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fdred Feox MoFered N2 + 8H+

fdox Fered MoFeox 2NH3 + H2

Fe protein MoFe protein

Nitrogen Assimilation

On a dry-weight basis, nitrogen is the fourth most The principal topics discussed in this chapter
abundant nutrient element in plants. It is an essen- include:
tial constituent of proteins, nucleic acids, hormones,
• a review of the nitrogen cycle: the flow of nitrogen
chlorophyll, and a variety of other important primary
between three major global nitrogen pools,
and secondary plant constituents. Most plants obtain the
bulk of their nitrogen from the soil in the form of either • the biology and biochemistry of biological
nitrate (NO− +
3 ) or ammonium (NH4 ), but the supply
nitrogen-fixing systems, and
of nitrogen in the soil pool is limited and plants must • pathways for assimilation of ammonium and nitrate
compete with a variety of soil microorganisms for what nitrogen by plants.
nitrogen is available. As a result, nitrogen is often a lim-
iting nutrient for plants, in both natural and agricultural
The bulk of the atmosphere, 78 percent by volume, 11.1 THE NITROGEN CYCLE:
consists of molecular nitrogen (N2 , or dinitrogen), A COMPLEX PATTERN
an odorless, colorless gas. In spite of its abundance, OF EXCHANGE
however, higher plants are unable to convert dinitro-
gen into a biologically useful form. The two nitrogen The global nitrogen supply is generally distributed
atoms in dinitrogen are joined by an exceptionally sta- between three major pools: the atmospheric pool, the
ble bond (N ≡ N) and plants do not have the enzyme soil (and associated groundwater) pool, and nitrogen
that will reduce this triple covalent bond. Only certain contained within the biomass. Central to the idea of
prokaryote species are able to carry out this impor- a nitrogen cycle (Figure 11.1) is the pool of nitrogen
tant reaction. This situation presents plants with a found in the soil. Nitrogen from the soil pool enters the
unique problem with respect to the uptake and assim- biomass principally in the form of nitrate (NO− 3 ) taken
ilation of nitrogen; plants must depend on prokaryote up by plants and microorganisms. Once assimilated,
organisms to convert atmospheric dinitrogen into a nitrate nitrogen is converted to organic nitrogen in the
usable form. The nature of this problem and the form of amino acids and other nitrogenous building
solutions that have evolved are the subject of this blocks of proteins and other macromolecules. Nitrogen
chapter. moves further up the food chain when animals consume

196 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation


Biological Industrial Electrical Denitrification
N2 fixation N2 fixation N2 fixation
The loss of nitrogen from the soil pool through denitri-
fication is largely offset by additions to the pool through
conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to a combined
NH3 NO2– NO3– or fixed form. The process of reducing dinitrogen to
ammonia is known as nitrogen fixation or dinitrogen
Soil N Pool fixation. Just how much dinitrogen is fixed on a global
basis is difficult to determine with any accuracy. Figures
(Ammonification) (Uptake) on the order of 200 to 250 million metric tons annually
have been suggested. Approximately 10 percent of the
dinitrogen fixed annually is accounted for by nitrogen
Decaying biomass Plant biomass
oxides in the atmosphere. Lightning strikes and ultravi-
olet radiation each provide sufficient energy to convert
Animal biomass
dinitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen oxides (NO, N2 O)
FIGURE 11.1 The nitrogen cycle, illustrating relation- (Figure 11.1). Another 30 percent of the total dinitro-
ships between the three principal nitrogen pools: atmo- gen fixed, 80 million metric tons, is accounted for by
spheric, soil, and biomass. industrial nitrogen fixation for the production of agri-
cultural fertilizers through the Haber-Bosch process
(Figure 11.1). However, by far, the bulk of the nitrogen
plants. Nitrogen is returned to the soil through animal
fixed on a global scale, about 60 percent or 150 to 190
wastes or the death and subsequent decomposition of all
million metric tons annually, is accounted for by the
reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia by living organisms
(Figure 11.1).
Plants are eukaryotic organisms, distinguished by
11.1.1 AMMONIFICATION, the presence of a membrane-limited nuclear compart-
NITRIFICATION, ment. Eukaryotic organisms are unable to fix dinitrogen
AND DENITRIFICATION ARE because they do not have the appropriate biochemical
ESSENTIAL PROCESSES machinery. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are prokaryotic
IN THE NITROGEN CYCLE organisms; the genetic material is not contained within a
membrane-limited organelle. Nitrogen fixation is a pro-
In the process of decomposition, organic nitrogen is
karyote domain, because only prokaryote organisms have
converted to ammonia by a variety of microorgan-
the enzyme complex, called dinitrogenase, that cata-
isms including the fungi. This process is known as
lyzes the reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia. Simple
ammonification (Figure 11.1). Some of the ammonia
as this may seem, biological nitrogen fixation turns out
may volatilize and reenter the atmosphere, but most of
to be a complex biochemical and physiological process.
it is recycled to nitrate by soil bacteria. The first step in
Prokaryotes that fix nitrogen, called nitrogen-
the formation of nitrate is the oxidization of ammonia
fixers, include both free-living organisms and those
to nitrite (NO− 2 ) by bacteria of the genera Nitrosomonas that form symbiotic associations with other organisms.
or Nitrococcus. Nitrite is further oxidized to nitrate by
members of the genus Nitrobacter. These two groups
are known as nitrifying bacteria and the result of their 11.2.1 SOME NITROGEN-FIXING
activities is called nitrification. Nitrifying bacteria are BACTERIA ARE FREE-LIVING
chemoautotrophs; that is, the energy obtained by oxi-
dizing inorganic substances such as ammonium or nitrite
is used to convert carbon dioxide to organic carbon. Free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria are widespread.
In taking up nitrate from the soil, plants must Their habitats include marine and freshwater sedi-
compete with bacteria known as denitrifiers (e.g., ments, soils, leaf, and bark surfaces, and the intestinal
Thiobacillus denitrificans). By the process of denitrifica- tracts of various animals. Although some species are
tion, these bacteria reduce nitrate to dinitrogen, which aerobic (e.g., Azotobacter, Beijerinckia), most will fix dini-
is then returned to the atmosphere. Estimates for the trogen only under anaerobic conditions or in the pres-
amount of nitrogen lost to the atmosphere by denitrifi- ence of very-low-oxygen partial pressures (a condition
cation range from 93 million to 190 million metric tons known as microaerobic). These include both nonpho-
annually. tosynthetic genera (Clostridium, Bacillus, Klebsiella) and
11.3 Legumes Exhibit Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation 197

photosynthetic genera (Chromatium, Rhodospirillum) of

bacteria. In addition to the bacteria, several genera of
cyanobacteria (principally Anabaena, Nostoc, Lyngbia, and
Calothrix) are represented by nitrogen-fixing species.
Although free-living nitrogen-fixing organisms are
widespread, most grow slowly and, except for the photo-
synthetic species, tend to be confined to habitats rich in
organic carbon. Because a high proportion of their res-
piratory energy is required to fix dinitrogen, less energy
is therefore available for growth.


FIXATION INVOLVES SPECIFIC FIGURE 11.2 Nitrogen-fixing nodules on roots of soybean
Several types of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing associations are referred to as rhizobia. Curiously, only one non-
are known, including the well-known association leguminous genus, Parasponia (of the family Ulmaceae),
between various species of bacteria and leguminous is known to form root nodules with a rhizobia symbiont.
plants. Some of the more important associations are The rhizobia are further divided into species and
listed in Table 11.1. In symbiotic associations the plant is subgroups called biovars (a biological variety) according
identified as the host and the microbial partner is known to their host range (Table 11.1). Most rhizobia are
as the microsymbiont. The most common form of sym- restricted to nodulation with a limited number of host
biotic association results in the formation of enlarged, plants while others are highly specific, infecting only
multicellular structures, called nodules, on the root one host species.
(or occasionally the stem) of the host plant (Figure 11.2). Nodules are also found in certain nonleguminous
In the case of legumes,1 the microsymbiont is a plants such as alder (Alnus), bayberry (Myrica), Australian
bacterium of one of three genera: Rhizobium, Bradyrhi- pine (Casuarina), some members of the family Rosaceae,
zobium, or Azorhizobium. Collectively, these organisms and certain tropical grasses. However, the microsym-
biont in these nonleguminous nodules is a filamentous
TABLE 11.1 Some examples of specificity in bacterium (Frankia) of the group actinomycetes. Both
rhizobia-legume symbiosis. Rhizobium and Frankia live freely in the soil but fix
dinitrogen only when in symbiotic association with an
Bacterium Host
appropriate host plant.
Azorhizobium Sesbania A limited number of non-nodule-forming associa-
tions have been studied, such as that between Azolla and
Bradyrhizobium japonicum Glycine (soybean)
the cyanobacterium Anabaena. Azolla is a small aquatic
Rhizobium meliloti Medicago (alfalfa), fern that harbors Anabaena in pockets within its leaves.
Melilotus (sweet clover) In southeast Asia, Azolla has proven useful as green
Rhizobium leguminosarum manure in the rice paddy fields where it is either applied
biovar viciae Lathyrus (sweet pea), as a manure or co-cultivated along with the rice plants.
Lens (lentil), Because more than 75 percent of the rice acreage consists
of flooded fields, free-living cyanobacteria and anaero-
Pisum (garden pea),
bic bacteria may also make a significant contribution.
Vicia (vetch, broad bean) These practices have allowed Asian rice farmers to main-
biovar trifolii Trifolium (clover) tain high productivity for centuries without resorting to
biovar phaseoli Phaseolus (bean) added chemical fertilizers.
Rhizobium loti Lotus (bird’s-foot trefoil)

