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Plant Uptake
Symbiotic Fixation

Cycle soil is driven by these transformations between

oxidized and reduced states and between organic
M S Coyne and W W Frye, University of Kentucky,
and inorganic forms (Figure 1).
Lexington, KY, USA
The principal soluble inorganic N forms in soil
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. are NO  þ
3 , NO2 , and NH4 . The inorganic gase-
ous N forms in soil are N2, N2O, NO, and NH3.
Organic N takes many forms, such as amino acids
Introduction (e.g., glycine, glutamine), amino sugars (e.g., glucosa-
Nitrogen (N) is the element most often limiting plant mine, galactosamine), nucleosides (e.g., adenine,
nutrition in terrestrial ecosystems. The greatest source guanine), peptides, phospholipids (e.g., phospha-
of available N is atmospheric dinitrogen (N2), which tidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine), vitamins
is relatively inert and can only be used by symbiotic (e.g., niacin), and other compounds such as creatine,
and free-living prokaryotic bacteria with the capacity cyanide, allantoin, various alkyl amines, and urea.
for N2 fixation (Table 1). For other plants and soil Unidentifiable forms of N are typically polymerized
organisms, the slow release of N from rocks and with soil organic matter fractions such as humic and
minerals and cycling between organic and inorganic fulvic acids.
forms in soil is crucial to life. Unfortunately, some
aspects of N cycling can be problematic. Nitrogen N-Cycling Pathways
can be readily lost from terrestrial soils, leading
to reduced fertility and surface- or groundwater The major organic and inorganic N transformations
contamination, and several transformations give rise that occur in soil can be grouped into five pathways:
to intermediate or final products that can have mineralization (ammonification), assimilation (im-
negative environmental consequences. mobilization), nitrification, nitrate reduction, and
N2 fixation.

Properties and Forms of Nitrogen

in Soil
There are two overriding chemical properties of the Table 1 Global sources of available N
N atom worth noting. First, the dinitrogen molecule, Source N content (1016 kg)a Total (%)
N2, is very stable. Once formed and lost from the soil
environment, N2 is relatively inert and requires con- Atmosphere 386.000 87.0000
Oceans and lakes
siderable energy (946 kJ mol1) to break the triple
Dissolved N2 2.190 0.5000
bond between N molecules and reintroduce N to bio- Soluble inorganic N 0.110 0.0200
logical systems. The second significant feature of N, Sediments 35.000–55.000 12.0000
owing to its atomic structure and electron configur- Sea bottom organic N 0.054 0.0100
ation, is its ability to undergo changes in oxidation Terrestrial biosphere 0.028–0.065 0.0100
Terrestrial soils
state from þ5 to 3 depending on its environment.
Organic N 0.022 0.0050
This property is important for soil transformations, Clay-fixed NHþ
4 0.002 0.0005
because N, in its oxidized forms, can be an electron
acceptor in anaerobic respiratory metabolism. N, in The data exclude N in the lithosphere such as igneous rocks, sediments,
and coal that do not actively participate in global N cycling.
its reduced forms, can also be an energy source for Source: Stevenson FJ and Cole MA (1999) Cycles of Soil, 2nd edn. New York:
various chemolithotrophic bacteria. The N cycle in John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Nitrification is the general term that describes
oxidation of reduced inorganic and organic N and
formation of NO 
2 or NO3 . It is an aerobic process
that occurs by one of two pathways: autotrophic
nitrification, carried out by chemolithotrophic bac-
teria, and heterotrophic nitrification, carried out by
chemoheterotrophic bacteria and fungi.

Autotrophic nitrification Autotrophic nitrification

is a two-step process that is carried out by chemo-
lithotrophic bacteria, which obtain energy by
Figure 1 Oxidation–reduction transformations of nitrogen. oxidizing NH3 to NO 3 (eqn [5]).

