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Anatomy- Short test 1 A. Reicherts cartilage

B. Future mental foramen region
Osteology 1) Cranial Bones and Sutures of C. Coronoid
the skull 2) Sphenoid and Ethmoid 3) D. Condylar region
Mandible/Maxilla 4) Orbital Anatomy 5)
Cervical Vertebrae and Classification of 7. At birth mental foramen is located
joints 6) Craniosynostosis and ossification A. Near to the superior border
of bones B. In the midline
C. Near to lower border
D. Not present
1. All synovial joints possess 8. All among the following are attached to the
A. a synovial lining marked structure, Except
B. a joint space
C. a joint capsule
D. an articular disk

2. Identify the Bone

A. Stylohyoid Ligament
B. Stylopharyngeus muscle
C. Stylomandibular Muscle
D. Stylohyoid muscle

A. C1 Vertebrae 9. The encircled point in the image is

B. C2 VeRtebrae
C. Vertebrae prominence
D. C6 vertebrae

3. Temporal Bone atrticulates with all of the

following bones except
A. Zygomatic Bone
B. Parietal bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Frontal

4. The part of ethmoid bone which consists of

number of ethmoidal air sinuses
A. Perpendicular plate
B. Labyrinth
C. Crista Galli A. Meeting point of parietomastoid,
D. Cribrifoprm plate occipitomastoid, and lambdoid suture.
B. Meeting point of frontal parietal
5. Genial Tubercles gives attachment to temoporal and sphenoid suture.
A. Mentalis C. Meeting point of frontal, parietal and
B. Mylohyoid occipital bone.
C. Geniohyoid D. None of the above.
D. Hyoglossus
10. Structures passing through the foramen
6. The initial ossification centre for mandibular shown in the figure
bone starts at

B. Squamous part, mastoid part, petrous

and tympanic part
C. Squamous part, orbital bone, pterygoid
process, petrous and mastoid part
D. Pterygoid process ,mastoid part,
labyrinth and orbital

13. Premature closure of sagittal suture is

known as
A. Scaphocephaly
B. Oxycephaly
C. Brachycephaly
D. Plagiocephaly

A. Accessory Meningeal Artery 14. Asterion is

B. Middle Meningeal Artery A. It is a point where bregma and lambda
C. Mandibular Nerve meet
D. Maxillary Nerve B. Region of the anterio- lateral fontanelle
11. Type of cranio-synostosis shown in the C. Meeting point of parietomastoid,
image is occipitomastoidand the lambdoid suture
D. Point where four bones meet

15. Lefort 3 fracture is the most serious

fracture as the damage through ________
bone opens the cranium and exposes the

A. Scaphocephaly
B. Plagiocephaly
C. Oxycephaly
D. Platycephaly

12. Parts of the bone shown below is/are

A. Sphenoid
B. Ethmoid
C. Mastoid
D. Frontal

16. The main anatomical landmark of maxilla

from the anterior view is
A. Supraorbital foramen
B. Infraorbital foramen
C. Both

17. Vidian nerve passes through

A. Inferior orbital fissure
B. Incisive foramen
C. Tympanomastoid fissure
A. Squamous part, orbital bone, , pterygoid D. Pterygoid canal
process and mastoid part
18. The harvesian system is found in

A. Diaphysis of long bones The asterion is the point on the skull

B. Cancellous bone corresponding to the posterior end of the
C. Epiphysis parietomastoid suture.In human anatomy, the
D. Spongy bones of children asterion is a visible, so-called craniometric,
point on the exposed skull, just behind the ear,
19. Posterior fontanelles are ossified at the where three cranial sutures meet:The
age of lambdoid,Parieto-mastoid, andOccipito-
A. 2yrs mastoid sutures,Or where three cranial bones
B. 3yrs meet:Parietal bone,Occipital bone,and
C. 4yrs Mastoid portion of the Temporal bone.
D. 2-3months
10. B - Middle Meningeal Artery
20. Facial nerve passes through The middle meningeal artery, middle
A. Internal acoustic meatus meningeal vein, and the meningeal branch of
B. Condylar canal the mandibular nerve pass through the
C. Stylomastoid foramen foramen. The foramen spinosum is often used
D. Tympanic canaliculus as a landmark in neurosurgery, due to its
close relations with other cranial foramina.

