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CMRP Practice Questions

1. What is the availability of that bottle filler? A bottle filler operates at standard speed for 16
hours and down for 8 hours during the day. What was the Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE) for the bottle filler for that day? Assume no quality problems.



OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is measuring manufacturing productivity. It identifies the

percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. An OEE score of 100% means you are
manufacturing only Good Parts as fast as possible, with no Stop Time. In this question 8hr idle/ 16 hr
operating time = 50% OEE. I hope this explains your questions. Availability Formula Availability (%) = 8hr
idle/ 16 hr operating time = 50%

2. If an Ice-cream packaging line had 10 events with the following operating times to failure: 100,
152, 192, 297, 433, 485, 689, 757, 823, and 951, what would be the Mean Time To Failure

488 Hours


Meantime to failure (MTTF) is a maintenance metric that measures the average amount of time a non-
repairable asset operates before it fails.

MTTF = (100+152+192+297+433+485+689+757+823+951) / 10 = 4879/10 = 488 hours. Pillar of

Equipment Reliability

3. A soup manufacturing factory is inactive for 40 hrs a 30-day month (720 hours). What was the
idle time?

40 Hours

Idle Time The time an asset is idle or waiting to run. The sum of the times when there is no demanded
administrative idle time (e.g., not scheduled for production). It does not include equipment downtime
(scheduled or unscheduled) and no feedstock or raw materials

4. A peanut butter factory plant manager has informed senior management that his factory will
be performing a 1-week outage to repair the blades on their mixers. What would this event be

Scheduled Downtime


Scheduled Downtime The time required to work on an asset that is on the finalized weekly maintenance
schedule. Pillar of Manufacturing Process Reliability

5. Which of the following is the Reliability and Maintainability Project lifecycle?

Planning, Design, Build, Operate, Maintain, Dispose

6. The process of bringing planned remodeling to an organization. It involves leading an

organization through a series of steps.

Change Management


It can also be called (MOC) Management of Change.

7. If a breakdown and parts need to be expedited, who is one person who should NOT order the
part (s)?

Maintenance Supervisor, Production Supervisor, Maintenance Planner, Maintenance Manager


The planner's role is not to support emergency work but to build for future work and keep on task. Best
practice would be those with day-to-day responsibility, knowledge of the problem, and have authority
to expedite parts. Pillar of Organization and Leadership

8. A cooling tower motor is idle for 24 hours and down for 8 hours during a one-month period.
What was the uptime of the cooling tower? Note: In the sample calculation, a 30-day month
(720 hours) is assumed
688 Hours


Uptime (hrs) = Total Available Time (hrs) – [Idle Time (hrs) + Total Downtime (hrs)]. Pillar of
Manufacturing Process Reliability

9. Over lunch, you meet a colleague managing a large turnaround project for setting up a
chemical plant. Your colleague is worried because the client is being unreasonable and asking
for changes that will severely impact the scope schedule and cost. The client is also not ready
to absorb the additional impact on schedule and cost. She seeks your advice. What should she

Set up a meeting with the client to better understand the need of the changes being asked.


Communication and transparency is a sign of leadership. Try to focus on the last part of the statement.
The beginning sentence is meant to distract the reader.

10. What is tested in a lubricant and wear analysis?



A quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction, as measured by force per unit area resisting a
flow in which parallel layers unit distance apart have unit speed relative to one another.

11. The third shift production supervisor was walking out to his car following the end of his shift
and was approached by the plant manager walking into the factory for the day. The Plant
Manager asked how did we do last night? The production supervisor knew he was asking
about the performance efficiency. He remembered that submitting his end-of-shift report to
his manager. The factory had produced 78,840 units last night and had a capacity of producing
12,500 units per hour. With this information, he was able to determine the performance
efficiency percentage. Note: Factory run an 8-hour shift



Performance Efficiency Formula Performance Efficiency (%) = [Actual Production Rate (units per hour) /
Best Production Rate (units per hour)] × 100. Pillar of Manufacturing Process Reliability
12. A soup manufacturing factory is scheduled to have 40 hrs of scheduled downtime in a 30-day
month (720 hours). The factory also had 10 failures during that month totaling 50 hours. What
was total downtime in hours?

90 Hours


Total Downtime Formula Total Downtime (hrs) = Scheduled Downtime (hrs) + Unscheduled Downtime
(hrs). Pillar of Manufacturing Process Reliability

13. /;The primary objective is to preserve system function, identify failure modes, prioritize
modes and select the applicable task is the principles of what?



The Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) was developed following the Boeing 747 in 1960 to reduce
maintenance costs. Pillar of Equipment Reliability.

14. Which of the following is an action performed on time- or machine-run-based schedule that
detects, precludes, or mitigates degradation of a component or system intending to sustain or
extend its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level.

Planned Maintenance


Planned Maintenance - Which of the following is an action performed on time- or machine-run-based

schedule that detects, precludes, or mitigates degradation of a component or system to sustain or
extend its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level. Pillar of Work Management

15. Which of the following is not planned maintenance?

Run to Failure


PM/PdM is proactive and planned maintenance. Pillar of Work Management

16. Following a root cause analysis, the business determined that an electrical failure due to wear
that caused excessive heat was the cause of the breakdown. The corrective action was to
develop a pm that would offer a non-destructive approach for the early detection of
impending failures in electrical and mechanical systems. It would measure heat signatures on
motors, heat loss in insulation, and refectory health. What tool would be used?

Infrared Thermograph


Infrared Thermography: Measure heat signatures, short wave instruments. It has high sensitivity up to .2
degrees with heat tracking. Pillar of Equipment Reliability

17. The turnaround has been successfully completed. The last of the deliverables have been
formally accepted. You had several contractors with whom contracts were prepared. With the
turnaround done, you decide to communicate the complete details and closure of contracts.
Which is the best form of communication?

Formal Meeting/Call with Written Response


Considering cross-located teams and difference in cultures, the best choice of communication in this
case would be formal and written. Pillar of Organization and Leadership

18. In condition monitoring which of the following is not a non-destructive test?

Residual Stress Measurement


Residual stresses measure the remains in a solid material after the original causes of any stresses have
been removed. It is designed for engineers to determine factors like near-surface and through-thickness
residual stress distribution, which businesses can use in engineering critical assessments.

19. The following is used to layout the logic of systems to aid in human decision-making and are
used extensively in root cause failure analysis (RCFA).

Logical Tree Analysis


An analytical method that uses deductive logic to guide the thought processes used to draw correct
conclusions. LTA's are used to lay out the logic of systems to aid in human decision-making and are used
extensively in root cause failure analysis (RCFA). Sometimes used interchangeably with fault tree
analysis, the latter generally applies probabilities to determine causes—the pillar of Equipment
20. What one of the following is not a benefit for having scheduled downtime?



The period of time that a machine is not performing its intended function due to planned downtime
events. Pillar of Manufacturing Process Reliability

21. What is the availability of that cooling tower? A cooling tower motor is idle for 24 hours and
down for 8 hours during a one-month period. What was the uptime of the cooling tower?
Note: In the sample calculation, a 30-day month (720 hours) is assumed


Availability Formula Availability (%) = [Uptime (hrs) × 100] / [Total Available Time (hrs) – Idle Time (hrs)].

22. What is inventory management that orders quantity that minimizes the total holding costs
and ordering costs?

Economic Order Quantity

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) In inventory management, economic order quantity is the order
quantity that minimizes the total holding costs and ordering costs. The formula is:
EOQ = square root of: [2(setup costs)(demand rate)] / holding costs. Pillar of Equipment Reliability.

23. If the stocked MRO inventory value is $6,000,000, and the replacement asset value (RAV) is
$200,000,000, then the stocked MRO inventory value as a percent of RAV would be?



Stocked MRO Inventory Value per RAV (%) = [Stocked MRO Value ($) × 100] / Replacement Asset Value
($) Stocked MRO Inventory Value per RAV (%) = ($6,000,000 × 100) / $200,000,000 Stocked MRO
Inventory Value per RAV (%) = 3%.

24. What does the 10% rule in maintenance?

PMs are completed within 10% of the due date

The idea behind the 10 percent rule is that all preventive maintenance activities are completed within
10 percent of the due date concerning the PM cadence.

25. All the following are unscheduled-downtime except?



Turnarounds would be scheduled-downtime. Pillar of Equipment Reliability

26. What is a reason why a manager should celebrate short-term wins?

Help keep team motivated.


It is important to identify a series of short-term gains or accomplishments—a pillar of Organization and


27. A new supervisor asked a maintenance manager about the benefits of implanting a Condition
Based Maintenance. Which of the following would represent the best answer?

A CBM has proven to provide an average savings between 7-10% in cost savings based on similar
programs without a CBM program.


Good condition-based maintenance programs also help reduce maintenance costs by 15%-30% and
reduce downtime by 20%-40%, which contribute to the savings.

28. As in determining the probability of failure determination. What analysis would be best?

Weibull Analysis


Weibull Analysis is an effective method of determining reliability characteristics and trends of a

population using a relatively small sample size of field or laboratory test data.

29. This diagram shows the causes of an event and is often used in manufacturing and product
development to outline the different steps in a process. It can also be referred to as a fishbone
Ishikawa Diagram


Ishikawa diagrams are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa that show the potential causes of a
specific event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect prevention
to identify potential factors causing an overall effect.