The legumes are a heterogeneous group traditionally
assigned to the family Leguminosae. Modern treatments split SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN
the group into three families: Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, FIXATION
and Fabaceae (S. B. Jones, A. E. Luchsinger, Plant Systematics,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986). Most of the economically It is generally agreed that symbiotic nitrogen fixers,
important, nitrogen-fixing legumes are assigned to the particularly legumes, contribute substantially more
Fabaceae. nitrogen to the soil pool than do free-living bacteria.
198 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

Typically a hectare of legume-Rhizobium association 1. Multiplication of the rhizobia, colonization of the

will fix 25 to 60 kg of dinitrogen annually, while rhizosphere, and attachment to epidermal and root
nonsymbiotic organisms fix less than 5 kg ha−1 . There hair cells.
are over 17,000 species of legumes. Even though only 2. Characteristic curling of the root hairs and invasion
20 percent have been examined for nodulation, 90 of the bacteria to form an infection thread.
percent of those examined do form nodules. Given the
3. Nodule initiation and development in the root cor-
obvious significance of the legume symbiosis to the
tex. This stage is concurrent with stage 1.
nitrogen cycle, it is worth examining in some detail.
4. Release of the bacteria from the infection thread and
their differentiation as specialized nitrogen-fixing
The four principal stages are illustrated in Figure 11.3.
ROOTS, WHICH INDUCES In this section, we will concentrate on the physiology
NODULE DEVELOPMENT and morphology of infection and nodule development.
The sequence of events beginning with bacterial infec- Genetic aspects will be addressed in a subsequent
tion of the root and ending with formation of mature, section.
nitrogen-fixing nodules has been studied extensively
in the legumes, historically from the morphological Early stage involves colonization and
perspective and more recently from the biochemical/ nodule initiation. Rhizobia are free-living, sapro-
molecular genetic perspective. Overall the process phytic soil bacteria. Their numbers in the soil are highly
involves a sequence of multiple interactions between the variable, from as few as zero or 10 to as many as 107
bacteria and the host roots. In effect, the rhizobia and gram−1 of soil, depending on the structure of the soil,
the roots of the prospective host plant establish a dia- water content, and a variety of other factors. In the
logue in the form of chemical messages passed between presence of host roots, the bacteria are encouraged
the two partners. Based on studies carried out primarily to multiply and colonize the rhizosphere. The initial
with Glycine, Trifolium, and Pisum, as many as nine or ten attraction of rhizobia to host roots appears to involve
separate developmental stages have been recognized. positive chemotaxis, or movement toward a chemical
In order to simplify our discussion, however, we will stimulant. Chemotaxis is an important adaptive feature
consider the events in four principal stages: in microorganisms generally. It allows the organism

Root epidermis


Root hair Infection


1 nodule 1 nodule
meristem meristem

A. B. C.

FIGURE 11.3 Schematic diagram of the infection process leading to nodule forma-
tion. (A) Rhizobia colonize the soil in the vicinity of the root hair in response to
signals sent out from the host root. The rhizobia in turn stimulate the root hair to
curl while, at the same time, sending mitogenic signals that stimulate cell division
in the root cortex. (B) Rhizobia invade the root by digesting the root hair cell wall
and forming an infection thread. The rhizobia continue to multiply as the infection
thread elongates toward the root cortex. (C) The infection thread branches to pen-
etrate numerous cortical cells as a visibly evident nodule develops on the root. The
final stage (not shown) is the release of rhizobia into the host cells and the activation
of the nitrogen-fixing machinery.
11.3 Legumes Exhibit Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation 199

to detect nutrients and other chemicals that are either by the host and have the particular ability to recognize
beneficial or required for their growth and reproduc- and bind to specific complex carbohydrates.
tion. A group of chemicals that have been implicated in Individual legume species each produce different
attraction of rhizobia are the flavonoids (Figure 11.4). lectins with different sugar-binding specificities. Lectins
Once rhizobia have colonized the rhizosphere, they appear to recognize complex polysaccharides found
begin to synthesize morphogenic signal molecules called on the surface of the potential symbiont. Although
nodulation factors, or nod factors. Nod factors are bacterial surfaces normally contain an array of com-
derivatives of chitin, a β-(1 → 4)-linked polymer of plex extracellular polysaccharides, the synthesis of addi-
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine found in the cell walls of fungi tional nodulation-specific extracellular polysaccharides
and exoskeletons of insects. Nod factors are similar is directed by bacterial genes that are activated in the
polymers except that a fatty acid replaces the acetyl presence of flavonoids in the host root exudate. Host
group at one end of the molecule. Nod factors are con- range specificity would thus result from attachment of
sequently considered lipo-chitooligosaccharides. Nod the rhizobium to the host root hair because of spe-
factors secreted into the soil solution by the rhizobia cific lectin-surface polysaccharide interactions. Support
induce several significant changes in the growth and for this hypothesis comes from experiments in which
metabolism of the host roots as a prelude to rhizobial the gene for pea lectin was introduced into roots of
invasion of the root hair and subsequent nodule develop- white clover. The result was that clover roots could be
ment. These changes (Figure 11.3A) include increased nodulated by strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum, biovar
root hair production and the development of shorter, viciae, which are usually specific for peas.
thicker roots. Stimulated by the nod factors to renew
their growth, the root hairs develop branching and curl Second stage involves invasion of the
at the tip. root hair and the formation of an infection thread.
Before actually invading the host, rhizobia also In the second stage of nodulation, the bacterium must
release mitogenic signals that stimulate localized cell penetrate the host cell wall in order to enter the space
divisions in the root cortex. These cell divisions form between the wall and the plasma membrane. In pea, the
the primary nodule meristem, defining the region in preferred attachment site is the tip of the growing root
which the nodule will eventually develop (Figure 11.3A). hair. The root hairs of pea grow by tip growth; that is,
A second center of cell division arises in the pericycle. new wall material is laid down only at the tip of the elon-
Eventually these two masses of dividing cells will fuse to gating hair cell. Colonies of attached rhizobia become
form the complete nodule. entrapped by the tip of the root hair as it curls around.
Rhizobia-host specificity is probably determined How rhizobia actually breach the cell wall is not known,
when the rhizobia attach to the root hairs and must but the process almost certainly includes some degree
involve some form of recognition between symbiont and of wall degradation. There is some evidence that rhi-
host. As a general principle, recognition between cells zobia release enzymes such as pectinase, hemicellulase,
involves chemical linkages that form between unique and cellulase, which degrade cell wall materials. These
molecules on cell surfaces. In the case of rhizobia-host enzymes could result in localized interference with the
interactions, recognition appears to involve two classes assembly of the growing wall at the root tip and allow
of molecules: lectins and complex polysaccharides. the bacteria to breach the cell wall and gain access to
Lectins are small, nonenzymatic proteins synthesized the underlying plasma membrane.
Once the rhizobia reach the outer surface of the
plasma membrane, tip growth of the root hair ceases
OH and the cell membrane begins to invaginate. The result
is a tubular intrusion into the cell called an infec-
tion thread, which contains the invading rhizobia
O (Figure 11.3B). The infection thread elongates by adding
new membrane material by fusion with vesicles derived
from the Golgi apparatus. As the thread moves through
the root hair cell, a thin layer of cellulosic material is
O deposited on the inner surface of its membrane. Because
OH this new wall material is continuous with the original
Luteolin cell wall, the invading bacteria never actually enter the
FIGURE 11.4 Structure of a common flavonoid impli- host cell but remain technically outside the cell.
cated in rhizobia-host interactions. Leuteolin (flavone) The infection thread continues to elongate until it
is released by the host root. The flavonoid interacts with reaches the base of the root hair cell. Here it must again
the product of the bacterial nodD gene, leading to the breach the cell wall in order for the bacteria to gain
induction of other nodulation genes. access to the next cell in their path. This is apparently
200 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

