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English III

Argumentative essay

Student: Patricia Rodriguez

ID: 27.576.081

Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation

Defining the population that frames millennials is not an easy task, talking about a
whole community that has been forming over the last few centuries, growing immersed
in the digital age, under the protection of new social models under economic prosperity
and with greater preparation than their parents, considering themselves the most
threatening and exciting generation since the baby Boomers brought the social
revolution being more critical, demanding and volatile. Millennials are those born
between the years 1980 and 2000, also called Generation Y (Me Me Me) or even echo
Boomers who the article of Time written by Joel Stein, describes as vague and
narcissistic and even let’s see that the incidence of Personality disorders are three times
higher in 20-year-olds than in the generation that is now 65 years and older.

Taylor (2005) states that Generation Y is a product of the influences of postmodernism;

given that reality is assumed not only from the social point of view but also
individually, opinions and personal preferences are valued over truth, reason or science,
so precious in modernity. Millennials are characterized by a childhood full of activities,
a culture of the immediate that has marked their lifestyles and consumption styles. They
are young people who, born in a social context with technological means and
communication within their reach, use these resources in a productive way and consider
them part of everyday life. It is vital to be connected through technological means that
are not only a communication mechanism but also a lifestyle and socialization. They
possess a great multitasking capacity that means an alternative to linear and structured
thinking, with a strong orientation towards the ends in relation to their personal
development, precursors of individualism and thinkers that the new era will start from
their inventions, a cultural system that promotes the elimination of group distinctions
(Twenge, 2006), since in some way millennials are so obsessed with making their mark
in the world that as soon as the expectations to fill become bigger and bigger, their ego
also goes promotion, they are so directed that they will say that many times their
decisions are made by other people, an example of this is the surveys that young people
daily do on twitter, Facebook or Instagram, that is, they make decisions until they eat or
dress in hands of people who do not even know them, another example is the one that
today's companies have as slogan, the number of followers that an Instagram at may
have, depending on the number of the buyer, you can bring objects for free, this will be
propaganda to the company as well. They have strong self-confidence, which often
overestimates the impact of their contributions. They seek the quickest path to success
and immediate gratification. Because of this, some are enterprising and manage to stand
out and others do not. While Generation Z is moving towards less conservative
proposals, they are not afraid of authority, therefore they think they are masters of the
world, yet they respect the values of their parents, but as far as their ideologies are
concerned, they opt for a more liberal political discourse Although millennials have
evolved over time, they have changed from going to the cinema to the consumption of
movies and series on TV. They are the generation of mass consumption of superhero
movies. They use emojis to communicate, they transform their main communications
into hashtags, selfies, and memes. The life around video games is a constant social
coexistence for them; their priorities are not fundamentally labor-related, they worry
less about wages and they change jobs easily. There are fewer college students and they
wanting to be bloggers, youtuber or graphic designers. Preferably choose shorter races.
The routine overwhelms them, they are less religious than the previous generations.
They have their brain programming for dopamine. They manage to produce endorphins
of easy induction. They have a later maturation, and a brain development more adapted
to competitiveness and narcissism. They try to maintain a balance between work and
their personal life and environmental care. They have immediate compliance needs of
what they want. They achieve good humor through more individual processes than
sharing with loved ones. They usually return to the family home in the face of adversity.
They have a tendency to become frustrated more quickly by a rapid decrease in

It is a new age, where according to the time the millennials are cocky, empathic and
that generation to which they give everything because it is what some claim. So
according to Manovich, 2013; Alonso, 2015. The learning of these young people can be
one of the biggest challenges of education is to teach in the era of cell phones, because
although they can cause distractions or lack of attention, they can be used as an
educational objective through access strategies to knowledge. Even more difficult is
teaching in times where communication technologies allow instant answers to demands,
since it requires appropriate strategies for its use as a teaching resource, although the
use of smartphones causes distractions, especially messaging, and represent a problem
for all people, the brains of the youngest adapt more easily to the change of tasks
performing constant switching operations or a quasi-parallelism that allows them to
perform several tasks almost simultaneously, such as multitasking devices.

For the millennial generation, the student becomes the center of the learning process and
participates actively in the construction of their knowledge, having the capacity to
decide which will be the most appropriate formative path with their interests. The
learning of these young people can be facilitated, considering that they find it rewarding
to jump from one thing to another, from one topic to another and return to the previous
one, and not just focus on one topic. This will probably produce neural connections
different from those that are known since they are very fast jumps and changes and a
new way of structuring their learning paths. As counterparts, they are mostly unable to
read a book sequentially and prefer to obtain the information in a YouTube video, the
web being their main source of consultation. As for teachers, born in previous
generations, they must change their teaching methods, making efforts to make their
subjects attractive and incorporate the Internet and its resources as part of their teaching
methods. But the changes must be supported by the theories that underlie the new forms
of learning. The challenges of a new paradigm. Millennials are the first generation that
has grown up with digital media and are embedded in these types of devices, to the
point that their brains also work differently. They are skilled at suppressing distractors,
ignoring non-relevant information, selecting only what they are interested in according
to their objective.

The millennials constitute a social movement that worldwide has questioned the
institutions and their structures, exploring new forms of action and social grouping.
They challenge traditional education through the appropriation of new forms of learning
and question teaching with logics that are not their own. In general, millennials are
more intuitive and creative, they are more emotional, they focus on multimedia and
hypermedia communication, and they have a more global and integral vision of
problems. Based on the neurosciences, it is observed that this generation has a greater
development of its right cerebral hemisphere, a place where human abilities reside.

Based on my opinion, technology is an essential bridge for future communities, since in

a certain way it has brought us comfort but also a degree of laziness, previously the
research system was reduced to a library, today young people only use the internet and
already, it seems that the technologies have induced us to leave what was once good in
the past, like a good conversation for example, everything has been reduced to as the
author said previously emogis and memes, I'm not saying that the new era be bad, I just
think that the fact that technology wants to expand its range to do everything, is wrong,
nowadays most of the young people care more as they see the others in their facebook
photos as they see themselves in front of a mirror, we are being puppets without
realizing a society that dictates the norms and rules where individuals do everything
although it seems stupid, also the technologies have been a great source of deceit, and
no one wants to present themselves as is, because although the millinnials are
narcissistic and self-centered in a certain part it is the fault of the society that has given
everything they ask when and where they want it then the mentality has passed to the
world must keep them, without us having to make much effort. The technologies have
given a degree of intelligence greater than before due to the accessibility to so much
information at the same time but also a degree of negligence that makes us not want to
leave the comfort where they already sat us. Walle's film made in 2008 is a clear vision
of what happens when humanity is given everything it asks for, that is, machines
dominate the world without realizing it, we cannot spend 2 seconds without looking at
the phone. And going back to the old one is no longer an option, but I think that in this
era we have to know how to moderate the changes and go our way, not the technology,
is to know who is in control in this circle and take better advantage of the new age.

 Zulma, C., Dominighini, C. (s.f). The generation of millennials and higher education. The
challenges of a new paradigm. N˚ 1-7 Taken from the internet on July 11,

 Stein, J. (2013). The Me Me Me Generation. Time. Taken from the internet on July 11,

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