11. C - Oxycephaly
Answers In Oxycephaly there is premature closure
of all sutures. other names of oxycephaly are
1. A - a synovial lining acrocephaly or tower skull or steeple skull.

2. B - C2 VeRtebrae 12. B - Squamous part, mastoid part, petrous

C2 Vertebrae has a odontoid/dens process and tympanic part
The bone shown here is temporal bone
3. D - Frontal
13. A - Scaphocephaly
4. B - Labyrinth

5. C - Geniohyoid

6. B - Future mental foramen region

7. C - Near to lower border

8. C - Stylomandibular Muscle

Craniosynostosis is condition in which one

or more of the sutures of infant skull fuses leads to deformity of the
skull.scaphocephaly is the most common which the skull apprears long and

14. C - Meeting point of parietomastoid,

occipitomastoidand the lambdoid suture
There is no stylomandibular muscle.
Stylomandibular ligament is present which is
attached to the angle of mandible

9. A - Meeting point of parietomastoid,

occipitomastoid, and lambdoid suture.

19. D - 2-3months

15. B - Ethmoid
Bregma is the point where coronal and
sagittal suture meetIn foetal skull this site is a
membranous gap known as anerior fontanelle
.it closes at 18 months of age.Lambda is the
point where sagittal and lambdoid suture
meetIn foetal skull this membranous site is
known as posterior fontanelleIt closes at 2-
3months of age

20. C - Stylomastoid foramen

16. B - Infraorbital foramen

17. D - Pterygoid canal

18. A - Diaphysis of long bones

Harvesian system consists of lamellae that

arearranged concentrically around
neurovascular channels (harvesian canal)It
forms the basic structural unit of compact
bonesVolkman canals are channels which run
transversely between harvesian system and
medullary cavity

Anatomy Short test 2 C. maxillary nerve

D. glossopharyngeal nerve

Embryology 7. Hyoid arch is supplied by

A. .trigeminal nerve
B. .facial nerve
C. .glossopharyngeal nerve
Questions D. recurrent laryngeal nerve
1. Development of palate begin at the age of
A. 4 weeks 8. .Muscles of mastication are supplied by
B. 6 weeks A. first part of maxillary artery
C. 13 weeks B. second part of maxillary artery
D. 18 weeks C. .third part of maxillary artery
D. facial artery
2. Which of the following is supplied by
Glossopharyngeal nerve? 9. .Placenta has
A. Styloglossus A. two umbilical vein
B. Stylohyoid B. one umbilical artery and one umbilical
C. Stylopharyngeus vein
D. Occipitofrontalis C. two umbilical arteries and one umbilical
3. Identify the image given below, from the D. two umbilical arteries and two umbilical
stages of Segmentation Of Mammalian Ovum veins

10. Tonsils are derived from which pharyngeal

A. first
B. second
C. .third
D. fourth

11. placenta -----

A. 9 inch length &1 inch thickness
B. .7 inch length&5 inch thickness
C. .5 inch length & 2 inch thickness
D. 7 inch length &1 inch thickness

12. Fetal part of placenta formed by

A. 1- Morula 2- Blastula A. decidua basalis
B. 1- Blastula 2- Morula B. decidua parietalis
C. 1- Blastula 2- Blastocyst C. .chorion frondosum
D. 1- Blastocyst 2- Blastula D. chorion basalis

4. Unilateral hare lip is caused due to lack of 13. Oblique cleft occurs due to lack of fusion
fusion of between
A. Maxillary process with the MNP A. mandibular processes
B. Maxillary process with the LNP B. maxillary process with LNP
C. Maxillary process with FNP C. maxillary process with MNP
D. Maxillary process of both sides D. maxillary process with FNP

5. Superior oblique muscle of eye, originated 14. Primary palate is formed from
from A. FNP
A. Somitomere 1 B. MNP
B. Somitomere 2 C. .LNP
C. Somitomere 3 D. Palatine process of maxilla
D. Somitomere 4
15. Internal carotid artery derived from
6. Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by A. 1starch
A. .facial nerve B. 2ndarch
B. .mandibular nerve C. 3rdarch