accomplished by fusing the infection thread membrane vascular connections serve to import photosynthetic
with the plasma membrane. In the process, some bacteria carbon into the nodule and export fixed nitrogen from
are released into the apoplastic space. These bacte- the nodule to the plant.
ria apparently degrade the walls of the next cell in
line, thus allowing the infection process to continue
into successive cells in the cortex. As the infection 11.4 THE BIOCHEMISTRY
thread moves through the root hair into the cortex, OF NITROGEN FIXATION
the bacteria continue to multiply. When the thread
reaches the developing nodule, it branches so that many Dinitrogen is not easily reduced because the interatomic
individual cells in the young nodule become infected nitrogen bond (N ≡ N) is very stable. In the industrial
(Figure 11.3C). process, reduction of the dinitrogen triple bond with
hydrogen can be achieved only at high temperature and Finally bacteria are released. The final pressure and at the cost of considerable energy. Biolog-
step in the infection process occurs when the bacteria are ical reduction of dinitrogen is equally costly, consuming
‘‘released’’ into the host cells. Actually the membrane a large proportion of the photoassimilate provided by
of the infection thread buds off to form small vesicles, the host plant.
each containing one or more individual bacteria. Shortly
after release, the bacteria cease dividing, enlarge, and
differentiate into specialized nitrogen-fixing cells called 11.4.1 NITROGEN FIXATION IS
bacteroids. The bacteroids remain surrounded by a CATALYZED BY THE ENZYME
membrane, now called the peribacteroid membrane. DINITROGENASE
Differentiation into a bacteroid is marked by a number Only prokaryote cells are able to fix dinitrogen princi-
of metabolic changes, including the synthesis of the pally because only they have the gene coding for this
enzymes and other factors that the organism requires enzyme (see Chapter 8, Box 8.1). The enzyme dini-
for the principal task of nitrogen fixation. trogenase has been purified from virtually all known
The infection process continues throughout the life nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes. It is a multimeric protein
of the nodule. As the nodule increases in size due to complex made up of two proteins of different size
the activity of the nodule meristem, bacteria continue (Figure 11.6). The smaller protein is a dimer consisting
to invade the new cells. Also as the nodule enlarges and of two identical subunit polypeptides. The molecular
matures, vascular connections are established with the mass of each subunit ranges from 24 to 36 kD, depend-
main vascular system of the root (Figure 11.5). These ing on the bacterial species. It is called the Fe protein
because the dimer contains a single cluster of four iron
atoms bound to four sulphur groups (Fe4 S4 ). The larger
Root vascular tissue protein in the dinitrogenase complex is called the MoFe
protein. It is a tetramer consisting of two pairs of identi-
cal subunits with a total molecular mass of approximately
Cortex 220 kD. Each MoFe protein contains two molybdenum
atoms in the form of an iron-molybdenum-sulphur co-
factor. The MoFe protein also contains Fe4 S4 clusters,
although the exact number is uncertain. It varies as a
function of the species or its physiological condition.
N2 -fixing Nodule
Senescent region region meristem


Vascular strand fdred Feox MoFered N2 + 8H+

fdox Fered MoFeox 2NH3 + H2

Fe protein MoFe protein

FIGURE 11.5 Schematic diagram of a cross-section FIGURE 11.6 Schematic diagram of the dinitrogenase
through a mature nodule. Vascular connections with reaction in bacteroids. Electron flow is from left to right.
the host plant provide for the exchange of carbon and The principal electron donor is ferredoxin (fd), which
nitrogen between the host and the microsymbiont. receives its electron from respiratory substrate.
11.4 The Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation 201

The overall reaction for reduction of dinitrogen to measure of energy cost is the number of ATP required.
ammonia by dinitrogenase is shown in the following At least 16 ATP are required for each molecule of
equation: dinitrogen reduced—two for each electron transferred
8H+ + 8e− + N2 + 16 ATP → 2NH3 (Equation 11.1). By comparison, only 3 ATP are
+ H2 + 16 ADP + 16Pi (11.1) required to fix a molecule of carbon dioxide in photo-
synthesis (see Chapter 8). The total energy cost of
Note that the principal product of biological nitro- biological nitrogen fixation, however, must take into
gen fixation is ammonia, but that for every dinitrogen
account the requirement for reduced ferredoxin as
molecule reduced, one molecule of hydrogen is gen-
well. Were this reducing potential not required for
erated. We will return to the problem of hydrogen
the reduction of dinitrogen, it could have been made
evolution later. Also note that reduction of dinitrogen
available for the production of additional ATP or other
is a two-step process. In the first step, the Fe pro-
uses by the plant. It has been estimated that the reducing
tein is reduced by a primary electron donor, usually
potential used in nitrogen fixation is equivalent to at
ferredoxin. Ferredoxin is a small (14 to 24 kD) protein
containing an iron-sulphur group. Electrons are carried least a further 9 ATP, bringing the total investment to
by the iron moiety, which can exist in either the reduced a minimum of 25 ATP for each molecule of dinitro-
ferrous (Fe2+ ) or the oxidized ferric (Fe3+ ) states. It is gen fixed. A similar calculation for CO2 fixation brings
of interest to note that ferredoxin not only participates the total to 9 ATP, about one-third the cost for
in nitrogen fixation, but is an important electron carrier nitrogen.
in photosynthesis as well (see Chapter 7). Another and perhaps better way to assess the cost
In the second step, the reduced Fe protein passes of nitrogen fixation is by measuring the amount of
electrons to the MoFe protein, which catalyzes the carbon utilized in the process. The ultimate source of
reduction of both dinitrogen gas and hydrogen. The energy for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is carbohydrate
precise role of ATP in the reaction is not yet clear, but it produced by photosynthesis in the host plant. A por-
is known to react with reduced Fe protein and to cause tion of that carbohydrate is diverted from the plant
a conformational change in this protein that alters its to the bacteroid, where it is metabolized to produce
redox potential. This facilitates the transfer of electrons the required reducing potential and ATP. It has been
between the Fe protein and the MoFe protein. calculated that, in soybean, approximately 12 grams of
carbon are required to fix a gram of dinitrogen. It is
clear that nitrogen fixation represents a considerable
drain on the carbon resources of the host plant. A
ENERGETICALLY COSTLY diagram summarizing the integration of photosynthe-
Biological reduction of dinitrogen, as is industrial sis, respiration, and nitrogen fixation is presented in
nitrogen fixation, is very costly in terms of energy. One Figure 11.7.

