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1. Gold: Malleable and ductile, used in jewelry, electronics, and as a financial investment.
2. Silver: Malleable and ductile, used in jewelry, electronics, mirrors, silverware, and as a
financial investment.
3. Copper: Ductile, used in electrical wiring, heat exchangers, coins, and various alloys such
as brass and bronze.
4. Aluminum: Ductile, used in aircraft, cars, packaging, and construction.
5. Lead: Malleable, used in batteries, radiation shielding, and as a component in alloys.
6. Tin: Malleable, used in tin cans, tinplate, and as a component in alloys such as bronze
and pewter.
7. Nickel: Malleable and ductile, used in stainless steel, magnets, and as a component in
various alloys.
8. Zinc: Malleable and ductile, used in galvanization, die casting, and as a component in
various alloys.
9. Platinum: Malleable and ductile, used in jewelry, catalytic converters, and as a financial
10. Iron (with the addition of small amounts of carbon, it becomes steel which is also
malleable and ductile) used in construction, machinery, and various alloys such as steel.

Malleability and ductility are two physical properties of metals that describe how easily a metal can be
shaped or formed.
Malleability refers to a metal's ability to be easily shaped or formed without breaking or cracking when
pressure is applied. This means that a malleable metal can be flattened or stretched into different shapes
without breaking. Gold and silver are examples of malleable metals.
Ductility refers to a metal's ability to be easily stretched or bent without breaking. A ductile metal can be
pulled into thin wires without breaking. Copper and aluminum are examples of ductile metals.
So, a metal can be malleable and ductile, but not all malleable metals are ductile and vice versa. Some
metals are both malleable and ductile, such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum, but some metals are
only one of them. Iron for example, is a metal that is quite malleable but not very ductile.

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