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The kleshas (the poisons)

 Passion/Craving/Desire (Addition, seduction)

 Aggression
 Ignorance (Dullness, sloth, withdrawal)
 Jealousy/Envy
 Pride

Kleshas are removable and temporary – they are energy mixed with thought, and are not
intrinsically bad, but are actually positive. The kleshas (which seemed to cause so much
harm) can seeds of virtue: three poisons, three seeds of virtue. The path is getting to know the

the basic addiction to not wanting to be present.

Approaches to the Klashas (three steps to liberation):

 Refraining
 Reframing
 Relax (beyond good and bad)

Managing the kleshas

 Remain present
o When you speak and act you are moving away from what you are feeling
o What is your relationship with the present moment?” And when a klesha is
big: What is it
 Embodied (If you become a captive of the kleshas, you are not in touch with your
 Kind (self-compassion; kindness is an attitude of gentleness towards what you see)

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