H+ H+
(from leaf)

Respiratory chain
Glycolysis membrane



CAC N2 + 8H+
NADH Dinitro genase 2NH3
acids from nodule
fdox + H2

ADP + Pi

FIGURE 11.7 Summary diagram illustrating the interactions between photosynthesis,

respiration, and nitrogen fixation in bacteroids.
202 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

11.4.3 DINITROGENASE IS SENSITIVE respiration has a dual role: it provides the necessary
TO OXYGEN ATP needed for nitrogen fixation and it ensures
that oxygen concentrations remain low in the cyto-
One of the more critical problems facing nitrogen-fixing plasm where dinitrogenase is localized. Furthermore,
organisms is the sensitivity of dinitrogenase to molecular although heterocysts are photosynthetic cells, they lack
oxygen. Both the Fe protein and the MoFe protein are photosystem II and thus do not evolve oxygen. They
rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by molecular oxygen. also do not contain Rubisco and therefore cannot fix
The half-life, or time to reduce activity by one-half, CO2 . However, heterocysts have retained photosystem I
of isolated Fe protein in air is 30 to 45 seconds; the and thus have retained the capacity to synthesize ATP
half-life of MoFe protein is 10 minutes. This extreme through cyclic photophosphorylation (see Chapter 7).
sensitivity of dinitrogenase to oxygen raises a problem Third, the oxygen supply is regulated to a large
for nitrogen-fixing organisms. The large amounts of extent by an oxygen-binding protein called leghemo-
energy required (in the form of ATP and reductant) are globin in legume nodules. Leghemoglobin is synthe-
produced through a cellular respiratory pathway that sized by the host plant and is located within the
can operate efficiently only when molecular oxygen is bacteroid-infected host cell. Leghemoglobin may com-
present (see Chapter 10). How then does the organism prise as much as 30 percent of the host cell protein
reconcile the conflicting demands of the respiratory and gives the nodule a distinctive pink color when a cut
pathway for oxygen and the sensitivity of dinitrogenase surface is exposed to air. Leghemoglobin is similar in
to oxygen? structure to the hemoglobin of mammalian blood. Its
Several strategies for regulating oxygen level have function is also similar, since it apparently binds oxy-
developed to resolve this conflict. First, many free-living gen and controls the release of oxygen in the region of
bacterial nitrogen fixers have retained an anaerobic the bacteroid. The equilibrium concentration of oxy-
lifestyle or, if facultative, fix dinitrogen only under gen in the bacteroid zone is thus kept at a level (about
anaerobic conditions. Production of ATP and reductant 10 nM) sufficient to support bacteroid respiration—and
is markedly less efficient under anaerobic conditions, the production of ATP and reducing potential— while
which may offer a partial explanation for why, in spite at the same time preventing excess oxygen from inac-
of their numbers, free-living nitrogen fixers contribute tivating dinitrogenase. Oxygen levels must be carefully
a relatively small proportion of the total nitrogen fixed balanced, because too low an oxygen concentration can
biologically. also limit dinitrogenase activity in nodules. This could
Second, certain species of nitrogen-fixing cyanobac- be a result of limiting ATP availability.
teria have structurally isolated the nitrogen-fixing
apparatus (Figure 11.8). The nitrogen-fixing cells of the
cyanobacteria are specialized cells called heterocysts. 11.4.4 DINITROGENASE RESULTS
Heterocysts have thickened, multilayered cell walls IN THE PRODUCTION
that restrict the diffusion of oxygen. They are also OF HYDROGEN GAS
characterized by a high respiratory activity that main-
tains a low intracellular oxygen concentration. Thus, A final problem facing nitrogen-fixing organisms is
the evolution of hydrogen. Although the mechanism
is not well understood, it appears that hydrogen pro-
duction by dinitrogenase is an inescapable byproduct
of the nitrogen-fixation reaction. As noted earlier in
equation 11.1, at least one molecule of hydrogen (H2 )
is evolved for every molecule of N2 reduced. This is
actually a minimum value. When dinitrogenase is not
operating optimally, as might be the case when the sup-
ply of reductant to dinitrogenase is suboptimal, even
more electrons may be diverted to the production of
hydrogen. As much as 25 to 30 percent of the ATP and
electrons supplied to dinitrogenase may be consumed
by hydrogen production. In 1980, it was estimated that
more than one million tons of hydrogen were released
FIGURE 11.8 Light micrograph of the cyanobacterium to the atmosphere annually from nitrogen-fixing root
Anabaena showing heterocysts. Nitrogen fixation is car- nodules.
ried out in the enlarged cells or heterocysts, whose Needless to say, H2 production along with nitrogen
structure and metabolism limits the concentration of fixation is wasteful, consuming energy that might other-
free oxygen. (Copyright E. Reschke. Peter Arnold, Inc. wise be used to reduce dinitrogen. However, although all
Reprinted by permission.) nitrogen fixers produce hydrogen, not all release hydrogen
11.5 The Genetics of Nitrogen Fixation 203

into the atmosphere. Many nitrogen-fixing organisms host root exudate. The nod genes are located in a large
contain an oxygen-dependent enzyme, called uptake circular piece of rhizobial DNA (or plasmid) known
hydrogenase, which recovers some of the energy lost as the Sym (for symbiosis) plasmid. Three nod genes
to hydrogen production. This is accomplished by cou- (nodA, nodB, nodC) are basic nodulation genes common
pling H2 oxidation to ATP production. The electrons to most rhizobia. They code for the chitooligosaccha-
are returned to the reductant pool for dinitrogenase. ride core of the nod factors. However, recently, gene
Understandably, considerable interest has focused sequencing of two photosynthetic strains of Bradyrhizo-
on the biochemistry and physiology of hydrogenase bia, named BTAi1 and ORS278, indicate that neither of
action and the expression of its genes (known as hup these strains contain the expected nod genes. Although
genes). Using biotechnology to increase the number of these unique strains are capable of inducing stem nodules
rhizobia strains with the capacity to recycle hydrogen in their hosts, Aeschynomene sensitiva and Aeschynomene
has the potential to increase the overall energy efficiency indica, purine derivatives appear to trigger this nodule
of biological nitrogen fixation in important agricultural formation.
crops. The role of the nodD gene appears to be pivotal.
Its expression is differentially affected by root exudates
and its product in turn activates transcription of both
11.5 THE GENETICS OF the nodABC group and a series of host-specific genes
NITROGEN FIXATION (nodEFGH). These host-specific genes code for modi-
fications to the nod factors that are important in deter-
It should be evident from the discussion up to this mining host specificity. The pivotal role of nodD has
point that nitrogen fixation involves very complex rela- been demonstrated by transferring the nodD gene from a
tionships between organisms and their environment or strain of Rhizobium that infects Parasponia to a strain that
between rhizobia and host in the case of symbiotic normally infects only clover. The clover strain was then
fixation. The switch to nitrogen-fixing metabolism in able to nodulate Parasponia. One of the first responses
anaerobic environments or infection and subsequent of root epidermis cells to the presence of nod-factors is
nodule development in symbiotic relationships requires the rapid efflux of Ca2+ which occurs within seconds of
major changes in the genetic programs of the organisms exposure to nod-factors. Recently, it has been reported
involved. The genetics of infection, nodulation, and the that this Ca2+ efflux is associated with the activation
nitrogen-fixing machinery is currently one of the more of trimeric G-proteins. Thus, the Rhizobium nod-factor
exciting and rapidly advancing areas in the study of signal transduction pathway appears to be mediated by
nitrogen fixation. plasma membrane G-proteins coupled to the activation
of intracellular Ca2+ second messenger pathways.
During the latter stages of nodule development,
rhizobial nif and fix genes are switched on. The dis-
crimination between nif and fix genes is not always
In free-living nitrogen fixers, the principal requirement clear, except that, as in the free-living forms, nif genes
is for the synthesis of the enzyme dinitrogenase. Dini- are involved in the synthesis and regulation of dinitro-
trogenase synthesis is directed by a set of genes known genase. The fix genes are restricted to symbiotic nitro-
as nif genes. Best characterized is Klebsiella pneumonieae, gen fixers. At least one (fixX) encodes a ferredoxin and
where at least 17 nif genes have been described. The nif others may be involved in the transport of electrons to
genes include structural genes that encode for dinitro- dinitrogenase.
genase protein as well as a number of regulatory genes. Development of an active nodule requires a number
Two genes, the nif D and nif K genes, for example, of nodule-specific proteins contributed by the host cells.
encode the two different subunits of the MoFe protein. These proteins, called nodulins, are encoded by nod
The Fe protein and ferredoxin are encoded by nif H genes located in the host cell genome. Early nodulins are
and nif F, respectively. Other nif genes are involved in expressed during the infection process and nodule devel-
insertion of the FeMo cofactor and the activation and opment. Although several have been identified, their role
processing of the enzyme complex. is not clear. Early nodulins appear to be involved with
the infection thread plasma membrane and in the forma-
tion of the nodule primordia. The expression of late
nodulin genes coincides more or less with the onset of
nitrogen fixation and appears to be involved in nodule
At least three different sets of genes, including nif genes, function and maintenance. Leghemoglobin is the most
are involved in the symbiotic process. In the early stages abundant late nodulin. Other late nodulins include
of nodulation, prior to infection of the root, a set of enzymes such as uricase and glutamine synthetase
rhizobial nod genes is switched on by flavonoids in the involved in the metabolic processing of fixed nitrogen.
204 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

