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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2022) 414:4391–4399


Quantitative analysis of short‑chain fatty acids in human plasma

and serum by GC–MS
Linxing Yao1   · Emily A. Davidson2,3 · Maliha W. Shaikh4 · Christopher B. Forsyth4 · Jessica E. Prenni5 ·
Corey D. Broeckling1

Received: 29 September 2021 / Revised: 5 November 2021 / Accepted: 9 November 2021 / Published online: 29 January 2022
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are volatile fatty acids produced by gut microbial fermentation of dietary nondigestible
carbohydrates. Acetate, propionate, and butyrate SCFA measures are important to clinical and nutritional studies for their
established roles in promoting healthy immune and gut function. Additionally, circulating SCFAs may influence the metabo-
lism and allied function of additional tissues and organs. The accurate quantification of SCFAs in plasma/serum is critical to
understanding the biological role of SCFAs. The low concentrations of circulating SCFAs and their volatile nature present
challenges for quantitative analysis. Herein, we report a sensitive method for SCFA quantification via extraction with methyl
tert-butyl ether after plasma/serum acidification. The organic extract of SCFAs is injected directly with separation and detec-
tion using a polar GC column coupled to mass spectrometry. The solvent-to-sample ratio, plasma volume, and amount of HCl
needed for SCFA protonation were optimized. Method validation shows good within-day and inter-day repeatability. The
limit of detection was 0.3–0.6 µg/mL for acetate and 0.03–0.12 µg/mL for propionate and butyrate. Successful application
of this method on clinical plasma and serum samples was demonstrated in six datasets. By simplifying the sample prepara-
tion procedure, the present method reduces the risk of contamination, lowers the cost of analysis, increases throughput, and
offers the potential for automated sample preparation.

Keywords  Acetate · Butyrate · Plasma · Propionate · Serum · Short-chain fatty acid

Published in the topical collection Analytical Methods and Applications Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are monocarboxylic acids
in the Materials and Life Sciences with guest editors Ute Resch-Genger,
with a chain length of C2 to C6, mainly derived from gut
Matthias Koch, Björn Meermann, and Michael G. Weller.
microbial fermentation of dietary fiber and nondigestible
This manuscript is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of BAM. polysaccharides [1]. SCFAs, in particular, acetate (C2),
propionate (C3), and butyrate (C4), have been intensely
* Linxing Yao studied for their health benefits. Known to be involved in
gastrointestinal physiology, SCFAs contribute to gut health
Analytical Resources Core–Bioanalysis and Omics, by serving as energy substrate for colonocytes, stimulating
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA mucus production, promoting mucosal immune and bar-
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale School rier function and collective intestinal homeostasis [2, 3].
of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06510, Preliminary evidence suggests that butyrate, in particular,
USA can reduce colorectal cancer risk by inhibiting histone dea-
Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Yale School cetylase activity [4, 5]. A small percentage of gut-derived
of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06510, USA SCFAs enter systemic circulation [6]. As summarized in
Rush University Medical Center and Rush University, recent reviews [2, 3, 7], circulating SCFAs have demon-
Chicago, IL 60612, USA strated positive effects on the metabolism and allied func-
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, tion of tissues and organs beyond the colon. SCFAs bind to
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA several well-characterized metabolite receptors on immune