Mineralization (Ammonification)
During mineralization, organic N is hydrolyzed to
The first step in the pathway, which is performed
release NH3, which is subsequently protonated in
by NH3-oxidizing bacteria such as Nitrosomonas,
the soil solution to become the cation NHþ 4 (eqn
involves the sequential oxidation of NH3 to hydro-
[1a]). Consequently, mineralization is frequently
xylamine (NH2OH) and then to NO 2 (eqns [6a]
referred to as ammonification:
and [6b]):

Another example of mineralization that has great

importance in soil is urea hydrolysis by the seemingly
ubiquitous enzyme urease, which is shown in eqn [2]. The second step in the pathway is performed by
Urea is one of the dominant organic N forms excreted NO 2 oxidizing bacteria typified by bacteria in the
by animals, and it is also one of the most popular genus Nitrobacter. Nitrite oxidation is generally so
forms of solid fertilizer used on a global basis. Urea rapid that NO 2 rarely accumulates to any significant
hydrolysis in soil is rapid, and the subsequent NH3 extent in soil:
formation can cause considerable N loss through
volatilization. One of the immediate effects of urea
hydrolysis is also a rapid increase in the soil pH:

Autotrophic nitrification is believed to be the dom-

inant type of nitrification occurring in agricultural
soils. Nitrification is an acidifying process and use
Assimilation (Immobilization) of reduced organic and inorganic N for plant nutri-
tion will lower the soil pH with time because of
Assimilation (immobilization) is the incorporation of
inorganic N as NHþ  
4 , NO3 , or NO2 into biomass
(eqns [3] and [4]). Immobilization can also refer to
the binding of NHþ 4 to certain clays in soil and to the
Heterotrophic nitrification Heterotrophic nitrifica-
interaction of inorganic N with soil organic matter: tion is the oxidation of organic N and NH3 by various
chemoheterotrophic bacteria and fungi such as
Arthrobacter, Streptomyces, and Aspergillus. Hetero-
trophic nitrification produces NO 
2 and NO3 in soils
typically too acid to permit autotrophic nitrification
(eqn [8a]).

aquatic systems, photosynthetic cyanobacteria such

as Anabaena and Nostoc are responsible for N2
Products of heterotrophic nitrification also include fixation.
nitroso-compounds, which have been identified as
potential carcinogens (eqn [8b]):

Nitrogenase is actually an enzyme complex consist-

ing of dinitrogenase reductase and dinitrogenase,
which are highly conserved, O2-sensitive enzymes
working in tandem to reduce N2. Nitrogenase is
Nitrate Reduction somewhat nonspecific with respect to substrate, so it
In anaerobic or waterlogged environments, denitrifi- will also reduce Hþ to H2, N2O to N2, and C2H2 to
cation and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammo- C2H4. The latter reduction is the basis for the acetyl-
nium (DNRA) are the two major pathways by which ene reduction assay (ARA), which is used to detect
the NO 
2 and NO3 formed by nitrification can be
and quantify N2 fixation in different environments.
subsequently reduced. Facultatively anaerobic bac-
teria perform these N transformations, although it Fixed (Nonexchangeable) Ammonium
has been suggested that some fungi are also capable
An important part of the inorganic soil N of some
of denitrification.
soils is fixed or nonexchangeable NHþ 4 . Ammonium
ions in soil exist in a chemical equilibrium as follows:
Denitrification Denitrification is the major reduc-
tive fate of NO 3 in most soil environments. It is a NHþ þ þ
4 ðsolutionÞ$ NH4 ðexchangeableÞ $ NH4 ðfixedÞ
respiratory process in which nitrogen oxides are used
as terminal electron acceptors in place of O2 and Figure 2 shows the crystalline structure of a wea-
produces gas as the terminal reduction product (eqn thered, micaceous silicate clay mineral, such as
[9]). Denitrification is a multistep process catalyzed illite, showing the locations of solution, exchange-
by distinct enzymes for each step: able, and fixed NHþ 4 . Much of the fixed NH4

can be slowly available to growing plants and soil

Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium The

NHþ 4 produced during DNRA is not assimilated but is
excreted into the environment (eqn [10]). The bac-
teria that perform DNRA are distinct from denitri-
fiers. They predominate in environments that are
continuously saturated, anaerobic, and have high
concentrations of available C relative to NO

