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Elizabeth’s routine

Have lunch - go back home - get up - have a little snack - read - take a
shower go to bed - brush my teeth - have breakfast - have dinner - go to

Hi! I’m Elizabeth, I’m a student at the American School in London. I

always have a busy week. I 1_______________________ at six o'clock. and
brush my teeth. After that, I 2_________________________. I usually drink
coffee and eat an apple. I 3_________________________ at 07:30 a.m. On my
break, I 4_________________________ at the school cafeteria. I really like the
chicken and potatoes. In the afternoon, I 5_________________________and
6__________________________________on Elefante Letrado. Then, I
7_______________________, usually eat a fruit or a cookie and do my
homework. At night, I 8_________________________ and put on my pajamas.
My family and I always 9_________________________together. After dinner,
I 10 _____________________________ and 11_________________________.

Write 5 senteces about Elizabeth's routine using the 3rd person rules.

Example:Elizabeth gets up at 7 o'clock.

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