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NumPy II

Ezequiel Cimadevilla Álvarez

Santander Meteorology Group

ETSI Caminos, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Cantabria
Avenida de los Castros s/n
39005 Santander, Spain

Máster Data Science/Ciencia de Datos - 2020/2021

● NumPy internals
○ Bits, bytes and memory positions
○ ndarrays in memory
■ Copies and views
○ Exercises
From previous class
● Python: Iterables, Iterators, Generators and Ranges
○ Iterable
○ Generator-iterator objects
○ Yield expressions
○ Range (memory efficient)

def my_lazy_map(func, iterable): def my_eager_map(func, iterable):

for x in iterable: return [func(x) for x in interable]
yield func(x)
● Be aware of lazy evaluation and mutable objects!
From previous class
● When to use high-order functions
○ Lambda functions
○ Map and filter
■ Numpy apply
■ Pandas apply
○ xarray reduce
Open the notebook

● Multidimensional arrays in memory and disk

○ Ordering
○ Chunks
● Bits, bytes and types
○ Little endian vs big endian
● Views and copies
NumPy II
Ezequiel Cimadevilla Álvarez

Santander Meteorology Group

ETSI Caminos, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Cantabria
Avenida de los Castros s/n
39005 Santander, Spain

Máster Data Science/Ciencia de Datos - 2020/2021

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