N2 Fixation
Nitrogen fixation is an energy-demanding process by
which prokaryotic bacteria reduce N2 gas to NH3
either independently or in symbiosis with various
leguminous and nonleguminous plant species (eqn Figure 2 Schematic of micaceous-type soil clay (vermiculite,
[11]). The most significant types of terrestrial nitrogen hydrous mica) showing wedge-shaped zones and weathered
edges where NH+ 4 can be fixed. Adapted from Dixon JB and
fixation are the legume/rhizobia symbiosis and Weed SB (eds) (1989) Minerals in Soil Environments, 2nd edn. Soil
the actinorhizal symbioses, which occur between Science Society of America Book Series 1. Madison, WI: Soil
woody shrubs and bacteria of the genus Frankia. In Science Society of America with permission.

microorganisms. As plant uptake or biomass immo- rule, N-containing compounds such as amino acids
bilization depletes the readily available NHþ 4 , i.e., are not mineralized only to be subsequently resynthe-
solution NHþ þ
4 and exchangeable NH4 , fixed NH4 is
sized. Most N cycling in soil and inorganic N release
released by cation replacement, especially with Kþ. is actually driven by the mineralization of soil C for
Conversely, when NHþ 4 is added to the soil from any biomass and energy; inorganic N accumulates in soil
source, more NHþ 4 is fixed to establish a new equilib- only when the microbial demand for N is met. When
rium. Therefore, the fixed NHþ 4 sites serve as a the C/N ratio of decomposing material exceeds ap-
reserve source of N and as a sink for excess NHþ 4. proximately 30, net immobilization of inorganic
N from soil occurs because there is insufficient N in
Regulation and Environmental Control the mineralizing material to sustain microbial bio-
mass formation. In contrast, when the C/N ratio is
Nitrogen transformations between organic and inor- less than 30, the N needs for microbial growth are
ganic forms in soil depend on the type and availability met, and inorganic N is released into the soil environ-
of inorganic N and on the relative availability of ment. The decomposition of organic materials with
inorganic N to mineralizable C. very low C/N ratios can therefore cause inorganic
N to accumulate briefly in excess of microbial and
Cellular and Environmental Regulators of
plant needs, with the potentially adverse effects of
N Transformations
volatilization, runoff loss, or plant toxicity in the
Microorganisms in soil will preferentially assimilate case of NHþ 4.
4 rather than NO3 or NO2 . Even low NH4
The three environmental factors that regulate nitri-
concentrations in soil solutions will quickly stop fication in soil are NHþ 4 availability, aeration, and pH
NO 3 uptake and, soon after, inhibit enzymes associ- (Figure 3). As long as the oxidation–reduction poten-
ated with assimilatory NO 3 reduction (Table 2). If tial (Eh) of soil exceeds approximately 400 mV, NO 3
NHþ 4 concentrations in soil solutions exceed will remain oxidized and nitrification of NHþ 4 will
1 mmol l1, assimilation by glutamate dehydrogenase proceed. In contrast to most other N transformation
will occur in which the first recognizable product is processes, autotrophic nitrification is extremely pH-
glutamate. If soil N is limiting, microorganisms will sensitive. Below pH 5.5, NHþ 4 oxidation will not
utilize an enzyme system referred to as GS/GOGAT occur, and above pH 8 NO 2 oxidation slows, because
(glutamine synthetase/glutamine oxoglutarylamino NH3 inhibits NO 2 -oxidizing bacteria. Ammonifica-
transferase) in which the first identifiable form of tion and urease activity can rapidly increase the NH3
organic N is glutamine. Nitrate, if it is assimilated, concentration in soil sufficiently to prevent NO 2 oxi-
will first be reduced to NO 2 by assimilatory NO3

dation and thereby cause brief NO 2 accumulation.

