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Candidate name: Deshawn Lynch

Candidate Number:

Centre Number: 090300

Year of Exam: 2023

TR: Miss

Subject: English-A

Topic: Depression

Territory: Guyana


Plan of investigation

Reflection #1

Reflection #2

Group written Report

Plan of oral presentation

Reflection #3

Plan of investigation

The group theme is social Issues. Individual topic is “Depression?”. The reason this topic was choose

is to find out how depression effects the Community and family home some. I want to know

why people goes through depression or a family member pass away. is by completing there

are three artifices there are 2 poems and one article. The fist poem is 'Demons of Darkness'

by © Olivia B the source is family friend. The second poem is 'Depression is a monster'

Patricia by Patricia a Fleming the source is family friend. the Article name is Mental Health

Gap Action Programmed (MH GAP)


Depression is a common illness worldwide, with an estimated 3.8% of the population

affected, including 5.0% among adults and 5.7% among adults older than 60 years (1).

Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression (1). Depression is different

from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday

life. Especially when recurrent and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may

become a serious health condition. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and

function poorly at work, at school and in the family. At its worst, depression can lead to

suicide. Over 700 000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is the fourth leading

cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.

Although there are known, effective treatments for mental disorders, more than 75% of

people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment (2). Barriers to effective

care include a lack of resources, lack of trained health-care providers and social stigma

associated with mental disorders. In countries of all income levels, people who experience

depression are often not correctly diagnosed, and others who do not have the disorder are too

often misdiagnosed and prescribed antidepressants.
Demons of Darkness

© Olivia B

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015

She stood on the bridge

In silence and fear,

For the demons of darkness

Had driven her here.

They cut her heart

Right out of her chest,

Making her believe

That the demons knew best.

They were always there,

Sometimes just out of sight,

Waiting in the background

Till the time was right.

These demons were destructive,

Knocking down the life she knew,

Hating everything about her;

She hated herself, too.

These demons can't be seen,

But they're far from fairy tales.

They live inside your mind;

Their evilness prevails.

So on the bridge she stood,

About to end the fight.

Then she stopped and thought

I'll fight them one more night.

Patricia A Fleming© Patricia A Fleming More By Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019

Depression is a monster

That destroys both heart and soul.

It tortures without mercy

And consumes its victim whole.

It cripples and disables,

Making life too hard to cope.

It can make each day a nightmare

And leave a person without hope.

Some people feel this sadness

From the time that they are young,

And believe that they are different

And can't be loved by anyone.

It's reinforced by parents

Too depressed themselves to care

For that child they're supposed to love,

But instead forget is there.

Depression can be nurtured

Through violence and neglect

And fists used only to degrade

And words used to reject.

It's hidden in those bullies

Who torture and demean,

Who use their words like weapons

To destroy all self-esteem.

It's fueled by those substances,

That are used to help escape.

From that endless pain depression brings

And that unbearable heartache.

It can cause someone to just give up,

To lose all strength to fight.

It can annihilate one's very soul

And make them take their life.

Yes, Depression is a vulture

That will make anyone its prey.

There is no one who deserves it,

And there is no one to blame.

We don't need to make a judgment,

But we need to be aware

That those who suffer through this pain

Just need the world to care.

Reflection 1

How the article has shape your thinking?

The article “Depression” has change my thing by showing me the different way

people see Depression. Some people see Depression as annoying, irritability, anger,

unexplained aches and pain. When life is hitting hard on people depressed people see that as

free pass on giving up on living.

The article “Depression is a monster” has shown me some people have die with too many

things. Some people can’t keep fighting over and over again. Some people just too tired of

the fact that there have to make everyone to be happy and keep a fake smile on to make sure

to let them know that your fine and you’re really not that fine.

The article “Depression is a monster” this article opens up my eyes. To make people to be

rude to others. He was in family problem. He was being bully he just wanted to end has pain

and suffering.

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