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• What forms of entertainment are avaliable for young adults in your area?
• If you had more leisure time, how would you spend it?
• Are you a theatre goer?
• Would you prefer an e-card or a traditional paper card for special occasions? Why?
• What products do people buy on hire-purcase?
• Why are computer games popular with all ages?
• What is the healt service like in your country?
• Have you ever been on diet?
• Do you ever have nightmares or bad dreams? What do you do to calm yourself after it?

Examinee: You are a Hungarian student and your English classmate (the examiner) wants to take
up a hobby and she/he asks for your help and advice. You are discussing the options
with her/him. 
Examiner: You are a British exchange student in Hungary and you want to take up a new hobby.
You are discussing the possibilities with your classmate (the examinee). 
• I have some free time and I want to start a hobby. What kind of clubs and
associations are there in our school and in this town where I can do something
interesting such as dancing, amateur theatre, caving, photography, pottery or
singing in a choir?  
• Ok then, what kind of hobby should I start and why? What about a hobby
I can do alone at home?  
• What hobby do you and your family members do?  
• What equipment do I need to do it? 
• Could you help me try this hobby? How should I start? 
• Is it expensive? What costs are there if I want to do it? 
• What other meaningful ways are there to spend my freetime? 


Look at the following pictures and ideas. You will have ONE minute to prepare and then TWO
minutes to speak about the topic.  
Talk about at least two ideas. The pictures are here only to help you. 
• own car or public transport
• driving licence
• disadvantages of owning car

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