’s the best choice. It also summarizes Rich's main points. QU19. A) It’s correct. The author talks about fire to show how people learned to get the best out of the new innovation and to tackle some of the possible side-effects. Option B ~ This is wrong, There is no fear mentioned in the passage which leads to avoidance of a new technology. Options C and Dare wrong, Q120. C) This is an easy question. I and III ate directly mentioned in the passage. Il is wrong. The author talks about offline expériences too’ TV is misleading: The author says that even if the children are awake, they won't learn mtich. So, option C is the correct answer, Q121.B) Overall a'very easy set of questions to attempt. The central idea of the passage is to call for immediate action to solve the issue of traffic congestion in Caleutta. 122. A) C and Dcan easily be eliminated as they convey exactly the opposite of what's conveyed through the passage. A is clearly the best option to mark. Refer to “ Unfortunately, the increase in private automobiles has not coincided with a corresponding expansion of available road space”. Q123. D) Mileage has been nowhere mentioned in the passage and:neither it is the two-fold consequence of vehicular congestion. D is the best option. 124. C) Refer to “, Additionally, steps must be done to lessen encroachment and parking on the highway". Q125. A) Easy inference question. What degree of vehicular congestion may be a different question, but there is definitely congestion in other cities is something inferable from the statement. Hence A. Ans126) (a) The correct answer is (a) Since for the authorythe ‘culture’ is not at stake because she was not born blind to blind parents; she had to undergo blindness in the course of her life. The ‘culture at stake’ was with reference to her boss, and not her. Ans127) (b) In the above sentence, there are two main points to be noted. First, that his blindness was something which he had from his birth and secondly, something which he acquired from his parents. Here, race, ethnicity, and sexuality are characteristics which one is born with, and are not acquired by one in life- hence, they become a part of one’s identity which one cannot alter. Whereas language is something which one learns in life and is not born with. Thus, (b) is the correct answer. Ans128) (c) On a reading of the passage, one can say that the author is not in favour of undergoing the treatment to regain her sight but it cannot be said with certainty that she will reject the offer. “Saying yes to seeing again isn’t easy’ - From this line one can say that the author finds this process extremely difficult since regaining sight is much more than just that. The other options can be found in the passage. (tip - here, the word ‘categorically’ is an extreme word and hence, should be noted.) Ans129) (d) The author in the first paragraph mentions ‘rid of the unease about disability that nestles quietly in society's pocket’. If disability issues and concerns were truly discussed openly, and there was no stigma attached to it, then the discrimination and the troubles faced by the author wouldn't have been there. Hence, this weakens the author's-claim.. - (a) doesn’t weaken since the author herself mentions that people aré heralding the treatment as a great development; what she brings forwards is a counter opinion to’such claims. ~ (b) strengthens the author's opinion since that is the central idea that the author is talking about. - (0) also supports the author's claim since if only people who were born blind could truly understand what it is like to be blind, then the feelings and experiences as expressed by the author wouldn’t hold value since she wasn't born blind. In this case, her opinion cannot be said to be something that blind people in general, both born blind and who later develop blindness, undergo. Ans130) (b) towards the