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Look for images from the internet for the following urine sediments:

1. RBC

2. WBC or Pus Cells

3. Bacteria

a. hyaline cast
b. Coarse granular cast
c. Fine granular cast
d. Epithelial Cell cast
e. waxy cast
f. RTE cast
g. WBC cast
h. RBC cast
i. Fatty Cast
j. Broad cast
k. Bacterial Cast
l. Bilirubin cast

6. Urine Parasites
a. Trichomonas vaginilis
b. Schistosoma haematobium
c. Echinococcus granulosus
d. Enterobius vermicularis

7. Yeast
8. Oval Fat bodies
9. Starch granules
10. Oil droplets
11. Pollen Grains
12. Mucus Threads
13. Spermatozoa
14. Epithelial Cells
15. Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells

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