11.5.3 WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF HEME cannot exploit NO− 3 as a nitrogen source and must take
FOR LEGHEMOGLOBIN? up nitrogen in the form of ammonium ion.
Regardless of the route taken, assimilation of min-
Early experiments with a mutant of Rhizobium melilotii
eral (inorganic) nitrogen into organic molecules is a
indicated that the heme was supplied by the bacteroid.
complex process that can be very energy intensive. It has
The mutant, unable to synthesize the heme precursor
been estimated, for example, that assimilation of ammo-
δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), produced white nodules
nium nitrogen consumes from 2 to 5 percent of the
that were unable to fix dinitrogen. These results suggest
plant’s total energy production. Nitrate, on the other
the host plant is unable to provide sufficient heme to
hand, must first be reduced to ammonium before it can
build adequate levels of leghemoglobin. However, in
be assimilated, at a cost of nearly 15 percent of total
later experiments with soybean, plants infected with
energy production. In this section, we will review the
Bradyrhizobium japonicum carrying the same mutation
assimilation first of ammonium nitrogen and then of
produced fully competent nodules. Thus, the source
nitrate nitrogen.
of the heme component of leghemoglobin is not yet
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation clearly requires the 11.6.1 AMMONIUM IS ASSIMILATED
coordinated expression of many genes of both the host BY GS/GOGAT
and microsymbiont. Understanding how these genes are Although NH+ 4 is readily available to many plants, either
regulated and how the complex processes of infection as the product of nitrogen fixation or by uptake from
and nodule development are coordinated constitutes one the soil, it is also quite toxic to plants. In nitrogen-fixing
of the more challenging problems facing plant physi- systems, NH+ 4 will inhibit the action of dinitrogenase.
ologists today. Armed with sufficient understanding of Ammonium also interferes with the energy metabolism
the process and the tools of modern molecular genet- of cells, especially ATP production. Even at low con-
ics, plant scientists may one day be able to extend the centrations, NH+ 4 has the potential to uncouple ATP
range of biological nitrogen fixation to other important formation from electron transport in both mitochondria
crop species—thus extending the benefits of nitrogen and chloroplasts (see Chapters 7 and 10). Consequently,
fixation to nitrogen-poor soils and reducing the eco- it appears that plants can ill afford to accumulate excess
nomic and environmental costs of chemical nitrogen free NH+ 4 . It is assumed that most plants avoid any
fertilizers. toxicity problem by rapidly incorporating the NH+ 4 into
amino acids.
The general pathway for NH+ 4 assimilation in
11.6 NH3 PRODUCED BY nitrogen-fixing symbionts has been worked out largely
NITROGEN FIXATION IS by supplying nodules with labeled dinitrogen (13 N2
or 15 N2 ). These studies have indicated that the initial
CONVERTED TO ORGANIC organic product is the amino acid glutamine. Assim-
NITROGEN ilation of NH+ 4 into glutamine by legume nodules is
accomplished by the glutamate synthase cycle, a path-
The first stable product of nitrogen fixation is ammonia
(NH3 ), although at physiological pH ammonia is almost way involving the sequential action of two enzymes:
glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase
certainly protonated to form ammonium ion:
(GOGAT)2 (Figure 11.9). Both GS and GOGAT are
NH3 + H+ ↔ NH+
4 (11.2) nodulin proteins that are expressed at high levels in the
host cytoplasm of infected cells, outside the peribac-
Plants that cannot fix dinitrogen meet their nutritional
teroid membrane. The NH+ 4 formed in the bacteroid
needs by taking in nitrogen from the soil. While there
must therefore diffuse across the peribacteroid mem-
are exceptions, most plants are able to assimilate either
brane before it can be assimilated.
NH+ −
4 or NO3 , depending on their relative availability In the first reaction of the glutamate synthase
in the soil. In most soils, ammonia is rapidly converted
cycle, catalyzed by GS, the addition of an NH+ 4
to nitrate by the nitrifying bacteria described earlier
group to glutamate forms the corresponding amide,
in this chapter. Nitrifying bacteria do not grow well
under anaerobic conditions and consequently ammonia
will accumulate in soils that are poorly drained. Nitri-
glutamate + NH+
4 + ATP → glutamine + ADP + Pi
fication itself is also inhibited in strongly acidic soils.
Some members of the family Ericaceae, typically found
on acidic soils, have adapted by preferentially utiliz-
ing ammonium as their nitrogen source. One extreme 2
The acronym GOGAT refers to glutamine-2-oxoglutarate-
example is the cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), native amino-transferase. 2-Oxoglutarate is an alternative name for
to swamps and bogs of eastern North America, which α-ketoglutarate.
11.6 NH3 Produced by Nitrogen Fixation Is Converted to Organic Nitrogen 205

Energy to drive the amination of glutamate is provided that the free NH+ 4 concentration is kept below toxic
by ATP, yet an additional cost of nitrogen fixation. levels.
Glutamine is then converted back to glutamate by Before leaving the glutamate synthase cycle, it
the transfer of the amide group to a molecule of is important to note that GS and GOGAT are not
α-ketoglutarate. restricted to nodules. These enzymes are located in the
roots and leaves of non-nitrogen-fixing plants where
glutamine + α-ketoglutarate + NADH → they also catalyze the assimilation of NH+
4 nitrogen.
2glutamate + NAD+ (11.4)

Reaction 11.4 is catalyzed by GOGAT and requires

reducing potential in the form of NADH. The 11.6.2 PII PROTEINS REGULATE
α-ketoglutarate is probably derived from photosyn- GS/GOGAT
thetic carbon through respiration in the host cell. As illustrated in Figure 11.9, GS/GOGAT represents
α-Ketoglutarate is an intermediate in the respiratory a critical metabolic point of coordination between
pathway for the oxidation of glucose. Note that reaction nitrogen assimilation (NH+ 4 ) and carbon metabolism
equation 11.4 gives rise to two molecules of glutamate. (α-ketoglutarate). Cellular carbon/nitrogen status
Since only one molecule of glutamate is required to is sensed by the signal sensing protein, PII. PII
keep the cycle going, the other is available for export proteins are one of the most ubiquitous and highly
to the host plant (Figure 11.9). Overall, then, carbon conserved regulatory proteins found in nature. They
skeletons originating with photosynthesis and nitrogen are present in the ancient archeabacteria, eubacteria as
fixed by the microsymbiont are combined to form well as eukaryotes such as plants. This relatively small
organic nitrogen that is exported out of the nodule for chloroplastic protein of about 14 kDa is nuclear encoded
use by the host. and senses both the ATP status and α-ketoglutarate
There is a possible alternative pathway for nitrogen levels by allosteric means (see Chapter 8, Box 8.1).
assimilation, involving the direct reductive amination Cellular nitrogen status is sensed through changes in
of α-ketoglutarate by the enzyme glutamate dehy- glutamine availability which results in post-translational
drogenase (GDH). However, although GDH activity modification of PII by uridylylation (Figure 11.10).
has been detected in nodules, there is no convincing Like the light-regulated enzymes of the Calvin Cycle
evidence that it plays a significant role in NH+ 4 assimi- (see Chapter 8), GS/GOGAT can exist in either an
lation under normal circumstances. Both the quantities active or an inactive state. When glutamine levels
and activities of GS and GOGAT are much higher than in the GS/GOGAT cycle are low, PII proteins are
GDH. GS alone may account for as much as 2 percent of uridylylated using uridine triphosphate (UTP) to form
the total soluble protein outside the bacteroid. In addi- PII-UMP (Figure 11.10). This modified PII protein
tion, GDH has a much lower affinity (see Chapter 8, interacts with inactive GS/GOGAT to convert the
Box 8.1) for NH+ 4 than does GS and could hardly be latter from the inactive to the active form which
expected to compete with GS for available NH+ 4 . The stimulates glutamine synthesis and hence the stimulates
cost of the glutamate synthase cycle is one ATP for assimilation of NH+ 4 . Conversely, when glutamine
each NH+ 4 assimilated, but the benefit is rapid assim- levels are high, PII-UMP is converted back to PII
ilation. The high affinity of GS for NH+ 4 , together which converts the active GS/GOGAT to the inactive
with the high concentration of the enzyme, ensures form which slows the rate of NH+ 4 assimilation.