D. .4tharch 4. A - Maxillary process with the MNP

Cleft lip and cleft palate, also known as
16. Neural tube develops from orofacial cleft, is a group of conditions that
A. primitive streak includes cleft .Lip cleft can occur as a one-
B. primitive node sided (unilateral) or two-sided (bilateral) It is
C. .notochord due to the failure of fusion of the maxillary and
D. pharyngeal arch medial nasal processes

17. .Spermatogenesis occurs in 5. C - Somitomere 3

A. 24 days.
B. 58 days
C. 64 days
D. .74 days

18. .Longest phase of meiosis

A. Anaphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. .Telophase

19. .inferior parathyroid derived from

A. mesoderm of 3rdarch
B. endoderm of 3rdarch
C. mesoderm of 4tharch
D. endodrem of 4th arch

20. .Reichert’s cartilage is

A. .first arch
B. second arch
C. third arch
D. .fourth arch 6. B - .mandibular nerve
Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by
mylohyoid branch of mandibular nerve
wheras posterior belly by the facial nerve
7. B - .facial nerve
1. A - 4 weeks First arch (mandibular)-trigeminal nerve
Second arch(hyoid)-facial nerve Third arch-
2. C - Stylopharyngeus glossopharyngeal nerve Forth arch- superior
Styloglossus is supplied by Hyoglossal laryngeal nerve Fifth arch – recurrent
nerve. Stylohyoid and Occipitofrontalis is laryngeal nerve
supplied by facial nerve.
8. B - second part of maxillary artery
3. A - 1- Morula 2- Blastula Second part of maxillary artery (pterygoid
The morula is produced by a series of part) supplies the muscles of mastiication and
cleavage divisions of the early embryo, buccinator
starting with the single-celled zygote. Once
the embryo has divided into 16 cells, it begins 9. C - two umbilical arteries and one umbilical
to resemble a mulberry, hence the name vein
morula . Within a few days after fertilization,
cells on the outer part of the morula become 10. B - second
bound tightly together with the formation of First pouch-pharyngotympanic tube,middle
desmosomes and gap junctions, becoming ear cavity Second pouch-tonsils,tubotympanic
nearly indistinguishable. This process is recess Third pouch-thymus,inferior
known as compaction. A cavity forms inside parathyroid glands Fourth pouch-superior
the morula, by the active transport of sodium parathyroid glands,parafollicular cells of
ions from trophoblast cells and osmosis of thyroid Fifth pouch- ultimo branchial body
water. This results in a hollow ball of cells
known as the blastocyst 11. A - 9 inch length &1 inch thickness

Length:22 cm (9 inch) and 2-2.5 cm(0.8-1

inch) in thickness Weight :500 gms

12. C - .chorion frondosum

The placenta has 2 parts. Maternal side
formed by Decidua basalis and fetal part
formed by chorion frondosum

13. B - maxillary process with LNP

Cleft lip: non fusion of maxillary process
and MNP Cleft alveolus:non fusion of FNP
and maxillary process Oblique cleft:non
fusion of LNP and maxillary process
Transverse facial cleft: non fusion of maxillary
process and mandibular Process

14. B - MNP

15. C - 3rdarch
Both external and internal carotid artery
derived from 3rd pharyngeal arch

16. A - primitive streak

Notochord represents the early midline axis
of the embyo to establish the axial skeleton

17. C - 64 days
Thymidine labelling record says its 74 days

18. C - Prophase
Prophase is divided into 5 stages based on
appearance of chromosome into leptotene,
zygotene,pachytene,diplotene and diakinesis

19. B - endoderm of 3rdarch

Endoderm of pharyngeal arch forms
pharyngeal pouch.inferior parathyroids are
formed from 3rdpharyngeal pouch.

20. B - second arch

First arch cartilage is called meckels
cartilage. Second arch is called Reichert’s

Anatomy short test 3 - Tongue, D. 4th arch

Salivary Glands and Thyroid
7. Which among the following is not a muscle
Short test 3 of tongue
A. Superior longitudinal
B. Inferior longitudinal
C. Transverse
Questions D. oblique
1. Sublingual gland is situated between
8. The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to
the otic ganglion enter through the _______
A. greater petrosal
B. deep petrosal
C. lesser petrosal
D. chorda tympani

