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pee 2a ees by Rocketdyne tg ea ee ey of « USAF F-100D, boosted from a simulated ee ee ee eee ee Length-Launch solid-propellant rocket motor. Bes Cot oe ey cami) ee ees defending aircraft would have to get into the fea ee be destroyed or damaged. One solution to this problem has been demonstrated by North American Aviation, Inc. The Rocketdy 130,000-pound-thruse Zero-Lengeh-Lawnch Booster, attached vo the underside of Cae ny Cay simulated hardsite shelter in 1/10 second, eee ee oe eed casing fell away and the aircraft, ee ee ene) ee ee ee a co ets oe ADVANTAGES OF M.34 FOR ‘WEAPON SYSTEMS Demonsraed performance ond reliably ‘Manutacired trom lon-cos, eodiy velloble moteios Field vorage or Close? expleive (ee hasord onl Rugged eonsnucion permis renspere: en over any tera, Proven soley Essenilly flameless, oncorsve, ont hou ges, Reproducibeignition, shorp het ett ona in truststime programing. Sequence camera records the fir zie seconds of the Zoro Lengtb Launch of 4 Nonth American F-100D Super Sabre. M34 FEATURES es provision fre ‘+ Amachment objec be lunches, + Boretightng for corte orientation with porent voi Thet lrscton adjustment Propellant emparsture menting devas ony inetion and quick arming of igniter: VERSATIUTY The builkin modular charge concep ol M34 voter motor glves it many potential ae, For example, « 10:N5-52,000 unit has been designed for tecet led pplication ‘zing propel fermuleion ROS-127A ond ‘he M34 rocket moter hardware rpyYnre y) f v A v 4 s

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