ATP ADP + Pi FIGURE 11.9 Assimilation of ammonium by

the glutamate synthase cycle. The enzyme
+ GS
NH4 + Glutamate Glutamine glutamate synthetase (GS) converts ammo-
nium plus glutamate to glutamine. Glu-
tamine undergoes a transamination reac-
tion with α-ketoglutarate, which results in
the production of two molecules of gluta-
mate via the enzyme glutamate synthase
(GOGAT). One glutamate is exported
while the other is recycled through the
+ reaction catalyzed by GS.
Glutamate + NAD
␣-Ketoglutarate + NADH + H

206 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

GS/GOGAT GS/GOGAT there is no guarantee that all of the nitrogen present

(active) (inactive)
in sap represents current nodule production. Some of
the better analyses have been conducted directly on
detached nodules or by monitoring the flow of organic
PII nitrogen following fixation of 15 N2 . These studies have
UTP shown that although glutamine is the principal organic
product of nitrogen fixation, it rarely accounts for a
High Glutamine
Low Glutamine significant fraction of the nitrogen exported, at least in
legumes. In some groups of legumes, largely those of
PPi temperate origins, such as pea and clover, the amino
PII-UMP acid asparagine is the predominant form translocated.
Legumes of tropical origins, for example, soybean and
cowpea, appear to export predominantly derivatives of
GS/GOGAT GS/GOGAT urea, known as ureides (Figure 11.11).
(active) (inactive) The biosynthetic pathway for asparagine in nodules
FIGURE 11.10 Regulation of GS/GOGAT by Uridyly- involves two transamination reactions. A transami-
lation of PII Proteins. Uridine triphosphate (UTP) is nation reaction is the transfer of an amino group
a phosphorylated nucleotide analogous to ATP (see from an amino acid to the carboxyl group of a keto
Chapter 5) except that the nitrogenous base, uracil,
acid. Transamination reactions, catalyzed by a class of
replaces adenine. UTP, uridine triphopshate; UMP, uri-
enzymes known as aminotranferases, enable nitrogen
dine monophosphate; PPi, pyrophosphate.
initially fixed in glutamate to be incorporated into other
amino acids and, ultimately, into protein. Aminotrans-
ferases are found throughout the plant—in the cytosol,
in chloroplasts, and in microbodies—wherever pro-
tein synthesis activity is high. The enzymes involved
AS ASPARAGINE AND UREIDES in asparagine biosynthesis in nodules appear to be sim-
The final step in nitrogen fixation is the export of the ilar to those found elsewhere in the plant. The first
fixed nitrogen from the nodule to other regions of the step is the transfer of an amino group from glutamate
host plant. Export of the organic nitrogen products to oxaloacetate, catalyzed by the enzyme aspartate
from nodules is primarily through the xylem. Conse- aminotransferase.
quently, the form in which the nitrogen is exported
has been identified primarily by analysis of xylem sap. glutamate + oxaloacetate
There are some pitfalls to such analyses, however, as → α-ketoglutarate + aspartate (11.5)

Urea Allantoin H N C NH2
H _ CH2
C O H2N C N C N C NH2 +
O C C H H C NH 3

Urate Allantoate Citrulline

FIGURE 11.11 Structures of the principal ureides used in the transport of assimilated
nitrogen in some nitrogen-fixing species. Ureides are considered derivatives of urea
and are formed principally from uric acid (urate). The N—C—N urea backbone is
shown in bold print.
11.7 Plants Generally Take Up Nitrogen in the Form of Nitrate 207

The glutamate used in this reaction is derived from

the GS-GOGAT reactions in the nodule. In order to 11.7 PLANTS GENERALLY TAKE
continue the synthesis and export of asparagine, the UP NITROGEN IN THE
nodule requires a continued supply of the 4-carbon acid FORM OF NITRATE
oxaloacetate. This could be provided through the oxi-
dation of carbon in the nodule; oxaloacetate is another Except in extreme situations noted earlier, nitrate
intermediate in the respiratory oxidation of glucose. (NO− 3 ) is the more abundant form of nitrogen in
However, nodules from a number of species exhibit soils and is most available to plants that do not
high activities of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate car- form nitrogen-fixing associations. However, in spite
boxylase (PEP carboxylase). PEP carboxylase catalyzes of numerous studies describing the physiology of
the addition of a carbon dioxide (a carboxylation reac- NO− 3 uptake, there is a great amount of uncertainty
tion) to the 3-carbon phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to surrounding the mechanism of NO− 3 transport into
form oxaloacetate (OAA) (Equation 11.6). PEP car- roots. It has been shown in various studies that uptake
boxylase is involved in a number of important metabolic of NO− 3 is sensitive to (1) low temperature, (2) inhibi-
pathways in plants and animals, including respiration tors of both respiration and protein synthesis, and
and photosynthesis. (3) anaerobic conditions. All of these results support
the hypothesis that NO− 3 transport across the root cell
PEP + CO2 → OAA (11.6) membrane is an energy-dependent process mediated by
In the second step of asparagine biosynthesis, a carrier protein (see Chapter 3).
the amide nitrogen is transferred from glutamine to In root cells that have never been exposed to nitrate,
aspartate. there appears to be a limited capacity for NO− 3 uptake.
This suggests a small amount of carrier is present in the
glutamine + aspartate + ATP membrane at all times (that is, a constitutive protein).
→ glutamate + asparagine + ADP + Pi (11.7) On exposure to external nitrate, the rate of uptake
increases from two- to fivefold, but addition of inhibitors
The enzyme for this reaction is asparagine synthetase
of protein synthesis causes the rate to fall rapidly back
and the reaction is driven by the energy of one molecule
to the constitutive level. This pronounced sensitivity of
of ATP for each asparagine synthesized.
NO− 3 uptake to inhibitors of protein synthesis suggests
The synthesis of ureides is more complex, both
that the bulk of the carrier protein is inducible, that is,
biochemically and with respect to the division of labor
the presence of NO− 3 in the soil stimulates the synthesis
between the microsymbiont and tissues of the host
of new carrier protein. Once inside the root, NO− 3 may
plant. Allantoin and allantoic acid (Figure 11.11)
be stored in the vacuole, assimilated in the root cells, or
are formed by the oxidation of purine nucleotides,
translocated in the xylem to the leaves for assimilation.
which apparently requires an active symbiosis. Urei-
Nitrate cannot be assimilated directly but must first
des apparently serve specifically for the transport of
be reduced to NH+ 4 in order to be assimilated into
nitrogen. They are translocated through the xylem
organic compounds. This is a two-step process, the first
to other regions of the plant, where they are rapidly
being the reduction of NO− −
3 to nitrite (NO2 ) by the
metabolized. In the process, NH+ 4 is released, which is enzyme nitrate reductase (NR).
then reassimilated via GS and GOGAT in the target
tissue. 2H+ + NO− − −
3 + 2e → NO2 + H2 O (11.8)
Although the synthesis of asparagine, and especially NR is generally assumed to be a cytosolic enzyme.
the ureides, both appear to be complex processes, there The product NO− 2 then moves into plastids (in roots)
are some advantages relating to the energy costs and or chloroplasts (in leaves) where it is quickly reduced
efficiencies of nitrogen export. It has been estimated to NH+ 4 by the enzyme nitrite reductase (NiR). In
that the carbon metabolism associated with nitrogen leaves, the electrons required for the reduction of NO−
export may consume as much as 20 percent of the photo- to NH+ 4 are generated
synthate diverted to nitrogen fixation. One way to judge
efficiency is to consider the amount of carbon required 8H+ + NO− − +
2 + 6e → NH4 + 2H2 O (11.9)
for each nitrogen exported. The ureides, with a carbon by photosynthetic electron transport. Thus, the assimi-
to nitrogen ratio of 1 (C:N 1), are the most economic lation of NO− 3 competes with the assimilation of CO2
in the use of carbon. Both asparagine and citrulline (Chapter 8) for photosynthetic electrons. As a con-
(C:N 2) require more carbon in their transport and sequence, NO− 3 assimilation in leaves can also be
glutamine (C:N 2.5) would be the least economic. considered a photosynthetic process similar to CO2
The energy costs of ureides, asparagine, and citrulline, assimilation. The interactions between carbon and
in terms of ATP consumed, are about the same, so the nitrogen metabolism indicate the importance of
principal advantage to be gained by the ureide-formers photosynthetic electron transport in overall primary
appears to be a favorable carbon economy. reductive metabolism.
208 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