reductase and the NO2 subsequently reduced to Plant toxicity can result.
4 by assimilatory NO2 reductase. Thereafter, In grassland and prairie environments, autotrophic
the pathways are the same as for NHþ 4 assimilation. nitrification is often minimal. Although it has been
Organic N will be mineralized in soil in the absence suggested that this is due to allelopathic effects of
of available inorganic soil N, although, as a general the native vegetation, the most likely explanation is

Table 2 Inhibition of NO þ

3 assimilation by NH4

NO3 concentration Response

(mg NO3-N ml 1) N source Inhibition (%) time (min)

2 NHþ4 55 1
Arginine 51 6
Asparagine 50 1
Glutamine 48 4
Glutamate 22 nd
Aspartate 21 nd
Alanine 8 nd
Glycine 1 nd
10 NHþ4 79 5
Glutamine 72 3

nd, not detectable.

Source: Rice CW and Tiedje JM (1989) Regulation of nitrate assimilation by
ammonium in soils and in isolated soil microorganisms. Soil Biology and Figure 3 Regulators of nitrification in the soil environment.
Biochemistry 21: 597–602. CEC, cation exchange capacity.

that intense competition from plant roots and he- energy through anaerobic respiration with NO 3
terotrophic microorganisms deprives nitrifiers of the than do NHþ 4 dissimilators (1121 versus 600 kJ
NHþ 4 that they require for growth. mol1 of NO 3 reduced).
Nitrification slows and ceases as soils become in- Nitrogen fixation is an energy-demanding process.
creasingly saturated. The dominant fate of NO 3 in Consequently, when N is available in the form of
most waterlogged soil environments is denitrifica- inorganic N or readily mineralizable organic N, the
tion. Oxygen concentration is the overwhelming en- synthesis and activity of nitrogenase are suppressed.
vironmental factor controlling denitrification and High soil N concentrations will also suppress the
DNRA (Figure 4). Limited C and NO 3 availability establishment of symbiotic N2-fixing relationships
will also slow denitrification and affect whether between bacteria and plants.
incompletely reduced intermediates such as NO and
N2O accumulate. Chemical Regulators of N Transformations
Environmental control over whether denitrifica- Chemicals have been developed that can effectively
tion or DNRA predominates in an environment regulate (inhibit) two important N transformations
appears to be governed by the extent and duration on an agricultural field scale – nitrification and urea
of anoxia and by the relative proportions of soluble hydrolysis. A nitrification inhibitor slows the rate of
C and NO 3 (Figure 5). Denitrifiers are more competi- autotrophic nitrification by selectively suppressing
tive when C is limiting because they obtain more Nitrosomonas bacteria in the soil (eqn [5]). A urease
inhibitor functions by interfering with the enzymatic
activity of urease in catalyzing the hydrolysis of urea
(eqn [2]). The use of these chemicals will be discussed
later as part of management practices to decrease
N losses.

Routes of N Loss From the Environment

The N transformations in soil inevitably result in
intermediate or final products that can be lost from
the soil environment through gaseous diffusion,
leaching, or surface erosion (Figure 6). The route of
N loss greatly depends on the type of transformation –
whether oxidative or reductive.

Figure 4 Regulators of NO3 reduction in the soil environment. Reductive Losses

AEC, anion exchange capacity.
The major reductive losses of N occur during denitri-
fication, which produces N oxides such as NO and
N2O as intermediates and N2 as a final product. All
three compounds are gases that can be lost to the
atmosphere. Nitrate reduction to NHþ 4 seemingly
preserves N from loss; however, the NHþ 4 formed
can still be leached in soils with low cation exchange
capacities or lost through erosion.

Oxidative Losses
Autotrophic nitrification frequently results in the
production of NO and N2O as gaseous intermediates.
The major concern with nitrification is the
production of NO 3 , which is readily leached from
soil environments.

