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Louis Beatrix D. Fiel CN.


1. Define FITT Principles

The FITT principles stand for Frequency, Intensity,Time and Type.

First of all, what are these principles? Frequency; this refers to how often we exercise or the
number of days we do an activity per week. Intensity is basically the intensity of our exercise, In
other terms it is how hard we exercise. It can be classified as low,moderate and high. Time
practically means the word itself, Time is how long we do an exercise. Lastly, We have Type
This is the kind of exercise that we are doing. Per Example, The high knee jumps,planking and
pull ups.

2. Determine the use of FITT Principles.

For one to be guided in their fitness plan, the FITT Principles are applied. It helps us understand
both what must be done and how it must be done. With the use of the FITT Principles, we can
identify the routine changes, improvements, and areas where we may make improvements. We
cannot realize or recognize what we should be doing without any of these, thus we won't be
able to reach our goals nor get the best results.

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