4392 Yao L. et al.

and endocrine cells in tissues and organs throughout the sensitive and high throughput method allowing for the
body and act as important signaling molecules. SCFAs rapid extraction of plasma/serum SCFAs to support accu-
have shown to reduce the risk of developing type II diabe- rate quantification of SCFAs by GC–MS.
tes, obesity, and other metabolic diseases, although con-
flicting data exist [2, 3, 8, 9]. SCFAs can be transported
across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) into the brain and
cerebrospinal fluid and affect permeability of the BBB and Materials and method
brain function [2, 7, 10]. Recent research, as reviewed by
Silva et al. [7], suggests that SCFAs act in the development Materials
and homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS) and
play an important role in gut-brain interactions. SCFAs Human plasma samples (hereafter referred to as control
may participate in modulation of neurotransmitters and plasma) used for method development and validation were
neurotrophic factors that play important roles in learning, obtained from UCHealth Garth Englund Blood Center (Fort
memory, circadian rhythm, appetite, and brain disorders Collins CO, USA) with an approval from the Institutional
[7, 11]. Despite the large number of studies across the clin- Review Board of Colorado State University (IRB#16-063B).
ical and nutrition fields, more research is needed to confirm Acetic acid-13C2, acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid,
the beneficial health effect of SCFAs, especially in human and 5-sulfosalicylic acid were purchased from Sigma-
trials [3]. Further elucidation of the mechanism underlying Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Sodium butyrate-13C4 was pur-
SCFAs various positive physiological effects will establish chased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Dallas, TX). Methyl
the foundational knowledge needed to effectively utilize tert-butyl ether (MTBE), water (Optima UHPLCMS grade),
SCFAs as dietary intervention for disease prevention and and hydrochloric acid were purchased from Fisher Scientific
treatment [12]. Consequently, there is a growing demand (Hampton, NH).
for accurate quantification of colonic, fecal, and circulat-
ing SCFAs. Because plasma/serum SCFAs concentrations
are considerably lower than fecal SCFA or colonic SCFA, Plasma sample preparation
an analytical method with high sensitivity and selectivity
is necessary. SCFAs have been analyzed using gas chro- Plasma samples stored (in Eppendorf tubes) at − 80 °C were
matography (GC) coupled with either flame ionization moved to 4 °C for thawing with intermittent mixing. To the
(FID) or mass spectrometry (MS) detectors, and liquid thawed plasma (200 µL), 24 µL of cold internal standard
chromatography coupled with MS (LC–MS). LC–MS solution containing 50 µg/mL of acetic acid-13C2 in 2 N HCl
approaches usually involve derivatization to improve ioni- was added. Samples were gently vortexed for 5 s, followed
zation of SCFAs, whereas GC approaches are suitable for by the addition of 360 µL of cold MTBE. The mixture was
either derivatized or non-derivatized samples [13]. Mass vigorously vortexed for 15 s and centrifuged at 3,000 g for
spectrometry is the preferred detection method owing to its 10 min at 4 °C. Approximately, 60 µL of the upper MTBE
greater sensitivity and selectivity. Historically, developers layer was recovered and stored at − 20 °C until analysis. This
of SCFA quantification methods attempted to popularize extraction protocol is referred to as the “standard method”
the acidification of the plasma supernatant obtained after hereafter and used for all tests unless otherwise specified.
protein precipitation, followed by direct injection of the A Quality Control (QC) sample was generated by pooling a
extract onto the GC column [14, 15]. Such methods were small aliquot of each experimental sample when the sample
abandoned because repeat injections of low pH aqueous set size was small (< 30 samples). For larger sample sets,
solution led to rapid column deterioration. Subsequently, control plasma or a subset of samples if available was used
the use of organic solvents to extract protonated SCFAs as the QC sample. QC samples were prepared alongside
from acidified plasma/serum became routine. Because experimental samples using the standard method.
plasma/serum SCFAs are volatile and biologically exist
in low concentrations, additional sample preparation steps
were introduced to improve the assay sensitivity, which Calibration curve
included plasma protein removal [16, 17], neutralization
[17–19], solid-phase extraction [17], and chemical deri- Authentic standards of acetic acid, propionic acid, and
vatizations [16, 17, 20–25]. Unfortunately, such methods butyric acid were diluted in 100% water with concentra-
often require lengthy preparation time, are expensive, and tions ranging from 0.1 to 100 µg/mL for acetic acid and 0.01
are accompanied by a high risk of acetate contamination to 25 µg/mL for propionic and butyric acid. Curve aliquots
and increased analytical variation [17, 24]. Therefore, the were extracted with MTBE as described above with the pres-
aim of the present study was to develop and validate a ence of an internal standard.

Quantitative analysis of short-chain fatty acids in human plasma and serum by GC–MS 4393

