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You are cordially invited...

... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
Date and Time:
You are Thomas Fellows, the gardener at Linden Grange. __________________

Thomas has served the Felding family as gardener for many, many Location:
years. Staunchly loyal to the Feldings, Thomas is also staunchly loyal
to the beautiful grounds of Linden Grange; he loves his flowers and his
trusted position as head gardener. It was Thomas who discovered Sir __________________
Theodore’s body.
Please Bring:
Suggested Costume: Thomas is happy in his native tweed and trusty __________________
brogan boots. His dress is unassuming at best, but clean and neat, like
his gardens. Thomas never goes anywhere without his trusty shovel.

Please RSVP to ________________________________

You are cordially invited...
... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
Date and Time:
You are Sophie Sobriquet, the maid at Linden Grange. __________________

Sophie traveled to Linden Grange to work as the housemaid. On her Location:

way through the village, Sophie turned more than one head with her
flirtatious manners and coy French sayings. Previously, Robert Johnson
was her favorite companion, but local gossip pointed to a new fancy – __________________
no one is quite sure whom.
Please Bring:
Suggested Costume: Frills, bows, lace – Sophie enjoys anything “du __________________
mod francais.” She sometimes dresses so attractively as to incur Mrs.
Erstine’s displeasure, and receives stern lectures about propriety.

Please RSVP to ________________________________

You are cordially invited...
... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
Date and Time:
You are Lord Anthony Stewart, the deceased’s cousin. __________________

Cousin to Sir Theodore Felding, Lord Stewart stands to inherit Linden Location:
Grange and all associated holdings. Lord Stewart had but recently
departed the house the night of Sir Theodore’s murder, and blames
himself for the tragedy that occurred in his absence. __________________

Suggested Costume: Lord Stewart’s person outshines any clothing he Please Bring:
could choose to wear. However, he appreciates a well-placed cravat __________________
that compliments his frock and waistcoat. __________________

Please RSVP to ________________________________

You are cordially invited...
... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
You are Mrs. Ernstine Lions, the housekeeper.
Date and Time:
Not a pin out of place escapes Mrs. Ernstine Lions, the fastidious
housekeeper of Linden Grange. Mrs. Ernstine was once employed by a Location:
Lady, and her rigorous standards of decorum and royal airs sometimes __________________
annoy other household staff, particularly Thomas. __________________
Suggested Costume: Since Sir Theodore’s death, Mrs. Ernstine has not
changed her garb of mourning black. Even her housekeeper’s bonnet Please Bring:
reflects the dark shades of her mourning. She’s famous for carrying __________________
about a heavy, formal gold candlestick to flaunt Sir Theodore’s wealth
and prestige.

Please RSVP to ________________________________

You are cordially invited...
... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
You are Robert Johnson, the groom.
Date and Time:
Robert’s outrageous behavior has more than once compromised his
position at Linden Grange. He enjoys conversing with Sophie, and often Location:
spends time indoors trying to catch a word with her. No one is sure
why Robert is permitted to remain at the grange despite his dissolute
habits and cheeky mien. __________________
Suggested Costume: Robert’s coat and breeches have been mended in
Please Bring:
several places, and it’s a lucky day indeed if he’s shaved his stubbly
beard. “Dissolute” does not do justice to his wardrobe, and his wardrobe
matches his behavior. __________________

Please RSVP to ________________________________

You are cordially invited...
... to Linden Grange, home of the late Sir Theodore Fielding, to assist in
resolving the unfortunate affair of his untimely murder. He was found
Tuesday last, blugeoned to death on his own lovely grounds.
Date and Time:
You are Ms. Charise Clayton, a family friend. __________________

According to the local dressmakers and haberdashers, Ms. Clayton and Location:
Sir Theodore were about to announce their forthcoming betrothal. Ms.
Clayton, though not of the peerage herself, endears others to her by
her sweet nature and ladylike decorum. She seems to have taken Sir __________________
Theodore’s death very hard.
Please Bring:
Suggested Costume: The dressmakers love Ms. Clayton for her elegant, __________________
but expensive style. Kid gloves and an elegantly plumed hat would not
be out of place.

Please RSVP to ________________________________

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