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The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation.

Things you think are separate

and different are one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if devided...

You must never give into despair or allow yourself to slip down that road and surrender to
your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the
meaning of inner strength...

Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile tiny shells, drifting in the foam. Little soldier
boy, come marching home. Brave soldier boy, come marching home...

When you base your expectations only in what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities
of a new reality...

You think you are any different from me? Or your friends? Or this tree? If you listen hard
enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing.
We are all living together, even if most people don't act like it. We all have the same roots, and
we are all branches of the same tree...

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