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S: Rt treatment started in the clinic at 10am, 01/23/2023.

She said her

week has been okay so far, yet she has been experiencing some
more discomfort in her left upper arm the past few days due to
Client gave consent verbally for session.—------------------------------------

O: Tx was held at plinth in clinic,vitals were taken beforehand to

ensure their safety during treatment, as well as to be able to compare
how the whole session went.-------------------------------------------------------
Rt vitals were stable HR 80, BP 115/65, client skin around the left arm
appeared to be quite swollen but less sore today.—-------------------------
Treatments for session today included lotion application of left upper
extremity, a manual lymph drainage massage of the left upper
extremity, main movements included stimulation of the lymph nodes in
armpit first in a circular motion, then moving to the shoulder down to
their hand in bigger scooping motions, 1 second per stroke and 5-7
motions before moving down to the next portion of the arm.—------------
Rt had a 5 minute break.—-----------------------------------------------------
Bandages were applied covering the full arm and hand of the left
upper extremity.—---------------------------------------------------------------------
Rt had a 5 minute break.—-----------------------------------------------------
Exercises included, breathing through the stomach to warm up 5 reps
1 set, left shoulder abduction 10 reps 1 set, left shoulder flexion 10
reps 1 set and shoulder shrugs 5 reps 1set.—------------------------------

A:Rt has made some improvements in their ROM during their

exercises since our last session.—----------------------------------------------
P: Follow up with PT. Next session with Rt will be 01/30/2023
Alana Foshay OTA/PTA student.—-------------------------------------------------

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