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Subject Area Methods I in

Information Technology

July, 2009
1. Teaching IT as a discipline
Definition of IT:
Information technology (IT) is the use of any
computers, storage, networking and other
physical devices, infrastructure and processes to
create, process, store, secure and exchange all
forms of electronic data.
1.2. Nature of IT
1.2.1. Nature of IT teaching
 Since IT courses focus on more of LAB sessions, teachers need
to focus on the teaching method that help the student
understand the subject matter.
Nature of LAB session
 IT courses focus more on practical sessions in LAB.
 The LAB sessions includes designing and developing application
software, designing IT solutions to business problems etc.
 In Addition, teaching IT also includes practical sessions on
computer hardware devices like networking devices.
Nature of theoretical session

 The theoretical session in IT teaching focus on

more exemplary demonstrations of concepts
using software models.
 Therefore theoretical IT session needs the
necessary tools like computer and software
models to demonstrate concepts, projector
1.3 Teaching
Modern method of teaching
 Attempts to involve the students actively and
develop skills and values in addition to the
acquisition of knowledge.
 The students’ participation in the teaching – learning
process, especially in planning, organizing and
performing the different tasks under the guidance of
their instructor(s) is very high.
 Much attention is given to directing students’ efforts
towards learning by doing rather than through
memorization or recitation of the learned materials.
 Encouragement and guidance in the activities are
given instead of warning of failure and punishment.
Modern method of teaching cnt…
 The modern methods include problem – solving, group
discussion, project work, student’s independent
activities /study, individualized instruction, etc.

 They have activities that are based on the data collected

applications of what required, making analysis,
reasoning and forming generalization are learned in
particular and new situations are common activities.

 The methods enhance democratic teacher student

Method cont’d
 Modern method of teaching also includes Student’s
independent work methods (self-planning, self-
responsibility & self –action, students learn according
to their pace). The techniques here may include the
assignment, project and problem solving methods.
Selecting teaching strategy
In selecting methods of delivering instruction, give
a consideration to the following:
 Subject matter
 Group’s knowledge of the subject
 Learning objectives
 Available time
 Group size
 Kind of participation desired
 Equipment available
 Type of room.
 Cost
 Participant’s learning styles.
The Major Methods of Teaching: Mechanism,
Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages

The Lecture Method:

 It is the oldest teaching method, which is identified as a
method of explanation or clarification of contents to
students verbally (verbal explanation).
 It is a method where the teacher is more active and
students are made passive.
 It is usually a one-way communication where a teacher
narrates or presents on social or natural events, processes,
procedures, etc by citing authorities in the field of the
subject but not students.
Advantages of lecture method

 Introduce new topics

 Revise the already taught material
 help students integrate the new lesson with the earlier
 Arouse interests of the learners;
 Saves time and helps to overcome shortage of manpower
 Ensures systematic acquisition of knowledge, etc.
Disadvantages of the lecture method
 It could be sometimes boring;
 It does not give real social experiences;
 Skill learning is minimal;
 It doesn’t encourage students’ activities;
 It doesn’t promote creativity;
 It favors either the bright or the slow learners;
 It is one way flow of ideas.
Demonstration Method

Discuss on the definition, nature, classification

(formal and informal), components in
(explanation, demonstration, students’
performance, instructor’s supervision, and
evaluation), and advantages and
disadvantages of the demonstration method.
Advantages of DM

 Makes use of real objects or models;

Makes pacing flexible;
Makes repetitions possible;
Involves students in actual activities and make
them learn from their own practice gives
students opportunities for using same equipment
or tools as their teachers;
Helps students see developments.
Shortcomings of the demonstration method

(a) It requires considerable time and expense to obtain the

necessary materials;
(b) Most of the time heavy objects are difficult to
(c) If a small objects are used, there is limitation on the
number of students who can adequately observe the
(d) Sometimes it is costly in terms of teacher’s time,
rooms, etc.
The Collaboration/group discussion method
 In-group discussions, students usually discuss on a
topic, make a review, clarify points, make corrections,
apply their earlier knowledge and skills and reinforce
their learning.
 The method is particularly suitable to contents that
involve matters of opinion.
 It can be applied when the objective of the lesson is
to bring about changes in the attitudes of the learners.