Figure 5 Environmental control of the partitioning between Volatilization

denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium
(DNRA). Adapted from Tiedje JM, Sexstone AJ, Myrold DD, and
Ammonium exists in chemical equilibrium with NH3.
Robinson AJ (1982) Denitrification: ecological niches, competi- The pK for this equilibrium is approximately pH 9.5.
tion, and survival. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 48: 569–583. Consequently, when the soil pH is sufficiently high, or

Figure 6 Paths of nitrogen transformation and loss from soil. Numbered pathways correspond to the chemical equations in the text.

Table 3 Some patented nitrification inhibitors

Chemical Common name Developer Inhibition by day 14 (%)

2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine N-serve Dow Chemical 82

4-Amino-1,2,4-6-triazole-HCl ATC Ishihada Industries 78
2,4-Diamino-6-trichloromethyltriazine CL-1580 American Cyanamid 65
Dicyandiamide DCD Showa Denko 53
Thiourea TU Nitto Ryuso 41
1-Mercapto-1,2,4-triazole MT Nippon 32
2-Amino-4-chloro-6-methylpyrimidine AM Mitsui Toatsu 31

Adapted from Paul EA and Clark FE (1989) Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. San Diego, CA: Academic Press with permission.

if NHþ4 production is sufficiently rapid, aqueous NH3

will be volatilized from soil and lost to the atmos-
phere as a gas. Animal manures, which contain read-
ily mineralizable forms of organic N such as urea, can
produce considerable amounts of volatile NH3 due to
this process. Management Practices to Decrease N Losses
Interaction of N with Soil Organic Matter
Figure 6 shows the transformation pathways that
A significant fate of inorganic N is its interaction with potentially result in losses from the N cycle. Some of
soil organic matter. Although this can retard N loss these losses, including soil erosion, NO 3 leaching,
from the environment, it also temporarily renders denitrification, and NH3 volatilization, can be man-
part of the inorganic N unavailable. Studies in Cali- aged to varying extents. Inhibiting nitrification and
fornia and Iowa have demonstrated that much of the urease activity affects all of these pathways except
inorganic NO þ
3 and NH4 added to soil can almost erosion.
immediately become immobilized. Nitrification-
mediated immobilization involves the reaction of Nitrification inhibitors Several chemicals have been
NO 2 , formed during the first step of nitrification, shown to inhibit nitrification (Table 3), but few have
with soil organic matter at acidic and neutral pH to been proven agronomically and economically effect-
form nitrosophenols. Nitrite can also react with ive. The first nitrification inhibitor to be approved by
amino acids and other forms of reduced organic N to the US Environmental Protection Agency was nitra-
liberate gases as illustrated in eqns [12] and [13]: pyrin, manufactured by Dow Chemical Company

and marketed as N-Serve. Nitrapyrin is 2-chloro-6- Table 4 Corn yield response to urease inhibitors with fertil-
(trichloromethyl) pyridine. It may be used with any izers surface applied for no-tillage corn
NHþ 4 -N fertilizer, including anhydrous ammonia, Grain yields (Mg ha1)
urea, urea–ammonium nitrate solutions (UAN), am-
Fertilizer a Pennsylvania b Kentucky c
monium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and animal
manures. UAN 6.96 5.14
Nitrapyrin has a relatively high vapor pressure (2.8 UAN þ ATS 7.03 NS –
UAN þ NBPT 7.40 5.52
 103 mmHg at 23 C). Because of its tendency to
Urea 6.65 5.27
volatilize, the manufacturer initially recommended Urea þ NBPT 7.53 6.15
incorporation into soil immediately after application. Ammonium nitrate 7.59 5.96
Research in Kentucky showed that nitrapyrin was a
UAN, urea ammonium nitrate solution; ATS, ammonium thiosulfate;
effective when sprayed directly on to N fertilizer NBPT, N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide.
particles, which were then surface-applied for no- b
From Fox and Piekielek (1993).
tillage corn. The researchers believed that the imme- Unpublished data, Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky.
NS, not significantly different (P 0.10) by LSD.
diate proximity of nitrapyrin and NHþ 4 ions together Significantly different by LSD: P  0.10, P  0.01, respectively.
at the sites of nitrification facilitated its effectiveness,
even when surface-applied.
Dicyandiamide (DCD), also known as cyanoqua- In many research studies (examples shown in
nidine, is a water-soluble, organic amide that is both a Table 4), one urease inhibitor has been shown to be
slow-release N source and a nitrification inhibitor. particularly efficacious for urea fertilizer manage-
The composition of DCD is C2N4H4, and it contains ment. Allied Chemical Corporation patented N-
at least 65% N. It is a fine-grained, nonhygroscopic, (n-butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) as a urease
crystalline powder, which is easily incorporated into inhibitor in 1985. Today, NBPT is marketed by
solid, solution, or suspension fertilizers. Agrotain International as a technology entity that
Widespread research on nitrapyrin and DCD includes a practical means of treating solid urea or
shows generally that both are very effective in sup- UAN solution with NBPT, or NBPT and DCD, at a
pressing nitrification in soil for several weeks after fertilizer-blending facility and delivering the product
application. The ratio of NHþ 
4 to NO3 is usually in the field as a fertilizer application. The combination