30. Which of the following is not a term used to describe Maintenance Inventory Classifications?

Expired Inventory


Expired Inventory is not a common term to describe part inventory in Maintenance and Reliability.

31. What type of leader is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, follower's needs, and who is
committed to treating their followers as human beings?

Transformational Leader


Transformational leader theory is a more recent development that emphasizes the charismatic and
effectiveness dimensions of leadership. Pillar of Organization and Leadership.

32. As the maintenance manager for a manufacturing company, you have conducted a study that
reveals that the mechanics, on average, spend 2 hours per ten hours shift on wrench time
(tool time). Your first action should be:

Investigate the barriers causing loss of wrench time (tool time).


CMRP believes in analysis and defining for taking action.

33. When the time period between the testing detects a failure, for failures with significant
economic consequences, and when life expectancy is highly variable, a good approach is
which of the following?

Online condition monitoring

34. Why is the motivation of team members a challenge for a manager?

To keep the team members and department on task.


They will have a vision and mission to help play a role in motivation. If employees are guessing what
they think their manager wants and letter find out it was wrong can be unmotivating.

35. What is the best option when asked how Return on Assets (ROA) is determined?



Net Income/Total Assets

36. A skills audit is undertaken to help with the following?

Help an organization understand skills it requires

37. The maintenance manager of an automotive company recently formed a reliability team to
improve equipment performance. The team members don't seem to get along well. Team
members stick to their style of working and challenge authority whenever they get the
opportunity. Some team members are even questioning the team's goals. What
developmental stage is the reliability team?



This is Tuckman's Model for Nurturing a Team to High Performance.

38. Of the critical assets, what percentage should be ranked as critical?

Less than 20%


Focus on the critical few, which would be less than 20% of assets, should fall into critical assets.

39. If a machine is running for 1000 hours and eight failures are observed during this period, what
is the Mean Time Between Failures?

125 Hours


MTBF = Run Time / # of Failures

40. What is the color of Health represented on the Hazardous Material Classification Triangle?



1-Yellow: Instability; 2-Red: Fire Hazard; 3-Blue: Health; White: Specific Hazard

41. Deming was responsible for developing what?

Plan, Do, Check, Act


Deming developed the P/D/C/A as a tool for ensuring quality during the process and product
42. A large manufacturing company installed some asset monitoring devices on some large
motors that were deemed critical equipment. The monitoring devices provide engineering
with vibration data, acoustic data, as well as operational performance data. What asset
management strategy has the company selected for the motors?



Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is a maintenance strategy that monitors an asset's actual condition
to decide what maintenance needs to be done. Predictive maintenance techniques are designed to help
determine the condition of in-service equipment to estimate when they should perform maintenance.

43. What relationship should Maintenance and Reliability Teams have with customers and
suppliers for optimum effectiveness?

Team members should by involved in communicating with customers and suppliers.


Remember that CMRP believed in working with others, and communication always leads to success.

44. What is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a

common goal?



Leadership according to the definition by Peter G. Northouse. Organization and Leadership.

45. Which one of the following is generally true?

Reliability Centered Maintenance can be applied on capital projects in the pre-construction stage to
determine the maintenance plan.


Using Maintenance craft is considered a best practice as often they are the subject matter experts on
specific equipment.

46. A new maintenance manager starting working at a large oil refining company. If they wanted
to understand the health of their department better, they would be looking at a variety of
metrics and KPI's. Which of the following would the maintenance manager not be concerned
with to determine the department's health?
Turnaround Budget


Turnaround is a capital expense and would not be a direct maintenance cost—all other would-be KPIs
for the maintenance department.

47. Which of the following most effectively makes up the members of a Manufacturing Team?



Production/Maintenance/Supplier/Engineering is the best option for effectiveness in manufacturing.

48. We generally believe that a particular set of traits are an important factor when identifying
leaders. Which characteristic would not be placed in leadership?



Definitions of passiveness. Noun. The trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative. Pillar of Organization
and Leadership.

49. The maintenance manager of a pump seal manufacturer has asked you to calculate the re-
order point of a spare part item. He has provided you with the following information to
facilitate your calculations. The cost of the spare parts is $100.00. The cost of earning
inventory is 20% of the price of the part. The cost of placing an order is $40.00, for which the
annual demand is 5,200 units. The average lead-time for replenishment is two weeks, and the
buffer stock of 500 units is desired. The average inventory is 100 units per week. What is the
re-order point in units for this spare part?



ROP = (Average weekly demand x Lead time) + Safety stock; ROP= (100 x 2) + 500 = 700

50. Which of the following best describes Deming's Improvement cycle?

Plan, Do, Check, Act

The PDSA Cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act) is a systematic process for continually gaining valuable learning and
knowledge to improve a product, process, and quality.

51. How much of a maintenance technician time should be scheduled?

Schedule 100% of the work. All work needs to be tracked.


Maintenance personnel should be 100% scheduled, specifically technicians' available hours, should be
scheduled. Scheduling compliance analysis should provide an opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste
and improve productivity.

52. What is the best practice for a planned work backlog?

Maintenance should aim for 5-week backlog.


A backlog of 5 weeks is ideal. Less than can affect building a full schedule, and more than 5 may indicate
staffing needs or planned work.

53. This type of oil analysis is used to study particle wear on machine components by analyzing
contaminants in lubricating oil.



Ferrography can be used to assess machine health by quantifying and examining ferrous wear particles
suspended in the lubricant or hydraulic fluid.

54. Breakdown maintenance is any maintenance task that does not occur on one scheduled basis.
It is considered more expensive due to unreliability, excess overtime, expediting parts, and
lack of reliability. Knowing this about a breakdown, what would be some ways to get out of
the breakdown culture?

Identify the source of the problems.


1. Conduct a Gap Analysis to determine the problems 2. Convince management of the need to improve
3. Implement the processes 4. Measure the results 5. Celebrate victories.

55. Of the critical assets, what percentage should be ranked as critical?

Less then 20%


Focus on the critical few, which would be less than 20% of assets, should fall into critical assets.

56. What is the color of Fire Hazard represented on the Hazardous Material Classification



1-Yellow: Instability; 2-Red: Fire Hazard; 3-Blue: Health; White: Specific Hazard

57. In OSHA regulations, the term point-of-operation protection device refers to what features in

Machine Guarding


Any machine part, function, or process that may cause injury must be safeguarded. When the operation
of a machine or accidental contact injures the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazards must be
eliminated or controlled.

58. Which of the following is the best option for a lagging indicator?

A lagging indicator is a measurable factor that changes sometime after a variable is introduced.


Leading indicators look forwards, through the windshield, at the road ahead. Leading indicators are
inputs to Lagging indicators. Lagging indicators look backward, through the rear window, at the road
you've already traveled. A financial indicator like revenue, for example, is a lagging indicator in that it
tells you about what has already happened.

59. A Maintenance Supervisors gets assigned to a manufacturing effort to rebuild a blower.

Although the team has worked together on previous actions, they struggle to create a work
plan. Which of the following best describes the real problem?

They have not identified the objectives.


All of the following could play a part; however, developing a plan and mission will cause all areas to fail.
60. If a machine runs for 720 hours and 15 failures are observed during this period, what is the
Mean Time Between Failures?

48 Hours


MTBF = Run Time/# of Failure or = 720/15=48 Hours

61. When an organization develops a decision tree, decision chart, or prioritization matrix, what is
the best reason to have these in an organization?

Allows employees to make objective business decision based on the needs of the business.


In the event of loss of production, economic damage, safety, or quality concerns.

62. What is tested in a lubricant and wear analysis that would not be tested from the following?

Viscosity, Wear/Particle Count, Evaporation Rate, Moisture.


In addition to viscosity and moisture, wear debris analysis is a technique for analyzing the debris, or
particles, present in lubrication oil that could indicate wear, mainly mechanical wear. This method
provides microscopic examination and analysis of debris/particles found in lubrication oil.

63. Reliability-centered maintenance is an engineering framework that enables the definition of a

complete maintenance regimen. Who first developed this program?



RCM has developed the program in 1960 to reduce the cost of maintenance without losing reliability in
the aircraft.

64. The most effective strategy in developing a strong leadership style is to choose one of the
approaches and apply that approach to a wide variety of situations. Which of the following
statements is the best option?

False – program, processes, and people all have different solution and styles to be successful.


To be flexible and agile is an attribute of a good leader.

65. Which is not categorized by the Department of Energy as an energy system?



DOE does not categorize wastewater as an energy system.

66. Which of the following is not true about vibration monitoring?

Misalignment, movement, balance, able to detect belt flaws corona


Corona is a partial discharge of power.

67. Which of the following is the best option for exampling maintenance rework?

Work done on previously maintained equipment because of maintenance, operations or material

problems that resulted in a premature functional failure of that equipment.


The causes of rework may be maintenance, operational or material quality issues.

68. What is the best option for studying the design, friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting
surfaces in relative motion (as in bearing and gears)?



Tribology - Lubrication and oil analysis is a specialized scientific body of knowledge.

69. A production line recorded the time to repair the following repairs (1 hour, 3 hours, 4 hours, 4
hours). What is the meantime to repair (MTTR)?

