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Internationalization is a set of institutional initiatives which integrates

worldwide, and multicultural perspective into the education, research, and

service activities of universities. There are several reasons of
internationalization of Canadian universities. The first
reason which is important academically, is to promote globally associated
research and scholarship. Along with that, raising internationally conscious
graduates with abilities appropriate for current and future occupations
is equally important. Apart from these, other motives are more focused on
to the country’s welfare. International students who are future’s necessary
employees and citizens are drawn to Canadian Universities due to their
internationalization policies. Furthermore, internationalization enhances a
country’s worldwide competitiveness of its workforce. Internationalization
benefits Canadian students in diverse ways. Canada is obliged to educate
intelligent and qualified individuals who are competitive and eager to land
the best jobs. As well as the benefits, there are some downsides of
internationalization indeed. For instance, high prices and unchangeable
curriculums are fundamental obstructions to more students from enrolling in
international educatian programs.

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