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Mean for grouped data with Examples

What is the mean for grouped data

The arithmetic mean for grouped data is an average that is calculated between all the
elements of a set. To find the mean in a not grouped data, we just have to sum all the numbers of
the set, and then divide the result by the number of elements, but when we work with grouped
data (normally grouped in intervals) the steps we have to follow to calculate the mean is different
and a little more complicated.


10-20 34

21-31 12

32-42 23

In the formula of the mean for grouped data the letter “f” means the frequency of an interval, the
xi variable is the average of the limits of the interval. A limit of an interval is the maximum and
minimum number of an interval, for example, in the interval (20, 30) the limits would be 20 and
30. And last the variable “n” is the sum of all the frequencies of all the intervals.

To find the mean in grouped data, the most practical thing is to form a table where we are finding
every part of the formula, this way we can use the data found in this table to write the data
directly in the formula and solve.

Examples of mean for grouped data

Example 1: In a survey people were asked about how many times did they
eat out of their houses last month, the results were:
Meal Out of Home Frequency

0-10 25

11-21 109

22-32 43




We are going to find the mean of these grouped data. To this we are going to find the
average value of each interval "xi".

Intervals Frequency X
0-10 25 5
11-21 109 16
22-32 43 27

Interval Frequency X f*X

0-10 25 5 125
11-21 109 16 1744
22-32 43 27 1161
------------ ----------

177 3030

======== =======


------- = 17.11 or 17


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