3 Hours


The MTTR formula is calculated by dividing the total unplanned maintenance time spent on an asset by
the total number of failures that an asset experienced over a specific period. MTTR = 1+ 3 + 4 + 4 = 12/4
= 3 hours.
70. This diagram shows the causes of an event and is often used in manufacturing and product
development to outline the different steps in a process. It can also be referred to as a
Fishbone Diagram.

Ishikawa Diagram


Ishikawa diagrams are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa that show the potential causes of a
specific event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect prevention
to identify potential factors causing an overall effect.

71. OSHA standards call for fall protection when operating at heights above _____ ft in general
industry work environments. Is this standard also to be put into practice when dealing with
heavy machinery that is hazardous?

4 Feet


Above 4 ft in general industrial work environments and 5 ft in shipyards.

72. During a scheduling meeting, the scheduler notices something wrong with planned work and
immediately removed it from the schedule. What is the best option as to why they remove
the work from the schedule?

Parts scheduled to arrive from overseas are no on-site.


Parts that are not on-site kitted and validated should not be on the weekly schedule.

73. What is the best option for who should fill out work notifications?



Anyone should be able to fill out a notification; however, operations should be identifying the work.
They are the ones monitoring the assets. Operations should know their equipment and understand
between working correctly and needing repair or investigation.

74. If a single manufacturing line at widget companies has 15 failures and each failure takes 1
hour to repair, what is the meantime to repair (MTTR)?
1 Hour


The MTTR formula is calculated by dividing the total unplanned maintenance time spent on an asset by
the total number of failures that an asset experienced over a specific period. MTTR = 15/15 = 1 hour

75. Which of the following is the best option to improve work across human systems? This
approach aims to address work by balancing demands with available capacity and improving
system-level bottlenecks' handling.



Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is one of the Pillars of TPM. AM is defined as a maintenance strategy
where machine operators continuously monitor their equipment, make adjustments, and perform minor
maintenance tasks on their machines.

76. Improving quality through minor, incremental improvements is a characteristic of what type
of change management system?



Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement."

77. Which of the following is the best option to describe Maintenance Planner responsibility?

Looking for ways to improve wrench time


The maintenance Planners job is to own the work order in the planning stage, ordering parts and
ensuring they are readily available until planned schedule work.

78. All the following are workplace hazards involving equipment except which selection?

Moisture, loss of extremities, loud noise, exposer to electrical


Moisture is not commonly considered a workplace hazard. All others are used regularly.

79. A technique to reduce waste and optimize productivity by maintaining a workplace. It includes
tidy up, organize, housekeeping, labeling, and keeping as planned. What is the best option?


5S: Sort (tidy up), Set to order (organize), Shine (housekeeping), Standardize (labeling), Sustain (keeping
as planned)

80. What is an acceptable amount of maintenance rework?



World-class that is less than 1% is ideal.

81. What is the best answer for a method that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve
performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation?

Lean Six Sigma


Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology designed to eliminate problems, remove waste
and inefficiency, and improve working conditions.

82. Which of the following is not a type of lubrication?

Hard Grease, Dry Film, Boundary Lubrication, Hydrodynamic


Hydrodynamic - Keeps components separated by the fluid film (oil); Dry film - Sacrificial film sheared in
preference to components; Boundary lubrication - Use a thin film to keep components separate; Plastic
solid (grease).

83. What is the best relationship Maintenance and Reliability Teams should have with customers
and suppliers?

Team members should be involved in communicating with customers and suppliers.


Remember that CMRP believes in working with others, and communication always leads to success.

84. Which of the following is not a vital task of a Maintenance Planner?

Assisting Maintenance Supervisor on expediating a part to repair a breakdown.


The maintenance planner's job is not to do emergency work but to have future work available.

85. Many departments perform a skills audit on their employees. What would best describe why a
department would do this audit?

Help an org understand skills it requires.


Understand areas that needs improvement.

86. Establishing a sense of urgency before initiating a change in the way things must be done is
recommended because _______________.

Few will be motivated enough to lead, participate, or accept change


Without urgency, there is no compelling reason that staff will accept changes that are likely to change
their work practices and social systems.

87. What is the best option to describe the most important indicator of planning and scheduling

Wrench Time


Wrench Times gives the indication that job plans were created effectively and scheduled appropriately.

88. A good ____________is designed to ascertain the health of an asset to determine if that asset
can perform the intended function until the next inspection.

Planned Maintenance Task


A PM is the application of scheduled work to reduce maintenance costs by reducing the necessity of

89. Which of the following is the best option to an example predictive maintenance task?
Monitoring with a vibration Equipment


Changing does not imply predictively. Schedule means planned maintenance; monitoring is part of
predictive techniques.

90. A new engineer is asked to attend a meeting dealing with a quality issue raised due to an
increase in rejecting weights of a widget there were producing. The engineering requested the
Manager of Quality what he thought was his hypothesis. Based on this question, what tools
could you conclude the engineer will be using?

Six Sigma


Hypothesis testing determines the normal distribution of a set of numbers to determine what changes
may have occurred.

91. What terms represented by the acronym RACI?

Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform

92. Which of the following would not likely be a scheduling KPI?



Overall, it can be a review, but for the impact of improving maintenance scheduling, the delays,
compliance, and loading would be the leading indicator to focus on to strengthen scheduling that could
have overall improvement to OEE.

93. Of the following which analysis would be best to determine failure?

Weibull Analysis


Weibull Analysis is an effective method of determining reliability characteristics and trends of a

population using a relatively small sample size of field or laboratory test data.

94. What percentage of time-based PM are considered best practice?

Less than 20%


It's a good and cost-effective practice to do more run/cycle-based and condition-based PM. It's good
practice to have calendar-based PMs 20% or less. If assets are operating 24/7, the calendar-based PM
could be a higher percentage.

95. Of those that should be part of the backlog review, who does not need to attend daily?

Maintenance Manager


Operations need to be at the backlog meeting to answer questions. Operations is often the person
running the meeting. The maintenance Supervisor needs to ensure both maintenance and operations
agree on the priority of the notification, and planners to know if they need to re-focus their work and
understand the priorities.

96. Which of the following is not a form of positional power for a new project manager?



Expert power is not provided formally. It occurs when one complies with instructions because they
believe the person providing the education is a subject matter expert.

97. What is the best option for an inspirational account of an idealistic emotional future of a
company or group?

Vision Statement


When having a vision and mission helps play a role in motivation. If employees guess what they think
their manager wants and later find out it was wrong, it can be unmotivating. A mission statement is
short-term, while a vision is long-term and about the future of the business.

98. The primary function of any lubricant is to form a film that separates the surfaces of the two
mating parts to reduce friction and wear. Which of the following may not be lubricating oil

Condition-directed Task

The condition-directed task makes no sense. The others reduce wear, products surface, and can remove

99. Which of the following are generally associated with the skills possessed by leaders?



Technical skills involve using company or industry-specific methods and processes, formal problem-
solving techniques, technology systems, machinery, and other tools.

100. Which is the lean method to manage and improve work across human systems. This
approach aims to manage work by balancing demands with available capacity and improving
the handling of system-level bottlenecks through visualization.



Kandan "visual signal."

101. As the maintenance manager for a manufacturing company, you have conducted a
study that reveals that the mechanics, on average, spend two hours for every ten-hour shift
on wrench time. Your first action should be?

Investigate the barriers causing loss of wrench time


CMRP believes in analysis and defining for taking action.

102. What is corrective (repair) work done on previously maintained equipment because of
maintenance, operations, or material problems that resulted in a premature functional failure
of that equipment?



The causes of rework may be maintenance, operational or material quality issues.

103. Lean is a collection of practices directed at improving __________ while minimizing

__________ and __________ .
Process efficiency, waste, delays


"Lean" is considered a philosophy of continuous improvement. A lean organization focuses on increasing

customer value, eliminating waste, and optimizing operations.

104. New bulk lubricant shipments should be supplied with a ____________________ from
the blend plant to determine product specification.

Certificate of Analysis


A Certificate of Analysis is a document issued by Quality Assurance that confirms that a regulated
product meets its product specification. They commonly contain the actual results obtained from testing
performed as part of quality control of an individual batch of a product.

105. When measuring the temperature of an object using a radiometric imager, which two
parameters have the most significant effect on the accuracy of the temperature reading on
the instrument?

Relative Humidity and ambient air temperature


Emissivity is a factor. However, the background temperature is not, making that option a less probable
choice for this question. Relative humidity and ambient temperatures are certain factors that influence a
radiometric temperature reading.

106. Which of the following would not be a tool used in Lean Six Sigma.

Enterprise Resource Planning, RACI chart, PERT/Bell Curve, Pareto


Enterprise Resource Planning is not a tool to drive improvement. Its likely relationship with Six Sigma
would be part of the sustainment improvement plan what was part of a project.

107. During a job course, what information would a planner not necessarily put in a new
mini file?
The name of lead tech.


The job should log the 1st three for historical reference. Original WO form if significant, all the past WO
worthwhile job information.

108. In Six Sigma, projects follow a process. What do the acronyms DMAIC best represent?

Six Sigma follows the Define, Measure, Analysis Improve, and Control.

109. If the Maintenance Manager reminds the Maintenance Supervisor to abide by the 10%
of PM, what are they referring to?

PM must be accomplished in 10% of the time frequency


The 10% rule of preventive maintenance states that: A time-based PM must be accomplished in ten
percent of the time-frequency or out of compliance.

