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The Cold War SS5H7 The student will discuss the origins and consequences of the Cold War. * a. Explain the origin and meaning of the term “Iron Curtain.” + b. Explain how the United States sought to stop the spread of communism through the Berlin airlift, the Korean War, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. + ¢. Identify Joseph McCarthy and Nikita Khrushchev. Build on What You Know ¢ How did the United + You know that countries usually use States and the USSR armies to fight wars. After WWII, there was (Soviet Union) a new kind of war. Countries fought this "fight" the Cold War? war mostly with words and ideas. * Explain how the United States can be involved in military actions without Congress declaring war. ¢ What events brought an end to the Cold War? Guided Practice Activity: Close Read of Cold War Article Ticket Out The Door Please Prepare Your Close Read Artifacts!!! @ 4 viene te rrr cso Summary: The Cold War Superpowers at War After World War Iiihe United tater aad the Soviet Usion were the murhfa arongestnatcaa They mete call superpower Thay b ‘weatuary wer semana soe, tess Tnwhid te porerament wee pee and ert The sie Set CE, Jn capralica, prope aad asecasce ot * cea ance cide where hey ve Par ane pe alter World Soviet Unica woa control of Eastern Burope. It catralled half of Germany and balf of Germany's capital Berla. The (United Staves Brinn, and Fra Germany and Wes Rerlis, the production of goods aad Sezione mee ‘Beran Aviat just beter the (esd wer agen oe Dwogme ins tet om ne (Geaaa'sutes Eran, and ‘wet aren (aban iste Cast? Urn areaces tat teaay Proce arma aerating i Oe thE) the world's st ron - het , J soldiers %9 ely Nosth Rosen. The war ended in 1583, Neither side wos, Koren is sil divide. “The Usited Suntes and the Sovier Union were twas afr the Soviet Union world enack the United States Ho zest worchips ts surrsusd Guba, He hoped a blockade ‘would force the Soviet Union to rexmove it mlsrla. Tie it wat called the Cuba Mteike Cris. For six days, deat wat seenped possible Then the Saviet Usion removed the mis Rents te Raney Lenses eaten ernie ‘oe eth ates Ht: p01 Vocabulary Capitalism- individuals are free to own or work for a business of their choosing. Socialism- the government, consumers, and businesses control the economy. Communism- the government has complete power. Consumer- someone who buys something. Iron Curtain- an imaginary line that divided Eastern and Westem Europe. Truman Doctrine- the promise to stop the spread of communism to countries that were not communist. Cease-fire- an agreement to stop fighting How the Cold War Started... Even before the end of World War II, tensions were building between the U.S. and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union). The two countries had different ideas about government and economics and how the world should be run after WWII. The U.S. is a democratic republic, which is a type of government where we choose representatives to make laws. The economic system in the U.S. is known as a free enterprise or capitalism. In a free enterprise, individuals are free to own or work for a business of their choosing. + Socialism spread throughout Europe after the war. In a Socialist system, the government owns major industries, such as banks, airlines, railroads, and power plants. People own stores, farms, and most factories. Together, government, consumers, and businesses control the economy. * Communism is the system in which the government has complete power. The U.S.S.R. was run by a dictator and the people did not get to vote. + The U.S. and other Western nations wanted to end communism. The U.S.S.R. wanted to spread it and then control all Communist countries. Iron Curtain Following Germany's defeat, the Allies divided the country. The US, Great Britain, and France governed sections of western Germany which became a free democracy, The USSR governed eastern Germany + which became a communist state. . The Allies also divided the German capital: of Berlin even though it was in the Soviet sector of Germany. Winston Churchill described Europe as being divided by an “Iron Curtain.” On the west side of the Iron Curtain were ‘the democracies of Western Europe and on the East side were the communist nations. North Atlantic Treaty Organization + In 1949, 12 allied nations signed a treaty in Washington D.C. + These 12 allied nations founded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to support democracy. « President Truman promised to help any country that the USSR tried to turn Communist. This policy was known as the Truman Doctrine, or the policy of containment. + Joseph Stalin wanted the western Allies E Berlin Airlift out of Berlin. His army surrounded West Berlin and would not let any supplies in or out. Harry Truman responded with the Berlin Airlift. For several months in 1948-49, the US and its allies flew planes delivering me supplies across the Soviet lines and into West