Nitrite is toxic and is rarely found at high concen- In the case of NR, the enzyme appears to be active in
trations in plants. This is no doubt because the activity both the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated states.
of NiR (per gram dry weight of tissue) is normally sev- When NR is phosphorylated and the leaf is transferred
eral times higher than the activity of NR. The resulting from the light to dark, however, the enzyme is rapidly
ammonia is then rapidly assimilated into organic com- inactivated by binding with a small inhibitor protein. NR
pounds via the GS/GOGAT system already described. activity is slowly restored on return to light by a release of
In non-nitrogen-fixing systems, both GS and GOGAT the inhibitor protein and subsequent phosphatase action.
are commonly found in root and leaf cells. GS is found The question of why there exists such a complex system
in the cytosol of root cells and in both the cytosol and for regulation of NR activity has yet to be answered.
chloroplasts of leaf cells. GOGAT is a plastid enzyme, The overall effect, however, is to coordinate nitrate
localized in the chloroplasts of leaves and in plastids reduction with photosynthetic activity. It ensures that
in roots. Depending on its location, GOGAT may use nitrate reduction is engaged only after photosynthesis is
ferredoxin, NADH, or NADPH as electron donors. fully active and able to provide both the energy required
Nitrate reductase is a ubiquitous enzyme found in and the carbon skeletons necessary for incorporation of
both prokaryote and eukaryote cells. In prokaryotes, ammonia.
the principal electron donor is ferredoxin, while in As indicated earlier, nitrate assimilation can be car-
higher plants electrons are donated by the reduced ried out in either the root or shoot tissues in most plants.
forms of one of the pyrimidine nucleotides, nicotinamide Several studies have shown that the proportion of NO− 3
adenine dinucleotide (NAD) or nicotinamide adenine reduced in the root or shoot depends to a large extent
dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) (Chapter 7). The en- on the external NO− 3 concentration. At low concentra-
zyme isolated from a variety of higher plants is composed tions, most of the NO− 3 can be reduced within the root
of two identical subunits with a molecular mass of approx- tissues and translocated to the shoot as amino acids or
imately 115 kD. A key constituent of NR is molybdenum; amides. At higher concentrations of NO− 3 , assimilation
NR is the principal Mo-protein in non-nitrogen-fixing in the roots becomes limiting and a higher proportion
plants. One of the results of Mo deficiency is markedly of the NO− 3 finds its way into the translocation stream.
reduced levels of nitrate reductase activity and conse- Thus, at higher concentrations, a higher proportion of
quent nitrogen starvation (see Chapter 4). the nitrogen is assimilated in the leaves.
NR is a highly regulated, inducible enzyme. It has Not all plants have the same capacity to metabolize
long been recognized that both substrate (NO− NO− −
3 in their roots. In the extreme, NO3 is virtually
3 ) and
light are required for maximum activity and that induc- the sole nitrogen source in the xylem sap of cocklebur
tion involves an increase in the level of NR messenger (Xanthium strumarium). This is because cocklebur has
RNA followed by de novo synthesis of NR protein. no detectable NR in its roots. On the other hand,
Treatment of cereal seedlings such as barley (Hordeum plants such as barley (Hordeum vulgare) and sunflower
vulgare) or maize (Zea mays) with nitrate in the dark (Helianthus annus) translocate roughly equal proportions
induces relatively low levels of NR activity, but activ- of NO− 3 and amino acid/amide nitrogen, and radish
ity is strongly promoted if seedlings are also exposed (Raphanus sativus) translocates only about 15 percent of
to light. Induction by light is eliminated by various its nitrogen as NO− 3.
treatments that interfere with chloroplast development
or photosynthetic energy transformations, implying a
requirement for photosynthetic energy. NR activity can 11.8 NITROGEN CYCLING:
also be reversibly regulated by red and far-red light, indi- SIMULTANEOUS IMPORT
cating control by the phytochrome system (Chapter 22). AND EXPORT
More recent work has established that NR activity is
also subject to post-translational regulation by a specific Nitrogen uptake by most plants is highest during its early
NR protein kinase. Protein kinases, first characterized rapid-growth phase and declines as reproductive growth
by Edwin Krebs and Edmund Fischer in the 1950s, are begins and the plant ages. Cereals, for example, take up
a ubiquitous class of enzymes that phosphorylate other as much as 90 percent of their total nitrogen requirement
proteins by transferring a phosphate group from adeno- before the onset of reproductive growth. Most of this
sine triphosphate (ATP). The phosphate group can then nitrogen is directed toward young, expanding leaves,
be removed by a second enzyme called protein phos- which reach their maximum nitrogen content just prior
phatase. It is increasingly evident that, by switching to full expansion. The leaf then begins to export nitrogen.
enzymes and other proteins on and off, reversible pro- Several studies have shown that mature leaves continue
tein phosphorylation plays a central role in regulating to import nitrogen, even though they have become net
metabolism. The fundamental role of protein kinases nitrogen exporters and the total nitrogen content of the
was recognized by the award of the Nobel Prize to leaf is in decline. This simultaneous import and export
Krebs and Fischer in 1992. of nitrogen is known as nitrogen cycling.
11.9 Agricultural and Ecosystem Productivity Is Dependent on Nitrogen Supply 209

The export of nitrogen from leaves becomes par- nitrogen-poor soils, mobilization of accumulated nitro-
ticularly significant as the seed begins to develop. The gen from the leaves represents the principal source of
nitrogen requirement of developing seeds is sufficiently nitrogen for developing fruits and seeds. In perennial
great that it cannot be met by uptake from the soil (in plants, nitrogen from senescing leaves is mobilized and
the case of cereals, for example) or by nitrogen fixed translocated to the roots for storage over the winter. In
in nodules. The additional nitrogen must come from this way, the nitrogen is conserved and made available to
vegetative parts, principally leaves (Figure 11.12). This support the first flush of renewed growth the following
may have significant implications for the photosynthetic spring.
capacity of leaves. The major leaf protein is Rubisco,
the enzyme that catalyzes photosynthetic incorporation
of carbon dioxide (see Chapter 8). Rubisco may 11.9 AGRICULTURAL
comprise from 40 to 80 percent of the total soluble AND ECOSYSTEM
protein in leaves of soybean and cereal grains. Perhaps PRODUCTIVITY IS
because of its abundance, Rubisco also functions as a
storage protein; it may be degraded when nitrogen
is required elsewhere in the plant, such as developing NITROGEN SUPPLY
seeds. With the loss of Rubisco there is a concomitant In terms of quantity, nitrogen is the fourth most abun-
decline in photosynthetic carbon fixation. In the case dant element in plants and is the most abundant mineral
of soybean and other symbiotic legumes, this means element (see Chapter 4). On a dry-weight basis, herba-
less energy available to the nodule to support nitrogen ceous plant material typically contains between 1 and 4
fixation. This competition between nitrogen and carbon percent nitrogen, mostly in the form of protein. At the
supply may be a major factor limiting seed development same time, the availability of nitrogen in the soil may
in legumes. In the case of cereals or plants growing in be limited by a number of environmental factors, such
as temperature, oxygen, water status, and pH, which
influence the activity of microorganisms responsible
for nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and ammonification.
Moreover, a substantial quantity of nitrogen is removed
each year with the harvested crop. It is not too sur-
prising, then, that crop growth is most often limited by
nitrogen supply.
In agricultural situations, the application of nitrogen
3.0 fertilizers overcomes environmentally imposed nitrogen
limitation. Most crops respond to applied nitrogen with
Total reduced nitrogen (m mol)

increases in yield (Figure 11.13). At sufficiently high

2.4 Ear application rates, factors other than nitrogen become
limiting and there is no further gain. At even higher
application rates, yield may decline slightly, but this is
probably due to excess salt in the soil rather than some
form of nitrogen toxicity. Data such as those shown
in Figure 11.13 are of considerable practical value to
farmers, who want to maximize the ratio of yield to input
1.2 costs. Throughout North America, corn is the leading
consumer of nitrogen fertilizer and farmers typically
Leaves apply 100 to 150 kg N ha−1 each growing season. During
0.6 its early rapid growth phase, a well-irrigated stand of
corn will take up as much as 4 kg of nitrogen ha−1 day−1 .
The use of such large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers is
also costly in terms of energy. It has been estimated, for
example, that fully one-third of the energy cost of a corn
20 40 60 80 100 120
Days after sowing
crop is accounted for by the production and distribution
FIGURE 11.12 Nitrogen redistribution in wheat. (From
of nitrogen fertilizers.
Abrol et al., in H. Lambers, J. J. Neeteson, I. Stuhlen Without continued application of fertilizers, yields
(eds.), Fundamental, Ecological and Agricultural Aspects of nonleguminous crops traditionally decline over a
of Nitrogen Metabolism in Higher Plants, Dordrecht: period of years. In a few situations where records have
Martinus Nijhoff, 1986. Reprinted by permission of been kept, yields on plots from which nitrogen fer-
Kluwer Academic Publishers). tilizers have been withheld will eventually stabilize at
210 Chapter 11 / Nitrogen Assimilation

