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Applying in a company, requires value and etiquette that must be practiced by an

employee. Having a right etiquette inside the company enables the employee to be
more exquisite and well mannered one, it also helps maintain the company’s
environment peaceful. Etiquette and value is a must in any field, either you’re working
on a subtle environment or you’re in a prominent company.
As an employee there’s plenty of etiquette and values that must have to be
practice and observe it includes being punctual, honest, respect to your colleagues,
building friendship with your colleagues, and dressing appropriately. When working in a
company or any field punctuality must be practiced thoroughly, you can’t set your own
time for allegedly insist coming late, you don’t have the authority for doing it so knowing
that you’re just an employee and you should know your responsibilities. Honesty is one
of the substantial value and etiquette that an employee must also practice, an employee
must be honest all the time when doing his/her responsibilities, since it’s your integrity
that’s being at hand. Respect to your colleague is also a must since in a working
environment there’s differences among your co-workers, that you must have to respect
their practices and their boundaries. When you’re working in a company, you must know
how to build friendship with your co-workers to get along with them, you can’t be a
loner, since there’s a transaction every now and then that must have to be done with
your co-workers. When working in a company appropriate attire is a must, since there’s
a company regulations regarding the proper attire of an employee if what they should
Furthermore a company’s value and etiquette is set as an standard to be
followed. Since by doing it so it produced a global competent employee and it reflects
the company’s integrity if how they handled their employees and in order for a company
to be a well known distinctive prominent company in the economy .

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