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Imagine going to a family reunion to discover a ghost under the bed.

this happened to me over the was the month of june.the weather outside not too warm not too cold but instead of
getting ice cream on this perfect day I was on my way to my aunt’s house much against my own far as I remember it took us about 1 hour 45 minutes to reach .my aunt’s house was in
thane,Mumbai. As I was voyaging through the city of malls . I passed the famous butterfly gardens.
When I reached my aunt’s house it looked like the house had seen better looked more of a
haunted house then a house someone lived in with floors overgrown with weeds , broken windows ,
cobwebs etc.the perfect place for a horror movie shooting but not somewhere you would have a
family reunion.we arrived at around 6 pm as the program was next day I immediately crashed at the
bed . nothing was wrong about the bed it was almost like the bed at my home mostly because my
aunt’s and my bed were bought at the same time but something about the bed was off or maybe I
had read too much horror books.i almost drifted to sleep but then ‘creak’!!!!!.what could it be ? I
instantly jumped off the bed and went to explore the sound at once. Much too my horror it was a
white ghost the moment It saw me it said ‘hi’ and I fainted.the next morning I woke up in my own

bed realizing that I had been dreaming the entire time. 😆😆😆😆😆😆.

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