This seems particularly true of trees growing at high

elevations, which are frequently bathed in cloud cover,
or trees that grow near urban industrialized areas.
Except in mature, slowly growing forests, most of
the nitrogen is taken up and either retained in the
300 canopy or held in long-term storage in the litter on
the forest floor where it is slowly recycled. The nitro-
gen content of the litter is slowly leached into the soil
by rain and surface water or is broken down into simpler
compounds by a variety of soil bacteria, fungi, earth-
Yield (bushels/ha)

worms, and other decomposing organisms. The final

step in the breakdown is mineralization, or the for-
mation of inorganic nitrogen from organic nitrogen.
Mineralization is largely due to the process of ammoni-
fication described earlier. Mineralization is invariably
accompanied by immobilization, or the retention and
use of nitrogen by the decomposing organisms. Avail-
ability of litter nitrogen to plants depends above all on
net mineralization, or the extent to which mineraliza-
50 tion exceeds immobilization.
The balance between mineralization and immobi-
lization and oxidation of the mineralized NH+ 4 -nitrogen
40 80 120 160 200 220 by nitrifying bacteria is regulated by environmental
Nitrogen input (kg/ha) parameters. Principal among these are temperature, pH,
FIGURE 11.13 The effect of applied nitrogen fertilizer on soil moisture, and oxygen supply. The optimum tem-
corn yield. perature for nitrification generally falls between 25◦ C
and 35◦ C, although climatic adaptations of indigenous
nitrifying bacteria to more extreme temperatures have
a lower level that can be sustained indefinitely. Sus- been demonstrated. In one study, for example, the opti-
tained low yields are possible because the extraction of mum temperature for nitrification in soils of northern
nitrogen (and other nutrients) from the soil is balanced Australia was 35◦ C, in Iowa (U.S.) it was 30◦ C, and
against replenishment from all sources, including rain- in Alberta (Canada), 20◦ C. As noted earlier, soil pH
fall, irrigation water, dust, and weathering of parent is a major limiting factor in the growth of nitrifying
rock. bacteria. The growth of Nitrobacter is probably inhib-
The role of nitrogen in natural ecosystems is much ited by ammonium toxicity at high pH (7.5 and above),
more difficult to define, in part because the level of inputs while aluminum toxicity is suspected as the cause of lim-
is very low relative to the total nitrogen pool and much of ited nitrification in acid soils. Soil moisture and oxygen
the nitrogen is recycled. Still, it is generally agreed that supply go hand-in-hand—little nitrification occurs in
nitrogen is limiting in most natural ecosystems just as water-saturated soils because of the limited O2 supply.
it is in agriculture. In forest ecosystems, approximately At the other extreme, the rate of nitrification declines
two-thirds of the annual nitrogen input is contributed with decreasing soil water potential (/soil ) below about
by nitrogen fixation, while the other third is believed to −0.03 to −0.04 MPa.
be derived primarily from atmospheric sources: either The relative significance of nitrification in the nitro-
through rainfall or dry deposition of nitrogen oxides. A gen cycle of natural ecosystems is not altogether clear.
recent study has shown that, on average, close to half of Most studies indicate a relatively minor role, since little
the incoming fixed nitrogen is retained in the canopy. if any surplus NO− 3 is found in the soil or streams of
This should not be surprising since the photosynthetic most undisturbed ecosystems. Experimental deforesta-
apparatus present in the leaves of the canopy contains tion, however, leads to a rapid rise (as much as 50-fold)
the bulk of the assimilated organic nitrogen in form in the levels of NO− −
3 in stream water. NO3 levels grad-
of proteins such as Rubisco (see Chapter 8), the most ually returned to normal only as the vegetation began
abundant protein in nature, the major light harvesting to regrow. These results suggest that nitrification is a
polypeptides present in thylakoid membranes, and of significant source of nitrogen, but rapid uptake of NO− 3
course, the pigments, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, by plants is an important factor in maintaining low levels
which are also rich in nitrogen (see Chapter 4). This of NO− 3 in the soil solution.
implies that foliar absorption of nitrogen could play Trees and other plants also tend to conserve a
a significant role in nitrogen uptake by forest species. large proportion of their nitrogen, withdrawing nitrogen
Further Reading 211

from the leaves and flowers before they are shed and 2. What is meant by the statement that biologi-
placing it in storage in the roots and stem tissues. cal nitrogen fixation is exclusively a prokaryote
Between one-third and two-thirds of a plant’s nitrogen domain?
may be conserved by such internal cycling. In the case of 3. Describe the process of rhizobial infection
deciduous trees, for example, this stored nitrogen offers and nodule development in a legume root.
a degree of nutritional independence from the often
4. Review the biochemistry of nitrogen fixation.
nitrogen-poor soil during the flush of growth in early
How does a bacteroid differ from a bacterium?
5. What is the function of leghemoglobin in symbi-
otic nitrogen fixation?
SUMMARY 6. The product of nitrogen fixation is ammonia.
Trace the path of nitrogen as the ammonia is con-
Nitrogen is often a limiting nutrient for plants, verted to organic nitrogen and translocated to a
even though molecular nitrogen is readily available leaf cell.
in the atmosphere. Plants do not have the gene
7. What is the role of PII proteins in the assimilation
coding for dinitrogenase but must depend instead on
of NH+ 4?
the nitrogen-fixing activities of certain prokaryote
organisms to produce nitrogen in a combined form. 8. While most plants take up nitrogen in the
Nitrogen-fixing organisms may be free-living or form of nitrate ion, there are some that seem
form symbiotic associations with plants. Symbiotic to prefer ammonium. Can you suggest a
nitrogen fixation involves complex genetic and bio- possible biochemical basis for this difference?
chemical interactions between host plant roots and 9. Why can nitrate conversion to NH+ 4 in
bacteria. The invading rhizobia induce the formation leaves be considered photosynthetic?
of root nodules, where the protein leghemoglobin 10. Heavy fertilization of agricultural crops with
helps to ensure a low-oxygen environment in which nitrogen is a costly process, both economically
the enzyme dinitrogenase can function. The host plant and energetically. Is it feasible to produce crops
provides energy in the form of photosynthate and, in without nitrogen fertilizers? If so, what would
turn, receives a supply of combined nitrogen for its be the consequences with respect to yields?
own growth and development.
The product of nitrogen fixation is ammonium,
which is rapidly incorporated into amino acids through
GS/GOGAT before it is exported from the nodule. FURTHER READING
PII proteins sense cellular carbon/nitrogen balance
Buchanan, B. B., W. Gruissem, R. L. Jones. 2000. Biochem-
and regulate GS/GOGAT activity. Plants that do not istry and Molecular Biology of Plants. Rockville MD: Amer-
form nitrogen-fixing associations generally take up ican Society of Plant Physiologists.
nitrogen in the form of nitrate. Nitrate must first be Foyer, C. H., G. Noctor. 2002. Photosynthetic Nitrogen
reduced to ammonium before it can be incorporated Assimilation and Associated Carbon and Respiratory
into organic molecules. In leaves, this reducing power is Metabolism. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration,
generated by photosynthetic electron transport. Conse- Vol. 12. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
quently, the reduction of nitrate to NH+ 4 in leaves can Giraud, E., et al. 2007. Legumes symbioses: Absence of
be considered photosynthetic since it competes with nod genes in photosynthetic Bradyrhizobia. Science
the reduction of CO2 for photosynthetically generated 316:1307–1312.
electrons. Guerts, R., T. Bisseling. 2002. Rhizobium Nod factor
perception and signalling. The Plant Cell (Supplement)
CHAPTER REVIEW Lam, H.-M., K. T. Coschigano, I. C. Oliveira,
R. Melo-Oliveira, G. M. Coruzzi. 1996. The molecular
1. What are ammonification, nitrification, and genetics of nitrogen assimilation into amino acids in
denitrification? What are their respec- higher plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant
tive contributions to the nitrogen cycle? Molecular Biology 47:569–593.

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