9. The muscle which protrudes the tongue and

its tip toward the opposite side
A. hyoglossus
B. genioglossus
C. palatoglossus
D. styoglossus
A. Hyoglossus and genioglossus 10. The isthmus of the thyroid gland lies
B. Hyoglossus and styloglossua directly anterior to the
C. Genuoglossus and mandible A. thyrohyoid membrane
D. Geniohyoid and genioglossus B. lamina of the thyroid cartilage
C. cricothyroid ligament
2. Jugulo-Omohyoid lymph nodes drains D. 2, 3, 4 tracheal rings
A. Anterior scalp
B. Middle ear 11. Superior parathyroid are derived from?
C. The tongue A. Mesoderm of 3rd pharyngeal arch
D. Upper face B. Mesoderm of 3rd Pharyngeal pouch
C. Ectoderm of 4th pharyngeal arch
3. Tongue develops from which pharayngeal D. Endoderm of 4th pharyngeal pouch
A. I arch 12. Spot the safety muscle of tongue
B. III arch
C. IV arch
D. All the above

4. All muscle of tongue are supplied by

Hypoglossal nerve, With an exception of
A. Hyoglossus
B. Styloglossus
C. Genioglossus
D. Palatoglossus

5. The terminal part of inferior thyroid artery is

related to which nerve
A. Glossopharyngeal
B. Recurrent Laryngeal
C. External Laryngeal A. Blue colour - genioglossus
D. Phrenic Nerve B. Blue colour- hyoglossus
C. Green colour - genioglossus
6. Posterior 1/3rd of tongue is derived from D. Green colour- hyoglossus
A. 1st arch
B. 2nd arch 13. Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by
C. 3rd arch A. .facial nerve

B. .mandibular nerve
C. maxillary nerve 3. D - All the above
D. glossopharyngeal nerve
4. D - Palatoglossus
14. .Choose the incorrect statement
A. The mandibular torus is commonly 5. B - Recurrent Laryngeal
present above mylohyoid line
B. The lingual fossa is present above the 6. C - 3rd arch
mylohyoid ridge
C. .posterior belly of digastric arises from 7. D - oblique
mastoid notch Muscles of tongue are extrinsic and
D. Submandibular fossa is present above intrinsic. Extrinsic ones are Genioglossus,
the mylohyoid line Hyoglossus, Styloglossus, Palatoglossus.
Intrinsic ones are Superior and inferior
15. oral diaphragm longitudinal, vertical and Transverse
A. buccinator
B. orbicularis oris 8. C - lesser petrosal
C. .masseter
D. mylohyoid 9. B - genioglossus

16. The secretomotor supply of the parotid 10. D - 2, 3, 4 tracheal rings

gland is through
A. .otic ganglion 11. D - Endoderm of 4th pharyngeal pouch
B. geniculate ganglion Inferior parathyroids are known as
C. .gasserian ganglion parathyroid III because they develop from 3rd
D. submandibular ganglion pharyngeal pouch

17. .Preganglionic fibres of superior salivatory 12. A - Blue colour - genioglossus

nucleus resides in the Genioglossus is the fan-shaped extrinsic
A. otic ganglion tongue muscle that forms the majority of the
B. geniculate ganglion body of the tongue. Its arises from the mental
C. pterygopalatine ganglion spine of the mandible and its insertions are
D. submandibular ganglion the hyoid bone and the bottom of the tongue.
The genioglossus is innervated by the
18. .inferior parathyroid derived from hypoglossal nerve as are all muscles of the
A. mesoderm of 3rdarch tongue except for the palatoglossus. Blood is
B. endoderm of 3rdarch supplied to the sublingual branch of the lingual
C. mesoderm of 4tharch artery, a branch of the external carotid artery.
D. endodrem of 4th arch
13. B - .mandibular nerve
19. Unilateral injury to recurrent laryngeal Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by
nerve causes mylohyoid branch of mandibular nerve
A. .timbre of voice wheras posterior belly by the facial nerve
B. Horseness of voice
C. .Aphonia 14. D - Submandibular fossa is present above
D. Inspiratory stidor the mylohyoid line

20. Middle thyroid vein drain into 15. D - mylohyoid

A. .external jugular vein Mylohyoid muscles of both sides form the
B. .internal jugular vein floor of mouth or oral diaphragm It fills the’U’
C. .brachiocephalic vein shaped gap between left and right side of the
D. anterior jugular vein body of mandible

16. A - .otic ganglion

Preganglionic fibres from inferior salivatory
Answers nucleus-IX nerve-tympanic plexus-lesser
petrosal nerve-otic ganglion-post ganglionic
1. C - Genuoglossus and mandible fibres-auriculotemporal nerve-parotid gland

2. C - The tongue 17. D - submandibular ganglion


18. B - endoderm of 3rd arch

Endoderm of pharyngeal arch forms
pharyngeal pouch.inferior parathyroids are
formed from 3rd pharyngeal pouch.