much higher in soils, and NO3 is lower in drainage of NBPT and DCD provides urease and nitrification
water from soils following application of ammonical inhibition for a urea application.
fertilizers treated with nitrapyrin or DCD than
the same applications without a nitrification inhibi-
tor. A crop yield response to a nitrification inhibitor, Environmental and Health Consequences
however, occurs only if N was lost by leaching or of N Cycling
denitrification and then only if those losses resulted
in N deficiency sufficient to reduce yields without the The principal environmental and health concerns as-
nitrification inhibitor. Rarely are yield increases ob- sociated with N cycling in soil are the potential for
served if nitrification inhibitors are used with much trace gas production and its effect on global warming
higher than optimum application rates of N. The en- and ozone depletion, the potential for nutrient loss,
vironmental benefits of decreasing NO 3 leaching
and the movement of N to environments where it can
with a nitrification inhibitor would none the less be cause eutrophication and potential health problems.
present and even more important where an excess of
N was applied. Global Warming and Ozone Destruction
Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide are trace gases formed
Urease inhibitors As in the case of nitrification
during nitrification and denitrification transform-
inhibitors, several chemicals inhibit urease activity.
ations of N in soil. Molecule for molecule, N2O is
Because mechanical incorporation is usually not prac-
150 times more effective at adsorbing thermal radi-
tical, a urease inhibitor must suppress hydrolysis of
ation than is CO2, the major greenhouse gas. Nitric
broadcast-applied urea to the surfaces of soil and
oxide plays a well-known role in the destruction of
plant residues for no-tillage agriculture, or growing
stratospheric ozone as illustrated in the following
plants in pastures, forage fields, or lawns, and the
effect must last long enough to allow rainfall to
leach the urea molecules into the soil, where hydroly- O3 þ hv ! O2 þ O ½14
sis can occur with little risk of NH3 volatilization loss
from most soils. N2 O þ O ! 2NO ½15