Optimization of sample extraction ­ CFA1

Table 1  Data processing method for S
Targets Quantification Confirmation Retention
The amount of HCl needed to acidify plasma, MTBE-to- m/z m/z time (min)
plasma ratio, plasma starting volume, and matrix effect were
Acetic acid 60 45 4.76
examined. The details of the experimental designs can be
Propionic acid 74 45 5.60
found in Electronic Supplementary Material.
Isobutyric acid 88 73 5.89
Butyric acid 60 88 6.53
Method validation
Isovaleric acid 60 87 6.98
Valeric acid 60 73 7.68
Standards were spiked into control plasma to generate low,
Acetic acid-13C2 62 45 4.76
medium, and high levels of spiked samples. Control plasma
Butyric acid-13C4 62 92 5.89
with no spiking is referred to as baseline level. Samples for
method validation were extracted using the standard method 1
 Plasma/serum assay only includes the quantification of acetic, pro-
to evaluate within-day repeatability (six replicates), inter- pionic, and butyric acid, and their signals are normalized to acetic
day repeatability (three different days and four replicates per acid-13C2. The assay for fecal samples includes all six SCFAs, where
signals of C4 and C5 SCFAs were normalized to butyric acid-13C4
day), stability of MTBE extracts stored at − 20 °C (three dif-
ferent days within a week and six replicates per day), instru-
ment stability (eight repeat injections of one sample), and of HCl added and it was determined that approximately
accuracy (four replicates). 24 µmol (as minimum) of HCl was required to maximize
the protonation of SCFAs in 100 µL of plasma (Fig. 1). The
GC–MS analysis extraction efficiency of a liquid–liquid extraction is gener-
ally affected by the ratio of solvent to sample. In the case
The MTBE extract (1 μL) was injected into a Trace 1310 of SCFAs, because these compounds are volatile and the
GC coupled to ISQ-LT MS (ThermoFisher, Waltham, evaporation process needs to be avoided, the peak inten-
MA), at a 5:1 split ratio. The inlet was held at 240  °C. sity was determined by both the solvent-to-sample ratio and
SCFA separation was achieved on a DB-WAXUI column solvent volume. Solvent-to-sample ratio of 10:1 [16], 20:1
(30  m × 0.25  mm × 0.25  µm, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA). [20], 6.7:1 [27], and 1:3 [28] were previously reported in
Oven temperature was held at 100 °C for 0.5 min, ramped to the methods using MTBE or diethyl ether to extract SCFAs
175 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min, and then ramped to 240 °C at from plasma. As shown in Fig. 2, when the ratio of sol-
40 °C/min with a final hold for 3 min. The total run time was vent to sample was greater than 2, the peak intensity started
12.7 min. Helium carrier gas flow was held at 1.2 mL/min. to decrease. Although a higher ratio resulted in a greater
Temperatures of transfer line and ion source were both held extraction efficiency, the concentration of analyte in the
at 250 °C. Single Ion Monitoring (SIM) was used at a rate of organic extract actually decreased due to the dilution effect
10 scans per second under electron impact mode. Quantifica- of a larger solvent volume. For the same reason, multiple
tion and confirmation ions are presented in Table 1. extractions were not considered in this method. Based on
these results, the standard method utilized a ratio of 1.8:1
(or 2:1) to maximize extraction efficiency while maintain-
Results and discussion ing a sufficient practical volume for recovering the upper
organic phase.
Method development The standard method was evaluated on 50, 100, 250, and
500 µL starting volumes of plasma and the results demon-
SCFAs are soluble in solvents of a wide range of polarities strated consistent measured concentrations of SCFAs (data
such as water, alcohols, and MTBE. Because SCFAs are not shown). However, SCFA concentrations measured from
weak acids (with pKa 4.7–4.9), their extraction efficiency the 50-µL extraction tended to have a larger standard devia-
in aqueous-organic liquid extraction is pH dependent. Blood tion than those from higher volumes. In addition, for vol-
has sufficient buffering capacity to maintain a pH of ~ 7.4 umes below 200 µL, extraction and extract recovery required
[26]. Thus, SCFAs are present in plasma primarily as a con- the use of specialty small volume glass vials or glass inserts.
jugated weak base, which is insoluble in MTBE. To increase Additional attempts have been made in our method devel-
SCFA partitioning in MTBE, the pH of plasma needs to opment to remove the neutral lipids in plasma by hexane
be lowered to shift the acid–base equilibrium toward the wash prior to MTBE extraction, or to increase the partition-
weak acid form. Various amounts of HCl were tested to ing of SCFAs in the MTBE layer by adding NaCl. However,
disrupt the buffer system of plasma and convert SCFA to both treatments resulted in plasma gelling (occasionally for
acid forms. SCFA peak intensity increased with the amount hexane treatment), which then made it difficult to recover

4394 Yao L. et al.

Fig. 1  Effect of the addition 120

of HCl on the SCFA yield as
measured by signal intensity Acetic acid
(n = 4). The peak areas were
normalized to the high- 100 Propionic acid
est values of treatment with
HCl = 24 µmol Butyric acid

Normalized peak area (%)





3 6 9 12 24 48
HCl (µmol) added to 100 µL of plasma

Fig. 2  Effect of the ratio of 120

MTBE to plasma on the SCFA Acetic acid
signal intensity (n = 4). The
peak areas were normalized to Propionic acid
those obtained from ratio 2:1 100
Butyric acid
Normalized peak area (%)