110. What is the best choice for a planner following the completion of the scheduled work?

Ask for Feedback


The maintenance Planners job is to own the work order in the planning stage, ordering parts and
ensuring they are readily available until planned schedule work.

111. Kaizen implies_______ What is the best option?

Continuous & Incremental changes that are not disruptive


Kaizen, the Sino-Japanese word for "improvement," refers to business activities that continuously
improve all functions and involve all employees.

112. Electrical equipment can be divided into online monitoring/testing and


Offline Testing

Sometimes called static motor testing, offline testing can find insulation weaknesses by testing above
operating voltages. This provides earlier warning of issues and insulation problems than measurements
taken at operating voltage and enables the owner to keep running the motor while planning what to do.

113. What philosophy and set of practices are supposed to enrich the lives of individuals,
build better organizations, and ultimately create a more just and caring world.

Servant Leadership


“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve
first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from the leader
first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or acquire material possessions.
The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them, some shadings and blends
are part of the infinite variety of human nature.”

114. The motivation of team members is one of the challenges in human resource
management. Which of the following would not be a way to motivate a team member?

Punishment for not completing work.


The most important emotion that employees bring to work is motivation.

115. Which of the following affects "Wrench Time"?

Low quality job plans, Pulled off the job for emergency work, wrong parts, All the Above.


Wrong Parts and low-quality job plans affect the efficiency of the Technician. When a Technician is
pulled off to do emergency work, it often means there is very little planning and preparation, which will
low efficiency.

116. What is the best option that explains the ability to drive and inspire a team to do their
jobs well?



Leadership is a skill that is often difficult to pinpoint.

117. Following an assessment of the factories' planning and scheduling department, the
factory is commented that the weekly scheduling meeting should be moved away from Friday
afternoon to earlier in the week. What might be the best reason to move this meeting?

Having the meeting at the end of the week puts stress on schedule if last minute items are added or
requested to be added.


For planned work to be on the schedule, the work needs to verify parts before being placed on the
schedule. Often maintenance will allow if parts are due to arrive on time. This is not the best practice,
and on big jobs, this could cause a lot of reactive scheduling if multiple technicians are assigned.

118. What is the best option to describe the percentage of reactive work that a
maintenance organization wants to be considered world-class?

Less than 10%


World-class that is less than 10% is ideal.

119. By proper identification of material, eliminating non-value work, or minimize distance,

which of the following delays can be reduced?

Travel time to get material


Travel time to occupy up to 30% of designated wrench time when wrong materials are given, resulting in
multiple trips to work site and storeroom.

120. Which of the following best examples is a Value Stream Map?

Analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the series of events that take a product or
service from beginning of the specific process until it reaches the customer.


VSM is an effective tool to visualize processes.

121. Workplace organization methods often use a process called the five S's. Which of the
following is the 5S's

Sort, Shine, Set, Standardize, Sustain


Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seisō, seiketsu, and shitsuke. These have been translated as "sort", "set in
order", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain".

122. What is the best option to describe the % of planned maintenance a world-class
organization is functioning at?

85 to 90%


World-class that is less than 85% to 90% is ideal.

123. Inventory management has different ways to describe inventory; which of the
following is not a term used to describe maintenance inventory classifications?

Expired Inventory


Expired Inventory is not a common term to describe part inventory in Maintenance and Reliability.

124. What is the best option to utilizes high-frequency sound produced by a pressurized gas
escaping from a vessel to identify a leak?

IR Camera/Ultrasonic leak detector is good to identify hot/cold spots and leaks.

125. What is the best answer for the anticipated number of times that an item can fail in a
specified period of time?

Failure Rate


The Failure Rate is often associated with the BathTub diagram.

126. What is the best option to describe the % of overtime that a world-class organization
is functioning at?


World-class around 5% is considered ideal.

127. A planner checklist is considered good practice to save time and ensure planners
maintain planner quality when developing a job plan. Which of the following is the best choice
to have on a planner checklist?

Visual Drawing


It is good for planners to include visual drawings to help maintenance technicians further understand
job scope and description and save time tracking down planners for further clarification.

128. What is the best option to explain the Certificate of Analysis?

Confirms that a regulated product meets its product specification.


They commonly contain the actual results obtained from testing performed as part of quality control of
an individual batch of a product.

129. Which of the following is not an example of a leading indicator?

Schedule Compliance, Overall Equip. Effectiveness, Wrench Time, Planned Backlog.


OEE is a lagging indicator due to the variable that will occur in the future and doesn't directly affect the

130. What two tools are the best options for developing PM/Pd.M.'s?

FMEA/RCM are tools in development of product and processes

131. What is a short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is,
identifying the purpose of its operations?

Mission Statement


Having a vision and mission help play a role in motivation. If employees guess what they think their
manager wants and later find out it was wrong, it can be unmotivating. A mission statement is short-
term, while a vision is long-term and about the future of the business.
132. Which of the following is the best option to what process failed? Inadequate
sponsorship and lack of active commitment from top management; poor scoping and
definition of the program, insufficient attention to quality; failure to monitor cost and
benefits; inadequate coordination of resources, planning, and scheduling; lack of
communication and stakeholder engagement; and the failure to monitor and manage risks.

Change Management


There can be several reasons why change management fails; however, lack of support and commitment
carries the most weight.

133. Which of the following is the best option to explain the different elements of Planned

Inspection, Servicing, Calibration, Testing, Alignment, Adjustment, and Installation function of planning

134. When a Maintenance Planner is planning, which of the following is not the best option
to create a job plan?

Job Scope, Planning, Getting Feedback, Closing WO


Work should never be closed out by a maintenance planner. Work needs to be validated by either
maintenance, operations, or engineering depending on the scope of the work.

135. What is the best option of a flexible coupling over a rigid one?

Flexible coupling compensate for some misalignment


The primary considerations are Torque and Horsepower, Shaft Misalignment, Lateral and Axial Flexibility
of Couplings, Torsional Flexibility, Backlash, Rotational Velocity Error, and Service Conditions.

136. Following a six-sigma meeting, you walk into a meeting and notice a bell drawn on the
board. The Technician that was with you asks what that dawning on the board is. You turn to
him as to say.

It is a Bell Curve or a PERT chart

The Bell curve is a six sigma tool for testing the normal distribution of samples.

137. Which of the following is the best option to explain machine guarding?

Plates and covers prevent getting access to equipment while the machine is energized.

138. The project that you are in charge of has been completed. The client has formally
accepted the last of the deliverables. You had several contractors with whom maintenance
prepared contracts. With the project done, you decide to communicate the complete details
and closure of contracts. Which is the best form of communication?

Formal Written - As this is related to a contract, it must be a standard written form of communication.
Any other form of communication-related to contracts is not acceptable.

139. Which of the following would not be used in testing the reliability of a motor?

Particle count of oil.


Megohmmeter Testing, Time domain reflectometry, Radio Frequency monitoring, and Power factor are
also tests performed. A particle count would be used in lubrication analysis.

140. Which of the following traits are usually associated with leadership?



Studies of leadership have found that leaders tend to have; a higher level of intelligence than non-
leaders; Self-confidence in their ability to be sure about their competencies and skills; Determination
and drive to get the job done; Integrity reflected in honesty and strong moral principles; and the social
skills for working well with others.

141. Which of the following is the best option to describe Maintenance Planner

Monitors the kitting/staging of parts to support ready work.


The maintenance Planners job is to own the work order in the planning stage, ordering parts and
ensuring they are readily available until planned schedule work.
142. What best describes what a transformational leader might do?

They are concerned with emotions, values, ethics, followers need, and who are committed to treating
their followers as human beings.


Transformational leader theory is a more recent development that emphasizes the charismatic and
effectiveness dimensions of leadership. Pillar of Organization and Leadership.

143. The Human Resource Manager asks a Maintenance Supervisor to describe a manager.
They describe this person as a leader who is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, and
followers' needs and who is committed to treating their followers as human beings. What is a
way to describe this leadership?

Transformational Leader


Transformational leader theory is a more recent development that emphasizes the charismatic and
effectiveness dimensions of leadership.

144. You know that the success of your project will be determined by how well you
manage risks. You know that identifying risks upfront can help you be better prepared with
risk response strategies. You discuss and consult with other project managers in the company.
One manager suggests the usage of SWOT to identify risks. What would you do next as a part
of this technique?

Identify the orgs strengths and weaknesses


SWOT involves the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. This technique
then identifies the threats due to the organization's defect and opportunities due to the organization's
strengths. So, option D is the correct answer. The other three options also risk identification techniques,
but the question is specific to SWOT.

145. What is the availability of the bottle filler? A bottle filler operates at a standard speed
of 1600 units per hour for 16 hours and produced 16000 units with no quality issues during the
16 hours. What was the OEE for the bottle filler for that day? Assume no quality problems.


OEE = 16*1600 = 25600 ability to produce; Actually produced 16000; Zero quality = 16000/25600 = 62%

146. What is the availability of that mixer? A mixer motor is idle for 48 hours and had 1
breakdown for 24 hours during a one-month period. What was the uptime of the mixer? Note:
In the sample calculation, a 30-day month (720 hours) is assumed.



Availability Formula Availability (%) = 696/720 = 96%

147. What percent of technician's hours should be charged to work orders?



All technician's work should be part of a work order. It is acceptable to have standing WO to account for
meeting, training, and admiration time.