NO þ O3 ! NO2 þ O2 ½16 Mississippi River and its tributaries. Due to nutrient

leaching from agricultural watersheds, a hypoxic
NO2 þ O ! NO þ O2 ½17 zone some 7000 square miles in size (approximately
the same area as the state of New Jersey), which has
Nutrient Losses
significantly affected the shrimp and shellfish indus-
tries, has developed in the Gulf of Mexico off the
Denitrification and NO 3 leaching have been associ- Louisiana coast.
ated with the loss of up to 70% of the inorganic N in
some fertilized fields. Ammonia volatilization occur-
ring during hydrolysis of urea (eqn [2]) can result in Conclusion
losses of 10–50% of the N from surface-applied urea
The N cycle in soil is dynamic and inherently leaky.
fertilizers. Ammonia volatilization due to urease
Off-site losses of N gases, soluble ions, and organic
activity is given as one explanation for the loss of
compounds are virtually impossible to eliminate
3–50% of the N in unincorporated manures such as
completely. Nevertheless, there are several manage-
poultry litter applied to neutral soils. Ammonia in
ment practices for erosion control and fertilizer use
high enough concentrations is a toxic gas, and its
that can minimize N losses from soil, and the cycle
production in confined animal feeding operations
itself can be used to preserve environmental quality.
(CAFOs) is a major concern. Unfortunately, venting
For example, biological N2-fixation rather than com-
such gases into the atmosphere is problematic for two
mercial fertilization will generally retain more soil
reasons. First, the volatile N gases are odoriferous
N. Nitrates and nitrites in groundwater have been
and generate nuisance complaints. Second, the vola-
remediated through denitrification on increasingly
tile gases eventually return to soil or water as wet and
larger scales to preserve groundwater quality and
dry deposition and can contribute to eutrophication
public health.
in pristine environments.
Groundwater Quality
List of Technical Nomenclature
Groundwater is the source of drinking water for more
Anoxia Conditions in which O2 is absent. Syn-
than half of the USA, and in rural areas it represents
onymous with ‘anaerobic’
more than 95% of the water used for domestic pur-
poses. Nitrate-N concentrations in streams and Autotrophy Growth using inorganic elements as
groundwater are typically less than 2 mg l1 but C and energy sources
have been steadily increasing in the USA and Europe. Biomass Living organisms in soil, whether plants,
In the USA, for example, well-drained soils receiving animals, or microorganisms
high N inputs have median NO 3 -N concentrations
approaching 5 mg l1 and up to 26% of sample wells Eutrophic Excessive growth typically associated
have levels exceeding 10 mg NO 1 with aquatic systems in which one or
3 -N l , which is the
more limiting nutrients such as N or P
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and
is provided
Public Health Service drinking water standard. Many
drinking water systems in Europe currently exceed Heterotrophy Growth using organic C as the source of
the EC limit of 11.3 mg l1. C for biomass production and for energy
The consequences of chronic consumption of Hydrolysis Addition of water to chemical bonds
NO 3 -contaminated drinking water and vegetation during chemical reactions
can be severe and include methemoglobinemia
(blue-baby syndrome) and increased potential for Inhibition Suppression or slowing of a process for
an indefinite time, usually a few weeks
stomach cancer due to nitrosamine formation.
The consequences of nitrification and subsequent
See also: Enzymes in Soils; Greenhouse Gas Emis-
NO 3 leaching also have severe ecological conse-
sions; Microbial Processes: Environmental Factors;
quences. The inability of growing plants to capture Nutrient Management
completely the N applied in fertilizer, and natural
mineralization and nitrification in undisturbed soils
opened to agriculture, grazing, and irrigation, has Further Reading
caused N pollution problems from the Chesapeake Dixon JB and Weed SB (eds) (1989) Minerals in Soil
Bay in the eastern USA to the Baltic. The Gulf of Environments, 2nd edn. Soil Science Society of America
Mexico, for example, receives drainage from ap- Book Series 1. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of
proximately 41% of the continental USA via the America.