1.6:1 1.8:1 2:1 2.5:1 4:1 8:1
Ratio of MTBE-to-plasma (v/v)

MTBE layer. High-speed centrifugation (> 15,000 g) might acid as demonstrated by its highly positive y-intercept of the
help with phase separation of the gelled plasma, but plastic calibration fit equation (Fig. S1). Background acetate is a
tubes should be avoided to minimize contamination. commonly reported methodological challenge and is, seem-
Background noise derived from environmental contami- ingly, laboratory and method specific [16, 17, 23–25, 27].
nation proved the most challenging aspect of quantifying Possible sources of acetate include air, reagents, glassware,
plasma/serum SCFAs. Contamination was greatest for acetic and plastics used during sample preparation. Ethyl acetate,

Quantitative analysis of short-chain fatty acids in human plasma and serum by GC–MS 4395

for example, was used as the extraction solvent in a previous protocol. Our standard method yielded the lowest ratio of
study [29]; however, in our study, we found experimentally acetate in blank to acetate in control plasma when compared
that ethyl acetate could contain a high level of acetic acid to other methods (Fig. 3). While derivatization of SCFAs
depending on the age of the solvent, its purity, and storage yielded increased detection, for example, the peak area of
conditions. To further investigate, we systematically exam- acetate in control plasma detected using ref [16] was five-
ined the level of background acetate in the reagents used in fold higher than our method, this came at the cost of high
our method, i.e., the background acetate level in (i) MTBE background acetate.
(direct injection of MTBE), (ii) water (water extracted with While exploring sources of acetate contamination, addi-
MTBE), (iii) HCl (water acidified with HCl and subse- tional precautions were identified as important to minimize
quently extracted with MTBE), (iv) internal standard (water overall background contamination.
acidified with HCl solution containing internal standard and
subsequently extracted with MTBE) — extraction blank. (1) Due to SCFA’s volatile nature, it was important to avoid
Acetate was detected at very low levels or undetected in the use of acetic acid, ethyl acetate, and sodium acetate
neat MTBE (experiment i). Conversely, acetate was detected in the room during sample preparation for SCFA analy-
in water and water containing reagents (experiments ii, iii, sis.
and iv) (Fig. S2 and ref. [30]). Note that the internal stand- (2) The GC syringe required sequential rinsing with metha-
ard, directly dissolved in MTBE, had low levels of back- nol using three rinse bottles on the GC autosampler,
ground acetate, i.e., m/z 60 was about 0.7% of the peak area which were replaced with clean solvent each morning.
of labeled acetate m/z 62, suggesting that the 13C-labeled (3) Before each analytical batch, injector temperature was
form was not a major source of background acetate. We have increased to 300 °C for 10 min with split ratio of 100
examined the water from unopened LC–MS grade bottles, or higher to remove non-volatile components in the
Milli-Q water, and water of other purity grades; unfortu- plasma extracts that had accumulated in the split vent
nately, none of the water products gave sufficiently low level during acquisitions.
of acetate noise. Using a similar approach, we examined the (4) Prior to analysis of experimental samples, background
reagents used in other methods, such as NaOH to neutralize acetate was monitored with the injections of extraction
SCFAs before solvent evaporation [18], and 5-sulfosalicylic blank to ensure that the system was “clean.” We also
acid used to precipitate plasma proteins [16], both of which observed that multiple injections of extraction blank
demonstrated high background acetate levels (Fig. S2). In helped to stabilize the signal of background acetate.
general, background acetate increased with each additional (5) Sample preparation was carried out in batches of 24
reagent, suggesting that the best approach to reduce con- samples (with QCs) plus one extraction blank to moni-
tamination would be to use the simplest sample preparation tor the background acetate level during the day.

Fig. 3  Comparison of the levels 100

of background acetate and
Peak area ratio of acetate in extraction blank to acetate in

plasma acetate obtained using

different sample preparation
methods. Ref [21]-derivatiza-
tion with pentafluorobenzyl
bromide (PFBBr); ref [16],
derivatization with N-methyl-N-
control plasma (%)

acetamide (MTBSTFA); ref 60
[17, 18], acid/base adjustment.
The ratio was calculated using
the averaged peak area of three
replicates. The relative standard
deviation of raw peak areas of
all treatments was < 19%


Our method Ref [21] Ref [16] Ref [17,18]

4396 Yao L. et al.

1400000 1600000



Peak area

Peak area


400000 water
200000 200000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
13C -Butyrate, µg/mL
13C -Acetate, µg/mL 4

