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Key Able Gem ENT 92 98

Cardiology 162 128 Dermatology 64 62

Vascular Surgery 21 28 Anatomy 92 65

Orthopedics 72 70 Respiratory 80 114

Rheumatology 38 42 Endocrinology 117 142
Infectious Disease 98 111
Obs-Gynae 153 202 Hematology 102 116
GIT 143 104
Surgery 83 104 Pediatrics 165 166

Genitourinary 29 29 Palliative 34 39
Urology 51 63 Oncology 11
Nephrology 56 51 Epidemiology 47 30
Genetics 44 42
Pharmacology 75 69 Geriatric 09 07
Psychiatry 91 174 Radiology 10
Ethics 59 93
Emergency Medicine 137 127
Neurology 146 184 Critical Care 19 20
Miscellaneous 34 11

Key Able Gem

Ophthalmology 68 59
 Hand and wrist related muscle with their nerve supply and function
 Different type of palsy mainly radial, ulnar nerve , median nerve and axillary nerve
with root values, common peroneal nerve injury.

 MI and its complication
 Bradycardia and tachyarrhythmia – mainly Mx
 AF, SVT, VT – ECG finding and Mx
 HF
 Pericarditis


 Thyroid: Hypo, hyper, Graves. hashimoto, Subacute thyroiditis, Mx in pregnancy

 Hypocalcaemia, hypercalcaemia, Hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia – main Sx and Mx
 DM in details mainly drug management(with their side effect and C/I) and its
 LH, FSH, Estrogen level in PCOS, Premature Ovarian Failure, Prolactinoma, Post pill
amenorrhea, hypothalamic amenorrhea
 Phaeochromocytoma
 Cushing and Addison – mainly Sx and Inv.

 OA, RA, SLE- in details
 Gout, Pseudo Gout – Sx and Inv finding
 Psoriatic and Reactive arthritis- Sx
 Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis, PMR – mainly Inv finding
 Sjogren – Sx and Mx
 Anti phospholipid syndrome
 Stroke- difference between ischemic and hemorrhagic ad their Rx, brain area related
artery occlusion.
 Different types of Headache – Sx and Mx (mainly migraine and cluster)
 Trigeminal neuralgia, Bells palsy, Horner syndrome - Sx and Rx
 Alcohol related neurological condition and their Rx. should read Alcohol withdrawal
 Bulbar and pseudo bulbar palsy
 Vit 12 and folic acid deficiency
 Meningitis- Three types difference

 Rhabdomyolysis( increase CK after crushing injury) and Rx
 AKI and CKD
 DM and HTN nephropathy – Sx and Rx
 AGN and NS
 Contrast induced nephropathy – Mx
 Ig A glumerulonephritis and post strep. nephritis- Difference (mainly duration after
URTI and age group)

Respiratory :
 Asthma and COPD – details
 Pneumothorax – Inv Finding and Mx
 Different type of pneumonia and their causative agent
 TB- Sx and Drug side effects
 Bronchiactasis – mainly Inv finding
 Bronchogenic carcinoma- Sx and Inv and complication

Infectious disease:
 Genital ulcer differentials
 HSV – Inv
 HIV – inv
 Malaria – Sx and Mx and complication
 rash with differentials
 Syphilis- Sx and Inv
 Chicken Pox- serology and Rx in Pg based on immunization.
 causative agent of bloody and watery diarrhea
 Eczema, Psoriasis, seborrhiec dermatitis- features and Rx
 Different erythemas( mainly Erythema multiformi
 oral thrush, Lichen planus and leucoplakia- mainly Sx
 Acne rosacia and molluscum contagiosum- mainly features
 Scabies and Urticaria- feature and Rx


 IBD – UC or CD – difference
 Coeliac disease
 Achalasia, esophageal Ca- Sx and Inv finding
 ZES – Sx, H.pylori eradication
 Autoimmune hepatitis- Sx and Inv
 Haemachromatosis


 Different types of Leukemia with age and blood film finding

 DIC, TTP, Haemophillia – coagulation profile differences
 HUS and TTP ( difference and Inv findings)
 Mx of high INR in Pt on warfarin therapy
 AHA and hereditary Spherocytosis difference
 Multiple Myeloma- Inv finding