 One can use it whenever there is the need for

obtaining feedback about the learners’ level of
understanding and ability to apply the already
acquired knowledge.
When should a teacher use the group discussion method?

 When the teacher expects the ideas of students to

analyze a problem and decide on a plan of action;
 When the teacher feels that there is the need to
expand the total amount of information obtained;
 When the teacher wants to make his/her students to
get an understanding of a program, a principle or a
 When the teacher wants to incorporate the
discussion method as an essential part of most other
Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussion Method

Disadvantages Advantages
1. Discussion can be very 1. The students are actively
time consuming and involved in processing
unfocused unless the information and ideas
instructor makes an effort
to direct the flow.
2. An instructor often has 2. students can share their
experiences and
difficulty in getting the participate in making
students involved decisions.
3. Class size must be 3. It provides means of
restricted. communication and
feedback between
the lecturer and the
Role playing Method
 It is presented in front observers.
 Role playing method is
unrehearsed/spontaneous/unprepared dramatization in
which the players attempt to take situation clear to
themselves and to the audience by playing the role of
participants in the situation.
 The instructor and the student in the class serve as
observer and critics.
 It is experiential leaning
 It involves observation, discussion and analysis
 It is learning through entertainment
Role –playing Method cnt…

 It involves the skills of dealing with other people

and helps in understanding students’ feelings and
 Serves as a means for changing attitudes, and
developing confidence. It also provides
opportunities to see oneself. It brings reality to
classrooms and it does so dramatically and
convincingly (solves the problem of time and
 It brings theory to life and teaches that one’s
perception of a situation is not always like others.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Role Playing

Disadvantages Advantages

1. Some participants are 1. Develops skills.


2. Time-consuming and 2. Opportunity to practice what is

strongly depend­ent on learned.
student's imagination. .

3. Requires considerable 3. Participants gain insight into

planning own behavior
(c) Questioning and answering method

Types of questioning:
(a) Factual questioning;
(b) Problem-solving questioning (heuristic
Advantages of questioning and answering method

 It makes students active participants;

 It provides opportunities to exercise, make drills or
 It helps students develop the ability to think,
organize, initiate relationships, evaluate, etc. of
it assists the teacher to get feedback on quality of
Effective questioning and answering

It requires:
formulating clear and precise questions;
adapting the questions to the students’ level of
maturity and capacity;
making all students active participants;
stating the questions to the students before
naming a student to respond;

avoiding the repetition of wrong answers to

avoid confusion;
Use praise and other encouragement.
Definition of learning and learning strategies
Define Learning
It is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge,
behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences
Learning strategies
Learning strategies refers to a set of skills that students use to
understand different tasks. 
Categories of learning strategies
Visual learning
Audio learning
Kinesthetic learning
Analytical learning
Audio learning
 Auditory learning means that a student learns most
effectively by listening. They would prefer listening to a
lecture over reading a textbook, or hearing the
instructions for a project instead of figuring it out hands-
 Students who prefer auditory learning over tactile or
visual will be focused on listening instead of seeing,
reading, or physically trying in order to learn. Auditory
learners like to hear things in order to process the
information best, which is often a good option for
classroom learning. 
Auditory learning characteristics.
There are many great characteristics that auditory learners have them
help them thrive in classroom settings. Some of their characteristics
 Good memory for spoken information
 Good public speaking abilities
 Strong listening skills
 Good at telling stories
 Distracted by background noises
 Enjoys conversations
 Good member in study groups and collaboration projects
 Able to understand and process changes in tone 
 Works through complex problems by talking out loud
 Able to explain ideas well
How to teach auditory learners?
There are many ways for teachers to approach working with students
who are auditory learners. Some of the best general ways that teachers
can help connect to auditory learners include:
 Repetition. Auditory learners process information best by hearing it,
so using repetition and repeating spoken information can help them
comprehend best.
 Include social elements. Using group projects, paired readings, and
collaborative assignments can help auditory learners excel. This
allows these students to talk with others as they are learning and
working, which helps them retain information and work more
Visual Learning Style
Visual learning is a type of learning style in which students
prefer to use images, graphics, colors and maps to
communicate ideas and thoughts. Visual learners must see
information in order to learn it. These learners are likely to
have a photographic memory and may use color, tone and
brightness to recall information. In class, visual learners will
benefit from seeing diagrams drawn out, for example, on a
chalkboard and in slideshows.
Kinesthetic Learning Style
The most physical of all the learning styles, kinesthetic learners absorb
information best through touch, movement and motion. The word
kinesthetic refers to our ability to sense body position and movement.
This means that to really understand something, they need to touch it,
feel it and move it around
Types of Education
•Types of Education