148. What is an analysis to detect impacts caused by contact between the rollers and
raceway surfaces during rotation of anti-friction bearing?

Shock Pulse Analysis


The shock pulse meters measure the shock signal on a decibel scale at two levels. A microprocessor
evaluates the signal. Surface damage in bearings causes a significant increase in shock pulse strength,
combined with a notable change in the characteristics between stronger and weaker pulses.

149. What is the best option to describe the following? (Active, Infrequently, and Rarely)

Inventory Classification


Inventories can be classified into three major categories based on their usage.

150. A paper mill is inactive for 40 hrs a 30-day month (720 hours). What was the idle time?

40 Hours

Idle Time - The time an asset is idle or waiting to run. The sum of the times when there is no demanded
administrative idle time (e.g., not scheduled for production). Does not include equipment downtime
(scheduled or unscheduled) and no feedstock or raw materials.

151. When should a Maintenance Planner validate that parts and location are ready for the

Check 3 days before scheduled work


Check 3 days before the scheduled event to give enough time to move the event within minimal
disruption or time to react if parts don't match the work. Also, checking on parts a week before is too
long to ensure parts are still in place.

152. If 25% Wrench Time means that for a 10-hour shift, how many hours are "non-
productive" on average?

7.5 Hours


Wrench time = .25 x 10=2.5 hours; 2.5 hours - 10 hours= 7.5 hours

153. Which of these tools is the best option for optimizing inventory?

Economic Order Quantity benefits from optimizing materials and spare inventory, including reducing
inventory cost, eliminating or reducing craft wait time, and reducing stock cost.

154. The ____ is the international organization that controls the standards for quality.

The ISO is the international organization that controls the standards for quality.

155. A factory had 3 breakdowns in the last 30 days. The first took 4 hours to repair, the
second took 8 hours to repair, and the third took 12 hours to repair. What is the MTTR?

8 Hours


MTTR = 4 + 8 + 12 = 8 hours to repair

156. Which of the following is the typical role of a Maintenance Supervisor and not a
Maintenance Planner or Scheduler?

Closing PMs


After work is completed, the Maintenance Supervisor checks the work before closing the job.

157. What describes the expected time between two failures for a repairable system?

Meantime between failures


It reflects how quickly an organization can respond to unplanned breakdowns and repair them.

158. Which of the following is not used in testing the reliability of a motor?

AC High Potential Test, Surge Comparison Testing, Motor Current Signature Analysis, Force Test


Megohmmeter Testing, Time domain reflectometry, Radio Frequency monitoring, and Power factor are
also tests performed.

159. Maintenance action is a repeat of a previous, ineffective effort relative to all

maintenance work. What is the term for work that could have been ineffective due to poor
quality, poor design, or improper procedures?



The causes of rework may be maintenance, operational or material quality issues.

160. All the following are not unscheduled-downtime except?



Turnarounds would be scheduled-downtime.

161. Which of the following is typically NOT a role of a Maintenance Supervisor?

Create Work Order Plans


Planners should be planning future work. They can review the plans and offer feedback. The
maintenance Supervisor is concerned about the execution of the work.

162. What is a three-answer logic tree that will set priority for failure modes from A to D?

Logical Tree Analysis


An analytical method that uses deductive logic to guide the thought processes used to draw correct
conclusions. LTA's are used to lay out the logic of systems to aid in human decision-making and are used
extensively in root cause failure analysis (RCFA). Sometimes used interchangeably with fault tree
analysis, but the latter generally applies probabilities to determine causes.

163. A process with a lack of consistency and predictability is called?

Out of Control A process with a lack of consistency and predictability is called out of control.

164. Which of the following is NOT a part of a Maintenance Planner role?

Picking up lunch for a management meeting


The planner's job is to plan future work.

165. What tool(s) are used to determine what spares to stock?



Failure Mode Effects Analysis /Reliability Center Maintenance uses analysis to determine stocking cost,
lead time, and impact on operations.

166. Assume this role is not a dual planner/scheduler. A Maintenance Planner should be
able to plan for how many technicians?

15-30 Technicians

The recommended span of control for maintenance planning is 15 to 30 technicians per maintenance

167. What is the measure of a machine to be retained in or restored to the specified

condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having the correct skill levels, using
prescribed procedures and resources, at each specified level of maintenance and repair is the
definition of which of the following?

Maintainability is the ease with which a component can maintain a product to correct defects or cause,
Repair, or replace faulty or worn-out components.

168. What is a term for gap present in an organization's current reliability strategies by
analyzing unplanned failures based on the impact of each failure on maintenance cost and
plant downtime?

Bad Actor - A bad actor is any machine or stationery item that experiences one or more ESDs per year
(unscheduled shutdowns or failures).

169. What is the temperature at which grease passes from a semi-solid to liquid state
under ASTM D2265 condition is called?

Dropping Point


The dropping point of lubricating grease is an indication of the heat resistance of the grease. Under
specific test conditions, it is the temperature at which it passes from a semi-solid to a liquid state.

170. Which of the following does NOT affect "Wrench Time"?



Wrong Parts and low-quality job plans affect the efficiency of the Technician. When a Technician is
pulled off to do emergency work it often means there is very little planning and preparation which will
low efficiency. A tornado would be considered an "Act of God" and should not count toward wrench
time as it is not conserved a common daily event

171. The factory had produced 78,840 units last night and had a capacity of producing
12,500 units per hour. With this information, what is the performance percentage? Assume an
8-hr shift.


Performance Efficiency Formula Performance Efficiency (%) = [Actual Production Rate (units per hour) /
Best Production Rate (units per hour)] × 100.

172. You have asked your team members to provide estimates of tasks. You see that a
specific team member has provided estimates on the higher side. You discuss the matter with
the team member and reply that as the team member did not know how long it would take,
the team member had guessed the estimate and then, to be on the safer side, doubled it.
What is this known as?

Padding the Estimates


Padding is adding time as a buffer to the project estimate. As the team member was uncertain of what it
would take and, as stated, she doubled the calculation to be on the safer side. Padding is a sign of poor
Project Management.

A mixer is idle for 48 hours and down for repair for 24 hours during a one-month period. What was the
uptime of the mixer? Note: In the sample calculation, a 30-day month (720 hours) is assumed.

648 Hours


Uptime (hrs) = (48+24) - 720 = 648 hours of uptime

173. A plant manager of a peanut butter factory has informed senior management that his
factory will be performing a 1-week outage later this year to repair the blades on their mixers.
What would this event be called?

Scheduled Downtime


Scheduled Downtime The time required to work on an asset that is on the finalized weekly maintenance

174. What is also known as the Deming circle/cycle/wheel, the Shewhart cycle, the control
PDCA (plan, do check, act or schedule, do, check, adjust) is an iterative four-step management method
used in business to control and continuously improve processes and products.

175. What is a transformational framework that aims to provide a new way to think about
how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals
while eliminating waste?

Lean Methodology


Lean methodology is a way of optimizing the people, resources, effort, and energy of your organization
toward creating value for the customer.

176. A Maintenance Supervisor should be able to supervise how many technicians


Supervision is recommended at 8 to 15 technicians per supervisor.

177. Cavitation to a centrifugal pump can cause what type of mechanical damage?

Pitting and Erosion


Keeping the maximum available suction head on the impeller eye. Keeping the liquid temperature as low
as possible. Keeping the suction pipe size as significant as economics will allow.

178. What is the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)? Three identical systems starting to
function properly at time 0 are working until all of them fail. The first system fails after 100
hours, the second after 120 hours, and the third after 130 hours.

116 Hours

179. What is a method of physical asset management focused on maintaining and

improving manufacturing machinery in order to reduce the operating cost to an organization?

Total Productive Maintenance


Seiichi Nakajima developed total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Japan between 1950 and 1970. This
experience led to the recognition that a leadership mindset engaging front-line teams in small group
improvement activity is an essential element of effective operation.
180. A maintenance engineer has a list of pump failure modes and the frequency of
occurrence. Which of the following diagrams can help to prioritize maintenance actions?

Pareto Chart


A Pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are
represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line.

181. A tire manufacturing factory is scheduled to have 60 hrs of scheduled downtime in a

30-day month (720 hours). The factory also had 10 failures during that month totaling 60
hours. What was total downtime in hours?

120 Hours


Total Downtime Formula Total Downtime (hrs) = Scheduled Downtime (hrs) + Unscheduled Downtime

182. Certain types of materials generate an electrostatic charge or voltage when

mechanical force is applied across them. What are such materials called?



Piezoelectric materials are materials that produce an electric current when they are placed under
mechanical stress. Photo resistive material changes its characteristics upon exposure to light (softening
or hardening depending on the type of photoresist). The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons
or other free carriers when light shines on a material. Thermoelectric materials convert heat into
electricity. The correct answer is Piezoelectric.

183. The turnaround has been completed. The last of the deliverables have been formally
accepted. You had several contractors with whom you prepared contracts. With the
turnaround done, you decide to communicate the complete details and closure of contracts.
Which is the best form of communication?

Formal Verbal meeting or call along with written response


Closing out a project needs to be formal and documented.

184. Which of the following is the typical role of a Planner?

Scoping a job


The cycle of planning is determining work priority, walking down a job, planning, procurement, and
getting feedback.

