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Aurel Grammar Review

A. Combine the information to make one sentence using relative pronoun.

A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen
 The man who shot two policemen has gone to prison

1. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning

The bomb ____________________________________ a lot of damage
2. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet which
The scientist ____________________________________ whom
3. The other day, my father met a man. His sister works in television show when
my father met a man whose sister works in tv
The other day, ________________________________________ why

4. We passed shops. Its windows were decorated for Christmas

passed shops whose windows were decorated for Christmas
Ann is in town. I saw her yesterday.
5. The talk was very interesting. Judy gave it. Ann whom i saw yesterday is in town.
which Judy gave was
The talk ______________________________ very interesting
6. The house is empty now. I used to live there.
The house ___________________________________
7. My home is a place. I can come to it and relax after work
My home is a place where i can come to and relax after work
8. The weather is bad. I was late for class yesterday because of it.
is why i
The bad weather _______________________________ yesterday

B. Complete these sentences with must or have to (in the correct form)
C. Complete these sentences with mustn’t or don’t/doesn’t have to

D. Write the sentences using reported speech

1. Kelly said that her kids weren’t at home

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________
Kelly said that Sam felt hungry
8. _____________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________
E. Write the sentences using reported speech

Maggie asked if Mary did work

i the meeting was at three

1. Maggie asked of Maggie asked who she was
Maggie asked if/whether they were there
2. _____________________________________________
Maggie asked if they liked toronto?
3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________

Aurel ate apple ->

Aurel was eating apples ->
Aurel had eaten apples -> apples had been
Aurel will eat apple ->
Aurel could eat sushi ->
Aurel will eat in the restaurant a cake.
Aurel will buy for her mother some books.

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