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Step 1:

Type the alphabet several times slowly to quickly:

Step 2:
Set your border for both hands and type several times slowly to quickly:
Left : 5tgb
Right : 6yhn
Step 3:
Set your finger positions at middle row of the keyboard:
Left Right

Little a Thumb <space-bar>

Ring s Index j

Middle d Middle k

Index f Ring l

Thumb <none> Little ;

Now try to type slowly using the above and below tables for finger positions:
Left Right

Little qz Index umhyn

Ring wx Middle i,

Middle ec Ring o.

Index rvgtb Little p/'[]\

Step 4:
Now try to use <shift> key with your little fingers to capitalized the letters:
Left hand typing : Right hand
Right hand typing : Left hand
Left Right

Little AQZ Index JUMHYN

Ring SWX Middle KI<

Middle DEC Ring LO>

Index FRVGTB Little P ?"{}|

Step 5:
Remember the border and try to type the numbers and use <shift> for symbols:
Left Right

Little `1 ~! Index 67 ^&

Ring 2 @ Middle 8 *

Middle 3 # Ring 9 (

Index 45 $% Little 0-= )_+

Step 6:
Now install Avro Keyboard for Windows, iAvro for macOs or ibus-avro for Linux. Please
install correct one accroding to your OS version or distro.
Typing using Avro (<-> is indicated letters):

অ o উ ু u ঐ ৈ OI

আ া a ঊ ূ U oo ও ো O

ই ি i ঋ ৃ rri ঔ ৌ OU

ঈ ী I এ ে e

ক k চ c ট T ত t প p

খ kh ছ ch ঠ Th থ th ফ f ph

গ g জ j ড D দ d ব b

ঘ gh ঝ jh ঢ Dh ধ dh ভ v bh

ঙ Ng ঞ NG ণ N ন n ম M

য z র r ল l ৳ $

শ S sh ষ Sh স s হ h

ড় R ঢ় Rh য় yY ্‌ ,,

ৎ t`` ং ng ঃ : ঁ ^

য-ফলা <->Z y ব-ফলা <->w b র-ফলা <->r রেফ <->rr<->

Indside a word ` is used forcefully separating the vowel from previous one.
Some identicals for Bengali joint letters which may be caused of confusion.
ক্ষ kkh kSh kx ত্রু tru চ্ছ্ব cchw

ঞ্জ nj jNG ঞ্ছ NGch হ্ন hn

জ্ঞ gg NGj ঙ্ক Ngk হ্ণ hN

ঙ্গ Ngg ঙ্খ Ngkh ণ্ণ NN

ঞ্চ nc NGc হ্ম hm ষ্ণ ShN

রু ru রূ rU হৃ hrri

দ্ধ ddh ক্র kr জ্ঝ jjh

ক্ত kt ন্তু ntu শ্চ Sc

শ্ছ Sch ন্ম nm ম্ন mn

ম্প mp ব্দ bd ন্দ্ব ndw

হু hu ত্থ tth ট্ট TT

ত্ত tt দ্ভ dbh dv ড্ড DD

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