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I usually set my alarm at 6:50. When the alarm goes off, I turn it off and sleep
for another 10 minutes to 7 am. Then I get out of bed and go to brush my teeth
and wash my face. Next, I prepare to go to school. I am studying in class
DTDA12 at the Academy of policy and development. It's about 5km from home
to school and I go by bus. I wait for the bus at the bus stop and go to school. It
takes about 10 minutes to get there. Then I stop by the school canteen to buy
breakfast. My class starts at 7:30 and ends at 9:15. Then I get on the bus to go
home. When I get home, I clean up the house and go to the market to buy lunch.
After lunch, I sleep until 3 pm. Since I am still a student, I have a lot of free
time to study, so I choose a part-time job at a shopping mall. It is a very
interesting job and my colleagues are very friendly and sociable. I ride a
motorbike to work and work until 10 pm then go home for dinner. After eating,
I do my homework and go to bed. It's my daily routine

Playing games with me is my favorite leisure activity. I usually play games in
my spare time. My favorite game is LQMB. it's a very good game. I usually
play games with some friends. it makes me feel comfortable after stressful
working and studying hours. Besides playing games, on weekends I usually go
out to play with my friends. we usually choose outdoor places. For example,
lounging around West Lake and eating ice cream. or we invite each other to go
camping on sunny days. The night before we are going to schedule what to buy
and where to go. and the next morning, we meet at the pre-arranged place and
go to the place of our choice. Here we sit around and tell each other's stories.
then we clean up and go back to our house. those are some of my leisure

One of the special occasions in Vietnam is Tet. This is an opportunity for
people in the family from many places to return to their hometown to celebrate
Tet together. Students are usually off from the 23rd day of the lunar calendar.
On the 23rd we usually go to buy golden carp to release. In the following days,
people clean their houses and decorate them with couplets or apricot and peach
flowers. Many families often have the custom of wrapping Chung Cake on Tet
holiday. The most important moment in Tet is New Year's Eve. People gather
together to welcome the new year. Everyone gives each other best wishes.
Adults often give lucky money to children for good luck. This is not only a
custom but also a cultural beauty of the Vietnamese people, to show concern
and hope for a full and peaceful life for everyone. Tet is an important occasion
for family and friends to be together after a year of hard work, and it also
motivates us to try harder next year.

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