Fig. 4  Matrix effect on SCFA extraction. 13C2-acetic acid and 13C4- water were approximated to the concentrations of native SCFA in the
butyric acid were spiked into control plasma, and water containing control plasma. Error bars represent the standard deviations of four
5  µg/mL of acetic acid and 1  µg/mL of butyric acid, respectively. extraction replications
The concentration of non-labeled acetic acid and butyric acid in

(6) High purity grade of water was used for preparing the LOD values are reported. The LOD for acetate in plasma
HCl solution and curve samples. was 0.3–0.6 µg/mL, and LOD for propionate and butyrate
(7) Glass vials (2 mL) were used instead of Eppendorf was 0.03–0.12 µg/mL. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was
tubes because the plastic tube itself could introduce calculated as 3 times of LOD. The reported LODs of plasma
background acetate (Fig. S3 and ref [24]). While not assay include 0.01 µg/mL (C2), 0.02 µg/mL (C3), 0.03 µg/
tested directly in this study, it has been reported that the mL (C4) in reference [16], and 0.6 µg/mL (C2), 0.07 µg/mL
additives used in blood collection tubes also contrib- (C3), and 0.09 µg/mL (C4) in reference [27], both of which
uted to the background signal in SCFA analysis [31]. used MTBSTFA derivatization following ether extraction.
In the report using a similar approach of direct injection of
Matrix effect ether extracts, Baldi et al. [28] obtained LODs of 0.6 µg/
mL (C2) and 0.1 µg/mL (C3 and C4), and those LODs were
Various amounts of standards acetic acid-13C2 and butyric the calculated standard deviation of y-intercepts of regres-
acid-13C4 were spiked into control plasma, and water con- sion lines. The LOD of acetic acid, in particular, varied with
taining 5 µg/mL of acetic acid and 1 µg/mL of butyric acid the background acetate level at the time when the analysis
(similar levels to the native SCFAs in control plasma) to was performed. Decision for whether to report a value for
examine matrix effect. Acetic acid-13C2 and butyric acid- acetate in samples with low acetate concentration was based
C4 extracted from plasma had slightly higher response than on the stability of the background acetate across acquisition
those extracted from water (Fig. 4), which was confirmed of the sample set. To perform such an evaluation, at least
by replications carried out at different times. It is possible one extraction blank (with internal standard) was prepared
that salts present in plasma improved the extraction yield of and injected with every 24 samples (the level of background
SCFAs [32]. acetate was quite stable during acquisition of a small set
with less than 24 samples). Multiple extraction blanks were
Dynamic range also used in calculation of standard deviation of background
acetate for LOD determination.
The linear dynamic range of SCFAs examined in this study
were 0.1 to 100 µg/mL for acetic acid, 0.01 to 10 µg/mL
for propionic acid, and 0.025 to 25 µg/mL for butyric acid Method validation
with R2 = 0.9986, 0.9976, 0.9966, respectively (Fig. S1).
Calibration curves of SCFAs used for fecal sample sets are The within-day and inter-day repeatability, instrument
presented in Fig. S4. Two calculation methods were used repeatability of consecutive injections, and stability of
to determine the limit of detection (LOD), (method a) 3 MTBE extracts stored at − 20 °C were evaluated by running
times the standard deviation of extraction blanks divided plasma samples with four concentration levels of SCFAs.
by the slope of calibration curve, and (method b) 3 times Overall, the CVs were generally below 10% (Table  2).
the noise signal intensity of blanks. The higher of the two Although the use of Eppendorf tubes increased the level of

Quantitative analysis of short-chain fatty acids in human plasma and serum by GC–MS 4397

Table 2  Assay ­performance1
Plasma spiking level Acetic acid Propionic acid Butyric acid