Fenchel T, King GM, and Blackburn TH (1998) Bacterial plants can also absorb N in the ammonium form
Biogeochemistry, 2nd edn. San Diego, CA: Academic (NHþ 4 ). Figure 1 shows the central position of soil
Press. nitrate within the nitrogen cycle. Nitrate is a natural
Follett RF, Keeney DR, and Cruse RM (1991) Managing product that is almost always present in soil. In nat-
Nitrogen for Groundwater Quality and Farm Profitabil-
ural or seminatural ecosystems nitrogen is usually
ity. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America.
cycled very efficiently between soil microbes, soil
Fox RH and Piekielek WP (1993) Management and urease
inhibitor effects on nitrogen use efficiency in no-till corn. solution, and plants so the concentration of nitrate
Journal of Production Agriculture 6: 195–200. in soil at any time is normally low and losses are
Paul EA and Clark FE (1989) Soil Microbiology and Bio- small. By contrast, in order to grow large yields of
chemistry. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. agricultural crops, nitrogen is required in large
Pearce RC, Zhan Y, and Coyne MS (1998) Nitrogen trans- quantities. For example, winter wheat growing
formations in the tobacco float system. Tobacco Science under UK conditions would typically take up about
42: 82–88. 200 kg N ha1 and most agricultural crops, other than
Rice CW and Tiedje JM (1989) Regulation of nitrate as- those grown under subsistence farming conditions,
similation by ammonium in soils and in isolated soil take up between 100 and 200 kg N ha1. Various
microorganisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21:
practices are adopted in order to provide sufficient
Schlesinger WH (1997) Biogeochemistry: an Analysis of
N and the use of inorganic fertilizers is particularly
Global Change, 2nd edn. San Diego, CA: Academic important, with almost 80 million tonnes of N being
Press. used annually worldwide (Table 1). Inorganic fertil-
Spalding RF and Exner ME (1993) Occurrence of nitrate in izers either contain nitrate or forms of N such as
groundwater – a review. Journal of Environmental ammonium or urea that are rapidly converted to ni-
Quality 22: 392–402. trate by soil microorganisms. Alternatively N may be
Stevenson FJ (ed.) (1982) Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils. supplied by adding animal manure or by incorporat-
Agronomy Monograph 22. Madison, WI: American ing residues of plants rich in nitrogen, such as N-fixing
Society of Agronomy. legumes, which may have been grown as the previous
Stevenson FJ and Cole MA (1999) Cycles of Soil, 2nd edn. crop, as a green manure or as part of a pasture which is
New York: John Wiley.
then plowed up. In all cases, except in anaerobic con-
Thorn KA and Mikita MA (2000) Nitrite fixation by humic
ditions such as flooded rice, much of the N from these
substances: nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance
evidence for potential intermediates in chemodenitri- organic sources will be converted to nitrate before
fication. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64: being absorbed by the crop. It is highly desirable to
568–582. utilize N from organic materials but it is mistaken to
Tiedje JM, Sexstone AJ, Myrold DD, and Robinson AJ assume that losses of nitrate are necessarily less than
(1982) Denitrification: ecological niches, competition, with inorganic fertilizers as the production of nitrate
and survival. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 48: 569–583. from organic sources is determined by the activity of
US Environmental Protection Agency (1995) Drinking soil microorganisms and not by crop demand – some
Water Regulations and Health Advisories. Washington, nitrate is produced at times when crop uptake is small
DC: Office of Water, USEPA. and the risk of nitrate loss is large.
Zumft WG (1997) Cell biology and molecular basis of
The nitrate ion is extremely soluble in water and
denitrification. Microbiology and Molecular Biology
can easily be washed out of soil to natural waters.
Reviews 61: 533–616.
There are two main pathways by which nitrate ions
dissolved in soil water are lost through the movement
of water: (1) leaching – the vertical movement of
water and its solutes through the soil profile to either
Nitrates groundwater or field drains; and (2) surface runoff –
the horizontal movement of water and solutes over
D S Powlson and T M Addiscott, Rothamsted the soil surface until it reaches a river or lake. Surface
Research, Harpenden, UK
runoff occurs where the soil is either compacted or is
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. naturally poorly draining, e.g., due to high clay con-
tent. A variation on surface runoff is sometimes
termed subsurface flow, in which water infiltrates
Under aerobic conditions nitrate (NO 3 ) is the final the soil to some extent but then moves horizontally
form of nitrogen produced in soil following the de- due to impeded drainage, for example due to compac-
composition of soil organic matter or any added plant tion at the base of the plow layer in cultivated soil or
or animal material. It is the main chemical form in because of a change in soil physical properties with
which nitrogen is taken up by plants, though most depth.

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