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Paper Final on Zoology

75 marks & 45 mins.

1. Animals from which portion are known as flat worm?

a. Nematoda
b. Annelida
c. Platyhelminthes
d. Mollusca

2. Which is asymmetrical?
a. Jelly fish
b. Apple Snail
c. Butterfly
d. Human

3. Which level of animals show bisexual characteristics?

a. Annelida
b. Chordata
c. Nematoda
d. Porifera

4. Pila Globosa belongs to:

a. Porifera
b. Mollusca
c. Cnidaria
d. Platyhelminthes

5. What persists between epidermis and gastrodermis of hydra?

a. Mesoderm
b. Mesoglea
c. Coelenteron
d. Endoderm

6. Which is the biggest nematocyst of Hydra?

a. Penitrent
b. Volvent
c. Steriolen Glutinant
d. Desmosin

7. Cardo is the portion of the appendage:

a. Labrum
b. Mandible
c. Labium
d. Maxilla

8. Which of the following grasshoppers not found in Bangladesh?

a. Locusta Danica
b. Locusta migratoria
c. Locusta vinista
d. Orthacris elegans
9. Which is not found at the heart of Rui Fish?
a. Valve
b. Sinus Venosus
c. Bulbus Arteriosus
d. Conus Arteriosus

10. Feature of Sarcopterygii:

a. Ganoid Scale
b. Cycloid Scale
c. Homocercal Tail
d. Heterocercal Tail

11. Name of blood cell of grasshopper:

a. Hemocyte
b. Thrombocyte
c. Leukocyte
d. Erythrocyte

12. What is the name of the toxic liquid substance in Nematocyst?

a. Hemozoin
b. Hemocyanin
c. Toxin
d. Hypnotoxin

13. Correct passive voice of the sentence: “Who taught you grammar?” is:
a. By whom you taught grammar?
b. By whom were you taught grammar?
c. By whom was you taught grammar?
d. By whom grammar was taught you?

14. Masculine gender for bee is:

a. Drake
b. Doe
c. Dam
d. Drone

15. Synonymous pair of words:

a. Acclimatize and Accustom
b. Philanthropic and Pessimistic
c. Clutter and Consistent
d. Aparteid and Apprehend
16. Which of the following is antonym of “Laud”?
a. Inept
b. Abhor
c. Latch
d. Adore

17. Choose the correct spelling:

a. Sovreignty
b. Sovereignty
c. Soverenity
d. Sevreinty

18. Are you an early riser? Here ‘early’ is:

a. Verb
b. Adverb
c. Noun
d. Adjective

19. Only foreigner who won the “Birpratik” title:

a. David Nalin
b. Robishankar
c. William Waderland
d. Andro Marlo

20. Length of Padma Bridge:

a. 5.95 Km
b. 6.00 Km
c. 6.40 Km
d. 6.15 Km

21. When was the first national parliament election was held?
a. 19th April,1973
b. 28th February, 1973
c. 6th April,1973
d. 7th March, 1973.

22. Which is not the portion of first maxilla of cockroach?

a. Stipes
b. Lasinia
c. Submentum
d. Cardo

23. Not a feature of Malpighian canal:

a. 25mm length
b. Microvilli outside the cell.
c. Microvilli inside the cell.
d. Elastic
24. When does larva stage end in Rui?
a. After 72 hours
b. After 36 days
c. After 15-18 hours
d. After 96 days

25. Morbid Obesity:

a. <18.5 kg/m2
b. ≥ 40 kg/m2
c. 35-39.99 kg/m2
d. 50-100 kg/m2

26. How many types of bacteria persist in the large intestine?

a. 450
b. 500
c. 550
d. 600

27. What is not the stage of gastric acid secretion?

a. Cephalic stage
b. Gastric stage
c. Intestinal stage
d. Momentalis stage

28. Which cycle causes production of urea in the liver?

a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Ornithin cycle
d. Kreb’s cycle

29. Which organism may cause ulceration in the stomach?

a. E. coli
b. H. Pylori
c. V. Cholerae
d. Shigella

30. Which investigation well states the condition of the heart?

a. ECG
b. ETT
c. S. BNP
d. Coronary angiogram

31. In case of Leukaemia, which is true:

a. RBC gradually increases
b. WBC abruptly increases
c. WBC is destructed
d. WBC gradually increases, RBC is normal.
32. Which increases due to allergy?
a. Basophil
b. Neutrophil
c. Platelet
d. Eosinophil