• There are three main types of education, namely, Formal, Informal and Non-
Formal Education
 Formal education is a structured and systematic form of learning.
This is the education of a certain standard delivered to students by
trained teachers. To make sure formal learning is standardized and
all learning institutions (e.g. schools, colleges, universities, etc.)
comply with these standards, formal education in a country is
governed by organizations.

 Formal education is classroom-based, meaning everything a student

learns comes books and other educational materials with the sole
purpose of educating students. All teachers are trained and licensed
to teach children, and they’re the same teachers the students will see
every day to keep their education and training consistent.
Examples of Formal Education
 Learning in a classroom
 School grading/certification, college,  and university degrees
 Planned education of different subjects having a proper syllabus
acquired by attending the institution.

Characteristics of formal education

 Formal education is structured hierarchically.
 It is planned and deliberate.
 Scheduled fees are paid regularly.
 It has a chronological grading system.
 It has a syllabus and subject-oriented. The syllabus has to be
covered within a specific time period.
 The child is taught by the teachers
•Advantages of Formal education:
An organized educational model and up to date course contents.
Students acquire knowledge from trained and professional
Structured and systematic learning process.
Intermediate and final assessments are ensured to advance
students to the next learning phase.
Institutions are managerially and physically organized.
Leads to a formally recognized certificate.
Easy access to jobs.
Disadvantages of Formal education
 Sometimes, brilliant students are bored due to the long wait for
the expiry of the academic session to promote to the next stage
 Chance of bad habits’ adoption may be alarming due to the
presence of both good and bad students in the classroom
 Wastage of time as some lazy students may fail to learn properly
in spite of motivation by the professional trainers.
 Some unprofessional and non-standard education system may
cause the wastage of time and money of the students which leads
to the disappointment from formal education and argue them to
go for non-formal education.
 Costly and rigid education as compare to other forms of learning
Informal education 
 Informal education lacks the structure and standards of formal education.
Learning happens outside the classroom, whether in educational locations
like museums and libraries or in non-educational locations like at home or
in non-educational organizations. And unlike formal education settings,
informal education is completely optional.
 Informal education is when you are not studying in a school and do not
use any particular learning method. it may be learned at some
marketplace, hotel or at home.
 may be a parent teaching a child how to prepare a meal or ride a bicycle.
 People can also get an informal education by reading many books from a
library or educational websites.
 Unlike formal education, informal education is not imparted by an
institution such as school or college. Informal education is not given
according to any fixed timetable. There is no set curriculum required.
Informal education consists of experiences and actually living in the
family or community.
Examples of Informal Education
 Teaching the child some basics such as numeric characters.
 Someone learning his/her mother tongue
 A spontaneous type of learning, “if a person standing in a bank learns about opening
and maintaining the account at the bank from someone.”
Characteristics of Informal Education
 It is independent of boundary walls.
 It has no definite syllabus.
 It is not pre-planned and has no timetable.
 No fees are required as we get informal education through daily experience and by
learning new things.
 It is a lifelong process in a natural way.
 The certificates/degrees are not involved and one has no stress for learning the new
 You can get from any source such as media, life experiences, friends, family etc.
Advantages of Informal Education
 More naturally learning process as you can learn at anywhere and at
any time from your daily experience.
 It involves activities like individual and personal research on a topic
of interest for themselves by utilizing books, libraries, social media,
internet or getting assistance from informal trainers.
 Utilizes a variety of techniques.
 No specific time span.
 Less costly and time-efficient learning process.
 No need to hire experts as most of the professionals may be willing
to share their precious knowledge with students/public through
social media and the internet.
 Learners can be picked up the requisite information from books, TV,
radio or conversations with their friends/family members.
Disadvantages of Informal Education     
 Information acquired from the internet, social media, TV, radio or
conversations with friends/family members may lead to the
 Utilized techniques may not be appropriate.
 No proper schedule/time span.
 Unpredictable results which simply the wastage of time.
 Lack of confidence in the learner.
 Absence of discipline, attitude and good habits
Non-formal education 
 Non-formal learning is a mix of formal and informal. While it
doesn’t have a syllabus or curriculum and isn’t necessarily taught
by people who are licensed to teach, it’s more structured than
informal learning. Examples of non-formal learning are
organizations like the Boy or Girl Scouts, non-credit adult
education courses, seminars, and conferences
 Non-formal education includes adult basic education, adult
literacy education or school equivalency preparation.
 In nonformal education, someone (who is not in school) can learn
literacy, other basic skills or job skills.
 Home education, individualized instruction (such as programmed
learning), distance learning and computer-assisted instruction are
other possibilities. 
Examples of Non-formal Education
 Boy Scouts and Girls Guides develop some sports program such as swimming comes
under nonformal education.
 Fitness programs.
 Community-based adult education courses.
 Free courses for adult education developed by some organization.
Characteristics of Non-formal Education
 The nonformal education is planned and takes place apart from the school system.
 The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable.
 Unlike theoretical formal education, it is practical and vocational education.
 Nonformal education has no age limit.
 Fees or certificates may or may not be necessary.
 It may be full time or part-time learning and one can earn and learn together.
 It involves learning of professional skills.
Advantages of Non-formal Education
 Practiced and vocational training.
 Naturally growing minds that do not wait for the system to
 Literacy with skillfulness growth in which self-learning is
 Flexibility in age, curriculum and time.
 Open-ended educational system in which both the public and
private sector are involved in the process.
 No need to conduct regular exams.
 Diploma, certificates, and award are not essential to be
Disadvantages of Non-formal Education