185. What is the purpose of a fishbone diagram?

A fishbone diagram is used to illustrate how various factors might be linked to potential problems or

186. What is the process of bringing planned remodeling to an organization? It involves

leading an organization through a series of steps.

Change Management is an approach to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organizations
make organizational change.

187. What is the classification to determine the importance of inventory levels?

ABC Classification


A represents the most critical, and C is the least critical of the stocked inventory.

188. What is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of that case packer? A reactor is idle for
48 hours and down for 8 hours during a one-month period. What was the uptime of the case
packer? Note: In the sample calculation, a 30-day month (720 hours) is assumed.



OEE= (720 -(48+8)) / 720 = 92%

189. What is the best option to describe the amount of identified work on work orders
either by number or work orders or hours?


Two weeks is the minimum and five weeks is ideal

190. An Executive asked the Plant Manager what was line 3 TEEP last year. Knowing that
line 3 produced 20,000,000 units, the line can produce 30,000,000 cases and did not have any
lost cases reduced due to quality. What was the TEEP for last year? Assume 365 days in one



Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) considers maximum time to be All Available Time that is
24 hours, 365 days a year. TEEP=20,000,000/30,000,000 = 66%

191. What is the purpose of a quality audit?

Identify Inefficient and Ineffective Policies


The purpose of a quality audit is to identify inefficient and ineffective policies.

192. A tire manufacturing factory is scheduled to have 168 hrs of scheduled downtime in a
30-day month (720 hours). The factory also had 10 failures during that month totaling 50
hours. What was total downtime in hours?

218 Hours - Total Downtime Formula Total Downtime (hrs) = Scheduled Downtime (hrs) + Unscheduled
Downtime (hrs).

193. If the stocked MRO inventory value is $4,000,000, and the replacement asset value
(RAV) is $200,000,000, then the stocked MRO inventory value as a percent of RAV would be?



Stocked MRO Inventory Value per RAV (%) = [Stocked MRO Value ($) — 100] / Replacement Asset Value
($) ($4,000,000 — 100) / = RAV (%) = 2%

194. Over lunch, you meet some new college graduates. They saw a term posted on a sign
in your factory about LOTO. They ask you what it is LOTO? How would be the best option to

Lockout /Tag Out refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard employees from unexpected
energization of start-up of machinery or equipment, or the release of hazards.

While all the answers may be correct, the last one is best. In this example, you have been given a
moment with a captive audience to talk about safety. This is called a moment of influence and is a
powerful training tool to recognize because it carries one of the highest amounts of retention to those
you are speaking.

195. A case packer is idle for 48 hours and down for 8 hours during one month. What was
the uptime of the case packer? Note: In the sample calculation, a 30-day month (720 hours) is



Uptime (hrs) = (48 + 8) - 720 =664 hours of uptime

196. What describes a particular form of the hazard function comprises three parts: The
first part is a decreasing failure rate, known as early failures. The second part is a constant
failure rate, known as random failures. What is this called?

Bathtub Curve


The bathtub curve is generated by mapping the rate of early "infant mortality" failures.

197. What is the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)? Three identical systems starting to
function correctly at time 0 are working until all of them fail. The first system fails after 50
hours, the second after 200 hours, and the third after 10 hours.



MTBF = 50 + 200 + 10/3 = 87 MTBF

198. What is the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)? Three identical systems starting to
function correctly at time 0 are working until all of them fail. The first system fails after 150
hours, the second after 200 hours, and the third after 10 hours.



MTBF = 10 + 120 + 150/3 = 120 MTBF

199. Which of the following is NOT a long-term benefit of oil analysis?

Increase component wear and premature breakdown


The continuous monitor allows the equipment to run its natural life. Inadequate lubrication represents
60% of all mechanical failures related to insufficient or improper lubrication practices.

200. What is the approximate percentage of failures in a piece of rotating equipment found
using predictive technologies?



SMRP announced that predictive technology would enable the prevention of about 80% of failures

201. Which of the following is part of the Manage Quality process?

Quality Audits


Quality audits are part of the Manage Quality process.

202. A planner is always planning future work. Which of the following is the typical role of
a Planner?

Validating parts before work is added to the schedule


The planning cycle is determining work priority, walking down a job, planning, procurement, and getting

203. This performance metric provides insights as to the actual capacity of your
manufacturing operation. What measures efficiency against calendar hours?

Total Effective Equipment Performance

Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) considers maximum time to be All Available Time 24
hours, 365 days a year. Therefore, TEEP = Performance x Quality x Availability (where Availability =
Actual Production Time / All-Time). utilization, availability, performance, and quality

204. A factory had 3 breakdowns in the last 30 days. The first took 10 hours to repair, the
second took 8 hours to repair, and the third took 12 hours to repair. What is the MTTR?

10 Hours


MTTR = 10 + 8 + 12 = 10 hours to repair

205. You are in charge of constructing a high-rise residential building. After creating a
Network diagram, you have identified the Critical Path. Work has started, but suddenly due to
inclement weather, some of the work has got delayed. This work activity was on the critical
path. As a manager driving this project, would you be worried and why?

Yes – Any delay of activities on the critical path would lead to a delay of the entire project


If activities on the critical path are delayed, it can delay the entire Project. Hence, options A and B are
incorrect. Option D is a very subjective answer, and nowhere does the problem state how the
stakeholders would take the news. So, the best solution is option C.

206. In an ABC classification, "A" represents 20% in quantity, and how much of the total
storerooms value in inventory?

Between 75-85% of the inventory value


Inventories can be classified into three major categories based on their usage. (80/20 principle of

207. Which of the following is NOT a type of electrical system?



Arcing, Corona, and Tracking have descriptive sounds that trained ears can identify.
208. When performing an alignment on a new idler pulley on a belt conveyor, you must
start with the belt in what load condition?



These are commonly associated with improper belt tension and misalignment.

209. Which of the following statements is false regarding Risk Management?

Risk Prioritization occurs in Quantitative Risk Analysis


All of the statements are true except the information regarding Quantitative Risk Analysis. Quantitative
Risk analysis does not deal with prioritizing risks. The prioritization occurs in the Qualitative Risk Analysis
process. Quantitative Risk Analysis deals with assigning numeric values to risks. All identified risk on risk
register. Low priority maintained on watch list.

210. After a meeting, a colleague managing a large turnaround project to set up a power
plant reached out to you. Your colleague is worried because the client is unreasonable and
asking for changes that severely impact the scope schedule and cost. The client is also not
ready to absorb the additional impact on schedule and cost. She seeks your advice. What
should she do?
When faced with a problem, a project manager should first try and find the root cause and not
overreact. So, in this case, the best advice for your colleague would be to set up a discussion
with the client and try to understand the client's needs.

211. Who is typically responsible for facilitating the weekly scheduling meeting?

Maintenance Scheduler


The scheduler typically runs the weekly maintenance scheduling meeting. They are responsible for the
schedule. In a dual role, the Planner/Scheduler or Planner may be the back-up.

212. Which of the following is not a role of a Maintenance Planner?

Quickly finding part numbers for jobs-in-progress.

The planner's job is to plan future work, not jobs-in-progress.

213. The concept of maintenance planning ensures that systems continue to do what their
users require in their present operating context.



Born from the aviation industry, where it is very effective, RCM has gained popularity within the
manufacturing and process industries.

214. What is defined by control limits?

The area on either side of a mean value of a control chart to plot measured values found in statistical
quality control. Plots outside the area signal possible process instability.


Six sigma area on either side of a control chart to plot measured values.

A responsibility assignment matrix, also known as the RACI matrix. Which of the following is not part
of the RACI matrix?

RACI is an acronym that stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

215. Which of the following about Storeroom inventory turns is the best option?

Around 2 turns per year


Around two inventory turns per year is considered the best practices

216. After the planning meeting, you meet some new college graduates that had just sat in
the meeting to observe. One of the new college graduates heard a term in the meeting called
"Discovery Work" they hadn't heard before and asked what it meant. How would be the best
option to respond?

Additional time to correct problems during that specific work order.


While discovery work is not a best practice it is a necessary common practice to account for unknown.
217. What is the best option for testing surface or subsurface discontinuities caused by
wear, fatigue, and stress?

Eddy Current Testing


Ferrous metals used for boilers tubes, heat exchangers tubes, hydraulic tubing, hoist ropes, railway line,
overhead conductors.

218. What is the minimum number of weeks of planned ready-to-be-scheduled work each
technician should have or their backlog?

5 Weeks


Two weeks is the minimum, and 5 weeks is ideal. Great than 10 weeks could be a sign of low resources,
rework, a high unplanned backlog, or lacking the ability to complete maintenance work.

219. What is the OEE of a case packer? A case packer is idle for 48 hours and down for 8
hours during a one-month period? Note: A 30-day month (720 hours) and quality issues are
assumed in the sample calculation.

92% - The OEE formula is calculated by multiplying availability, performance, and quality and is
represented by a percentage. = 720 hour; Performance = 48 + 8 = 56 ; Quality = 0 OEE = 56/720 -1 = .92%

220. Which of the following best describes Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)?

Equation that compares inventory demand plus ordering cost versus the Inventory caring cost.


OEQ = Stdev 2* Demand * supply /Inventory caring cost. You will not be asked to perform this equation
for the exam, but the inputs are important.