General Surgery:
 common breast lesion- Nipple abscess, duct ectasia, Fat necrosis, Paget’s disease,
fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis( features and Inv)
 Hernia – direct and indirect (location and Mx)
 Post operative oliguria (cathether block, AKI)
 Degree and Mx of Haemorrhoids
 Perianal haematoma and peri anal abscess
 Common tumor marker

Genito Urinary :
 Cerivicitis
 Vaginal discharge and their differentiation

 Haematuria and its differential
 Acute scrotum- epididymo orchitis and testicular torsion ( Sx and Mx)
 Renal stone (size and Mx accordingly)
 BPH (Mx) Prostrate Ca- Inv

 Main Symptoms of Paracetamol, aspirin, BDZ, Morphine, CO, amitriptyline overdose
and their Mx
 Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, LSD, Ectasy ( tested topic) – Mainly Sx
 Mx of Shock, different type of Burn (mainly fluid challenge

 Tonsil – details
 BPPV (Inv and Rx), Glue Ear( Sx and Rx
 Sensorinural and conductive hearing loss their differential Dx (Rinne and Weber test
 Meniere’s , vestibuloneuritis , labyrnthitis – Sx
 Foreign body in Ear- Mx

Epidemiology: (read it once before going top exam):

 Sensitivity and Specificity- Ex
 Cohort and case control- Ex

 Memorize Ex of AD, Ar, X-link reccesive and their % of affected in children
 Down syndrome, Klinefilter syndrome, Edward syndrome, Pradur Wili Syndrome-
Chromosome number and main Sx
 APKD, NF, DMD, CF – details( Sx and Inv)

Vascular Surgery:
 PAD, Buerger’s Disease, Acute limb ischemia- Main Sx
 PAD and level of occlusion

 Enzyme inducer and inhibitor Name ( they give you scenerio not ask directly)
 Morphine ( when and in which dose you shift to other analgesics
 pain ladder and drug in different type of pain(neuropathic, capsular, muscle spasm)
 Neuroleptic malignant Syndrome – Sx & Mx
 Drug causing Hypo and hyper kalemia
 Anti emetic in different condition
 Drug Mx of constipation
 Lithium ( which Inv have to do before prescribing )
 Anticipatory medication

 difference between three types of conjunctivits( mainly discharge and Mx)
 difference of Uveitis, scleritis, Acute angle closure glucoma( mainly pupil, rx and
association of other disease)
 ophthalmoscopic finding of CRAO and CRVO
 DM and HTN retinopathy- features
 Retinitis pigmentosa- Sx
 retinal detachment – Sx

 Osteoporosis (cause, Inv esp Dexa scan, Mx)
 different types of fractures and tendon rupture definition (mainly colles fracture, sith
fracture, scaphoid fracture, game keeper thumb, Monteggia , Galeazzia , golfer elbow,
tennis elbow)
 Osteoporosis , osteomalacia and pagets disease – level of Ca, PO4, ALP
 SUFF and DDH – Sx and Mx

 Developmental milestones
 HUS, Scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease- Sx and Rx
 Rash with fever- differentia
 Neonatal Jaundice- cause
 Acute epiglottis and croup
 Mx of Bronchiolitis and Febrile convulsion(prognosis)
 Nocturnal enuresis – Mx according to Sx

Obs & Gynae:

 Contraception! contraception! Contraception
 Mx of UTI in Pregnancy
 Hydatiform Mole
 Placenta previa and Placenta abruptio- Sx, Inv and Rx
 Endometriosis, Cervical ectropion and PID – Sx and Rx
 HELLP and AFLP – just know the full form.
 Pregnancy and Hb level
 Eclampsia and pre eclampsia – Mx

 Schizophrenia, Depression- details
 Definition of Somatisation disorder, Hypochondrical disorder, Factitious disorder,
Conversion disorder, Cotard delusion. Agorphobia, Clang association, normal grief
reaction, Adjustment disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Folie `a deux,
Adjustment disorder, Normal grief reaction.
 Mx of Panic disorder, GAD, OCD, anorexia nervosa, depression
 Post partum mental disorder- difference.

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