Within-day repeatability Baseline 3.4 4.1 6.7

(n = 6), Coefficient of variance (CV, %) Low 2.4 3.9 5.6
medium 4.6 6.3 8.7
High 4.7 3.9 3.7
Inter-day repeatability Baseline 7.4 7.3 12.0
(day 0, 3, 7, n = 4 per day), CV (%) Low 7.4 9.4 10.5
medium 4.9 6.3 7.4
High 4.0 4.9 5.4
Stability of MTBE extracts stored at − 20 °C Baseline 4.3 5.5 9.1
(day 0, 3, 7, n = 6 per day), CV (%) Low 3.7 5.2 7.2
medium 5.0 7.4 8.4
High 5.0 5.7 5.2
Instrument repeatability Baseline 3.1 6.7 7.2
(n = 8, repeated injections), CV (%) Low 6.7 2.2 5.8
medium 1.5 2.4 4.2
High 0.3 6.0 1.0
Accuracy (error %) Low 8.8  − 13.9  − 10.2
(n = 4) medium 4.6  − 10.3  − 8.6
High 1.7  − 10.9  − 10.6
 Baseline level (control plasma) contained acetic acid − 7.6 µg/mL, propionic acid − 0.1 µg/mL, and butyric acid − 0.2 µg/mL (averaged values
with n = 4). Low level contained acetic acid − 12.5 µg/mL, propionic acid − 0.6 µg/mL, and butyric acid − 0.7 µg/mL. Medium level contained
acetic acid − 27.2 µg/mL, propionic acid − 2.1 µg/mL, and butyric acid − 2.1 µg/mL. High level contained acetic acid − 56.6 µg/mL, propionic
acid − 5.0 µg/mL, and butyric acid − 5.1 µg/mL. Accuracy (error%) = (measured value − theoretical value)/theoretical value

background acetate, the CV of the repeatability test carried generation. The second approach is also difficult to execute
out in plastic tubes were below 7% [30]. Accuracy, expressed for SCFA assay because of the high volatility of the MTBE
as error %, was calculated as the difference of measured solvent and SCFAs. Instead, we used the control plasma or
value and theoretical value divided by theoretical value. commercially purchased samples as the QC. The standard
Acetate has 2–9% error, whereas propionate and butyrate method presented here has been used to analyze multiple
acid have slightly higher error at 9–14%. Accuracy of pro- plasma/serum sample sets in support of various research
pionic and butyric acid may be improved by including pro- projects (Table 3). The CVs of all three SCFAs in the QC
pionic acid-13C3 and butyric acid-13C4 as the internal stand- samples run alongside experimental samples were below
ards. The choice to include more than one internal standard 24%. For a large sample set, samples were randomized and
will vary based on the needs and goals of the research ques- split into multiple analytical batches to allow instrument
tion. For quantification of six SCFAs in fecal samples, for cleaning between batches. In the set of 377 samples, for
example, we used both acetic acid-13C2 and butyric acid-13C4 example, the CVs for acetate and butyrate of QC samples
as internal standards with butyric acid-13C4 being used for were below 15% in each individual analytical batch, and
longer chain SCFAs. the CV of propionate was 10–26% (Table S1). The stand-
ard method for plasma/serum SCFA analysis was further
Quality control adapted to the measurement of other sample types such as
fecal samples and fermentation products (detailed in Sup-
Ideally, QC samples are pooled from each study sample, plementary Information). The concentrations of SCFAs in
then processed and analyzed along with study samples, fecal samples are much higher than those in plasma/serum;
or less ideally, QC samples are pooled from the ready- thus, sensitivity and contamination concerns are reduced.
to-inject solvent extracts of each study sample. The first However, fecal sample homogeneity and subsampling bias
approach can be applied to small sample sets (i.e., < 30 remain as concerns and can negatively impact the repro-
samples). However, for larger sample sets, it is not feasi- ducibility of measurements [33]. The CVs of QC samples
ble to pool from all study samples due to the risks posed for SCFA analysis in fecal samples were generally below
by active enzyme in thawed samples during lengthy QC 10% (Table S2).

4398 Yao L. et al.

Table 3  CV of QC acquired with experimental human plasma/serum sample ­sets1

Number of Number Sample type CV (%) of QC Concentration (µg/mL) of experimental samples

samples of QC
Acetic acid Propionic acid Butyric acid Acetic acid Propionic acid Butyric acid

377 30 Plasma 12.4 16.5 14.3 LOD–20 LOD–0.2 LOD–0.5

83 7 Plasma 6.5 8.9 12.9 1–6 LOD–0.4 LOD–0.4
80 12 Serum 19.0 23.0 17.4 LOD–62 LOD–0.7 LOD–0.3
207 47 Plasma 17.4 22.2 8.2 4–20 0.2–1.6 LOD–0.4
14 4 Plasma 2.6 2.6 7.5 1–3 LOD–0.2 LOD–0.2
192 43 Plasma 3.4 16.3 23.6 3–45 LOD–1.4 LOD–1.1
 Since the cohort of 83 samples had low concentration of acetate, instead of using control plasma, we generated a QC using a subset of experi-
mental samples, and the QC had acetate concentration of 1.8 ± 0.1 µg/mL

Conclusions References

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