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Article · October 2016


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4 authors, including:

Alexandra Hukom irawan itta Irawan

Universitas Palangka Raya Universitas Palangka Raya


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Alexandra Hukom. Harin Tiawon, Wiwin Zakiah, Irawan

Universitas Palangka Raya

Abstract: Sebangau National Park in Central Kalimantan Province is a peat swamp forest
ecosystem that not only serves as a buffer system also contain ecological values and natural
resource economics. This study aims to formulate strategies governance buffer zone of
tropical peat swamp forests in a sustainable manner in Sebangau National Park in Central
Kalimantan Province using SWOT analysis. The results showed that the characteristics of
the management strategy and the public perception needs to (1) zoning district policies; (2)
optimize the function and potential of natural resources and ecosystems. Management
strategies need Sebangau National Park Flora (1) improvement of surveillance by the
National Park and WWF Forest Peat and ecosystem sustainability; (2) done in collaboration
between the public and the government in managing the medicinal plants. Fauna
management strategies in Sebangau National Park needs to (1) improve supervision in
Sebangau National Park to prevent illegal hunting, especially orang utan; (2) tighten the
rules and reinforce penalties on people who commit violations of poaching.

Keywords: Strategy; Region; Sustainable

Indonesia is a country that is rich in flora and fauna both on land or in water. Genetic
wealth of each region in Indonesia has a different characteristic. Therefore, the area that has the
genetic diversity of the need to obtain protection with the establishment of the area as a nature
conservation area. Nature Conservation Areas is an area that has a certain characteristic, both on
land and in waters that have the principal function of protection of life support systems, preserve
the diversity of plants and animals, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and
ecosystems (Government Regulation Republic of Indonesia No. 28 of 2011). Determination of a
nature conservation area is a management efforts through planning, protection, preservation,
utilization, monitoring and control that vast region, the quantity and quality of flora or fauna is
not declining.
One of the Nature Conservation Areas in Central Kalimantan with protected flora and
fauna is Sebangau National Park. Sebangau area designated as Sebangau National Park since
2004 through a decree of the Minister of Forestry No.SK. 423 / Forestry / II / 2004 on October
19, 2004. Prior to the enactment of a national park, this area often have illegal logging,
poaching, illegal construction of canals, the transfer function of the area, road construction,
forest burning and others. Sebangau National Park which has an area of 568 700 ha ± flanked by
the presence of two rivers, namely Sungai Sebangau and Katingan River. Additionally,
Sebangau National Park is located in three districts, namely Home Knives, Palangkaraya and
Katingan. In Sebangau National Park are tropical peat swamp forests and is the only remaining
swamp forest in Central Kalimantan Province (Sebangau National Park Management Plan 2007-
2026). Therefore, the establishment of the area as a national park is expected to save the peat
ecosystem, biodiversity and natural uniqueness (landscape) for the sake of improvement of
quality of life of present and future (Mahin, 2011).

The 1st International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting
(ICEEBA 2016)

But as well as the problems of other national parks, has had a Sebangau area settlements
that grew around the area before designated as a national park. Communities in the region is
highly dependent on the existence of Sebangau National Park because it has a lot of benefits to
the community. The benefits derived from the existence of watersheds and forests swamps in
Sebangau National Park. The existence Watershed Katingan, Sebangau and Kahayan in
Sebangau National Park has provided benefits for the sustainability of fisheries productivity and
transport systems in the districts concerned. In addition, the presence of peat forest in Sebangau
National Park has an important role in regulating the water cycle. This serves to avoid the
occurrence of floods and droughts, so districts / cities around the national park has a sufficient
supply of clean water.
Ecological and economic value of the Sebangau National Park is very important and is
not limited to the life support system functions. Economically according Greenomic (2006), the
region's economic value Sebangau the wood industry sector by low dependency scenario alone
have reached 1.6 times the value of the potential reception timber. Even the economic value of
commercial timber in national parks Sebangau still lower when compared to the economic value
of the extraction of non-timber forest products such as gum jelutung utilization by the
community around the area (Greenomic, 2006). For the fisheries sector and transport it appears
that the low scenario of course, the economic value of fisheries (including the economic value
of fish consumption) and water transport streams that depend on the role of regional
hydrological Sebangau (DAS) reached the net present value of Rp. 361.45 billion (over 55 years
with a discount of 10%) (Greenomic, 2006). The economic value according Gerenomic (2006)
it still exceeds the economic value of acceptance potential commercial use of timber in
Sebangau area (over 55 years), amounting to Rp 4.55 billion. In other words, if the utilization of
commercial timber in Sebangau area forced through, then the community and district / city
government related course must be willing to no longer be able to enjoy the value of fisheries
and river transport of Rp.361,45 billion in a sustainable manner over a period of 55 years
(Greenomic, 2006).
Based on this it can be known if the Sebangau area has provided benefits to the
community, long before the establishment as a national park. The determination of the
Sebangau area as a national park is still expected to be even more beneficial to the ecology and
communities around national parks. One of the efforts undertaken, namely the division of
zoning in Sebangau National Park. Sebangau National Park is divided into five zones, namely
the core zone, utilization zone, wilderness zone, the zone rehabilitation and community
management space. Similarly, the zoning of the other national parks, zoning division at
Sebangau National Park made to regulate land designation in accordance with the interests and
objectives of its management and use, so that people know the limits utilization in Sebangau
National Park (National Park Management Plan 2007-2026 Sebangau year) , Based on the
above background, it is necessary to study governance buffer area of peat swamp forest in a
sustainable manner in Sebangau National Park in Central Kalimantan province.