19. B - Horseness of voice

Recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies all
muscles of larynx except cricothyroid. Its
paralysis causesUnilateral:dysphonia and
collapse,stridor,aphonia and laryngeal

20. B - .internal jugular vein

Thyroid is supplied by superior, middle and
inferior thyroid veins
Superior and middle thyroid vein drains into
internal jugular vein and inferior thyroid vein
drains into brachiocephalic vein
Fourth vein of Kocher , present between
middle and inferior veins drains into internal
jugular veins

Anatomy short Test 4- Nose, C. Frontal ,zygoma and maxilla

Paranasal sinuses D. Vomer and palatine bones

9. Deep investing layer of cervical fascia splits

Short Test to enclose
A. Sternocleidomastoid
B. Trapezius
Questions C. Parotid gland
1. .pain in ethmoid sinusitis is carried by D. All of the above
A. .nasociliary nerve
B. .infratrochlear nerve 10. Submandibular lymphnode does not drain
C. lacrimal nerve A. Maxillary sinus
D. frontal nerve B. Sphenoidal sinus
C. Ethmoidal sinus
2. The external carotid artery enter the Parotid D. Frontal sinus
gland through
A. Antero lateral surface 11. Which part of the nasal cavity does the
B. Anteromedial surface nasolacrimal duct empties into
C. Posterolateral surface A. Superior meatus
D. Posteromedial surface B. Middle meatus
C. Inferior meatus
3. Littles area is D. Sphenoethmoidal recess
A. Anastomoses between Superior labial
artery and sphenopalatine artery 12. What is false about middle meatus
B. Anastomoses between Nasopalatine and A. Opening of the middle ethmoidal air cells
Sphenopalatine arteries B. Opening of the maxillary sinus
C. Anatsmoses between Greater palatine C. Opening of the frontal sinus in the hiatus
and Nasopalatine semilunaris
D. Anastomes between bilateral superior D. Opening of the nasolacrimal duct
labial arteries
13. Regarding the prevertebral fascia the
4. The cribriform plate connects the following is incorrect
A. Nasal Cavity and oral cavity A. Cervical nerve roots,cervical
B. Nasal cavity and orbit plexus,trunks of the brachial plexus and
C. Nasal cavity and Anterioir cranial fossa subclavian vessels lie deep to the prevertebral
D. Orbit and ant. Cranial fossa fascia
B. It is pierced by the great auricular,lesser
5. Among the following muscles, mandibular occipital,transverse cervical and
nerves gives motor supply to supraclavicular nerves
A. Tensor tympani C. It is a part of the floor of the posterior
B. Tensor veli palatini triangle
C. Mylohyoid D. Accessory nerve and cervical
D. All of the above lymphnodes lie superficial to it

6. Maxillary sinus epithelium is 14. Dural venous sinuses

A. Squamous A. All lie between the inner and outer layer
B. Non ciliated columnar of dura
C. Keratinised squamous B. They drain venous blood from brain and
D. Ciliated columnar adjacent bone except straight and inferior
sagittal sinus
7. The most common site of leak in CSF C. They do not communicate with the veins
rhinorrhoea is outside the skull
A. Sphenoidal sinus D. They drain to the internal jugular vein by
B. Frontal sinus gravity
C. Ethmoidal sinus
D. Tegmen tympani 15. The only sinus thst may be present at birth
A. Frontal
8. The nasal septum consist of B. Ethmoidal
A. Vomer and ethmoid bones C. Maxillary
B. Sphenoid and ethmoid bones D. Sphenoidal

