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COURSE : Final Project I

Group Member

Name ID No

Muaz Behredin 2063/13

Mohammed Tuahir 2050/13

Kalehiwet Mekuriya 1542/13

Mohammed Ahmed 2469/12

Submitted to: Mr. Kibru G.

Title Exit Examination Systems

Background of the project

Exit examination is an examination, which is provided to graduate students for the

aims of determining the progress the student has made over the years. The exam
will be taken by all departments and its content covers the major courses in the
department. The proposed system solves the problem in the existing system which
was implemented previously on some departments including medicine, law and
other departments. This manual procedure used for conducting exam is time
consuming process. More time being used for lecturers to bring the questions
papers and answer sheets and also to analyze and track the student performance.
So, our system tries to automate and simplify the manual tasks that is currently
being implemented.


The integration of technology into education has greatly impacted the way students
learn and educators teach. It also has a profound impact on the way exams are
administered and evaluated. The widespread use of computers, the internet, and
various educational software has made it easier to access and distribute
information. This has not only increased the efficiency of the education system, but
also opened up new opportunities for learning, regardless of location and time. The
integration of technology and internet has also allowed for more interactive and
engaging learning experiences, and has made education more accessible to people
with diverse needs.

Today, Web-based online examination system is one of the essential parts for
online educational system and it is considered a fast-developing examination
method because of its accuracy and

speed. It also needs less manpower to handle the examination. It is used globally to
conduct assessment test, aptitude test, entrance exam and campus exams.
Institutions can also easily monitor the progress of the student that they give
through an examination. According to today’s requirement online examination
system is significantly important to the educational institution to prepare the
exams, saving the time and effort that is required to check the exam papers and to
prepare the results reports. Additionally, this system doesn’t require any kind of a
piece of paper or a pen. It is the fast-growing method to take exams over online.
The manual method of examination is often characterized by examination
questions leakages, human errors during marking of scripts and recording of
scores. The technological advancement in the field of information systems has
necessitated the need for computer usage in majorly all areas of human life and
endeavors. Hence, it is necessary to build a web-based exit examination system for
such a higher education.

Exit examination is one of the currently trending issues in developing country like
Ethiopia that is going to be given for all graduate students and this exitexamination
has been given manually for medicine and law students [1]. The primary purpose
of the exit exams is to assess students' educational achievement in the courses in
their major area of program study. The exam is supposed to measure the learning
outputs of the program as a whole, not the individual courses. The idea of offering
Exit Exams is not new in Ethiopia, as similar exams have been available to law and
health science graduates. The exit exam in law is the first to have been introduced
in Ethiopia in 2010- 11. Its major objective has been to check whether the graduate
profile and learning outcomes of the LLB curriculum have been achieved. The
health exam was launched by the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health in 2015 as a
National Licensing Examination for health professionals in Ethiopia.

Overview of Existing System

This project emphasizes the graduate exit examination system for graduate student
higher education institutes of Ethiopia. The existing system of conducting the
examination process is through a manual system. Due to this, users of the existing
system waste a large number of resources. For instance, there is a need for dozen
copies of the exam paper, it takes time to distribute, take and evaluate the answer
of the exam as well as to announce the exam result to the candidate. There are also
many issues about the exam papers starting from its printing at duplication center,
storage until distribution and reaching to the students taking the exams, on which
the exams will get stolen as we have witnessed the consequences previously.

In general, almost all activities in the system are done manually, so it has many
problems. So, we introduce a new system which automates the activities of the
existing system and is described on the next section.

Statement of the Problem

Currently Ethiopian Higher Education doesn’t have online exit examination

system. The manual system which was implemented previously have many
drawbacks, some of them are security issues about the exam papers starting from
its printing at duplication center, storage until distribution and reaching to the
students taking the exams, not only the exams will get stolen but also there are
many issues while arranging the pages in order and printing quality. Beside the
duplication issue the overall resource spent for the examination process starting
from the preparation and delivery of the exam up-to the exam result assessment
and analysis is really

resource consuming and tiresome.

This system appreciates the importance of exit exams as a gauge of the educational
institution's curriculum and teaching methods, and as a means of determining the
students' mastery of the subject matter. So, in order to minimize the process and
solve the issues mentioned above we have proposed a web-based online exit
examination systems which counters the drawbacks noticed in the manual
examination approach. The web-based online examination system provides a
relevant scheme for question presentation and rectifies trouble faced by paper-
based examinations. In addition, the system developed reduces the large proportion
of workload on examination, grading, and reviewing. It also has the potential to
reduce drastically examination malpractice as examines are duly authenticated
online in a real-time manner and their results are calculated and known some few
minutes after the completion of the examination.