last paragraph, the author writes about the positive side she experienced due to her impending blindness. She became more empathetic, open-minded, had multiple vantage points and so on. Hence; this statement that sight loss cannot be.a positive thing is not true. The other three are directly given in the passage. (should be done by elimination - easy question) Ans131) (b) this is the central idea since theauthor begins by assigning the slow growth to ‘flight from work’ and then further goes on to see what could have been the reasons for the same. The other options have not been discussed in the passage. Ans 132) (a) refer to the second paragraph - “because migrant employment isn’t measured month- to-month”, Ans 133) (c) Only China’ s joining the WTO is mentioned, the inference about its proposals or actions is far beyond the ambit of the passage. Ans 134) (b); (a) is not true since 86 percent of prime-age ‘men’ have reported that number and not the entire population, (c) is false since the ‘entire’ burden behind unemployment cannot be pinned down to these two, No such claim has been made. (b) is mentioned - refer to the second paragraph. Ans 135) (b) - refer to the second paragraph; it can be inferred from the first three lines. Quantitative Techniques Solutions (136-140): 136 (c) . Total number of students in BBA LLB in NLU Bangalore = 32/27 17/20 1080 = 1088 Total number of students in BBA LLB in NLU Delhi = 19/22 = 1110 « 1420 = 1349 Required difference = 1349 - 1088 = 261 Hence, option C is correct, 137.(b) Total number of students studying in Ist year in BSC LEBin NALSAR =504 15% of 36/41 x 1640 Total number of students studying in 2nd year in BSC LLB in NALSAR = 20% of 36/41 * 1640 = 288 Total number of students studying in 1st year in BSC LLB in NLU Jodhpur = 7/31 * 31/28 x 1260 = 315 ‘Total number of students studying in 2nd year in BSC LLB in NLU Jodhpur = 9/31 * 31/28 « 1260 = 405 Reqd. % = (315 + 405)/ (504 + 288) x 100 = 91% Hence, option Bis correct. 138.(a) Total number of students in 3 Year LLB in NLU Delhi = 4/5 < 1420 = 1136 ‘Total number of students in 3-Year LLB in NLU Jodhpur = 71/70 » 1260 =1278 Required ratio = 8:9 Hence, option A is correct. 139.(b) Number of students in BSC LLB in NLU Bangalore = 17/20 x 1080 = 918 Number of students in BSC LLB in NLU Delhi = 11/10 * 1420 = 1562 Number of students in BSC LLB in NALSAR = 36/41 * 1640 = 1440 Number of students in BSC LLB in NLU Jodhpur = 31/28 = 1260 = 1395 Number of students in BSC LLB in NUJS = 13/16 * 1584 = 1287 Total number of students in BSC LLB in all five colleges = 918 + 1562 + 1440 + 1395 + 1287 = 6602 Total number of students in BA LLB in all five colleges = 1080 + 1420 + 1640 + 1260 + 1584 = 6984 Reqd. % = 6602/6984 x 100 * 95% Hence, option B is correct. 140.(d) Total number of students in BBA LLB in NALSAR = 36/41 x 2318 x 1640 = 1840 Total number of students in BBA LLB in NLU Jodhpur = 31/28 « 49/45 = 1260 = 1519 Total number of students in BBA LLB in NUJS = 13/16 x 34/39 «1570 = 1122 Total number students in LLM in NALSAR, NLU Jodhpur, and NUJS together = 1840 + 1519 + 1122 + 286 = 4767 Hence, option D is correct. Solutions(141-145): 40% of 5000 = 2000 litres Anish sells to six persons Person_ | Sales of Milk The concentration of water (After adding water in pure milk) Aditya | 24% of 2000 = 480 }24% litres Bharga | 10% of 2000 = 200 | 10% v litres Chandu | 12% of 2000 = 240 | 18% litres Dinesh |7% of 2000 = 140] 15% litres Eliane | 28% of 2000 = 560 | 25% litres Frank — | 19% of 2000 = 380 | 12% litres Let Aditya add ‘a’ litres of water then the total quantity of solution = 480 + ‘a’ litres, in which the concentration of water is 24% Therefore, 24% of (480+ a) =a 100a = 24 x 480 + 24a 76a = 24 x 480 a = 2880/19 litres = approximately 151.58 litres = Quantity of water added by Aditya Let Bhargav add b litres of water then, 10% of (200 + b) = b