16. Facial vein communicates with the 10. B - Sphenoidal sinus

cavernous sinus through
A. Retromolar vein and internal jugular vein 11. C - Inferior meatus
B. External jugular vein and internal jugular
vein 12. D - Opening of the nasolacrimal duct
C. Internal jugular vein and retromandibular
vein 13. A - Cervical nerve roots,cervical
D. Superior ophthalmic vein and pterygoid plexus,trunks of the brachial plexus and
venous plexus subclavian vessels lie deep to the prevertebral
17. First paranasal sinus appears by
A. 8th wk IU 14. B - They drain venous blood from brain
B. 12th wk IU and adjacent bone except straight and inferior
C. 16th wk IU sagittal sinus
D. 18th wk IU
15. C - Maxillary
18. Concha which is an independant bone is
A. Inferior 16. D - Superior ophthalmic vein and pterygoid
B. Middle venous plexus
C. Superior
D. Lateral 17. C - 16th wk IU

19. Ethmoidal foramina lie in 18. A - Inferior

A. Zygomatic process
B. Frontoethmoidal suture 19. B - Frontoethmoidal suture
C. Zygomaticofacial foramen
D. Superior orbital fissure 20. C - Sigmoid

20. Transverse venous sinus continues as

A. Straight sinus
B. Cavernous
C. Sigmoid
D. Ethmoid

1. A - .nasociliary nerve
Posterior ethmoidal nerve which is a
branch of nasociliary nerve supplies ethmoidal
and sphenoidal sinuses

2. D - Posteromedial surface

3. A - Anastomoses between Superior labial

artery and sphenopalatine artery

4. C - Nasal cavity and Anterioir cranial fossa

5. D - All of the above

6. D - Ciliated columnar

7. C - Ethmoidal sinus

8. A - Vomer and ethmoid bones

9. D - All of the above


Anatomy short test 5- Blood supply of

head and neck, Triangles of neck

Anatomy short test

1. Identify the marked muscle in colour plate?

A. sternohyoid
B. thyrohyoid
C. mylohyoid
D. stylohyoid

6. The inferior petrosal sinus connects the

cavernous sinus to the
A. straight sinus
B. transverse sinus
C. inferior sagittal sinus
A. Levator scapulae D. internal jugular vein
B. Trapezius
C. Platysma 7. Identify the artery
D. Scalenus posterior

2. Anterior choroidal artery is a branch oF?

A. Anterior communicating artery
B. Internal carotid
C. External carotid
D. Anterior cerebral artery

3. Retrograde infection spreads from face

A. Retrmandibular vein
B. Maxillary vein
C. Superficial vein
D. Angular facial vein

4. Which among the following is not a branch

A. Facial artery
of facial artery
B. Lingual Artery
A. Lateral Nasal
C. Ascending Pharyngeal
B. Sub Mental
D. Mylohyoid artery
C. Lingual
D. Tonsillar
8. Infection from lower lip first reaches BLOOD
STREAM through
5. The muscles forming the floor of the
A. Pterygoid plexus
submandibular (digastric) triangle are the
B. Brachiocephalic Vein
hyoglossus and the
C. Inferior Labial artery
D. Superior labilal artery

9. Vein which joins a division of retro

mandibular vein and drains into the external
jugular vein
A. Maxillary vein
B. Facial vein
C. Angular vein

D. Posterior auricular vein 13. Branch of External Carotid Artery that runs
at level of hyoid bone opposite the tip of
10. The image given below represent greater cornua of hyoid
A. Facial Artery
B. Superior Thyroid Artery
C. Ascending Pharyngeal Artery
D. Lingual Artery

14. Carotid siphon is associated with

A. External carotid artery
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Facial artery
D. Maxillary artery

15. All arises from first part of maxillary artery

A. Inferior alveolar
B. Accessory meningeal
A. 1 – submental triangle 2- submandibular C. .Deep auricular
triangle 3- carotid triangle 4- muscular D. Infra orbital
B. 1 – submental triangle 2- carotid triangle 16. .Medial branch of external carotid artery
3- submandibular 4- muscular triangle A. superficial temporal
C. 1 – submandibular triangle 2- submental B. .facial
triangle 3- muscular triangle 4- carotid C. .ascending pharyngeal
triangle D. lingual
D. 1 –submental triangle 2- muscular
triangle 3- carotid triangle 4- submandibular 17. .Muscles of mastication are supplied by
traingle A. first part of maxillary artery
B. second part of maxillary artery
11. The area circled in the image constitutes C. .third part of maxillary artery
D. facial artery

