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The idea of unrestricted travel without passports or visas is a debatable argument.

While it
may seem like a convenient option for many, there are several factors that need to be
considered before making a decision.

From a security standpoint, unrestricted travel poses a significant risk. Governments need to
be able to control who enters and leaves their countries to ensure the safety of their citizens.
Without proper documentation, it becomes difficult to identify potential threats or criminals
who might be crossing international borders. In a world where terrorism is a real threat, this
risk can’t be ignored.

On the other hand, unrestricted travel can also promote tourism and bring economic benefits
to countries. Tourists can move freely without being burdened by visa requirements, which
can be time-consuming and expensive. This would open up opportunities for people to
explore new cultures and experiences.

However, my personal opinion is that unrestricted travel without passports or visas is not a
good idea. While it might be a convenient option for some, the security risks associated with
it can’t be overlooked. Governments need to have a system in place to identify potential
threats and criminals, and this can only be done by controlling who enters and leaves their

In conclusion, while unrestricted travel without passports or visas might seem like a
convenient option for some, it is not a viable option. It poses significant security risks, and
governments need to have proper controls in place to ensure the safety of their citizens.

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