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Good morning everyone how’s your day going today?

today I want to add to your insight about

moths, why moths? because we see these animals very often during the rainy season and make
the floors dirty with their wings. Why do you think so? Let's discuss together

1. Moths are part of a termite colony that maintains their life cycle

The termite life cycle is also quite complex. Termites are insects that live in groups and have a
very strong and distinctive social ecosystem. In general, termites are divided into three main colony
groups, namely underground, dry wood, and wet wood. Each colony consists of worker termites,
soldiers, and swarmers or reproductive termites. These swarmers usually become larvae and are
responsible for breeding because not all termite colonies can reproduce. Some termite colonies are
sterile, so to continue their survival, they need a subspecies called the swarmer (laron).

2. Why do moths like light so much?

According to experts, the moths will immediately look for a light source after they leave the nest
because they need the warm temperatures emitted by the lights. In addition, the moths will gather near
the light of the lamp to gather and find a mate before dawn. For couples that reproduce, they will
usually shed their wings and form a new colony. The pairs of moths will make small holes in the wet
ground and lay their eggs there to hatch into termites.

3. Moth's "love" story is quite a tragic story

moths that cannot find a mate until dawn will die. In fact, of all the moths that exist, only a few
survive. The Pest Lockdown page writes that the moths will die if they don't find a mate because they
will continue to be active outside the nest until the sun appears in the morning.The sun's rays make the
moths lose most of their body fluids, making their bodies dry and no longer moist. In fact, moths need
humid temperatures to survive, for example underground or in the trunks of large trees.

Those are some scientific facts about moths, animals that like light. Apparently, their struggle to be
able to reproduce is quite heavy too,that,s all from me thank you for your attention.salam

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