18. .All are paired venous sinuses except

A. transverse
B. .sigmoid
C. straight
D. inferior petrosal

19. Middle thyroid vein drain into

A. .external jugular vein
B. .internal jugular vein
C. .brachiocephalic vein
D. anterior jugular vein

20. The first arch artery is represented by

A. Anastomosis between branch of A. Maxillary artery
maxillary artery and branch of facial artery B. Mandibular artery
B. Anastomosis between two branches of C. Carotid artery
facial artery D. Stapedial artery
C. Anastomosis between two branches of
maxillary artery
D. None of the above
12. Second part of Lingual Artery lies
A. Deep to middle constrictor muscle 1. B - Trapezius
B. Deep to hyoglossus muscle
C. Deep to mylohyoid muscle 2. B - Internal carotid
D. Superficial to mylohyoid muscle
3. D - Angular facial vein

4. C - Lingual

5. C - mylohyoid

6. D - internal jugular vein

7. B - Lingual Artery
The Lingual Artery curves downward and
forward, forming a loop which is crossed by
the hypoglossal nerve, and passing beneath
the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus it runs
horizontally forward, beneath the Hyoglossus,
and finally, ascending almost perpendicularly
to the tongue, turns forward on its lower The external carotid artery begins at the
surface as far as the tip, under the name of upper border of thyroid cartilage, and curves,
the deep lingual artery (profunda linguae ). passing forward and upward, and then
inclining backward to the space behind the
8. B - Brachiocephalic Vein neck of the mandible, where it divides into the
Pathway of spread of infection from lower superficial temporal and maxillary artery within
lip to blood isLip>Submental and the parotid gland.As the artery travels
Submandibular lymph nodes > Right and left upwards, it supplies:In the carotid triangle:
jugular lymph trunk and finally enter into Superior thyroid artery, arising from its anterior
brachiocephalic vein either through internal aspect Ascending pharyngeal artery - arising
jugular or Subclavian vein. from medial, or deep, aspect Lingual artery -
arising from its anterior aspect Facial artery -
9. D - Posterior auricular vein arise from its anterior aspect Occipital artery -
arising from its posterior aspect Posterior
10. C - 1 – submandibular triangle 2- auricular artery - arising from posterior aspect
submental triangle 3- muscular triangle 4- The external carotid artery terminates as two
carotid triangle branches: Maxillary artery Superficial temporal
11. A - Anastomosis between branch of
maxillary artery and branch of facial artery 14. B - Internal carotid artery
Kiesselbach's plexus, which lies in The internal carotid artery is a major paired
Kiesselbach's area, Kiesselbach's triangle, or artery, one on each side of the head and neck.
Little's area, is a region in the anteroinferior The curve in the cavernous segment is called
part of the nasal septum where four arteries the carotid siphon.
anastomose to form a vascular plexus. The
arteries are: Anterior ethmoidal artery (branch 15. D - Infra orbital
of the ophthalmic artery), Sphenopalatine Infra orbital artery arises from third part of
artery (terminal branch of the maxillary artery), maxillary artery
Greater palatine artery (from the maxillary
artery), Septal branch of the superior labial 16. C - .ascending pharyngeal
artery (from the facial artery) Anterior branches:superior
12. B - Deep to hyoglossus muscle branches:posterior auricular,occipitalMedial
branches:ascending pharyngealTerminal
13. D - Lingual Artery branches:superficial temporal ,maxillary artery

17. B - second part of maxillary artery

Second part of maxillary artery (pterygoid
part) supplies the muscles of mastiication and

18. C - straight
-superior sagital -inferior petrosal

-inferior sagital -cavernous

-straight -transverse
-occipital -sigmoid
-anterior intercavernous -sphenoparietal
-posterior intercavernous -petrosquamous
-basilar plexus of veins -middle meningeal

19. B - .internal jugular vein

Thyroid is supplied by superior, middle and
inferior thyroid veinsSuperior and middle
thyroid vein drains into internal jugular vein
and inferior thyroid vein drains into
brachiocephalic veinFourth vein of Kocher ,
present between middle and inferior veins
drains into internal jugular veins