 Attendance of participants is unsteady.

 Sometimes, it’s just wastage of time as there is no need to conduct
the exam on regular basis and no degree/diploma is awarded at the
end of the training session.
 Basic reading and writing skills are crucial to learn.
 No professional and trained teachers.
 Students may not enjoy full confidence as the regular students
 Some institutes provide fake certification through online courses
just for the sake of earning.
2. Major IT teaching techniques

Lecture method in IT

Demonstration (LAB)
(Reading Assignment)
3. Role of Teacher and Student in IT Teaching

3.1. Role of Teacher in ITT

Teacher as demonstrator
The teacher demonstrate the subject matter using practical software
models or on real hardware devices.
Teacher as facilitator
The teacher need to act as a facilitator in organizing the learning
environment suitable for the learners to learn by themselves.
Teacher as presenter
 The teacher make presentation on conceptual topics before
demonstrating using software/ hardware models
Teacher as evaluator
The teacher presents questions to the learners to get feedback on
their understanding the subject matter.
Teacher as class room manager

 Classroom management is a process of organizing and

conducting a class so as to make instruction effective and
 It is a process of managing the teaching and learning activities
to get maximum students’ learning.
 It also includes establishing and maintaining order.
 It requires careful planning and providing students with
pleasant and supportive climate for learning; creating interests
and desires to learn and achieve; establishing control; avoiding
disciplinary disturbances and promoting effective students’
 Effective classroom management depends on the nature of the
task at hand. For instance, laboratory classes allow students
for a great amount of conversation and movement and lecture
sessions require quiet attention and purposeful conversation.
Effective Classroom Management Requires:
 Good planning;
Preparation of one’s lesson by identifying the
instructional objectives, lesson contents, methods of
teaching, materials, organizing a learning
environment, setting rules, etc.
 Conducting the class;
It demands the ability and skills to use the selected
methods, materials, appropriate styles, pacing,
motivating and guiding students, etc.
 Monitoring: It is a process of maintaining classroom
order or discipline by using different approaches and
Purposes and Areas of Classroom Management
 Effective classroom management helps in the advancement to
the fulfillment of the objective of teaching and facilitates
Classroom management aims at:
 promoting an environment (physical and emotional) to be
conducive to effective learning;
 guaranteeing class time to be used for learning effectively;
 securing the support and co-operation of students in
classroom activities; and
 ensuring the active and meaningful engagement of students
to the learning task at hand.
Areas of Classroom Management
Classroom management involves managing:
A. Contents of the lesson(s)
B. Methods of teaching (the ability to select the methods and
apply them in concrete situation)
Methods of teaching are selected by considering:
a. the instructional objectives;
b. the nature of the contents to be taught;
c. the ability, experience, maturity level, needs and interests
of the learners;
d. the facilities / conditions of the school; and
e. the teacher’s personality
C. Time allocated to a given lesson;
 The different activities of a teacher and students are done
within the given time. All teachers are expected to
manage their time properly. The time management
 distributing the time to the different activities;
 keeping one’s pace of presentation;
 making appropriate decision on the right time to make
students active participant or involve them in doing
individual seat works or in group activities
 fixing the time for questions in the middle or at the end of
the lesson;
 displaying teaching aids at the right time;
D. Materials and space
