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The future of regional content creation in India

Smartphones have acted as catalysts to content creation and

consumption because of their ability to invade populations in tier-2
and tier-3 cities. With growing connectivity and affordable costs of
data, these numbers are bound to increase and so will the rate of
content consumption.

However, amidst this scenario, regional content creation's future is

set for an overhaul. With the increased demand for International
Content, alongside an increase in the number of viewers of different
regions, the market is set to be tapped by regional content creators.

According to reports, the share of regional content in India itself is

expected to grow by 50-55% crossing Hindi by 2025. This comes as a
revelation for all those who are part of regional media.

As the competition will rise, it’s expected that regional media will be
able to meet the expectation of consumers with exposure to
international media. This exposure will definitely see to it that
regional content sees an upwards trajectory in terms of production
standards and creative input making regional content play the largest
role in the Indian entertainment ecosystem.

The future of regional content is all set to shine!! Are you ready as

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