33. Which factor increase may predispose hearth attack?

a. II
b. VII
d. IX

34. The skeletal system of human is divided into:

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

35. Which vertebrae has odontoid process persistent?

a. Atlas
b. Axis
c. Vertebrae Prominence
d. All of the above

36. Other name of general fracture:

a. Compound fracture
b. Complex fracture
c. Closed fracture
d. None

37. Which cartilage is profoundly found from embryo of shark?

a. Hyaline
b. Elastic
c. White fibrous
d. Calcified

38. Which of the following is not hamstring muscle?

a. Biceps Femoris
b. Rectus Femoris
c. Semimembranosus
d. Semitendinosus

39. In an adult male total number of vertebrae is:

a. 16
b. 26
c. 29
d. 33

40. Nail flipper is an example of:

a. First Class Liver
b. Second Class Liver
c. Third Class Liver
d. Fourth Class Liver

41. Which is the science related to Silk:

a. Sericulture
b. Apiculture
c. Pisciculture
d. Lac-culture

42. Who, which, what are:

a. Demonstrative pronoun
b. Relative pronoun
c. Indefinite pronoun
d. Reflexive pronoun

43. Which of the following is agranulocyte?

a. Neutrophil
b. Monocyte
c. Eosinophil
d. Erythrocyte

44. What is the specific site of chromosome in gene?

a. Factor
b. Locus
c. Allele
d. Genotype

45. From where does testosterone hormone gets secreted:

a. Cervix
b. Leydig cell
c. Ovary
d. Sertoli cell

46. Chromosome number in primary spermatocyte:

a. n
b. 2n
c. 3n
d. 4n
47. Which vitamins being organized by bacteria in colon?
a. B and K
b. K and C
c. C and B
d. C and K

48. Specific antigen is held to T cell by:

a. T cell
b. B cell
c. NK cell
d. Mast cell

49. Which is conjugate type of vaccine:

a. Hepatitis
b. Mumps
c. Diphtheria
d. H. Influenza

50. Which type of neuron persist in retina:

a. Apolar
b. Unipolar
c. Bipolar
d. Multipolar

51. Parietal cell of Bowman’s Capsule is from:

a. Epithelial cell
b. Connective cell
c. Muscular cell
d. Nervous cell
52. Boot leg means:
a. Distribute
b. Export
c. Import
d. Smuggle

53. Antonym of purchase:

a. Buy
b. Produce
c. Procure
d. Sell

54. Antonym of Queer is:

a. Integrated
b. Chaffy
c. Orderly
d. Stupid

55. Testosterone level in male:

a. 250-1130 ng
b. 300-1200 ng
c. 350-1230 ng
d. 400-1300 ng

56. Where is IgA absent:

a. Tear
b. Lymph
c. Lymphocyte
d. Basophil

57. B lymphocyte is divided into:

a. Basophil
b. Plasma Cell
c. Neutrophil
d. NK Cell

58. Which is the portion of primary immune system:

a. Seromen
b. Interferon
c. Phagocyte
d. Complement

59. Which hormone injected for increasing egg cell:

a. FSH
b. LH
c. GTH
d. STH
60. Which hormone stimulates formation of endometrium:
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Relaxin
d. Inhibin

61. Tidal volume in adult:

a. 500 ml
b. 1500 ml
c. 3500 ml
d. 1000 ml
62. Which nephron has short Loop of Henle?
a. Superficial cortical
b. Mid cortical nephron
c. Juxtamedullary nephron
d. Medullary nephron

63. Ratio of Haem:Globin:

a. 25:1
b. 1:25
c. 1:24
d. None

64. Which of the following is not paranasal sinus:

a. Frontal Sinus
b. Maxillary Sinus
c. Sphenoid Sinus
d. Occipital Sinus

65. Which is the correct spelling:

a. Scizophroania
b. Sccizophrenia
c. Schizophrania
d. Schizophrenia

66. Which blood group is universal recipient?

a. A
b. B
c. O
d. AB

67. Lead artist for “Concert for bangladesh”:

a. Pandit Rabishankar
b. George Harrison
c. Mother Morio
d. Elen Ginsberg

68. 2nd country recognizing Bangladesh as independent?

a. India
b. Russia
c. Bhutan
d. Nepal

69. Venous heart is found in:

a. Fish
b. Frog
c. Crocodile
d. Bird
70. How many spiracle in grasshopper:
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

71. My uncle arrived while I _________ the dinner.

a. Would cook
b. Had cooked
c. Cook
d. Was cooking

72. “I will be leaving tomorrow.” What is the correct tense in this sentence?
a. Present Continuous
b. Present simple
c. Future perfect
d. Future continuous

73. Choose the correct sentence:

a. I have been lived here since 5 years
b. I am living here for years.
c. I have been living here for 5 years.
d. I live here for 5 years.

74. It is time (do) work.

a. Did
b. Doing
c. Does
d. To do

75. He said that he ______ previous day.

a. Has come
b. Had come
c. Came
d. Arrived

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