Objective of the Project

General Objective
The general objective of the project is to design and develop Web-based Online Exit
Examination System for Ethiopian Higher Education.

Specific Objectives
 Enable graduate students to take exit exams online.

 To reduce cheating by sorting the exam randomly

 Restrict other access to the internet during the exam.

 Allow generating exam results automatically.

 Conducting a literature review to study related systems.

 Identify functional and non-functional requirements of the system.

 Select the tool to design and develop the system.

 Test and evaluate the performance of the developed systems.

Scope and Delimitation of the project
The scope of the project targets mainly for the ministry of higher education. The proposed
system includes an online examination feature, which is enable graduate students to take their
exams online. The system also provides the admin with complete control over the system,
allowing them to control the exam coordinators who manage the students. The admin have will
full privilege over the system, ensuring that user data is protected and that the system remains
secure. To reduce cheating during the exams, the system sorts the exam questions randomly,
making it impossible for students to know the order of questions beforehand. The system is also
restrict other access during the exam to ensure that students cannot cheat or access external
resources. And finally, the system generates exam results automatically after students complete
their exams, saving time and effort.

Functional requirement
Functional requirement is the requirement describing the behavior of the system as it relates to

the system's functionality that describes what the system does. This behavior may be expressed

as services, tasks or functions that the system is required to perform. Therefore, the functional

requirements for the new proposed system includes the following.

 Authentication: It ensures that users validate their identity before entering into the system
and performing any function. It mainly involves requiring users to enter their credentials to
login into the system.

 Exam creation: Ability to create, edit, and manage exams, including setting up questions,
answer options, and exam timing.

 Exam delivery: The system delivers the exams securely over the internet, while tracking
student progress and time spent on each exam.

 Showing Results: Ability to show the exam results, including individual student results and
aggregated results for the entire exam.

 User management: Manage users of the system, including administrators, exam coordinator
and students.

Non-Functional Requirements
Functional requirement describes what a software system should do, while Non-functional

requirement is any requirement which specifies how the system performs a certain function. It
will describe how a system should work and what limits there are on its functionality.
Nonfunctional requirements generally specify the system’s quality attributes or characteristics.
These requirements play a critical role in ensuring that the system meets the expectations of its
users and functions effectively.

Some of the non-functional requirement that needs to be met for the proposed system to operate
correctly include:

 Performance: The amount of time needed to get the response for a transaction or request is
minimized and also the system has fast response time because of a light weighted code.

 Concurrency: The system supports multiple accesses of users. And it gives service to
multiple users concurrently.

 Usability: Having an interactive and attractive Graphical User Interface (GUI) which eases
users’ usage problem. It needs simple training. Because it is easy to use and adapt.

 Availability: The system is available in the presence of Internet connection. So, the users of
the system can access the system successfully and access different services but the exam is
taken periodically.

 Reliability: The system should handle invalid inputs and display error messages to users.
Reliability is one feature of the system that significantly validates user inputs.

 Usability: The system has an interactive and attractive GUI which eases users’ usage
problem. It needs simple training. Because it is easy to use and adapt.

In conclusion, the implementation of the web-based online exit examination system marks a

significant advancement in the field of educational assessment. This comprehensive solution

revolutionizes the traditional approach to exit exams, bringing forth numerous benefits for both

institutions and students.

By leveraging the power of technology, the system offers a user-friendly and accessible platform

for conducting exit exams. It eliminates geographical barriers, allowing students to take exams

remotely and at their convenience. This not only enhances accessibility but also promotes

inclusivity, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge
and skills.
Moreover, the system provides robust features for exam administration, such as automated
grading and secure exam delivery. This not only saves valuable time for instructors but also
ensures the accuracy and integrity of the assessment process. The system also offers real-time
monitoring and analytics, enabling educators to gain valuable insights into student performance
and make datadriven decisions to improve teaching and learning.

Furthermore, the web-based online exit examination system contributes to the sustainability
efforts of educational institutions by reducing paper usage and minimizing logistical challenges
associated with traditional exam administration. It optimizes resources, saves costs, and
promotes a more Ecofriendly approach to assessments.

Overall, the successful implementation of the web-based online exit examination system
signifies a paradigm shift in educational assessment. It empowers institutions with an efficient,
secure, and scalable solution that fosters fair evaluation, enhances administrative processes, and
supports continuous improvement in the education sector.

Title HU online cost sharing managment system

Cost sharing is considered as a government loan program for higher education students to cover
partial cost of services like health care, food, education and dormitory. Any student who has
either graduated or under graduated from higher education of the public institution is required to
share the cost sharing of his/her education, training and other Services based on cost sharing
principle [2].