b = quantity of water added by Bhargav = 200/9 litres = approximately 22.22 litres Similarly, Let Chandu add c litres of water then 18% of (240 +c) =c 82c = 240 x 18, = 2160 / 41 litres = 52.68 litres approximately = quantity of water added by Chandu Let Dinesh add d litres of water 15% of (140 + d) =a D = 140/85 x15 = 24.70 liters = quantity of water added by Dinesh Let Fliane add e litres of water Then, 25% of (560 + ¢) =e 75e = 560 x 25 E = 560/3 litres = 186.67 litres approximately = quantity of water added by Eliane Let Frank add f litres of water then, 12% of (380 + f) =f 88f = 380 x 12 f = 51.82 litres = quantity of water added by Frank Person | Sales of Milk The concentration of water (After adding water in pure milk) Aditya | 24% of 2000 = 480 | 24% = 151.58 litres litres Bhargav | 10% of 2000 = 200 | 10% = 22.22 litres litres Chandu | 12% of 2000 = 240] 18% = 52.68 litres litres Dinesh |7% of 2000 = 140] 15% = 24.70 litres litres Elaine | 28% of 2000 = 560 | 25% = 186.67 litres, litres Frank 19% of 2000 = 380 | 12% = 51.82 litres, litres QIA1. Correct Option: B ‘The required difference = 151.58 - 52.68 = 98.9 litres = approximately 99 litres QU42. Correct Option: A Let Chandu add ¢ litres of water then 18% of (240 +c) =c 82c = 240 x 18, C= 2160 / 41 litres = 52.68 litres approximately = quantity of water added by Chandu Let Eliane add e litres of water Then, 25% of (560 + e) =e 75e = 560 x 25 E = 560 / 3 litres = quantity of water added by Eliane Reqd. ratio= 2160/41 : 560/3 = 81 : 287 QU43. Correct Option: B therefore, Bhargav added least quantity (In litres) of water Q144. Correct Option: C milk) Person | Sales of Milk _| The concentration of water (After adding water in pure Aditya | 24% of 2000 = 480 | 24% = 151.58 litres litres Bhargav | 10% of 2000 = 200 | 10% = 22.22 litres litres Chandu | 12% of 2000 = 240 | 18% = 52.56 litres, litres When A, B, and C mix their solution in one can then the quantity of milk in the new solution = 480 +200 + 240 = 920 litres And the quantity of milk in the new mixture = 151.58 + 22.22 + 52.56 = 226.36 litres The total quantity of new solution = 920 + 226.36 = 1146.36 litres ‘The required concentration of milk in the new solution = 920 / 1146.36 x 100 = 80.25% approximately Q145. Correct Option: D The total quantity of water added by all the persons together = 151.58 + 22.22 + 52.68 +24.70 + 186.67 + 51.82 = approximately 489.67 litres = approximately 490 litres Solution(146-150): Silver Bars Gold bars Land (in acres) Rishab y 2x Kanishk 2y - 15 5x 52 Prem 8 2x 22 Pranshu 7 me: 4z Let, total no. of Gold bars be ‘10x’ and total number of Silver Bars be ‘3y’ Now, Hence, total no. of Gold bars = 5x = 50 Also, y+8=3/2x(2y-15+7) or, 2y +8) 3(2y ~ 8) or, y= 10 Hence, total no. of Silver Bars = 3y = 30 Kanishk’s total wealth = 2 x 25 x 8000 = 400000 Kanishk’s wealth on account of land = 400000 - (200000 + 5 x 20000) = 100000 or, 5z. = 100000 Hence, 2 = 40000 And 4z = 80000 Total wealth of Rishab and Prem = Total wealth of Kanishk and Pranshu Wealth of Rishab + (8 x 20000 + 10 x 8000 + 40000) = 400000 + (7 x 20000 + 5 x 8000 + 80000) So, wealth of Rishab = 400000 + 260000 - 280000 = 380000 Wealth of Rishab on account of land = 380000 - (10 x 20000 + 10 * 8000) = 380000 ~ 280000 = 1,00,000 146. (a); Difference = 380000 - 260000 = 1, 20,000 = 1.2 lakh 147. (a); Value of Kanishk’s Gold bars = 25 * 8000 = 200000 = 2 lakh. Value of Rishab’s Silver Bars = 10 x 20000 = 200000 = 2 lakh. So, Kanishk can exchange his Gold bars with Silver Bars of Rlshab. 148. (c); Req. % =(400000-260000)/400000 « 100 =140000/400000%100 = 35% 149. (b); Wealth dueto land and Gold Bars = 320000 + 400000 = 720000 Wealth due to Silver Bars = 30 x 20000 = 600000 Req. % =(720000-600000) / 600000 x 100.=12/60 x 100 = 20% 150. (b); Required ratio = 10«20000/5%8000 = 5:1

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