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What is it about my emotional life that I most want to change?

I want to be more in control of my emotions, especially anxiety and depression, but to a

lesser extent anger. I can get caught up in these emotions to the point where I lose some
connection to the physical world – getting caught up in mind, thinking and reacting but not
processing. I tend to avoid processing and feeling and ultimately understanding what I am
going through, so I repeat unhelpful behaviour that pull me away from what I really want to
do. So I want to change me relationship to my emotions, so that I understand and process
them, so I have a choice in how I can respond.

Why is this change so important—what has happened that makes it urgent?

I don’t want to repeat the past. I have been caught up repeating unhelpful behaviours. A lot of
this has to do with anxiety and depression, when I feel them I don’t respond appropriately, I
usually try and hide/avoid by distancing myself. I am 31 now, and its as urgent as anything. If
not now when? I am receptive now, I am more aware of myself, and I want to use that to help

What do I expect from learning the techniques of Mindful Gap, Clear Seeing, and
Letting Go? What would I like to see happen?

The pause.

“Between the stimulus and the response there is a space and in this space lies our power and
our freedom” – Viktor Frankl

I want to find that place, where I have a choice in responding, and am not just being caught
up in automatic patterns. I want to feel what I have to feel and deal with it, then move on. Not
be held down by it, but use it in a productive way.

If I could make a wish for myself that would come true—what would it be? (We are just
supposing here . . . what’s your real wish?)

I have self-knowledge and know how to active; when I feel intrusive thoughts and feelings, I
feel them and understanding them and know what to do to make things better. This includes
knowing what’s important, and knowing what to do to get there, despite difficulties.

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