Management Strategy Sebangau National Park are analyzed using SWOT analysis and
IFAS EFAS. SWOT can be used to identify and analyze various factors systematically to
analyze the government's strategy in the processing area (Muhammad, 2008). SWOT analysis is
one of the analytical techniques used in interpreting the planning area, particularly in very
complex conditions in which the internal and external factors that are equally important role.
Factors that affect the management are as follows:

The 1st International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting
(ICEEBA 2016)

1. Potential (Strength) is the power of what can be developed to be more resilient, so that
it can survive in the market, which come from the region itself
2. Problem (Weakness) are all factors that constitute problems or obstacles that come from
within the region or the object itself
3. Opportunities (Opportunities) is the opportunity that comes from outside the study area.
This opportunity was given as a result of government, regulatory or economic
conditions globally
4. Threats (Threaten) that is a thing that can cause harm that comes from outside the
region or object
Further assessment to determine the position of objects on a SWOT quadrant. To obtain these
values weighted votes is divided into IFAS (Internal Factors Strategy Analysis Summary) and
EFAS (External Strategic Factor Analysis Summary).


Characteristics Strategy and Public Perception in Sebangau National Park
Defining management strategies Sebangau National Park is done based on the
characteristics and prespsi communities in the buffer zone. To determine the right strategy then
analyzed using SWOT analysis method. SWOT analysis is a method of defining management
strategies with internal factors or external factors affecting the management of Sebangau
National Park.
Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the management strategies based on the
characteristics and perceptions are in the first quadrant of space A, namely Rapid Growth
Strategy. This means a growth strategy for the rapid flow management is shown to the
maximum for a particular target, and in a short time. Then the park management strategies
developed right are as follows.
1. It should be designed policies or regulations for zoning, neighborhood by taking into
account ecological, social and cultural communities in and around the area.
2. Optimize function and potential of natural resources and ecosystems for the benefit of
economists, social and cultural sustainable and balanced.
3. Promoting the development of environmental service benefits and nature through
supporting infrastructure providers and tourism promotion.
4. Increase the participation and empowerment of communities in buffer zones inside and
outside the Sebangau National Park.
5. Need to develop collaborative patterns and build economic independence community to
reduce the pressure on forests.
6. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and WWF Forest Peat and ecosystem
preservation in it.
7. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and WWF to the preservation of flora
and fauna.

Sebangau National Park Management Strategies Based on Economic Value Region

Now we know the value of each variable, then the next step is to determine the economic
value management strategy so that its value can be increased, either value or the value of flora
and fauna in Sebangau National Park.

Flora Management Strategy in Sebangau National Park

To determine the right strategy then analyzed using SWOT analysis method. SWOT
analysis is a method of defining management strategies with internal factors or external factors

The 1st International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting
(ICEEBA 2016)

affecting the management of Sebangau National Park. These factors consist of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities or threats that occur in Sebangau National Park. Based on analysis of
these are internal factors and external factors that mempegaruhi management. Based on the
analysis, it can be seen that the management strategies flora in Sebangau National Park is
located in the first quadrant of the B with Stable Growth Strategy is a steady growth strategy
which the management is done in stages and targets adjusted to the conditions. Then the
management strategy Flora in Sebangau National Park right are as follows:
1. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and WWF Forest Peat and
ecosystem preservation.
2. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and WWF to the preservation of
3. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and WWF in preserving ornamental
plants, especially ornamental plants unique and increase the quantity so they can add indigo
benefits of houseplants.
4. Increased supervision by the National Park Authority and the WWF for the preservation
of plant cane in order to value a high value is maintained.
5. It should be done in collaboration between the public and the government in managing
the medicinal plants that can boost the economy of the community around the area.
6. Provide counseling to the community to participate on conserving medicinal plants from
extinction, not only utilize the results.

Fauna Management Strategy in Sebangau National Park

To determine the right strategy then analyzed using SWOT analysis method. SWOT
analysis is a method of defining management strategies with internal factors or external factors
that affect the management of Sebangau National Park. These factors consist of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities or threats that occur in Sebangau National Park. Based on the
analysis below, it can be seen that the management strategy Fauna Sebangau National Park is
located in quadrant IV space G, ie Concentric Strategy. This means that the object management
strategies carried out simultaneously in one shade or coordinator by one party. Then the
management strategy Fauna in the National Park right developed is as follows.
1. increasing scrutiny in Sebangau National Park in order to avoid poaching by people who
could threaten the preservation of fauna, especially orangutans are endangered animals.
2. Tighten the rules and reinforce penalties on people who commit violations of poaching
that threaten fauna in Sebangau National Park.
3. Socializing the surrounding community about the future course of protected fauna and
rare as well as the importance of protecting the fauna.

The results of the analysis of management strategy based on the characteristics and
perceptions as well as the economic value of tropical peat swamp forests Sebangau National
Park in Central Kalimantan province, showed that the characteristics of the management
strategy and the public perception needs to (1) zoning district policies; (2) optimize the function
and potential of natural resources and ecosystems. Management strategies need Sebangau
National Park Flora (1) improvement of surveillance by the National Park and WWF Forest Peat
and ecosystem sustainability; (2) done in collaboration between the public and the government
in managing the medicinal plants. Fauna management strategies in Sebangau National Park
needs to (1) improve supervision in Sebangau National Park to prevent illegal hunting,

The 1st International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting
(ICEEBA 2016)

especially orang utan; (2) tighten the rules and reinforce penalties on people who commit
violations of poaching.

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