Berlin. i Not wanting a war, Stalin finally gave up. The Berlin Airlift only made the two sides _ angrier with one another. ioe AN Berlin Wall The city of Berlin in Germany was divided at the end of WWII. The eastern part was under Soviet control! The western part was controlled by the Allies. Thousands fled from the eastern side to the west. + In 1961, the Soviets built a wall to prevent people from leaving East Berlin and armed soldiers guarded the wall. People who tried to cross were killed. The Berlin Wall became the symbol of Communist dictatorship . The Korean War After WWII, the Allies split the East Asian nation of Korea in half. North Korea became a communist state. South Korea became a capitalist democracy. The 38!" parallel served as a dividing line between the two nations. In 1950, North Korean troops crossed the 38' parallel and quickly conquered much of South Korea. The UN elected to send troops to stop the invasion. President Truman put General Douglas MacArthur in charge. MacArthur drove back the North Koreans. Before he could fully defeat them, Chinese troops crossed the border to help the North Koreans. The Korean War continued until 1953 and ended in a cease-fire Joseph McCarthy Joseph McCarthy was a US senator from the State of Wisconsin. During the 1950's, he became convinced that Communists were trying to gain control of the US government. He vowed to find these Communists and drive ~~ them out. mys At first many US citizens backed him, but he went to far and accused high-ranking military officers of being Communists. When McCarthy tried to make his case on television, most people thought he came off looking cruel, paranoid, and perhaps crazy. The hearings on television ruined McCarthy's political career. . . Nikita Khrushchev Nikita Khrushchev took over as First Secretary of the USSR’s Communist Party after Joseph Stalin died in 1953. Under Khrushchev, the Soviet government was no longer a dictatorship. Khrushchev was a tough politician who distrusted the US. He tried to bully the US and its allies into leaving West Berlin in 1958. After the end of World War Il in 1948, America and Russia ‘still harbored resentment towards one anther. This period was known asthe Cold War. Before the Cold War, technslogy was not readily available. in 1950, less tham ten percent of American homes had a television set but by 1955, nearty seventy percent of homes had one. Television made information more available to audiences faster than ever before. Nightly news broadcasts quickly spread word of the dangers of Communism. The government often used television to discuse foreign policies and the United Stater reactions to these polices. 'No event had a bigger impact on the Cold War than the Space. Race. This intense competition between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from 1957-1975. Both countries wanted to be the first to explore outer space because ofthe impact it ‘would have on military technology. The Russians were able to successfully launch a satellite into orbit on October 4, 1957, «called Sputnik ltt had a great impact on Americans as they realized that Russia was currently winning the Space Race In what ways did ithe Cold War influence technology and Space exploration? Write he Cold War age trcughout the we what ging Cn here athome? kite was goed for most Amerans. iter lhe arf aiming sang and doing without ring WA People nom four hers ih jobs an afer ith some ‘making plas. tanks and ammunition. Wosters bil a. {ehigeraters and other appliances. ana people tought them Wien the Woops reamed rom the wat they needed homes or ha ies. nk ore sri hata lain Noting ‘coemurities rang up in suburbs al cost the county. Many ime sopachoe wien notes Obese he How did the Cold sac gry nena tenia mane synergy on sna War affect life at home? sc neparate rom, but nt equal, whte Arvercans. Aficon Arescans were tested erent in job schools voting pecties and many other pat ole. President Truman wed on ths iu. and President Keone contd to pusher socal change Americans also became more interested in science and ‘echnelagy. When the Soviet Union launched the satelite Sputnik in 1957, wos 2 wake-up callto Americans. The United Sates fel pressed to catch up tothe Soviets Inthe race to space. In 1961. ‘the Soviet were the fst to sand s person to orbit a cele, the Eth Amaties rent Son Glen ints ‘tbitin 1962: Ju 1968, Nel Armstrong and Buz Askin became the fst people to land onthe noon, The Usted States hed finaly taken the lenin the space ace, eating the Soviets tothe moon! “The Cold War was tightening at tes, but life ere in the United States was ao better than ever ‘new sense of reader, opportunity, hope snd prosperity made ile goed for mary American fame. What are the key differences between a free enterprise leconomy and a communist leconomy? What role does the government play ina communist economy? What role does the government play in a free lenterprise economy?

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