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Risk Analysis, Vol. 22, No.

4, 2002


Are Received Risk Perception Models Alive

and Well?

Lennart Sjöberg∗

Two recent papers on risk perception models are discussed. In these papers, quantitative
analyses are presented of risk perception in relation to risk characteristics as specified in
the Psychometric Model, and to cultural biases according to Cultural Theory. This comment
points out that the data quality of these two studies is doubtful, with a very small convenience
sample and a very low response rate. More importantly, the analyses show the same low levels
of explained variance of risk perception as other researchers have found previously, but the
authors still draw optimistic conclusions from their data. Such conclusions are unjustified.

Two papers by Marris and co-workers were 1. DATA QUALITY

recently published in this journal.(1,2) The researchers
had obtained data on risk perception of 13 hazards It is important to comment on data quality, espe-
from a small convenience sample (N = 129, response cially since risk perception work often has used quite
rate 30%), as well as ratings of the hazards on a tradi- relaxed standards in this regard;(7) one example is a
tional set of scales developed by Fischhoff et al.(3) and study where a survey with a response rate of 23.7% is
basis for the Psychometric Model of risk perception. reported.(8) The two papers by Marris et al. are based
They also obtained data using a set of items intended on a very limited data set and a fragile empirical basis:
to measure worldviews or cultural biases according a small convenience sample of residents of Norwich,
to Cultural Theory(4) in the tradition established by England. The response rate was very low (30%). The
Dake.(5,6) only reason given in the papers for the failure to ob-
The papers ended with quite optimistic conclu- tain a more representative sample was the length of
sions regarding the usefulness of the two models for the questionnaire. However, the questionnaire does
explaining perceived risk. However, their data clearly not seem to have been unduly long, nor does length
warrant a much more critical attitude with regard to of a questionnaire have a very strong effect on re-
these two dominating risk perception models, as oth- sponse rate,(9) contrary to widespread belief. Are peo-
ers have observed. To support this statement I will ple in England especially unwilling to take part in sur-
give some detailed comments on the two papers, fol- vey studies and, if so, why? Dillman has successfully
lowed by some more general remarks and relate the tackled this problem in the United States, where the
findings of Marris et al. to other published work. Fi- public may not be less difficult to persuade to partic-
nally, I will reach a conclusion as to the value of the ipate than in England.(10) Much longer risk percep-
received risk perception models—Are they really as tion questionnaires than the one used by Marris et al.
alive and well as implied in the work by Marris et al.? have been used with random samples in Sweden, and
we have obtained response rates of the magnitude
60–70%, no less than the rates claimed by commer-
cial polling firms for in-home interviews. Of course,
∗ Center
for Risk Research, Stockholm School of Economics, it may be meaningful to work with a nonrepresenta-
Sweden. tive sample that covers a large range of variation in

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C 2002 Society for Risk Analysis
666 Sjöberg

demographic variables, but there should be caution

as to the generalizability of the findings. In particular,
care should be taken not to generalize from a sam-
ple of students to the population of a nation, such as
has happened in a study where inferences about the
French public were made on the basis of data from a
small group of graduate students.(11)


This model asserts that perceived risk is a func-
tion of a number of risk attributes such as voluntari-
ness, new versus old risk, etc. Many critical points
can be raised about this model; I discuss it more fully
The initial papers that tested the model did so
on the basis of average ratings of a fairly large num-
ber of hazards, and obtained strong correlations be-
tween mean perceived risk and mean ratings of the
risk attributes. In early papers, very high proportions
of explained variance were cited in support of the Fig. 1. Plot of mean correlations of individual analyses against cor-
model.(13) Currently, this kind of misleading result relations among means (aggregate analyses), nine risk characteris-
tics from the Psychometric Model.
is still cited as support,(14) for example, in one study
where work was cited that allegedly showed that al-
most 90% of the variance of perceived risk was ex- in a distribution of explained variances, but a statistic
plained by the model.(15) The high levels of expla- that is less misleading, such as the mean. As already
nation occur only when average ratings are analyzed noted, the mean explained variance is well in line with
across hazards. Modeling of averages in this way says other published work.
nothing about individual variation in risk perception, Marris et al. did carry out an interesting analysis in
nor about intra-individual perception processes. In their study. They investigated the relationships among
what way such models constitute valid information the risk characteristics, at the level of single respon-
for policymakers is unclear. dents, across the 13 hazards. This means, of course,
When individual data rather than averages are that the individual analyses are quite affected by ran-
used, and each hazard is analyzed in a separate re- dom variation,1 but they reported mean correlations
gression model, the proportion of explained variance for their whole sample, as well as the usual correla-
is typically 20–25%, taken as an average over a set of tions among the mean ratings. They discussed these
hazards.(16,17) This is also what is implied by the data findings, noting some similarities and discrepancies,
analyzed by Marris et al. For the three different defi- and concluded:
nitions of perceived risk, the proportion of explained while the aggregate analysis may overstate the size of
variance was, respectively, 23.9%, 19.8%, and 29.9%. some of the correlations, it is still generally reflecting
It varied, apparently largely randomly, between 6% the average of individual correlations. (p. 309, emphasis
and 50% across hazards and risk definitions. The au-
thors state,(1) however, that: It is unclear what is exactly meant by the assertion
that the aggregate analysis “reflects” the average of
the “psychometric paradigm” does appear to be an ef-
fective tool for predicting risk perception. Even using individual correlations. Be that as it may, it is clearly
individual scores, as much as 50% of the variance in risk misleading to imply that the two sets of correlations
perceptions could be explained. (p. 311) are comparable. See Fig. 1, where I have plotted these
Indeed, but it could also have been stated that as lit-
tle as 6% could be explained in one case, and in many 1 The small sample size (N = 13 hazards) means that correlations
cases less than 20%. To give a fair description and ba- will vary greatly, but not that they are underestimated systemati-
sis for conclusions, one should use not the maximum cally, as Marris et al. argue.
Perspectives and Commentary 667

