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Timestamp What gender do you id

Which bank you belonWhat is your age?

11/13/2022 23:37:26 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/16/2022 18:55:05 Male HDFC 20 - 30
11/16/2022 19:21:26 Male SBI Above 50
11/16/2022 19:21:28 Female HDFC 20 - 30
11/16/2022 19:22:05 Female SBI 20 - 30
11/16/2022 19:22:22 Male HDFC Above 50
11/16/2022 19:24:23 Female SBI Above 50
11/16/2022 19:24:56 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/16/2022 19:29:57 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/16/2022 19:31:44 Male HDFC 20 - 30
11/16/2022 20:15:41 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/16/2022 20:18:45 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 17:31:32 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 17:37:05 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 17:48:34 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:48:35 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:56:05 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:56:06 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:57:42 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:57:55 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:58:27 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 17:58:40 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:58:55 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 17:59:09 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:00:13 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:00:19 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:00:27 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:00:49 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:01:16 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:01:33 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:01:34 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:03:14 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:03:25 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:03:43 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:03:55 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:06:43 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:06:55 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:07:10 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:07:22 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:08:07 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:08:11 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:08:31 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:08:54 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:09:05 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:09:23 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:09:31 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:09:51 Male HDFC Above 50
11/17/2022 18:10:13 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:10:29 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:10:36 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:11:03 Male HDFC Above 50
11/17/2022 18:11:52 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:12:12 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:12:22 Male HDFC Above 50
11/17/2022 18:12:57 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:13:03 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:13:18 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:13:43 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:14:37 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:14:57 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:15:05 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:19:27 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:20:51 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:22:48 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 18:33:03 Male HDFC 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:44:50 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:44:55 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:44:56 Male HDFC 20 - 30
11/17/2022 18:47:01 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:47:42 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:47:45 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 18:49:06 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 19:02:25 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 19:02:30 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 19:02:35 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:10:40 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:10:41 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:14:14 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 20:14:15 Female HDFC 20 - 30
11/17/2022 20:18:16 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:18:16 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:20:33 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:20:34 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:23:30 Male HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:23:31 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:26:34 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:26:34 Female HDFC 40 - 50
11/17/2022 20:28:47 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:28:47 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:31:09 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:31:10 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:33:16 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:33:17 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:35:12 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:35:13 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:36:56 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:36:56 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:38:08 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:38:09 Female SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 20:40:20 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:07:31 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:07:38 Male SBI 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:09:07 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:09:24 Male SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 21:11:06 Male SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 21:11:24 Male HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:14:24 Female HDFC 30 - 40
11/17/2022 21:14:25 Female SBI 20 - 30
11/17/2022 21:14:42 Female SBI 40 - 50
11/17/2022 21:16:42 Female HDFC 30 - 40
What designation do yYou are aware of yourYou have opportunity In
a the past two years
Lower Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Top Level Strongly agree Strongly Disagree Strongly agree
Top Level Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Middle Level Indifferent Indifferent Strongly agree
Middle Level Indifferent Indifferent Strongly agree
Lower Level Strongly Disagree Disagree Indifferent
Lower Level Disagree Strongly agree Disagree
Lower Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Middle Level Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Middle Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Disagree Indifferent Disagree
Lower Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Middle Level Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Disagree Indifferent Agree
Lower Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
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Lower Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
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Lower Level Agree Indifferent Agree
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Lower Level Indifferent Agree Indifferent
Middle Level Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
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Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Lower Level Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lower Level Strongly agree Agree Agree
Top Level Agree Agree Indifferent
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Lower Level Strongly agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Middle Level Strongly agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
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Lower Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
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Lower Level Strongly agree Indifferent Indifferent
Lower Level Strongly agree Disagree Disagree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
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Lower Level Strongly agree Indifferent Indifferent
Lower Level Strongly agree Agree Disagree
Middle Level Strongly agree Agree Disagree
Lower Level Agree Indifferent Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Disagree Indifferent Agree
Lower Level Disagree Indifferent Agree
Top Level Agree Indifferent Agree
Top Level Strongly agree Indifferent Agree
Top Level Strongly agree Indifferent Agree
Top Level Strongly agree Indifferent Agree
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Middle Level Agree Indifferent Indifferent
Top Level Agree Indifferent Indifferent
Lower Level Strongly Disagree Indifferent Indifferent
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Middle Level Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
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Lower Level Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
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Top Level Agree Agree Agree
Middle Level Agree Agree Agree
Lower Level Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Top Level Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Middle Level Disagree Disagree Disagree
Lower Level Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lower Level Disagree Disagree Disagree
Middle Level Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
There is variety in youYou have a high degre
In your option does tr Training has provided
Agree Disagree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
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Agree Indifferent Disagree Disagree
Disagree Strongly agree Indifferent Indifferent
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Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
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Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
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Indifferent Disagree Indifferent Disagree
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Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
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Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Indifferent Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Indifferent Disagree Indifferent Disagree
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Agree Strongly agree Indifferent Agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Disagree Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
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Disagree Disagree Indifferent Disagree
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Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
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Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Agree
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Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
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Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
You have got encourag
Training helps in incr In your opinion whereTraining provided in y
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
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Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly Disagree Disagree Indifferent Strongly agree
Indifferent Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Indifferent Disagree Disagree
Indifferent Disagree Strongly agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree
Strongly agree Indifferent Strongly agree Indifferent
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Indifferent Disagree Indifferent Disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Indifferent Indifferent Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Disagree Indifferent Agree Disagree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Indifferent Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Agree Indifferent Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Agree
Agree Indifferent Agree Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
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Agree Indifferent Strongly agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Indifferent Disagree Agree Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Indifferent Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Disagree Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Indifferent Disagree Indifferent Disagree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Indifferent Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Indifferent
Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Disagree Agree Indifferent Agree
Agree Agree Indifferent Agree
Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Agree Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Agree Strongly agree Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly Disagree Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Strongly Disagree Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Agree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Strongly Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Strongly Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Strongly Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Strongly Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Strongly Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Disagree Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent
Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Training provided in your bank is planned and systematic.
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Disagree

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