221. If 50% Wrench Time means that for a 10-hour shift, how many hours are "non-
productive" on average?

5 Hours


Wrench time = .5 / 10 -(10)= 5

222. Who creates the daily schedule for Maintenance Technicians?

Maintenance Supervisor


Maintenance Supervisor works off weekly schedule and assign names daily for each job plan

223. Which of the following would best describe proactive maintenance?

Doing work to prevent equipment from developing serious problems


Anticipating events before they occur and planning for the future is proactive maintenance.

224. A project management team decided to develop a risk management plan. What would
be an appropriate occasion to create it?

A specific planning meeting


Scheduling a specific meeting would be appropriate.

225. You have scheduled regular weekly team meetings with project team members.
Things have been going according to plan, and there have been no variances to date
concerning the work performance baselines. A site engineer reports that he had to perform
several corrective actions, but they were not logged. As a Project Manager, what should you

Document the corrective actions performed in the historical records.


All changes, including corrective actions, preventive actions, and defect repair, must undergo change
control before the change being made. It is also necessary to document the corrective and preventive
measures taken in historical data as this can serve as a good input for subsequent projects.
Reprimanding the team member and allowing uncontrolled changes to happen is a recipe for disaster in
project management.

226. What are the systems used to manage parts inventory?

CMMS/ERP - Computerized Maintenance Management System and Enterprise Asset Management.

227. What is the best option to describe the majority of a typical maintenance budget is

Wage and Benefits


Employees are the most expensive and most valuable asset for any maintenance department.

228. In a safety triangle, what is the color of instability?



Blue is = Health; Red = Fire; White = Specific Hazard; Yellow = Instability

229. What is the international standard covering the management of assets of any kind?

Under ISO55000, a company must demonstrate that it manages its assets from the project phase to the
end of life.

230. What is the best option to describe the primary source of time estimates for the job by
a maintenance planner?

Time Standards


Planner should be utilizing time standards. It eliminates subjective options of others and other
qualitative data to support the time estimates

231. Which of the following is NOT typically part of the planned package?

Who (which technicians)


The Maintenance Supervisor will assign who is doing the work.

232. What is used to combine systems that operate in together with each other?

Parallel System

Examples of parallel systems would include multiple packaging lines in a department unit operation,
multiple product groups within a Plant, or multiple plants within a division.

233. Which of the following would NOT be included in the minimum work plan?

Cost of Asset


The asset's cost is not relevant to completing a job plan, so it should not be included.

234. Which of the following is typically NOT a role of a Maintenance Scheduler?

Creating a daily schedule


Schedulers typically would not create a daily schedule. The Maintenance Supervisor will create a daily
schedule based on the weekly schedule the Maintenance Scheduler has produced.

235. Which of the following does NOT affect "Wrench Time"?

Shutting down early


Wrench Time is measured on how the Technician in impacted. Shutting down early while maybe
ineffective if operations needs to wait on technician to arrive it would affect the efficiency of the
technician to perform the job

236. Which of the following is the typical role of a Scheduler?

Loading Schedule


The scheduler is responsible for loading the weekly schedule, and the Maintenance Supervisor will
assign names to the daily schedule.

237. Which of the following does NOT affect "Wrench Time"?



Planning and scheduling can have a large impact on the efficiency of a technician. Active Supervision is a
manner of leading employees. A holiday is not a measure that goes into the impact of "wrench time."

238. Which of the following would NOT be an example of non-destructive testing?

Radiography, Hydrostatic Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Force Load Testing.


Force load testing damages the integrity of the component, therefore, is not considered non-

239. The bathtub curve indicates failure probability. Which stage is not associated with the
bathtub curve?

Pulling the plug – where production is halted due to unacceptable levels of failures.


Failures during normal life occur at random but at a relatively constant rate when measured over a long
period of time.

240. Which of the following is an action performed on a time- or machine-run-based

schedule that detects, precludes, or mitigates the degradation of a component or system
intending to sustain or extend its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable

Planned Maintenance


Planned Maintenance - Which of the following is an action performed on time- or machine-run-based

schedule that detects, precludes, or mitigates the degradation of a component or system to sustain or
extend its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level—a pillar of Work

241. A simple computer consists of a processor, a bus and a memory. The computer will
work only if all three are functioning correctly. The probability that the processor is
functioning is 0.99, that the bus is functioning 0.95, and that the memory is functioning is 0.99.
What is the reliability of the computer?


The computer system is considered a series system since all components much work for the system to
work. component reliability:

Process (R1)=0.99 Bus(R2)=0.95 and Memory(R3) = 0.99

Computer reliability (R) = R1 x R2 x R3 = 0.99 x 0.95 x 0.99 = 0.931095

242. A team tasked to perform FMEA on a piece of plant equipment and they will be using
RPN to rank the failure modes. What is the meaning of RPN?

Risk Priority Number (RPN) is a measure used when assessing the risk to help identify critical failure
modes associated with a design or process. The RPN values range from 1 (absolute best) to 1000
(absolute worst).

243. From the following list, which is not a critical structural element of a strategic plan for
maintenance and reliability?

Historical Direction of the business


When considering the critical structural element of a strategic plan for maintenance and reliability,
where the organization has headed historically does not weigh as much as where they are today
(current state), the vision of the future, the benefits of implementation, growth potential, future
profitability and many more.

244. What is the formula for Risk Priority Number (RPN)

Severity X Occurrence X Detection

245. Another name for Ishikawa diagram is?

Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams, herringbone diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams,
or Fishikawa) are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa that show the causes of a specific

It shows the causes of an event and is often used in manufacturing and product development to
outline the different steps in a process, demonstrates where quality control issues might arise and
determine which resources are required at specific times
246. Which of the following does not support people development?

Provide Feedback only when asked

247. Which fluid among the following has the best heat transfer properties



Thermal properties of material decide how it reacts when it is subjected to heat fluctuation
(excessive heat or very low heat, for example). The major components of thermal properties are:

Heat capacity, Thermal Expansion, Thermal conductivity, Thermal stress

Water has the best heat transfer properties compared to mineral and synthetic oils, and air because
of its higher heat transfer coefficient.

248. The reliability block diagram for a system is shown below. what is the reliability of the

Answer= 0.98x(1-(1-0.97)x(1-0.99)=0.9797

For parallel system, R=1-[(1-R1)(1-R2)]; For series system, R=R1 X R2

249. Which device is used to determine the mix ratio of water-soluble coolants?


250. Weibull (life data) analysis is primarily used for_____________________?

Probability of failure determination


Weibull Analysis is a methodology used for performing life data analysis. Life data is the result of
measurements of a product's life. Weibull Analysis is an effective method of determining the
reliability characteristics and trends of a population using a relatively small sample size of field or
laboratory test data. it’s commonly used to assess product reliability, analyze life data and model
failure times.

251. A machine gearbox has a set of 2 gears. The input gear with the smaller number of
teeth is called:

A pinion is a round gear—usually the smaller of two meshed gears

252. What are the three elements that form the fire triangle?

Fuel, Oxygen, Ignition Source


The fire triangle, or the combustion triangle, is the three components needed to ignite and sustain a
fire. The three ingredients of a fire triangle are; heat, fuel and oxygen. If just one of these
components is removed, the fire triangle will collapse and the fire will be extinguished

253. A large manufacturing company installed some asset monitoring device on some large
motors that were deemed critical equipment. The monitoring devices provide engineering
with vibration data, acoustic data, as well as operational performance data. What asset
management strategy has the company selected for the motors?



Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is a maintenance strategy that monitors the actual condition of
an asset to deciding what maintenance needs to be done. CBM dictates that maintenance should
only be performed when certain indicators show signs of decreasing performance or upcoming
failure.The monitoring devices like vibration data, acoustic data, as well as operational performance
data help predict future equipment reliability

254. What is the beta ratio of a filter media that has a particle size of 50,000ppm at
upstream and 500ppm downstream?



Beta Ratio refers to the efficiency in which a given filter element removes particles of a given size.
The Beta Ratio is calculated using the ISO multi-pass test standard. The formula for Beta ration =
total particles upstream/ total particle downstream = 50000/500 = 100

255. A skills audit is undertaken to:

A skills audit is a process that can be used to identify the skill gaps in an organization. The outcome
is a training needs analysis that identifies where training is required for employees

256. The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is

Mass density
257. Name two hydraulic system pressure control valves that typically produce heat in

There are two pressure control valves: one is a pressure relief valve, and the other is a pressure
reducing valve.

Many hydraulic circuits allow the relief valve to dump some or all pump flow to tank all or part of
the time to limit the system pressure to a certain level. When excess pump flow goes to the tank, it
generates heat. The same operating principle applies to pressure reducing valves.

258. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the _______________________.

Ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the liquid.


Kinematic viscosity is a measure of a fluid's internal resistance to flow under gravitational forces. It is
determined by measuring the time in seconds, required for a fixed volume of fluid to flow a known
distance by gravity through a capillary within a calibrated viscometer at a closely controlled
temperature. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the

259. Which of the following metrics definitions is not accurate?

Backlog- how long it takes to fix broken equipment


A maintenance backlog is a list of tasks that are ready to be performed to repair or maintain
equipment. These tasks are mandatory because they help to prevent safety issues, breakdowns,
failures, or damage. The backlog is wrongly defined as how long it takes to fix broken equipment in
the list options, making it the correct answer choice.

260. A system with a parallel structure has built-in redundancy. Components are backed
up, and the system will work even if some of the components fail to function. True or false?