Cost sharing management system is one of the activities in the higher educational organizations.
Haramaya University is one of the higher educational organizations in Ethiopia. It was
established in 1954, at Oromia region especially in South Hararge, far from Addis Ababa 510
KM. HU have three branches our project focuses on main campus. In this campus there are so
many management systems. Cost sharing management system is one of them.

HU cost sharing management system works manually. Since the system is manual, customers
face different problems related to waste time, resource and consume manpower. By observing
the overall problems of HUcost sharing management system we are going to solve this problem
by developing online cost sharing management system. In our project developing online cost
sharing management system is better than that of the existing manual system in different ways
related to the customer obtain information online ,to minimize power, wastage of time and
money in addition to this online cost sharing system is more reliable than that of the existing
system .
Statement of the problem
In HU main campus there are many students those who are enrolled in different fields of study.
Those students are expected to share the cost of living in the university related to food, shelter,
education and materials. Now a day’s HUcost sharing management system is very tedious since
the system is manual. Due to these there are many problems in manual way of recording and
reporting student’s data. The aim of our project is to make the system automated and very
comfortable to the users and employees that help to keep data safe, reduce man power, reduce
time, reduce paper wastage and reduce duplication of data.

Problems associated with the current manual system:-

 It is very bulky and time consuming

 It is difficult to update, delete, and search data
 Wastage of resource like paper, labor
 Loss of data
 Inefficient way of managing records


General Objective
The general objective of our project is to develop online automated system for the manual cost
sharing management system.

Specific Objective
We can achieve the general objective by fulfilling the specific objective listed below:-

 To understand the problems in the existing system

 To plan the solution for the problems identified
 To design and develop the system
 Develop database for the system
 To determine how data will be entered into our system
 Finally deployment
Title Haramaya UniversityGraduate credential system
Background of the Project
Haramaya university is one of the higher educational institution, in fact, among the recently
founded 1954 institutions of public higher education of the is one of the most
dominant university in Ethiopia Over the past decades, students identification and verification
has been a major problem in large institutions as documents, certificate and studentship can be
forged at a great rate and easy way, using the computer negatively. Forgers fail to know that in
this fast moving world, the computer has equally served as an aid to decision making,
verification and authentication. This is because of computers efficiency in terms of speed,
accuracy, reliability, cost and security among others. In recent years, awareness has existed and
created in people as it concerned the use of computer in verifying, authenticating and security
activities either through web-based (internet) or window-based. The value of every degree is the
reputation of the institution and the students produced, hence, the greatest obstacle to any
academic institution which is dishonesty and forgery has to be checked with verification and
authentication systems and processes. Certificate verification is mandatory for most of the
reputed companies or organizations in order to reduce the risks related to it. Most of the
universities as well as educational providers comes up with computerized verification systems
and also support electronic verifications. But Haramaya University still now has no such
verification system that can help essential for the graduated students when they are hiring or
hired in any organization. Also enrolment verification is designed to fulfil the verification
requirements of companies that offer products or services requiring proof of a student's
enrolment status. For accessing several academic documents graduated students spends much
time and cost and loose several good career opportunities in their life.

Statement of the Problem

At present HU is not having any computerized system to deal with degree verification for
bachelors as well as post graduate degree holders from here. Only thing is the employer or
whoever concerned needs to contact the office of registrar or academic record office for such
purposes can contact the registrar and then get the student Credentials. This is one of the great
impacts on HU University and also the country.
 Difficulty of searching the graduated students file.
 Time consuming and costive.
 Vulnerable to different factors such as fraud certificate and corruption.
 Lack of security in existing system.
 Tedious and less speed.
 Illegal or faulty modification of credentials.
 Fault certificate made by Haramaya University name.
 Increased illegal employee in the country.
 Declined legal credentials values
 Embarrassment and negative impact to the organization's reputation.
General Objectives
The general objective of this project is to design, develop and to test ‘GCVSHUU” that provides
instant online verifications of university degrees and post graduates certificates, immediate,
secure and affordable online credentials verifications, various timely and well informed service
for different verification requests from organizations and management of the graduate student’s
information are centralized.
Specific Objectives
To achieve the above mentioned general objective, the project addressed the following specific
objectives. The system provides the following:
 Prepare user friendly website where specific action for registrar, administrator and
external users such as organizations are defined.
 Store and manage graduated student’s information.
 Give proper administration features like:
 User management and authentication.
 Having downloaded or send features in order to download or e-mail the verified
information of the candidate or degree and post graduated professional certificate(s) in
the form of mark sheet.
 Online application for various service required by the organization.
 Design and implement a database for proper implementation of the system.
 Search graduated students file.

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