Clearly, the structure of the correlation matrices was obtained from a random selection of the Swedish
is much the same, a very interesting finding in itself, population (753 respondents, 67% response rate). In
but just as clearly there is a very consistent drop (to this study,(21) we obtained data on risk perception,
about half) in correlations when going from the ag- group/grid measures of “adherence to specific pat-
gregate to the individual level. A drop by 50% of a terns of social relationships,” and cultural biases.
correlation means that a level of explanation of, say According to Cultural Theory, the four combi-
50% (correlation 0.7) drops to a mere 10% (correla- nations of high versus low group and grid should be
tion of 0.35). This is even stronger than the decrease characterized as follows:
of the explanatory power of the model observed for
r High group, high grid: hierarchy.
inter-individual variation, which is about one-third of
r High group, low grid: egalitarians.
the power observed for aggregate analysis.
r Low group, high grid: fatalists.
r Low group, low grid: individualists.
The hierarchy, egalitarian, individualist, and fatalist
The second paper deals with Cultural Theory scales correlated, respectively, 0.43, 0.11, 0.26, and
and also with relationships between Cultural Theory 0.11 with the grid scale but were around zero with
scales and Psychometric Model scales;(2) however, I the group scale.
will not comment on the weak relations found in this The sample was split at the median of group and
respect. grid, respectively, and these variables were used as
First, the authors attempted to group their re- independent variables in two-way ANOVAs with the
spondents in the four types suggested by the theory: four worldview scales as dependent variables. Grid
egalitarians, individualists, hierarchists, and fatalists. was significant throughout; group was not—not in any
As to be expected, because behavioral data virtually case. No interactions were significant. High grid-low
never lend themselves to neat categorizations, they group gave the highest value in three cases, high grid-
failed in this attempt. Only one-third of the sample high group for the hierarchy scale. Hence, in that case,
could be assigned to the hypothesized types. Curi- the theory had some predictive power, but in all other
ously, the authors concluded: cases the data looked as if the subjects were fatalists.
these results suggest that cultural biases are not innate (By the way, fatalism was the least popular world-
attributes of individuals which can be measured by us- view.) The relatively high correlation between grid
ing the kind of questionnaire items listed in Table I. (p. and hierarchy may be due to some semantic overlap
639) between the items. Be that as it may, the theory was
not supported by the present results. It can be added
“Innate” means, according to the main definition
that the study also did not provide any sizable corre-
given by Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,
lations between worldviews and risk perception data.
“existing in, belonging to, or determined by, factors
Marris et al. argue that a pattern of correlations in
present in an individual from birth.” Whoever be-
accordance with a theory is the most important type
lieved that cultural biases would be “innate”? The
of finding and, apparently, that strength of relation-
point is not a minor one, because Marris et al. return
ship is an inconsequential or at least a peripheral as-
to the concept of “innate” in their paper.
pect.2(2) However, weak correlations can easily arise
The explanatory power of the cultural bias scales
due to the effect of confounding factors, such as demo-
was, on the average, 3% (see their Table II). This
graphic data. In addition—and more importantly—a
is at the same level as obtained in other European
theory that explains only a very small share of the
studies;(17–19) work on U.S. samples has produced
phenomenon it sets out to account for is of marginal
somewhat higher values.(6,20)
interest. After all, we do wish to explain as much as
So much for the relationship between cultural
possible of the true variance of risk perception. In
biases and risk perception. It has been found to be
particular, for practical purposes, it would seem to be
very low, lower than the level of demographics and
quite important to have a powerful, not merely signif-
risk perception. However, the theory also posits that
icant, set of predictors.
there is a relationship between adherence to social-
specific patterns of social relationships and cultural
biases. Marris et al. report no results on this issue, 2 However, in their first paper(1) they do stress that size of the
but such was pursued in a recent study in which data correlation is important, not only its statistical significance.
668 Sjöberg