True for parallel systems only


Only parallel systems offer a built-in redundancy. Such system structure can either have all
components concurrently operating (active parallel) or only one component active while the rest are
in low power mode (standby parallel)
261. If a filter element with a 40-micron rating is replaced with an element that has an 80-
micron rating, the _________________________.

Downstream flow will increase


An 80-micron rated filter will allow larger particles to pass through than say a 40 micron rated filter,
so the downstream flow will increase if you replace a 40-micron filter with an 80-micron filter.
Again, this is a technical type of question so don't spend too much time trying to understand
everything. There are only a few technical questions in the official CMRP exam.

262. In a highly loaded gear application, which lubrication condition is predominant for
adhesive wear to occur.

Boundary Film


Boundary lubrication is defined as a condition of lubrication in which friction between the two
surfaces in relative motion is determined by the properties of the surfaces and by the properties of
the lubricant, other than viscosity. In a highly loaded gear application, the fluid film will be squished
out allowing the gear tooth surfaces to come into metal-metal contact which is described as
boundary lubrication. Boundary lubrication mostly occurs under high-load and low-speed conditions
in bearings, gears, piston rings, pumps, transmissions, etc.

263. A fault tree has three input events to an OR gate. This means that

One input failure is enough to cause system failure.


Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a top-down, deductive failure analysis in which an undesired state of a
system is analyzed using Boolean logic to combine a series of lower-level events. With an OR gate -
the output occurs if any input occurs

264. What are the three most significant constraints when developing a Maintenance and
Reliability organization?

Culture / People / Resources


Company culture refers to the personality of a company. It defines the environment in which
employees work. Company culture includes a variety of elements, including work environment,
company mission, value, ethics, expectations, and goals. People Constraint relates to the availability
of skilled manpower and high manpower cost when implementing M&R organization. Resource
constraint refers to the limitations of inputs available to complete maintenance and reliability tasks:
primarily people, time, equipment and supplies.

265. A management concept under which all managers and employees at all stages of company
operations strive toward higher standards and a reduced number of defective units is called:

Total Quality Management (TQM) requires a focus on quality throughout the production process.
The strategy is to find defective work when and where it occurs.

266. If a machine is running for 1000 hours and five failures are observed during this
period, what is the Mean Time Between Failure?

200 Hours


Mean Time Between Failure = Total run time / Number of failures MTBF = 1000/5 =200 hours

267. The temperature at which grease passes from a semi-solid to liquid state under ASTM
D2265 condition is called:

Dropping Point


The dropping point of a lubricating grease is an indication of the heat resistance of the grease and is
the temperature at which it passes from a semi-solid to a liquid state under specific test conditions.
It is dependent on the type of thickener used and the cohesiveness of the oil and thickener of a

268. Amongst the following, what is the best method for measuring employee skills and

Skills inventory and tracking database


Employees need to replenish their knowledge and acquire new skills to do their jobs. World-class
organizations keep records for reference and better improvement opportunities using a tracking
269. How would a maintenance person determine when to change a hydraulic filter that is
not equipped with a pressure drop indicator?

Hours of operation


Replacing a hydraulic filter that is equipped with a pressure drop indicator is a CBM approach to
maintenance. In the absence of the indicator, hours of operation is the next reasonable approach.

270. What is quality assurance?

Quality assurance deals with activities that prove that products and services meet the required
quality standard

271. Which tool is used to analyze the effects of a failure of individual components on the



Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a statistical tool used to review the new product design
with respect to the requirements of customers before it is sent to production. It is used basically to
analyze the failure effect of individual components on the system as a whole.

272. When the time period between the testing which detects a failure, for failures with
significant economic consequences, and when life expectancy is highly variable, a good
approach is:

On- line condition monitoring


When a piece of equipment has an unpredictable life expectancy, no amount of preventive

maintenance or time-based maintenance can prevent failure. The best course of action is to install
instruments (like vibration monitors, oil analysis, flow monitoring sensors etc.) to provide real-time
machinery health information for operators and maintenance.

273. When the operating temperature of hydraulic oil is at 70 degrees and it raised by 10
degrees due to faulty oil cooler, what is the impact?

Oil life reduced by half

Elevated temperature is probably the biggest contributor to oil oxidation. The Arrhenius principle
(equation) applied to lubricant life suggests that the lifecycle of the lubricant is cut in half for every
10°C increase in temperature. This rule is useful but not exact because the rate of change increases
as the temperature increases.

274. Which performance result best shows a maintenance and reliability manager that the
scheduled maintenance activities being implemented are effective?

Hours spent on unscheduled maintenance have decreased


- Maintenance cost per unit of production or total annual maintenance cost could decrease due to
improved planning, improved warehousing, reduced equipment damages, better operational
utilization and many more.

- increased production rate may or may not have anything to do with maintenance

- Hours spent on unplanned maintenance going down is the most probable indicator of
improvement in maintenance activities because when machines are fixed right with the right parts,
it will result in lower breakdowns or unplanned maintenance activities.

275. Which of the following is used to perform analysis on reliability growth?

Crow AMSAA Diagram


The Duane and Crow-AMSAA models are the most frequently used reliability growth models.

The reliability growth pattern for the Crow-AMSAA model is exactly the same pattern as for the
Duane postulate, that is, the cumulative number of failures is linear when plotted on an ln-ln scale.
Unlike the Duane postulate, the Crow-AMSAA model is statistically based.

276. What is the first step in a reliability problem-solving process?



Problems are best solved by the cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Action. In planning, a course of action is
planned according to customer requirements and conditions of service then the process must be
executed according to this plan

277. When training maintenance workers, it is best to first:

List all the tasks the workers need to perform


Assessing training needs, it is best to list all the tasks the employee needs to perform then
determine whether they have the required level of training or not.

278. What is the RPN given the following score. Severity = 10, Occurrence = 10, Detection =
10, and Criticality = 5.



Severity = 10, Occurrence = 10, Detection = 10, and Criticality = 5.

PPN = SxOxD = 10x10x10 = 1000

The RPN values range from 1 (absolute best) to 1000 (absolute worst)

279. A 20 micron filter will __________________________.

Only provide meaningful information if the beta ratio is known


The micron rating refers to the distance between pieces of filter media. This determines the size of
particles that the filter will allow to pass through. A 20 micron rated filter will allow larger particles
to pass through than say a 5 micron rated filter. Micron rating should always be quoted with an
efficiency factor known as beta ratio. Beta Ratio refers to the efficiency in which a given filter
element removes particles of a given size.

280. A hydraulic pump's primary function is to produce:

Flow in Gallons per minute (GPM)


A hydraulic pump is a mechanical source of power that converts mechanical power into hydraulic
energy (hydrostatic energy i.e. flow, pressure). It generates flow with enough power to overcome
pressure induced by the load at the pump outlet.

The pump does NOT produce pressure directly, it generates flow measured in GPM or cubic metres
per second. The pressure is produced by restricting the flow.
281. A concept, a methodology or a way of working such that eliminating waste is
embedded into business processes is called ________________.

Lean Methodology


In short, Lean methodology is a way of optimizing the people, resources, effort, and energy of your
organization toward creating value for the customer. It is based on two guiding tenets, continuous
improvement and respect for people. Lean methodology is a way of working such that eliminating
waste is embedded into business processes

282. What is the most important property of an oil?



Viscosity is considered the most important property of a lubricant. Viscosity serves to form a
lubricating film, cool machine components, and seal and control oil consumption. It has to be
balanced for load, temperature and speed in any application.

283. With series systems, reliability ______________ as the number of components




for a pure series system, the system reliability is equal to the product of the reliabilities of its
constituent components. For example, if you have 2 components with reliability of 90%, the overall
reliability is R=0.9x0.9=0.81 ( i.e 81%). Now if we increase the components to 3 with the same
reliability of 90% each, the system reliability becomes R=0.9x0.9x0.9= 0.729 (i.e 72.9%). There is a
drop in system reliability by the addition of the 3rd component. With series systems, reliability
decreases as the number of components increases.

284. Which quality management program is related to the maintenance of plants and



Total productive maintenance is related to the maintenance of plants and equipment. The main
purpose of TPM is to avoid wastage, produce goods without any loss of quality, reduce costs, etc.
- The main pillars of TPM are 5S, Kaizen, quality maintenance, office TPM, planned maintenance,
training, safety, health and environment and autonomous maintenance.

285. Which of the following statements is/are false?

1. Fault tree analysis method is used to determine the reliability of the product

2. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce the number of defects to fewer than 3.4 parts per billion

3. Six sigma is represented by the normal distribution curve

4. Poka-yoke is a policy that prevents occurrence of human errors


Fault tree analysis

- It is a mathematical analysis used to determine the reliability of products.

- The reliability (R) of a system is calculated by using the formula: R = 1 – Probability of failure

- It graphically depicts the combination of events that lead to the failure of products.

Six Sigma

- Six Sigma is a quality improvement programme that reduces the number of defects to 3.4 parts per

- The number of defects is just 3.4 parts per million, hence is considered as zero-defect production.

- It is represented by a normal distribution curve.

- High acceptable parts are produced using limits of ± 6σ


- Poka-Yoke is used to prevent human errors in the production line.

- The word Poka-Yoke means avoiding inadvertent errors.

- Poka-Yoke satisfies three levels such as error elimination, in-process detection and out-process

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