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- Rio 

- Brundtland Report
- Club of Rome Report: "The Limits to Growth"
- Rio+20 Summit
- First picture of the Earth taken from the Moon
- Millennium Development Goals

d out when the milestone took place (date) and why it was important in the

evolution of sustainable development. 

First picture of the Earth taken from the moon was taken in 1966, it gave a new
perspective on what meant to have a planet and that humankind must take care of
it, however this wasn’t a full picture of the Earth. Until 7 of December of 1972,
NASA’S Apollo 17 mission delivered a full picture of the earth often called “Blue
Marble” this picture is the is also key for the evolution of sustainable development
because earth seemed to be very fragile against the black cosmos and It showed
earth to be a tangible object. It also helped to understand what globality meant.

The Club of Rome Report: "The Limits to Growth" was published in 1972 some
months before the Apollo 17 mission where the blue marble picture was taken. It
was written mainly by four people but also by an MIT project team. It’s a report
divided in five sections: The Nature of Exponential Growth, The Limits to
Exponential Growth, Growth in the World System, Technology and the Limits to
Growth and The State of Global Equilibrium. This report is important for
sustainable development because warned the impact of the industries, economic
and environmental factors that will take earth to its limit in 2072. It was a cry for
help but also offer some light for solving the problem.

In 1987 was published a report of the World Commission on Environment and

Development held in 1983 often called the Brundtland Report. The report “Our
common Future” sated the first definition of sustainable development “sustainable
development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”. It had an
agenda for environmental strategies for the year 2000 and beyond and offers a
critical approach on the economy of the time.

The Rio Summit also known as “Earth Summit” was the United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development held in Rio, Brazil in June 1992. It was held 20
years later than the first Environment Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972.
During the conference was established that sustainable development was an
attainable goal for the micro and macro, economic, social and environmental
spheres. Also produced and an agenda for the XXI century based on the same
concept and make evident the necessity of change in the way people lived and it
brought to the table the discussion for governments about how was possible to
obtain such development.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were stablished during the Millennium
Declaration signed in 2000 by leaders of 189 countries. It was a set of 8 goals that
aimed to have successful monitoring mechanism, offered the bases for SGDs. And
made substantial progress by reducing extreme poverty, infant mortality and
raising education in developing countries. However, the MDGs had its limitations
related with focusing sometimes in more income countries, the goals being very
broad and poor measurement.

The Rio + Summit was a UN conference held during 20-22 June of 2012. It
resulted on a document that offer practical ways of implementing a plan and better
measurements for the indicators for sustainable development. For that matter Rio
members launched the SDGs (sustainable development goals) based on the
MDGs and also paying attention to the 2015 deadline but offering a goal for 2030.
The conference also deals with matters as green economy policies, strengthen the
UNEP, framework of 10 years for programs on sustainable consumption among


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