Teachers at all levels are expected to manage the materials and
spaces set for the instructional activities. The management
 the use of the appropriate instructional materials / teaching
 the application of the rules in the use of different instructional
 the management of students’ seat;
 the arrangement of materials in their proper order;
 making the classroom hold enough seats and other resources
4. Instructional media
Instructional media encompasses all the materials and physical means
an instructor might use to implement instruction and facilitate students'
achievement of instructional objectives. This may include traditional
materials such as chalkboards, handouts, charts, slides, overheads, real
objects, and videotape or film, as well newer materials and methods
such as computers, DVDs, CD-ROMs, the Internet, and interactive
video conferencing.
Reasons for media use General examples
To form a clear idea of something Real object, model
To stress the essential and leave the non-essential in the Model, scheme

To give visual access to something which may be inaccessible Model, picture, photo, poster, film

To clarify abstract information which may be difficult to Diagrams, columns of figures

communicate verbally

To condense large quantities of information Diagrams, handouts

To promote mental activities of students Handouts, textbooks, films, pictures
To give feedback to the teacher about student Tests, study guides with assignments, handouts with
progress/achievement questions

To encourage emotional response Films, photos, poems

To support the work of the teacher Sound recordings, any medium
To give tests Any medium
Purposes of Laboratory Work

Laboratory work is used for many purposes

Laboratory classes may be used to:
 develop manipulative skills
develop ability to follow instructions
familiarize students with instruments and apparatus
familiarize students with the design and construction of
experimental equipment
develop skill in communicating experimental results
develop the capacity for self-directed learning
develop the students' skill in problem solving with a wide
number of variables and many possible solutions
Laboratory class lesson planning
The fundamental principle on which laboratory
teaching is based is that students teach themselves and
each other.
Skills Uses

Demonstrating and Explaining Generating and maintaining interest

Questioning, listening and responding Training technicians and demonstrators

Briefing, debriefing and giving feedback Helping students to learn

Preparing a laboratory course and Facilitating

4. Teaching theoretical sessions

Lesson plan preparation

 A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to

learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time
 A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key
 Learning Objectives
 Learning activities
 Assessment to check for student understanding
Lesson plan preparation
Step 1 – Learning Outcomes
Identify learning outcomes (What is to be learned as a result of this lesson):
Step 2 – Learning plan
Methodology Structure of session (types/sequence/type and time of activities, role of students/
tutor at each stage):
Step 3 – Assessment
Before Lesson (how will you assess baseline knowledge/ understanding of learner group): After
lesson (how will you assess if learning outcomes were achieved?):
Step 4 – Resources required
List resources required for each activity (Text books; journal articles; worksheets; handouts; flip
charts, computers, projectors, internet access, etc):
Step 5 – Evaluation
Student evaluation (Was the session too difficult/ easy? Were learners motivated? Why/ why
not? Did the students achieve the learning outcomes?) Teacher evaluation (Did your session plan
and sequence of activities work? How did the learners behave? Did they remain interested
throughout? Effective questioning/discussion? What have you learned? How would you
amend/improve your input if you were to repeat this session in future?)
Thank You


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