Marris et al., having found that cultural biases ex- it is a strange claim, but nonetheless Marris et al. write
plain almost nothing of the variance of perceived risk, that “cultural theory does not really claim to explain
turned to a hypothesis-testing strategy. They tested such abstract ratings of risk” (p. 645).
all their correlations between the biases scales and A final, and common, way out is to state that bet-
risk perception data (208 correlations) and found that ter measures of cultural biases would yield stronger
37% (77) of them were significant at the 0.05 level. results.(23) Yes, provided that the theory holds. The
They state that only 11 would have been expected by logic of the argument is circular. It can be tested only
chance. But that is true only if the 208 tests are in- by means of operationalizing such improved measures
dependent, which they clearly are not. Hence, they if the theory holds.
have not demonstrated nonrandomness of their re-
lationships between bias scales and risk perception
data. Be that as it may, they then go on and report
significance for single combinations of risk and bias. Marris et al. conclude their article on the Psy-
Their Table IV gives a summary of significance-testing chometric Model by stating their belief that “a more
results, but no correlation values are reported. (This thorough analysis” of the psychometric data would
is similar to Dake’s earlier strategy of reporting only yield better understanding of risk perception. This
significant correlations and simply not giving any in- may sound reasonable, but is, in reality, very uncer-
formation about the other data.(5) In this way, one tain. It is more likely that new information is needed
capitalizes on chance.) In addition, it would seem that and that no statistical twisting and bending of the data,
their Table IV is a compilation of several sets of signif- however sophisticated, will solve the model as long as
icance testings and that only the “positive” results are powerful explanatory variables simply have not been
reported. What that does to the statistical properties measured.
of their alpha levels is not transparent and the issue is If the Psychometric Model and Cultural Theory
not discussed in the article. both fail, what is a more successful explanation of
Marris et al. dismiss my earlier analyses of the risk perception? Fortunately, we are in a position to
relationships between risk perception data and bias answer that question for the nuclear-waste hazard.(24)
scales because they were based on multiple regres- Powerful models can be constructed on the basis of:
sion analyses between the bias scales and perceived r Attitude to nuclear power.
risk. It is true that Cultural Theory makes specific pre- r Risk sensitivity (i.e., a tendency to rate all risks
dictions, but I used the multiple regression analyses to
as large).
give an upper bound to the strength of relationships. If r Specific nuclear and radiation risk factors.(25)
the bias scales explain only 5% of the variance of per- r The tampering-with-nature factor,(26) and mo-
ceived risk in multiple regression, one of them cannot
ral aspects of risk.(27,28)
in isolation explain more.
Now, given the very weak findings, what—if any- It is possible to construct a regression model, using
thing—can save the theory? One strategy is to per- these explanatory factors, which accounts for about
form qualitative case studies. One can always hope to 60% of the variance of risk perception. Taking into
find single individuals who appear to function accord- account that there is an error component in the risk
ing to the theory. This is true in clinical psychology as perception measurements, this is probably quite close
well, to take another example, and little seems to be to the ceiling, i.e., almost all the true variance is
resulting from such an approach. In medical research, explained.(25) It would be interesting to investigate
a similar warning against reliance on single case stud- the generality of these findings. Such research would
ies was issued in an amusing paper by Kline,(22) who probably take us to a very different territory from
called this strategy “individualising” and grouped it that of the Psychometric Model and Cultural Theory,
with other methods for dodging negative conclusions but that is probably just what is needed. In addition,
on the basis of empirical evidence. It is just too easy to the further consequences of perceived risk need to
bend and twist the “evidence” to fit the investigator’s be analyzed. A wealth of data suggests that it is not
desires, who often has a vested interest in demonstrat- perceived risk per se that is most important for policy
ing the truth of his or her theory. attitudes, but the severity of the consequences of an
Another strategy is simply to deny that the theory adverse event.(29,30)
was supposed to explain risk perception in the first I conclude that the received models are not alive
place. Given published articles with this very purpose, and well—they have been found to be very weak,
Perspectives and Commentary 669

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