20. A - Maxillary artery


Anatomy Short test 6- Muscles of Head D. Downward, forward

and Neck
9. Pterygoid response refers to
Anatomy A. Pain in medial pterygoid
B. Pain in lateral pterygoid
C. Pain on retracting mandible
D. Pain on retracting maxilla
1. Muscles of tongue ae supplied by 10. Following soft palate paralysis all features
A. Lingual nerve can be seen except
B. Glossopharyngeal A. Clefting of palate
C. Chorda tympani B. Nasal twang
D. Hypoglossal C. Flat palatal surface
D. Nasal regurgitation of fluids
2. Muscle that is supplied by facial and
mandibular nerve is 11. The weakest part of pharynx is
A. Masseter A. Sinus of morgagni
B. Digastric B. Between thyropharyngeus and
C. Medial pterygoid cricopharyngeus
D. Buccinator C. Pyriform fossa
D. Pharyngeal recess
3. Muscle of palate which works around
hamular notch and forms a tendon is 12. Nasolacrimal duct opens into
A. Levator palatine A. Superior meatus
B. Palatopharyngeus B. Middle meatus
C. Tensor palatine C. Inferior meatus
D. Stylopharyngeus D. None
4. Which of the following muscles Elevates the 13. The action of styloglossus muscle is
mandible A. Protrusion of tongue
A. Buccinator B. Posteriorly retracts
B. Temporalis C. Depression
C. Caninus D. Elevation of tongue
D. Lateral pterygoid
14. The only abductor of vocal cord
5. Mylohyoid muscle A. Posterior cricoarytenoids
A. Arises from the hyoid bone B. Lateral cricoarytenoids
B. Develop from 2nd pharyngeal arch C. Cricothyroids
C. Depresses the hyoid D. Thyroarytenoids
D. Elevates the hyoid
15. Spinal accessory nerve leaves the cranial
6. Genioglossus muscle is attached in the cavity via
posterior surface of symphysis menti in the A. Foramen magnum
A. Mental spines B. Foramen spinosum
B. Superior genial tubercle C. Foramen lacerum
C. Inferior genial tubercle D. Foramen rotundum
D. Just above the lower border of mandible
16. Nerve supply of ciliary muscles for
7. Middle Constrictor of pharynx has accomodation of pupil is
attachment from A. Parasympathetic
A. Body of hyoid bone B. Sympathetic
B. Mandible C. Red nucleus in midbrain
C. Pterygomandibular raphae D. Pituitary
D. Cricoid cartilage
17. Lateral divergent squint occurs due to
8. Usual movement of condyles following A. Injury to VI cranial nerve
contraction of lateral pterygoid is B. Injury to V cranial nerve
A. Upwards C. Paralysis of superior oblique
B. Downwards D. Paralysis of medial rectus
C. Upward , forward

18. Lymph vessels from the posterior portion

of the nasal cavity end in the
A. Submental nodes
B. Submandibular nodes
C. Superficial cervical nerves
D. Deep cervical nodes and
retropharyngeal nodes

19. The following condition is due to Injury of

8. D - Downward, forward

9. C - Pain on retracting mandible

10. A - Clefting of palate

A. Optic nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Occulomotor nerve
D. Trochlear nerve

20. Upper lip drains into

A. Submandibular lymphnodes
B. Submental lymphnodes
C. Parotid lymphnodes
D. Post auricular nodes

The five muscles of the soft palate, play

important roles in swallowing and breathing.
Answers The muscles are:1. Tensor veli palatini, which
is involved in swallowing2. Palatoglossus,
1. D - Hypoglossal involved in swallowing3. Palatopharyngeus,
involved in breathing4. Levator veli palatini,
2. B - Digastric involved in swallowing5. Musculus uvulae,
which moves the uvulaThese muscles are
3. C - Tensor palatine innervated by the pharyngeal plexus via the
vagus nerve, with the exception of the tensor
4. B - Temporalis veli palatini. The tensor veli palatini is
innervated by cranial nerve 5 branch V3
5. D - Elevates the hyoid (which is the mandibular division of the
trigeminal cranial nerve)
6. B - Superior genial tubercle
11. B - Between thyropharyngeus and
7. A - Body of hyoid bone cricopharyngeus

12. C - Inferior meatus

13. B - Posteriorly retracts

14. A - Posterior cricoarytenoids

15. A - Foramen magnum


16. A - Parasympathetic

17. D - Paralysis of medial rectus

18. D - Deep cervical nodes and

retropharyngeal nodes

19. C - Occulomotor nerve

20. A - Submandibular lymphnodes

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