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It is difficult to make a definitive statement about whether Andrew

Tate is a good or bad influence, as opinions about him vary widely

depending on who you ask. Andrew Tate is a British kickboxer and
former reality TV contestant who has gained a following on social
media for his controversial opinions and statements.

Some people view Andrew Tate as a charismatic and outspoken

personality who provides valuable advice on fitness, business, and
personal development. They appreciate his no-nonsense approach to
life and his willingness to speak his mind, even if it is politically

However, others find Andrew Tate's views offensive and harmful,

particularly when it comes to issues such as race, gender, and
sexuality. He has been criticized for making derogatory comments
about women and minorities, and his views have been described as
divisive and harmful.

Ultimately, whether Andrew Tate is a good or bad influence is

subjective and depends on individual values and beliefs. It is
important to critically evaluate any advice or opinions he provides
and to make decisions based on what feels right for you.

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