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Lowee Jay T.


1. Who are the Fillennials? Identify some of the characteristics of Fillennials.
Fillenials are the Millennials in the Philippines. Fillennials are called the selfie generation, they
are also called spendtrift, and narcissistic. I think these “observations” are from BOOMERS that
just couldn’t undestand Fillennials and how they handle things. Fillennials are more than that.
They are socially and politically engaged. They have opinions and ideas and they’re not affraid
to say it. Sure, they don’t read newspapers but they acccess their information on Google, it’s
faster. They are called career shifter because they aren’t afraid to try new things, not like the
other generations. I talked to a lot of old people and they have a lot of regrets, lots of things
they didn’t try. To sum it all up, Fillennials are active and reactive, they’re not racist, they’re the
opposite of the boomers because they do not want to do the same mistakes that they did.

2. What are the issues that causes frictions between Fillennials and their parents? How can we
resolve these frictions?
I think the issue is generaton gap. I think we can’t just fix this gap, older people will not take the
ideas and advice of the younger generation just because they’re young. Some older people
might but most of them don’t. Millenials spent their whole life to fix this gap and the boomers
just doesn’t seem to care.

3. What are some of the moral challenges of Fillennials?

I think the Fillennials face a lot, from climate change to economic issues and even stereotypes.
Older people say they play outside when they were little, but millenials can’t do that, the sun’s
too hot now because the Earth now doesn’t have ozone layer. Who to blame? Older people.
They say Fillennials doesn’t know how to save money but the inflation just keeps rising and the
older people vote for candidates that also do nothing to lessen the burden. I think Fillennials
are frustrated because the Older people made these problems and they’re the one trying to
solve it.

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